
Defines functions lookup_user users_exist list_users delete_user add_travis_user get_travis_key add_github_user get_github_key add_user

Documented in add_github_user add_travis_user add_user delete_user get_github_key get_travis_key list_users

#' Add a new user to the vault.
#' By default the new user does not have access to any secrets.
#' See [add_secret()] or [share_secret()] to give them access.
#' @param email Email address of the user. This is used to identify
#'   users.
#' @param public_key Public key of the user. This is used to encrypt
#'   the secrets for the different users. It can be
#'   * a string containing a PEM,
#'   * a file name that points to a PEM file,
#'   * a `pubkey` object created via the `openssl` package.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family user functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom openssl read_pubkey write_pem
#' @example inst/examples/example-secret.R

add_user <- function(email, public_key, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
  user_file <- get_user_file(vault, email)
  if (file.exists(user_file)) {
    stop("User ", sQuote(email), " already exists in this vault. ",
         "To update it, remove the old key, and add the new one.")
  key <- read_pubkey(public_key)
  write_pem(key, path = user_file)

#' Get the SSH public key of a GitHub user
#' @param github_user GitHub username.
#' @param i Which key to get, in case the user has multiple keys.
#'   `get_github_key()` retrieves the first key by default.
#' @return Character scalar.
#' @importFrom curl new_handle handle_setheaders curl_fetch_memory
#' @export

get_github_key <- function(github_user, i = 1) {
  url <- paste("https://api.github.com/users", github_user, "keys",
               sep = "/")

  ## Use GitHub token from GITHUB_PATH env var, if set
  pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT", "")
  if (pat != "") {
    h <- new_handle()
    handle_setheaders(h, Authorization = paste("token", pat))
    resp <- curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)
  } else {
    resp <- curl_fetch_memory(url)

  k <- fromJSON(rawToChar(resp$content))
  key <- k$key

#' Add a user via their GitHub username.
#' On GitHub, a user can upload multiple keys. This function will download
#' the first key by default, but you can change this
#' @param github_user User name on GitHub.
#' @param email Email address of the github user. If NULL, constructs an
#' email as `github-<<github_user>>`
#' @param i Integer, indicating which GitHub key to use (if more than one
#' GitHub key exists).
#' @inheritParams add_user
#' @family user functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat is.count
#' @example inst/examples/example-github.R
#' @seealso [add_travis_user()]

add_github_user <- function(github_user, email = NULL, vault = NULL,
                            i = 1) {
  if (missing(email) || is.null(email)){
    email <- paste0("github-", github_user)
  key <- get_github_key(github_user, i = i)
  add_user(email = email, public_key = key, vault = vault)

#' Retrieve the public key of a Travis CI repository
#' @param travis_repo The repository slug, e.g. `gaborcsardi/secret`.
#' @return Character scalar, the key. If the repository does not exist,
#' or it is not user in Travis CI, an HTTP 404 error is thrown.
#' @export
#' @importFrom curl curl new_handle handle_setheaders
#' @importFrom  jsonlite fromJSON

get_travis_key <- function(travis_repo) {
  url <- paste("https://api.travis-ci.com/repos", travis_repo, "key",
               sep = "/")
  handle <- new_handle()
  handle_setheaders(handle, Accept = "application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json")
  r <- curl(url, handle = handle)
  k <- fromJSON(r)
  k <- k$key
  gsub(" RSA", "", k)

#' Add a user via their Travis repo.
#' On Travis, every repo has a private/public key pair. This function adds a
#' user and downloads the public key from Travis.
#' @param travis_repo Name of Travis repository, usually in a format
#' `<<username>>/<<repo>>`
#' @inheritParams add_user
#' @family user functions
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example-travis.R

add_travis_user <- function(travis_repo, email, vault = NULL) {
  if (missing(email) || is.null(email)){
    email <- paste0("travis-", gsub("/", "-", travis_repo))
  key <- get_travis_key(travis_repo)
  add_user(email = email, public_key = key, vault = vault)

#' Delete a user.
#' It also removes access of the user to all secrets, so if the user
#' is re-added again, they will not have access to any secrets.
#' @param email Email address of the user.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family user functions
#' @export

delete_user <- function(email, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)

  ## Check if user exists
  assert_that(is_valid_user(email, vault))
  user_file <- get_user_file(vault, email)

  ## Check for orphaned secrets
  secrets <- list_secrets(vault)
  if (email %in% secrets$email) {
    orp <- vapply(secrets$email, identical, logical(1), "bar")
      "Deleting user ", sQuote(email), " will leave orphaned secrets: ",
      paste(secrets$name[orp], collapse = ", ")

  ## Remove everything in one go. This is still not atomic, of course...
  mysecrets <- list_user_secrets(vault, email)
  file.remove(user_file, mysecrets)


#' List users
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family user functions
#' @export

list_users <- function(vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
    "\\.pem$", "",
    dir(file.path(vault, "users"), pattern = "\\.pem$")

# Internals -------------------------------------------------------------

users_exist <- function(vault, users) {
    { lapply(users, get_user_key, vault = vault) ; TRUE },
    error = function(e) FALSE

on_failure(users_exist) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Secret ", deparse(call$users), " do not exist")

#' @importFrom openssl fingerprint read_pubkey

lookup_user <- function(key, vault) {
  if (is.character(key)) {
    key <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e) NULL
    if (is.null(key)) return(NULL)
  fp <- fingerprint(key)
  for (pubkey in dir(file.path(vault, "users"), pattern = "\\.pem$")) {
    pubkeyfile <- file.path(vault, "users", pubkey)
    if (as.character(fp) == as.character(fingerprint(read_pubkey(pubkeyfile)))) {
      user <- sub("\\.pem$", "", pubkey)

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secret documentation built on July 2, 2020, 1:49 a.m.