
#' @export
print.rDriver <- function(x, ...){
  cat("Remote Ip Address:", build_url(x$remServAdd), "\n")
  cat("Remote sessionId:", x$sessionId(x$drvID), "\n")

#' @export
print.wElement <- function(x, ...){
  cat("ElementId:", x$elementId[["ELEMENT"]], "\n")
  cat("Remote Driver:", "\n")

matchSelKeys <- function(x){
  if(any(names(x) =='key')){
    x[names(x) =='key']<-selKeys[match(x[names(x) == 'key'],names(selKeys))]

#' @name selKeys
#' @title Selenium key mappings
#' @description This data set contains a list of selenium key mappings. The key mappings are outlined at \cr
#' https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#sessionsessionidelementidvalue.
#' selKeys is used when a sendKeys variable is needed. sendKeys is defined as a list. If an entry is needed from selKeys it is denoted by key.
#' @docType data
#' @usage selKeys
#' @export selKeys
#' @format A named list. The names are the descriptions of the keys. The values are the "UTF-8" character representations.
#' @source http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#/session/:sessionId/element/:id/value
#' @author John Harrison, 2012-10-05

selKeys <- structure(list(null = "\uE000", cancel = "\uE001", help = "\uE002", backspace = "\uE003",
                          tab = "\uE004", clear = "\uE005", return = "\uE006", enter = "\uE007",
                          shift = "\uE008", control = "\uE009", alt = "\uE00A", pause = "\uE00B",
                          escape = "\uE00C", space = "\uE00D", page_up = "\uE00E", page_down = "\uE00F",
                          end = "\uE010", home = "\uE011", left_arrow = "\uE012", up_arrow = "\uE013",
                          right_arrow = "\uE014", down_arrow = "\uE015", insert = "\uE016",
                          delete = "\uE017", semicolon = "\uE018", equals = "\uE019", numpad_0 = "\uE01A",
                          numpad_1 = "\uE01B", numpad_2 = "\uE01C", numpad_3 = "\uE01D", numpad_4 = "\uE01E",
                          numpad_5 = "\uE01F", numpad_6 = "\uE020", numpad_7 = "\uE021", numpad_8 = "\uE022",
                          numpad_9 = "\uE023", multiply = "\uE024", add = "\uE025", separator = "\uE026",
                          subtract = "\uE027", decimal = "\uE028", divide = "\uE029", f1 = "\uE031",
                          f2 = "\uE032", f3 = "\uE033", f4 = "\uE034", f5 = "\uE035", f6 = "\uE036",
                          f7 = "\uE037", f8 = "\uE038", f9 = "\uE039", f10 = "\uE03A", f11 = "\uE03B",
                          f12 = "\uE03C", command_meta = "\uE03D"), .Names = c("null", "cancel",
                                                                               "help", "backspace", "tab", "clear", "return", "enter", "shift",
                                                                               "control", "alt", "pause", "escape", "space", "page_up", "page_down",
                                                                               "end", "home", "left_arrow", "up_arrow", "right_arrow", "down_arrow",
                                                                               "insert", "delete", "semicolon", "equals", "numpad_0", "numpad_1",
                                                                               "numpad_2", "numpad_3", "numpad_4", "numpad_5", "numpad_6", "numpad_7",
                                                                               "numpad_8", "numpad_9", "multiply", "add", "separator", "subtract",
                                                                               "decimal", "divide", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7",
                                                                               "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "command_meta"))

testWebElement <- function(x, remDr){
  replaceWE <- function(x, remDr) if(identical(names(x), "ELEMENT")){wbElement(x, remDr)}else{x}
  if(is.null(x)||identical(length(x), 0L)) return(x)
  listTest <- sum(sapply(x, inherits, "list")) > 0
    lapply(x, testWebElement, remDr = remDr)
    replaceWE(x, remDr = remDr)

Try the seleniumPipes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

seleniumPipes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.