#' @title mcmc function
#' @description MCMC routine for the strucatural equation model
#' @references {Maity, A. K., Lee, S. C., Mallick, B. K., & Sarkar, T. R. (2020).
#' Bayesian structural equation modeling in multiple omics data integration
#' with application to circadian genes. Bioinformatics, 36(13), 3951-3958.}
#' @param ct survival response, a \eqn{n*2} matrix with first column as response and second column as right censored indicator,
#' 1 is event time and 0 is right censored.
#' @param X Matrix of covariates, dimension \eqn{n*p}.
#' @param u1 Matix of predictors from the first platform, dimension \eqn{n*q_1}
#' @param u2 Matix of predictors from the first platform, dimension \eqn{n*q_2}
#' @param nburnin number of burnin samples
#' @param nmc number of markov chain samples
#' @param nthin thinning parameter. Default is 1 (no thinning)
#' @return \item{pMean.beta.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.beta.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.alpha.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.alpha.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.phi.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.phi.t}{}
#' \item{pMean.alpha.u1}{}
#' \item{pMean.alpha.u2}{}
#' \item{pMean.alpha.u2}{}
#' \item{pMean.phi.u1}{}
#' \item{pMean.eta1}{}
#' \item{pMean.eta2}{}
#' \item{pMean.sigma.t.square}{}
#' \item{pMean.sigma.u1.square}{}
#' \item{pMean.sigma.u2.square}{}
#' \item{alpha.t.samples}{}
#' \item{phi.t.samples}{}
#' \item{beta1.t.samples}{}
#' \item{beta2.t.samples}{}
#' \item{beta.t.samples}{}
#' \item{alpha.u1.samples}{}
#' \item{alpha.u2.samples}{}
#' \item{phi.u1.samples}{}
#' \item{phi.u2.samples}{}
#' \item{eta1.samples}{}
#' \item{eta2.samples}{}
#' \item{sigma.t.square.samples}{}
#' \item{sigma.u1.square.samples}{}
#' \item{sigma.u2.square.samples}{}
#' \item{pMean.logt.hat}{}
#' \item{DIC}{}
#' \item{WAIC}{}
#' @importFrom stats dnorm median pnorm rnorm runif
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(MASS)
#' # for random number from multivariate normal distribution
#' n <- 100 # number of individuals
#' p <- 5 # number of variables
#' q1 <- 20 # dimension of the response
#' q2 <- 20 # dimension of the response
#' ngrid <- 1000
#' nburnin <- 100
#' nmc <- 200
#' nthin <- 5
#' niter <- nburnin + nmc
#' effsamp <- (niter - nburnin)/nthin
#' <- runif(n = 1, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
#' alpha.u1t <- runif(n = 1, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
#' alpha.u2t <- runif(n = 1, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
#' <- runif(n = p, min = -1, max = 1) # regression parameter
#' gamma1.t <- runif(n = q1, min = -1, max = 1)
#' gamma2.t <- runif(n = q2, min = -1, max = 1)
#' <- 1
#' phi.u1t <- 1
#' phi.u2t <- 1
#' <- 1
#' sigma.u1t <- 1
#' sigma.u2t <- 1
#' sigma.etat1 <- 1
#' sigma.etat2 <- 1
#' x <- mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0, p), Sigma = diag(p))
#' eta2 <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, sd = sigma.etat2)
#' eta1 <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = eta2, sd = sigma.etat1)
#' logt <- rnorm(n = n, mean = + x %*% + eta1 *,
#' sd =
#' u1 <- matrix(rnorm(n = n * q1, mean = alpha.u1t + eta1 * phi.u1t,
#' sd = sigma.u1t), nrow = n, ncol = q1)
#' u2 <- matrix(rnorm(n = n * q2, mean = alpha.u2t + eta2 * phi.u2t,
#' sd = sigma.u2t), nrow = n, ncol = q2)
#' logt <- rnorm(n = n, mean = + x %*% + u1 %*% gamma1.t +
#' u2 %*% gamma2.t, sd =
#' # Survival time generation
#' T <- exp(logt) # AFT model
#' C <- rgamma(n, shape = 1, rate = 1) # 50% censor
#' time <- pmin(T, C) # observed time is min of censored and true
#' status = time == T # set to 1 if event is observed
#' 1 - sum(status)/length(T) # censoring rate
#' censor.rate <- 1 - sum(status)/length(T) # censoring rate
#' censor.rate
#' summary(C)
#' summary(T)
#' ct <- as.matrix(cbind(time = time, status = status)) # censored time
#' logt.grid <- seq(from = min(logt) - 1, to = max(logt) + 1, length.out = ngrid)
#' index1 <- which(ct[, 2] == 1) # which are NOT censored
#' ct1 <- ct[index1, ]
#' <- mcmc(ct, u1, u2, x, nburnin = nburnin,
#' nmc = nmc, nthin = nthin)
#' pMean.beta.t <-$pMean.beta.t
#' pMean.alpha.t <-$pMean.alpha.t
#' pMean.phi.t <-$pMean.phi.t
#' pMean.alpha.u1 <-$pMean.alpha.u1
#' pMean.alpha.u2 <-$pMean.alpha.u2
#' pMean.phi.u1 <-$pMean.phi.u1
#' pMean.phi.u2 <-$pMean.phi.u2
#' pMean.eta1 <-$pMean.eta1
#' pMean.eta2 <-$pMean.eta2
#' pMean.logt.hat <-$
#' pMean.sigma.t.square <-$pMean.sigma.t.square
#' pMean.sigma.u1.square <-$pMean.sigma.u1.square
#' pMean.sigma.u2.square <-$pMean.sigma.u2.square
#' pMean.logt.hat <-$pMean.logt.hat
#' DIC.sem <-$DIC
#' WAIC.sem <-$WAIC
#' mse.sem <- mean(pMean.logt.hat[index1] - log(ct1[, 1]))^2
#' alpha.t.samples <-$alpha.t.samples
#' beta1.t.samples <-$beta1.t.samples
#' beta2.t.samples <-$beta2.t.samples
#' beta.t.samples <-$beta.t.samples
#' phi.t.samples <-$phi.t.samples
#' alpha.u1.samples <-$alpha.u1.samples
#' alpha.u2.samples <-$alpha.u2.samples
#' phi.u1.samples <-$phi.u1.samples
#' phi.u2.samples <-$phi.u2.samples
#' sigma.t.square.samples <-$sigma.t.square.samples
#' sigma.u1.square.samples <-$sigma.u1.square.samples
#' sigma.u2.square.samples <-$sigma.u2.square.samples
#' eta1.samples <-$eta1.samples
#' eta2.samples <-$eta2.samples
#' inv.cpo <- matrix(0, nrow = effsamp, ncol = n)
#' # this will store inverse cpo values
#' log.cpo <- rep(0, n) # this will store log cpo
#' for(iter in 1:effsamp) # Post burn in
#' {
#' inv.cpo[iter, ] <- 1/(dnorm(ct[, 1], mean = alpha.t.samples[iter] +
#' x %*% beta.t.samples[, iter] +
#' + eta1.samples[iter] * phi.t.samples[iter],
#' sd = sqrt(sigma.t.square.samples[iter]))^ct[, 2] *
#' pnorm(ct[, 1], mean = alpha.t.samples[iter] +
#' x %*% beta.t.samples[, iter] +
#' + eta1.samples[iter] * phi.t.samples[iter],
#' sd = sqrt(sigma.t.square.samples[iter]),
#' lower.tail = FALSE)^(1 - ct[, 2]))
#' } # End of iter loop
#' for (i in 1:n){
#' log.cpo[i] <- -log(mean(inv.cpo[, i]))
#' # You average invcpo[i] over the iterations,
#' # then take 1/average and then take log.
#' # Hence the negative sign in the log
#' }
#' lpml.sem <- sum(log.cpo)
#' DIC.sem
#' WAIC.sem
#' mse.sem
mcmc <- function(ct, u1, u2, X, nburnin = 1000,
nmc = 2000, nthin = 1)
n <- nrow(X) # sample size
p <- ncol(X) # dimension
q1 <- ncol(u1)
q2 <- ncol(u2)
# Survival response
time <- ct[, 1]
status <- ct[, 2] <- which(status == 0)
n.censored <- length( # number of censored observations
X.censored <- X[, ]
X.observed <- X[, ]
logt <- logtime <- log(time) # for coding convenience, since the whole code is written with y
logt.censored <- logt[]
logt.observed <- logt[]
alpha.t <- runif(n = 1, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
alpha.u1 <- runif(n = q1, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
alpha.u2 <- runif(n = q2, min = -1, max = 1) # intercept term
beta.t <- runif(n = p, min = -1, max = 1) # regression parameter
phi.t <- 1
phi.u1 <- rep(1, q1)
phi.u2 <- rep(1, q2)
sigma.t.square <- 1
sigma.u1.square <- rep(1, q1)
sigma.u2.square <- rep(1, q2)
sigma.eta1.square <- 1
sigma.eta2.square <- 1
alpha.sigmau <- 0.5
beta.sigmau <- 0.5
eta2 <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, sd = 1)
eta1 <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = eta2, sd = 1)
nburnin <- nburnin
nmc <- nmc
niter <- nburnin + nmc
effsamp <- (niter - nburnin)/nthin
# output
beta.tout <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = effsamp)
alpha.tout <- rep(0, effsamp)
phi.tout <- rep(0, effsamp)
alpha.u1out <- matrix(0, nrow = q1, ncol = effsamp)
alpha.u2out <- matrix(0, nrow = q2, ncol = effsamp)
phi.u1out <- matrix(0, nrow = q1, ncol = effsamp)
phi.u2out <- matrix(0, nrow = q2, ncol = effsamp)
eta1.out <- rep(0, effsamp)
eta2.out <- rep(0, effsamp)
sigma.t.square.out <- rep(0, effsamp)
sigma.u1.square.out <- rep(1, effsamp)
sigma.u2.square.out <- rep(1, effsamp)
logt.out <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = effsamp)
logt.hat.out <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = effsamp)
loglikelihood.out <- rep(0, effsamp)
likelihood.out <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = effsamp)
for(iter in 1:niter) # MCMC
## Update survival latent variable ##
mean.impute <- alpha.t + as.matrix(X.censored) %*% as.matrix(beta.t) + eta1 * phi.t
sd.impute <- sqrt(sigma.t.square)
time.censored <- msm::rtnorm(n.censored, mean = mean.impute, sd = sd.impute, lower = logt.censored)
logt[] <- time.censored # truncated at log(time) for censored data
# Sample $ \beta.t $
A <- crossprod(x = X) + chol2inv(chol(100 * diag(p)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.beta.t <- sigma.t.square * Ainv
mean.beta.t <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(X) %*% (logt - alpha.t - eta1 * phi.t))
beta.t <- as.vector(MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = mean.beta.t, Sigma = Sigma.beta.t))
# Sample $ \alpha_t $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(1, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.alpha.t <- sigma.t.square * Ainv
mean.alpha.t <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(1, n)) %*% (logt - X %*% beta.t - eta1 * phi.t))
alpha.t <- as.vector(MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = mean.alpha.t, Sigma = Sigma.alpha.t))
# Sample $ \phi_t $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(eta1, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.phi.t <- Ainv
mean.phi.t <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(eta1, n)) %*% (logt - alpha.t - X %*% beta.t))
phi.t <- as.vector(MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = mean.phi.t, Sigma = Sigma.phi.t))
# Sample $ \alpha_u1 $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(1, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.alpha.u <- sigma.u1.square * Ainv
mean.alpha.u <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(1, n)) %*% (u1 - eta1 * phi.u1))
alpha.u1 <- as.vector(rnorm(n = q1, mean = mean.alpha.u, sd = sqrt(Sigma.alpha.u)))
# Sample $ \alpha_u2 $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(1, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.alpha.u <- as.vector(sigma.u2.square) * Ainv
mean.alpha.u <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(1, n)) %*% (u2 - eta2 * phi.u2))
alpha.u2 <- as.vector(rnorm(n = q2, mean = mean.alpha.u, sd = sqrt(Sigma.alpha.u)))
# Sample $ \phi_u1 $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(eta1, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.phi.u <- Ainv
mean.phi.u <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(eta1, n)) %*% (u1 - alpha.u1))
phi.u1 <- as.vector(rnorm(n = q1, mean = mean.phi.u, sd = sqrt(Sigma.phi.u)))
# Sample $ \phi_u2 $
A <- crossprod(x = rep(eta2, n)) + chol2inv(chol(diag(1)))
Ainv <- chol2inv(chol(A))
Sigma.phi.u <- Ainv
mean.phi.u <- as.vector(Ainv %*% t(rep(eta2, n)) %*% (u2 - alpha.u2))
phi.u2 <- as.vector(rnorm(n = q2, mean = mean.phi.u, sd = sqrt(Sigma.phi.u)))
# Sample $ \eta1 $
sum.phi.eta1 <- 0
for(k in 1:q1)
sum.phi.eta1 <- sum.phi.eta1 + sum((phi.u1[k] * u1[, k])/sigma.u1.square[k])
Sigma.eta <- 1/(1/sigma.eta1.square + sum(phi.u1^2/sigma.u1.square))
mean.eta <- Sigma.eta * (eta2/sigma.eta1.square + sum.phi.eta1 +
phi.t * sum(logt)/sigma.t.square - sum((phi.u1 * alpha.u1)/sigma.u1.square) -
phi.t * alpha.t/sigma.t.square -
(t(beta.t) %*% t(X) %*% rep(phi.t, n))/sigma.t.square)
eta1 <- as.vector(MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = mean.eta, Sigma = Sigma.eta))
# Sample $ \eta2 $
sum.phi.eta2 <- 0
for(l in 1:q2)
sum.phi.eta2 <- sum.phi.eta2 + sum((phi.u2[l] * u2[, l])/sigma.u2.square[l])
Sigma.eta <- 1/(1/sigma.eta1.square + 1/sigma.eta2.square + sum(phi.u2^2/sigma.u2.square))
mean.eta <- Sigma.eta * (eta1/sigma.eta1.square + sum.phi.eta2 +
sum((phi.u2 * alpha.u2)/sigma.u2.square))
eta2 <- as.vector(MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = mean.eta, Sigma = Sigma.eta))
# Sample $ \sigma_t^2
E1 <- crossprod(x = logt - alpha.t - X %*% beta.t - eta1 * phi.t)
E2 <- crossprod(x = beta.t)
E3 <- crossprod(x = alpha.t)
# E4 <- crossprod(x = phi.t)
sigma.t.square <- 1/stats::rgamma(1, shape = (n + p + 1)/2, scale = 2/(E1 + E2 + E3))
# if(sigma.t.square.propesed < 10)
# {
# sigma.t.square <- sigma.t.square.propesed
# }
# Sample $ \sigma_u1^2
E1 <- rep(NA, q1)
for(k in 1:q1)
E1[k] <- crossprod(x = u1[k] - alpha.u1 - eta1 * phi.u1)
E3 <- crossprod(x = alpha.u1)
E4 <- crossprod(x = phi.u1)
sigma.u1.square <- 1/stats::rgamma(q1, alpha.sigmau + (n + 1)/2,
scale = 1/(beta.sigmau + (as.vector(E1) + as.vector(E3) + as.vector(E4))/2))
# Sample $ \sigma_u2^2
E1 <- rep(NA, q2)
for(k in 1:q2)
E1[k] <- crossprod(x = u2[k] - alpha.u2 - eta2 * phi.u2)
E3 <- crossprod(x = alpha.u2)
E4 <- crossprod(x = phi.u2)
sigma.u2.square <- 1/stats::rgamma(q2, alpha.sigmau + (n + 1)/2,
scale = 1/(beta.sigmau + (as.vector(E1) + as.vector(E3) + as.vector(E4))/2))
logt.hat <- alpha.t + X %*% beta.t + eta1 * phi.t
loglikelihood <- sum(status * dnorm(logt, mean = alpha.t + X %*% beta.t + eta1 * phi.t,
sd = sqrt(sigma.t.square), log = TRUE) +
(1 - status) * pnorm(logt, mean = alpha.t + X %*% beta.t + eta1 * phi.t,
sd = sqrt(sigma.t.square),
lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))
likelihood <- exp(loglikelihood)
# stores the MCMC samples after discarding burnin samples
if (iter > nburnin)
beta.tout[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- beta.t
alpha.tout[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- alpha.t
phi.tout[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- phi.t
alpha.u1out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- alpha.u1
alpha.u2out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- alpha.u2
phi.u1out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- phi.u1
phi.u2out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- phi.u2
eta1.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- eta1
eta2.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- eta2
sigma.t.square.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- sigma.t.square
# sigma.u1.square.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- sigma.u1.square
# sigma.u2.square.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- sigma.u2.square
logt.out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- logt
logt.hat.out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- logt.hat
loglikelihood.out[(iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- loglikelihood
likelihood.out[, (iter - nburnin)/nthin] <- likelihood
# Posterior Mean
pMean.beta.t <- apply(beta.tout, 1, mean)
pMean.alpha.t <- mean(alpha.tout)
pMean.phi.t <- mean(phi.tout)
pMean.alpha.u1 <- apply(alpha.u1out, 1, mean)
pMean.alpha.u2 <- apply(alpha.u2out, 1, mean)
pMean.phi.u1 <- apply(phi.u1out, 1, mean)
pMean.phi.u2 <- apply(phi.u2out, 1, mean)
pMean.eta1 <- mean(eta1.out)
pMean.eta2 <- mean(eta2.out)
pMean.sigma.t.square <- median(sigma.t.square.out)
# pMean.sigma.u1.square <- mean(sigma.u1.square.out)
# pMean.sigma.u2.square <- mean(sigma.u2.square.out)
pMean.logt <- apply(logt.out, 1, mean)
pMean.logt.hat <- apply(logt.hat.out, 1, mean)
pLoglikelihood <- mean(loglikelihood.out)
plikelihood <- apply(likelihood.out, 1, mean)
loglikelihood.posterior <- sum(status * dnorm(pMean.logt, mean = pMean.alpha.t + X %*% pMean.beta.t +
pMean.eta1 * pMean.phi.t,
sd = sqrt(pMean.sigma.t.square), log = TRUE) +
(1 - status) * pnorm(pMean.logt, mean = pMean.alpha.t + X %*% pMean.beta.t +
pMean.eta1 * pMean.phi.t,
sd = sqrt(pMean.sigma.t.square),
lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))
DIC <- -4 * pLoglikelihood + 2 * loglikelihood.posterior
lppd <- sum(log(plikelihood))
WAIC <- -2 * (lppd - 2 * (loglikelihood.posterior - pLoglikelihood))
# WAIC <- -2 * (lppd - 2 * (lppd - pLoglikelihood))
result = list(pMean.beta.t = pMean.beta.t, pMean.alpha.t = pMean.alpha.t, pMean.phi.t = pMean.phi.t,
pMean.alpha.u1 = pMean.alpha.u1, pMean.alpha.u2 = pMean.alpha.u2,
pMean.phi.u1 = pMean.phi.u1, pMean.phi.u2 = pMean.phi.u2,
pMean.eta1 = pMean.eta1, pMean.eta2 = pMean.eta2,
pMean.sigma.t.square = pMean.sigma.t.square,
# pMean.sigma.u1.square = pMean.sigma.u1.square, pMean.sigma.u2.square = pMean.sigma.u2.square,
alpha.t.samples = alpha.tout, phi.t.samples = phi.tout,
beta1.t.samples = beta.tout[1, ], #beta2.t.samples = beta.tout[2, ],
beta.t.samples = beta.tout,
alpha.u1.samples = alpha.u1out, alpha.u2.samples = alpha.u2out,
phi.u1.samples = phi.u1out, phi.u2.samples = phi.u2out,
eta1.samples = eta1.out, eta2.samples = eta2.out,
sigma.t.square.samples = sigma.t.square.out,
sigma.u1.square.samples = sigma.u1.square.out, sigma.u2.square.samples = sigma.u2.square.out,
pMean.logt.hat = pMean.logt.hat, DIC = DIC, WAIC = WAIC)
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