#'@title Configure the layout of factors of an SEM graph by
#' [semPlot::semPaths]
#'@description Configure the layout of factors and adjust other
#' aspects of an SEM graph by [semPlot::semPaths].
#'@details Modify a [qgraph::qgraph] object generated by semPaths
#' based on an SEM model with latent factors. Since version,
#' this function natively supports observed exogenous variable.
#' If a variable is listed in both `indicator_order` and
#' `indicator_factor`, as if it is both a factor and an indicator,
#' this function will assume that it is an observed exogenous variable.
#' It will be positioned as a factor according to `factor_layout`,
#' but no indicators will be drawn.
#' For versions older than, an observed exogenous variable
#' needs to be specified as an one-indicator factor in the model
#' specification for this function to work.
#'@return A [qgraph::qgraph] based on the original one, with various
#' aspects of the model modified.
#'@param semPaths_plot A [qgraph::qgraph] object generated by
#' semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other [semptools]
#' functions.
#'@param indicator_order A string vector of the indicators. The order
#' of the names is the order of the indicators in the graph, when they
#' are drawn on the bottom of the graph. The indicators should be
#' grouped by the factors on which they load on. For example, if x1,
#' x2, x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, then vector should be
#' either c("x1", "x2", "x4", "x3", "x5", "x6") or c("x3", "x5", "x6",
#' "x1", "x2", "x4"). Indicators within a group can be ordered in any
#' way. If it is a named vector, its names will be used for the
#' argument `indicator_factor`. If it is `NULL` (default),
#' [auto_indicator_order()] will be called to determine the
#' indicator order automatically.
#'@param indicator_factor A string vector of the same length of the
#' indicator order, storing the name of the factor for which each of
#' the indicator in indicator_factor loads on. For example, if x1, x2,
#' x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, and indicator_order is
#' c("x3", "x5", "x6", "x1", "x2", "x4"), then indicator_factor should
#' be c("f2", "f2", "f2", "f1", "f1", "f1"). If `NULL`
#' (default) and `indicator_order` is a named vector (supplied
#' by users or generated by [auto_indicator_order()]), then
#' it will be set to the names of `indicator_order`.
#'@param factor_layout A matrix of arbitrary size. This matrix will
#' serve as a grid for users to specify where each latent factor
#' should be placed approximately on the graph. Each cell should
#' contain NA or the name of a latent factor. The locations of all
#' latent factors must be explicitly specified by this matrix.
#'@param factor_point_to Can be a named character vector with
#' names being the names of factors, or a matrix of the same size as `factor_layout`.
#' If it is a matrix,
#' this matrix specifies where the indicators of each factor are
#' positioned. Each cell should contain NA or one of these strings:
#' "down", "left", "up", or "right". This is the direction that the
#' corresponding latent factor (specified in factor_layout) points to
#' its indicators. If it is a named character vector, the
#' the values must be the directions, and the names the
#' the factors. This vector will be converted internally
#' by [auto_factor_point_to()] to create the matrix of
#' direction.
#'@param indicator_push (Optional) This argument is used to adjust the
#' positions of the indicators of selected latent factors. It can be
#' named vector or a list of named lists. For a named vector, The name
#' is the factor of which the indicators will be "pushed", and the
#' value is how "hard" the push is: the multiplier to the distance
#' from the factor to the indicators. If this value is 1, then there
#' is no change. If this value is greater than 1, then the indicators
#' are pushed away from the latent factor. If this value is less than
#' 1, then the indicators are pulled toward the latent factor. For
#' example, to push the indicators of `f3` away from `f3`, and pull
#' the indicators of `f4` toward `f4`, the argument can be set to
#' `c(f3 = 1.5, f4 = .5)`. For a list of named list, each named list
#' has two named elements: `node`, the name of a latent factor, and
#' `push`, how the positions of its indicators will be adjusted. For
#' example, to have the same effect as the vector above, the list is
#' `list(list(node = "f3", push = 1.5), list(node = "f4", push =
#' .5))`.
#'@param indicator_spread (Optional) This argument is used to adjust
#' the distance between indicators of selected latent factors. It can
#' be a named vector or a list of named lists. For a named vector, the
#' name is the factor of which the indicators will be spread out. The
#' value is the multiplier to the distance between neighboring
#' indicators. If this value is equal to 1, there is no change. Larger
#' than one, the indicators will be "spread" away from each other.
#' Less than one, the indicators will be placed closer to each others.
#' For example, to spread the indicators of `f1` and `f4` farther away
#' from each other, this argument can be set to `c(f1 = 2, f4 = 1.5)`,
#' with the indicators of `f1` being spread out more than those of
#' `f4`. For a list of named list, each named list has two named
#' elements: `node`, the name of a latent factor, and `spread`, how
#' the distance between indicators will be adjusted. For example, to
#' have the same effect as the vector above, the argument can be set
#' to `list(list(node = "f1", spread = 2), list(node = "f4", spread =
#' 1.5))`.
#'@param loading_position (Optional) Default is .5. This is used
#' adjust the position of the loadings. If this is one single number,
#' it will be used to set the positions of all loadings. If it is .5,
#' the loadings are placed on the center of the arrows. Larger the
#' number, closer the loadings to the indicators. Smaller the number,
#' closer to the latent factors. This argument also accepts a named
#' vector or a list of named lists, allowing users to specify the
#' positions of loadings for each factor separately. For a named
#' vector, in each element, the name is the factor whose loadings will
#' be moved. The value is the positions of its loadings. The default
#' is .50. We only need to specify the positions for factors to be
#' changed from .50 to other values. For example, move the loadings of
#' `f2` closer to the indicators and those of `f4` close to the `f4`,
#' this argument can be set to `c(f2 = .7, f4 = .3)`. For a list of
#' named list, each named list should have two named elements: `node`,
#' the name of the latent factor, and `position`, the positions of all
#' loadings of this factors. To have the same effect as the vector
#' above, this list can be used: `list(list(node = "f2", position =
#' .7), list(node = "f4", position = .3))`.
#'mod <-
#' 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
#' f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
#' f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
#' f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
#' f3 ~ f1 + f2
#' f4 ~ f1 + f3
#' '
#'fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod, sem_example)
#'lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_sem)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
#'p <- semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels="est",
#' sizeMan = 5,
#' nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
#' edge.width = 0.8, node.width = 0.7,
#' edge.label.cex = 0.6,
#' style = "ram",
#' mar = c(10,10,10,10))
#'indicator_order <- c("x04", "x05", "x06", "x07", "x01", "x02", "x03",
#' "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x08", "x09", "x10")
#'indicator_factor <- c( "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f1", "f1", "f1",
#' "f4", "f4", "f4", "f4", "f3", "f3", "f3")
#'factor_layout <- matrix(c("f1", NA, NA,
#' NA, "f3", "f4",
#' "f2", NA, NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
#'factor_point_to <- matrix(c("left", NA, NA,
#' NA, "down", "down",
#' "left", NA, NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
#'indicator_push <- c(f3 = 2, f4 = 1.5)
#'indicator_spread <- c(f1 = 2, f2 = 2)
#'loading_position <- c(f1 = .5, f2 = .8, f3 = .8)
#'# Pipe operator can be used if desired
#'p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
#' indicator_order = indicator_order,
#' indicator_factor = indicator_factor,
#' factor_layout = factor_layout,
#' factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
#' indicator_push = indicator_push,
#' indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
#' loading_position = loading_position)
#'p2 <- set_curve(p2, c("f2 ~ f1" = -1,
#' "f4 ~ f1" = 1.5))
#'p2 <- mark_sig(p2, fit_sem)
#'p2 <- mark_se(p2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")
#'# Use a named vector for indicator_order
#'indicator_order2 <- c(f2 = "x04", f2 = "x05", f2 = "x06", f2 = "x07",
#' f1 = "x01", f1 = "x02", f1 = "x03",
#' f4 = "x11", f4 = "x12", f4 = "x13", f4 = "x14",
#' f3 = "x08", f3 = "x09", f3 = "x10")
#'p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
#' indicator_order = indicator_order2,
#' factor_layout = factor_layout,
#' factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
#' indicator_push = indicator_push,
#' indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
#' loading_position = loading_position)
#'# Use automatically generated indicator_order and indicator_factor
#'p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
#' factor_layout = factor_layout,
#' factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
#' indicator_push = indicator_push,
#' indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
#' loading_position = loading_position)
#'# Use named character vector for factor_point_to
#'directions <- c(f1 = "left",
#' f2 = "left",
#' f3 = "down",
#' f4 = "down")
#'p2v2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
#' indicator_order = indicator_order,
#' indicator_factor = indicator_factor,
#' factor_layout = factor_layout,
#' factor_point_to = directions,
#' indicator_push = indicator_push,
#' indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
#' loading_position = loading_position)
#'p2v2 <- set_curve(p2v2, c("f2 ~ f1" = -1,
#' "f4 ~ f1" = 1.5))
#'p2v2 <- mark_sig(p2v2, fit_sem)
#'p2v2 <- mark_se(p2v2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")
#'#Lists of named list which are equivalent to the vectors above:
#'#indicator_push <- list(list(node = "f3", push = 2),
#'# list(node = "f4", push = 1.5))
#'#indicator_spread <- list(list(node = "f1", spread = 2),
#'# list(node = "f2", spread = 2))
#'#loading_position <- list(list(node = "f1", position = .5),
#'# list(node = "f2", position = .8),
#'# list(node = "f3", position = .8))
set_sem_layout <- function(semPaths_plot,
indicator_order = NULL,
indicator_factor = NULL,
factor_layout = NULL,
factor_point_to = NULL,
indicator_push = NULL,
indicator_spread = NULL,
loading_position = .5) {
if (is.null(indicator_order)) {
indicator_order <- auto_indicator_order(semPaths_plot,
add_isolated_manifest = TRUE)
# stop("indicator_order not specified.")
if (is.null(indicator_factor)) {
if (!is.null(names(indicator_order))) {
indicator_factor <- names(indicator_order)
} else {
indicator_order <- tryCatch(lavaan_indicator_order(indicator_order),
error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(indicator_factor, "error")) {
stop("indicator_factor not specified or cannot be determined.")
indicator_factor <- names(indicator_order)
if (is.null(factor_layout)) {
stop("factor_layout not specified.")
if (is.null(factor_point_to)) {
stop("factor_point_to not specified.")
if (is.null(semPaths_plot)) {
stop("semPaths_plot not specified.")
} else {
if (!inherits(semPaths_plot, "qgraph")) {
stop("semPaths_plot is not a qgraph object.")
tmp <- add_manifest(factor_layout = factor_layout,
indicator_order = indicator_order,
indicator_factor = indicator_factor)
indicator_order <- tmp$indicator_order
indicator_factor <- tmp$indicator_factor
if (!is.matrix(factor_point_to) && is.vector(factor_point_to)) {
factor_point_to <- auto_factor_point_to(factor_layout,
Nodes_names <- semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$names
if (!is.null(names(Nodes_names))) {
Nodes_names <- names(Nodes_names)
Nodes_names2 <- semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$names
} else {
Nodes_names2 <- NA
if (!all(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "square"] %in% indicator_order)) {
if (!all(Nodes_names2[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "square"] %in% indicator_order)) {
tmp1 <- Nodes_names2[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "square"]
tmp2 <- indicator_order
msg_tmp <- setdiff(tmp1,
msg_tmp <- paste(unlist(msg_tmp),
collapse = ", ")
warning("One or more indicators in the graph are not in indicator_order. Unexpected results may occur. ",
"Indicator(s) involved: ",
} else {
tmp <- sapply(indicator_order, function(x) {
Nodes_names[match(x, Nodes_names2)]
indicator_order <- tmp
if (!all(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "circle"] %in% indicator_factor)) {
if (!all(Nodes_names2[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "circle"] %in% indicator_factor)) {
warning("One or more factors in the graph are not in indicator_factor. Unexpected results may occur.")
} else {
tmp <- sapply(indicator_factor, function(x) {
Nodes_names[match(x, Nodes_names2)]
indicator_factor <- tmp
# Nodes_names <- semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$names
# if (!is.null(names(Nodes_names))) {
# Nodes_names <- names(Nodes_names)
# }
# if (!all(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "square"] %in% indicator_order)) {
# warning("One or more indicators in the graph may not be in indicator_order. Unexpected results may occur.")
# }
# if (!all(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "circle"] %in% indicator_factor)) {
# warning("One or more factors in the graph may not be in indicator_factor. Unexpected results may occur.")
# }
if (!all(indicator_factor %in% factor_layout[!])) {
if (!all(Nodes_names2[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "circle"] %in%
factor_layout[!])) {
tmp <- Nodes_names2[semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape == "circle"]
msg_tmp <- setdiff(tmp,
msg_tmp <- paste(unlist(msg_tmp),
collapse = ", ")
stop("The position of one or more latent factors are not in factor_layout. ",
"Factor(s) involved: ",
} else {
tmp <- sapply(factor_layout, function(x) {
Nodes_names[match(x, Nodes_names2)]
factor_layout[] <- tmp
# Record "indicators" of 2nd order factors to NA
tmp <- unique(indicator_factor)
tmp2 <- indicator_factor == indicator_order
if (any(tmp2)) {
# Remove manifest variables treated as factors
tmp <- setdiff(tmp, unique(indicator_factor[tmp2]))
indicator_order_original <- indicator_order
indicator_order[indicator_order %in% tmp] <- NA
if (!all((! & !(factor_layout %in% indicator_order)) ==
! {
tmp1 <- ! & !(factor_layout %in% indicator_order)
tmp2 <- !
msg_tmp <- as.vector(factor_layout[tmp1 != tmp2])
msg_tmp <- paste(unlist(msg_tmp),
collapse = ", ")
stop("The positions of the indicators of one or more latent factors are not specified in factor_point_to. ",
"Factor(s) involved: ",
# Set the estate
factor_order <- unique(indicator_factor)
layout_nrow <- nrow(factor_layout)
layout_ncol <- ncol(factor_layout)
factor_coord <- t(sapply(factor_order, function(x) {
which(factor_layout == x, arr.ind = TRUE)
factor_coord_point_to <- sapply(factor_order, function(x) {
factor_point_to[factor_coord[x, 1],
factor_coord[x, 2]]
indicator_grouped <- split(indicator_order, indicator_factor)
position_grouped <- sapply(indicator_grouped, function(x) {
out <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = length(x) + 2)
out <- out[-1]
out <- out[-length(out)]
}, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
factor_coord2y <- -1*(2*(factor_coord[, 1]*2 - 1)/(2*layout_nrow) - 1)
factor_coord2x <- 2*(factor_coord[, 2]*2 - 1)/(2*layout_ncol) - 1
box_width <- 2/layout_ncol
box_height <- 2/layout_nrow
factor_order <- factor_order[!(factor_order %in% indicator_order)]
set_indicator_xy <- function(x,
indicator_spread) {
position_grouped_i <- position_grouped[[x]]
factor_coord_point_to_i <- factor_coord_point_to[x]
factor_coord2x_i <- factor_coord2x[x]
factor_coord2y_i <- factor_coord2y[x]
if (is.null(indicator_push)) {
indicator_push_i <- 1
} else {
# Convert a named vector to a named list
if (!is.list(indicator_push) && is.numeric(indicator_push)) {
indicator_push_org <- indicator_push
indicator_push <- to_list_of_lists(indicator_push,
name1 = "node",
name2 = "push")
tmp <- sapply(indicator_push,
function(y, node) {ifelse(y$node == node, y$push, NA)}, node = x)
indicator_push_i <- tmp[!]
if (length(indicator_push_i) == 0) indicator_push_i <- 1
if (is.null(indicator_spread)) {
indicator_spread_i <- 1
} else {
# Convert a named vector to a named list
if (!is.list(indicator_spread) && is.numeric(indicator_spread)) {
indicator_spread_org <- indicator_spread
indicator_spread <- to_list_of_lists(indicator_spread,
name1 = "node",
name2 = "spread")
tmp <- sapply(indicator_spread,
function(y, node) {ifelse(y$node == node, y$spread, NA)}, node = x)
indicator_spread_i <- tmp[!]
if (length(indicator_spread_i) == 0) indicator_spread_i <- 1
k <- length(position_grouped_i)
position_grouped_x <-
position_grouped_i * (indicator_spread_i*box_width/2) +
position_grouped_y <-
position_grouped_i * (indicator_spread_i*box_height/2) +
if (factor_coord_point_to_i == "down") {
position_grouped_x <- position_grouped_x
position_grouped_y <- rep(factor_coord2y_i -
(indicator_push_i*box_height/2), k)
} else if (factor_coord_point_to_i == "up") {
position_grouped_x <- position_grouped_x
position_grouped_y <- rep(factor_coord2y_i +
(indicator_push_i*box_height/2), k)
} else if (factor_coord_point_to_i == "left") {
position_grouped_x <- rep(factor_coord2x_i -
(indicator_push_i*box_width/2), k)
position_grouped_y <- position_grouped_y
} else if (factor_coord_point_to_i == "right") {
position_grouped_x <- rep(factor_coord2x_i +
(indicator_push_i*box_width/2), k)
position_grouped_y <- position_grouped_y
list(position_grouped_x = position_grouped_x,
position_grouped_y = position_grouped_y)
indicator_xy <- sapply(factor_order, set_indicator_xy,
position_grouped = position_grouped,
factor_coord_point_to = factor_coord_point_to,
factor_coord2x = factor_coord2x,
factor_coord2y = factor_coord2y,
box_width = box_width,
box_height = box_height,
indicator_push = indicator_push,
indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
simplify = FALSE)
spread_indicator_xy_i <- function(x, indicator_xy, indicator_grouped) {
data.frame(node = indicator_grouped[[x]],
x = indicator_xy[[x]]$position_grouped_x,
y = indicator_xy[[x]]$position_grouped_y)
spread_indicator_xy <- sapply(factor_order, spread_indicator_xy_i,
indicator_xy = indicator_xy,
indicator_grouped = indicator_grouped,
simplify = FALSE)
spread_indicator_xy <-, spread_indicator_xy)
spread_factor_xy <- data.frame(node = names(factor_coord2y),
x = factor_coord2x,
y = factor_coord2y)
Nodes_xy <- rbind(spread_indicator_xy, spread_factor_xy)
original_layout <- semPaths_plot$layout
i <- match(Nodes_names, Nodes_xy$node)
new_layout <- original_layout
new_layout[, 1] <- Nodes_xy$x[i]
new_layout[, 2] <- Nodes_xy$y[i]
semPaths_plot$layout <- new_layout
# Fix the residual
indicator_order_latent <- indicator_order[!(indicator_order %in% indicator_factor)]
indicator_factor_latent <- indicator_factor[!(indicator_factor %in% indicator_order)]
residual_rotate <- lapply(seq_len(length(indicator_order_latent)),
function(x, indicator_order,
factor_coord_point_to) {
list(node = indicator_order[x],
rotate = switch(factor_coord_point_to[indicator_factor[x]],
up = 0,
right = 90,
down = 180,
left = -90))
}, indicator_order = indicator_order_latent,
indicator_factor = indicator_factor_latent,
factor_coord_point_to = factor_coord_point_to)
tmp <- sapply(residual_rotate, function(x) !$node))
residual_rotate <- residual_rotate[tmp]
semPaths_plot <- rotate_resid(semPaths_plot, residual_rotate)
factor_coord_point_to_latent <- factor_coord_point_to[!(names(factor_coord_point_to) %in% indicator_order)]
factor_residual_rotate <- lapply(names(factor_coord_point_to_latent),
function(x, factor_coord_point_to) {
list(node = x,
rotate = switch(factor_coord_point_to[x],
up = 180,
right = -90,
down = 0,
left = 90))
}, factor_coord_point_to = factor_coord_point_to_latent)
semPaths_plot <- rotate_resid(semPaths_plot, factor_residual_rotate)
# Position the loadings
if ((length(loading_position) == 1) & (is.numeric(loading_position))) {
loading_position_list <-
(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$Edgelist$from] %in% factor_order) &
(Nodes_names[semPaths_plot$Edgelist$to] %in% indicator_order) &
semPaths_plot$graphAttributes$Edges$edge.label.position[loading_position_list] <- loading_position
} else {
# Convert a named vector to a named list
if (!is.list(loading_position) && is.numeric(loading_position)) {
loading_position_org <- loading_position
loading_position <- to_list_of_lists(loading_position,
name1 = "node",
name2 = "position")
loading_label_position <- lapply(seq_len(length(loading_position)),
function(x, loading_position,
indicator_grouped) {
node <- loading_position[[x]]$node
position <- loading_position[[x]]$position
out <- lapply(indicator_grouped[[node]],
function(y, node, position) {
list(from = node,
to = y,
new_position = position)
}, node = node, position = position
}, loading_position = loading_position,
indicator_grouped = indicator_grouped)
loading_label_position <-, loading_label_position)
semPaths_plot <- set_edge_label_position(semPaths_plot,
# Force all arrows from factors to indicators to be straight
tmp <- !(indicator_order_original == indicator_factor)
tmp[] <- TRUE
i_o_1 <- indicator_order_original[tmp]
i_f_1 <- indicator_factor[tmp]
tmp2 <- paste0(i_o_1, " ~ ", i_f_1)
tmp3 <- stats::setNames(vector(mode = "numeric", length(tmp2)), tmp2)
semPaths_plot <- set_curve(semPaths_plot, tmp3)
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