# naiveSplitScoreTest <- function(model = NULL, mydata = NULL, control = NULL,
# invariance = NULL, meta = NULL,
# pp = FALSE, constraints = NULL, ...) {
# # TODO
# # - test for invariance
# # - test for constraints
# # - MA: is there a function outside this function that checks if the sample is
# # large enough to be split? # MA: No, there is not.
# if(pp) {cmp.column.ids <- max(meta$model.ids+1)}
# else {cmp.column.ids <- meta$covariate.ids}
# LL.max <- -Inf
# split.max <- NA
# col.max <- NA
# name.max <- NA
# type.max <- 99 # This cannot be NA (gives an error if all covariates lead to too small bins)
# p.max <- 1
# LL.ratio.max <- -Inf
# contrib.max <- NA
# btn.matrix <- NULL
# par.contrib <- NA
# # Used for verbose = TRUE and not used outside this function
# # Question: what do these variables refer to?
# level_max <- NA
# test_max <- NA
# ## 11.08.2022: removed re-estimation. This is already done in growTree
# ### fit model once to complete data and compute maximum likelihood scores
# # # OpenMx
# # if(control$sem.prog == 'OpenMx'){
# # fit <- mxAddNewModelData(model, mydata, name = "BASE MODEL")
# # fit <- try(OpenMx::mxRun(fit, silent = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
# # ### Check for error and abort
# # Scores <- mxScores(fit, control = control)
# # }
# # # lavaan
# # if(control$sem.prog == 'lavaan'){
# # fit <- try(suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text = paste(
# # model@Options$model.type, '(parTable(model), data = mydata, missing = \'',
# # model@Options$missing, '\')', sep = "")))), silent = TRUE)
# # ### Check for error and abort
# # Scores <- lavScores(fit)
# # }
# # ## 26.06.2022: Added code for ctsem models
# # # ctsem
# # if (control$sem.prog == 'ctsem') {
# # fit <- suppressMessages(try(
# # ctsemOMX::ctFit(dat = mydata[, -meta$covariate.ids],
# # ctmodelobj = model$ctmodelobj,
# # dataform = "wide",
# # retryattempts = 20)
# # ))
# # fit$mxobj@name <- "BASE MODEL"
# # Scores <- ctsemScores(fit)
# # }
# # Compute scores
# Scores <- switch(control$sem.prog,
# "OpenMx" = mxScores(model, control = control),
# "lavaan" = lavScores(model),
# "ctsem" = ctsemScores(model))
# # Number of cases in the node
# n <- nobs(model)
# # get covariance matrix of the model parameters
# if (identical(control$information.matrix, "info")) {
# vcov. <- solve(vcov_semtree(model) * n)
# vcov. <- strucchange::root.matrix(vcov.)
# sandwich. <- FALSE
# } else {
# sandwich. <- TRUE
# }
# ############################################
# # main loop with calls to sctest_semtree() #
# # each iteration evaluates a covariate #
# ############################################
# for (cur_col in cmp.column.ids) {
# covariate <- mydata[,cur_col]
# # check if covariate has more than one unique value
# if (length(unique(covariate)) > 1) {
# <- colnames(mydata)[cur_col]
# # sort scores, model data, and covariate
# index <- order(covariate)
# Scores_sorted <- Scores[index, , drop = FALSE]
# mydata_sorted <- mydata[index, , drop = FALSE]
# covariate_sorted <- covariate[index]
# # calculate cumulative score process
# scus <- gefp_semtree(x = model, = covariate_sorted, vcov = vcov.,
# scores = Scores_sorted, decorrelate = TRUE,
# sandwich = sandwich.,
# parm = constraints$focus.parameters)
# # Level of measurement and test statistic
# if (!is.factor(covariate_sorted)) {
# level <- "metric"
# test <- control$score.tests["metric"][[1]] # default: supLM
# cur.type <- .SCALE_METRIC
# } else {
# cov_levels <- nlevels(x = covariate_sorted)
# if (is.ordered(covariate_sorted)) {
# level <- "ordinal"
# test <- control$score.tests["ordinal"][[1]] # default: "maxLMo"
# cur.type <- .SCALE_ORDINAL
# } else {
# level <- "nominal"
# test <- control$score.tests["nominal"][[1]] # default: "LM"
# cur.type <- .SCALE_CATEGORICAL
# }
# }
# # get test statstic object
# functional <- switch(test, dm = strucchange::maxBB,
# cvm = strucchange::meanL2BB,
# suplm = strucchange::supLM(from = control$strucchange.from, to = control$,
# lmuo = strucchange::catL2BB(factor(covariate_sorted)),
# wdmo = strucchange::ordwmax(factor(covariate_sorted)),
# maxlmo = strucchange::ordL2BB(factor(covariate_sorted), nproc = NCOL(scus$process),
# nobs = NULL, nrep = control$strucchange.nrep),
# stop("Unknown efp functional. Use: LMuo (categorical); wdmo or maxLMo (ordinal); DM, maxLM (alias: supLM), or CvM (metric)."))
# # peform score test
# test.result <- sctest_continuous2(cov_sort = covariate_sorted,
# scus = scus,
# from = control$strucchange.from,
# to = control$,
# min.bucket = control$min.bucket)
# #test.result <- strucchange::sctest(scus, functional = functional)
# # # get cutpoint and parameter contributions
# # if (test.result$p.value < min(c(control$alpha, p.max))) { # only if current p-value is smaller than other p-values
# # test.result <- c(test.result,
# # sctest_info(CSP = as.matrix(scus$process),
# # covariate = covariate_sorted,
# # test = test,
# # scaled_split = control$scaled_scores,
# # from = control$strucchange.from,
# # to = control$
# #
# # # 17.08.2022
# # if ($cutpoint) |$left_n) |
# #$right_n)) {
# # #browser()
# # warning(paste("Splitpoints of predictor", colnames(mydata)[cur_col],
# # "could not located. Changed level of measurement to ordinal"))
# # if (test %in% c("cvm", "suplm")) {
# # test <- "maxlmo"
# # functional <- strucchange::ordL2BB(factor(covariate_sorted),
# # nproc = NCOL(scus$process),
# # nobs = NULL,
# # nrep = control$strucchange.nrep)
# # }
# # if (test == "dm") {
# # test <- "wdmo"
# # functional <- strucchange::ordwmax(factor(covariate_sorted))
# # }
# # test.result <- strucchange::sctest(scus, functional = functional)
# # if (test.result$p.value >= min(c(control$alpha, p.max))) {
# # next
# # } else {
# # test.result <- c(test.result,
# # sctest_info(CSP = as.matrix(scus$process),
# # covariate = covariate_sorted,
# # test = test,
# # scaled_split = control$scaled_scores,
# # from = control$strucchange.from,
# # to = control$
# # }
# # }
# #
# #
# # # check if cutpoint is too close to the border
# # if (!(cur.type == .SCALE_CATEGORICAL & nlevels(covariate_sorted) > 2))
# # { # do not use with categorical covariates with more than two levels
# # # DELETE
# # if ($left_n)){
# # browser()
# # } # DELETE
# # test.result <- checkBinSize(test.result = test.result,
# # control = control,
# # level = level,
# # covariate = covariate_sorted,
# # n = n,
# # mydata = mydata_sorted,
# # fit = model,
# # sandwich. = sandwich.,
# # p.max = p.max,
# # test = test,
# # meta = meta)
# #
# # }
# # } else {
# # test.result$cutpoint <- NA
# # }
# # 18.08.2022: Get likelihood ratio if p = 0
# if (test.result$p.value == 0 &
# cur.type %in% c(.SCALE_METRIC, .SCALE_ORDINAL)) {
# LL.baseline <- safeRunAndEvaluate(model)
# subset1 <- mydata_sorted[mydata_sorted[, cur_col] <= test.result$cutpoint, ]
# subset2 <- mydata_sorted[mydata_sorted[, cur_col] > test.result$cutpoint, ]
# LL.return <- fitSubmodels(model = model, subset1 = subset1,
# subset2 = subset2, control = control,
# invariance = invariance)
# LL.ratio <- LL.baseline - LL.return
# } else {
# LL.ratio <- -Inf
# }
# # Standardise output
# ts <- test.result$statistic
# pval <- test.result$p.value
# splt <- test.result$cutpoint
# cur.par.contrib <- test.result$par.contrib
# # 18.08.2022: compare LL_ratio if p-values are zero
# if ((pval == 0 & LL.ratio > LL.ratio.max) | pval < p.max) {
# LL.max <- ts
# split.max <- splt
# col.max <- cur_col
# name.max <-
# type.max <- cur.type
# p.max <- pval
# if (! {LL.ratio.max <- LL.ratio}
# par.contrib <- cur.par.contrib
# level_max <- NA # not used outside this function
# test_max <- NA # not used outside this function
# }
# if (control$verbose) {
# cat("Score test of :",, " (")
# cat("Level of measurement:", level, ")\n")
# cat(" |--- ",test, ", test statistic: ", ts, ", p-value: ", pval, "\n", sep = "")
# cat(" |--- Best so far: ", name.max, " (", level_max, "), ", test_max, ": ",
# LL.max, ", p-value: ", p.max, " split point: ", split.max,"\n")
# cat(" |--- ",type.max,"\n")
# }
# }
# }
# #######################
# # main loop ends here #
# #######################
# # Call naiveSplit to get cutpoints for categorical covariates with more than two levels
# if (p.max < 1) {
# if (type.max == .SCALE_CATEGORICAL & nlevels(mydata[, col.max]) > 2) {
# if (control$sem.prog == 'OpenMx') {
# mydata <- mydata[, c(model$manifestVars, name.max)]
# }
# if (control$sem.prog == 'lavaan') {
# mydata <- mydata[, c(model@pta$vnames$ov[[1]], name.max)]
# }
# meta$covariate.ids <- NCOL(mydata)
# meta$model.ids <- seq_len(meta$covariate.ids - 1)
# test.results <- naiveSplit(model, mydata, control, invariance, meta,
# constraints = constraints)
# split.max <- test.results$split.max
# btn.matrix <- test.results$btn.matrix
# }
# }
# if ((is.null(split.max)) || ( {
# if (control$report.level >= 50) cat("Split.max is null or NA!\n")
# p.max=1
# LL.max=0
# }
# n.comp <- length(cmp.column.ids)
# return(list(LL.max = LL.max, split.max = split.max, name.max = name.max,
# col.max = col.max, type.max = type.max, n.comp = n.comp,
# btn.matrix = btn.matrix, invariance.filter = NULL, p.max = p.max,
# LL.ratio.max = LL.ratio.max, par.contrib = par.contrib))
# }
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