
#' Predict terminal nodes
#' This function takes a dataset and predicts the terminal node id that
#' matches the given observation
#' @param object semtree. A SEM tree node.
#' @param data a data.frame with observations used for prediction
#' @param type String. What type of prediction should be made? Currently, this
#' only supports 'node_id', which returns the id of a terminal node.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments passed to the function.
#' @exportS3Method predict semtree
#' @author Caspar van Lissa, Andreas Brandmaier
# predict.semtree <- function(object, data, type = "node_id", ...) {
#   if(!hasArg(data)){
#     if(inherits(object$model, "MxModel")){
#       data <- object$model$data$observed
#     } else {
#       ui_stop("Argument 'data' required.")
#     }
#   }
#   result <- switch(type,
#                    "node_id" = { traverse(object, dataset = data)}
#   )
#   if (is.null(result)) ui_stop("Requested type no yet implemented in predict.semtree().")
#   return(result)
# } 

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semtree documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:05 a.m.