
Defines functions sendmail .smtp_submit_mail_curl .smtp_submit_mail .write_mail .get_recipients .rfc2047_subject .rfc2822_date

Documented in sendmail

## sendmailR.r - send email from within R
## Author:
##  Olaf Mersmann (OME) <olafm@datensplitter.net>

.rfc2822_date <- function(time=Sys.time()) {
  lc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
  on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lc))
  Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
  strftime(time, format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000",
           tz="UTC", use.tz=TRUE)

.rfc2047_subject <- function(subject) {
  subject <- enc2utf8(subject)
  prefix <- "=?"
  charset <- "UTF-8?"
  encoding <- "B?"
  suffix <- "?="
  subject <- charToRaw(subject)
  subject <- base64enc::base64encode(subject, linewidth = 63)
  paste(paste0(prefix, charset, encoding, subject, suffix), collapse = " ")

.get_recipients <- function(headers) {
  # TODO: parse e-mail from "name <a@b.com>"
  res <- headers$To
  if (!is.null(headers$Cc)) {
    res <- c(res, headers$Cc)
  if (!is.null(headers$Bcc)) {
    res <- c(res, headers$Bcc)

.write_mail <- function(headers, msg, sock) {
  if (!is.list(msg))
    msg <- list(msg)

  ## Generate MIME headers:
  boundary <- paste(packBits(sample(0:1, 256, TRUE)), collapse="")
  headers$`MIME-Version` <- "1.0"
  headers$`Content-Type` <- sprintf("multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\"", boundary)

  headers$To <- paste(headers$To, collapse=", ")
  if (!is.null(headers$Cc))
    headers$Cc <- paste(headers$Cc, collapse=", ")
  ## Do not include BCC recipients in headers, after all, it is a
  ## _blind_ carbon-copy.
  headers$Bcc <- NULL

  writeLines(paste(names(headers), unlist(headers), sep=": "),
             sock, sep="\r\n")
  writeLines("", sock, sep="\r\n")

  writeLines("This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format.", sock, sep="\r\n")

  for (part in msg) {
    writeLines(sprintf("--%s", boundary), sock, sep="\r\n")
    if (inherits(part, "mime_part"))
      .write_mime_part(part, sock)
    else if (is.character(part)) { ## Legacy support for plain old string
      ## writeLines(sprintf("--%s", boundary), sock, sep="\r\n")
      writeLines("Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed\r\n", sock, sep="\r\n")
      writeLines(part, sock, sep="\r\n")
  writeLines(sprintf("--%s--", boundary), sock, sep="\r\n")

.smtp_submit_mail <- function(server, port, headers, msg, verbose=FALSE) {

  wait_for <- function(lcode) {
    done <- FALSE
    while (!done) {
      line <- readLines(con=sock, n=1)
      if( 0 == length(line))
        stop("no data from server connection (this can be due to authentication issues)")
      if (verbose)
        message("<< ", line)
      code <- substring(line, 1, 3)
      msg <- substring(line, 5)
      if (code == lcode) {
        done <- TRUE
      } else {
        if (code >= 500 & code <= 599)
          stop("SMTP Error: ", msg)
          message("Unknown SMTP code: ", code)

    return(list(code=code, msg=msg))

  send_command <- function(cmd, code) {
    if (verbose)
      message(">> ", cmd)
    writeLines(cmd, sock, sep="\r\n")

  nodename <- Sys.info()[4]
  sock <- socketConnection(host=server,
  if (!isOpen(sock))
    stop(sprintf("Could not connect to smtp server '%s' on port '%i'.",
                 server, port))
  ## << 220 <hostname> ESMTP
  ## >> HELO localhost
  ## << 250 mail.statistik.uni-dortmund.de
  send_command(paste("HELO ", nodename), 250)
  ## >> MAIL FROM: <foo@bah.com>
  ## << 250 2.1.0 Ok
  send_command(paste("MAIL FROM: ", headers$From), 250)
  ## >> RCPT TO: <bah@baz.org>
  ## << 250 2.1.5 Ok
  recipients <- .get_recipients(headers)
  sapply(recipients, function(x) send_command(paste("RCPT TO: ", x), 250))
  ## >> DATA
  ## << 354 blah fu
  send_command("DATA", 354)
  ## >> <actual message + headers + .>
  if (verbose)
    message(">> <message data>")

  .write_mail(headers, msg, sock)

  writeLines(".", sock, sep="\r\n")

  ## << 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as XXXXXXXX
  ## >> QUIT
  ## << 221 2.0.0 Bye
  send_command("QUIT", 221)

.smtp_submit_mail_curl <- function(smtp_server, headers, curlopts = list(),
                                   msg, verbose = FALSE) {
  # Check if curl is installed.
  if (!requireNamespace("curl", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("sendmail: engine = \"curl\" needs the curl package installed. 
         Please run: install.packages(\"curl\")", call. = FALSE)


  # remove options to prevent multiple matching arguments
  curlopts <- setdiff(curlopts,
                      c("smtp_server", "mail_from", "mail_rcpt",
                        "message", "verbose"))
  # Default to force
  if (is.null(curlopts$use_ssl)) curlopts$use_ssl <- "force"

  from <- headers$From
  to <- .get_recipients(headers)

  # use temporary file for .write_mail
  sock <- file(tempfile(), open = "a+")
  .write_mail(headers, msg, sock)
  msg <- readLines(sock)
  # Delete temp file

      mail_from = from,
      mail_rcpt = to,
      message = msg,
      verbose = verbose,
      smtp_server = smtp_server),

##' Simplistic sendmail utility for R. Uses SMTP to submit a message
##' to a local SMTP server.
##' @title Send mail from within R
##' @param from From whom the mail message is (RFC2822 style address).
##' @param to Recipient of the message (vector of valid RFC2822 style addresses).
##' @param cc Carbon-copy recipients (vector of valid RFC2822 style addresses).
##' @param bcc Blind carbon-copy recipients (vector of valid RFC2822 style addresses).
##' @param subject Subject line of message.
##' @param msg Body text of message or a list containing
##'   \code{\link{mime_part}} objects.
##' @param \dots ...
##' @param engine One of: \itemize{
##' \item{\code{"internal"} for the internal smtp transport (default).}
##' \item{\code{"curl"} for the use of curl for transport. Enable if you need STARTTLS/SSL
##' and/or SMTP authentication. See \code{curl::\link[curl]{send_mail}}.}
##' \item{\code{"debug"} sendmail returns a RFC2822 formatted email message without sending it.}
##' }
##' @param headers Any other headers to include.
##' @param control List of SMTP server settings. Valid values are the
##'   possible options for \code{\link{sendmail_options}}.
##' @param engineopts Options passed to curl if using the curl backend. \itemize{
##' \item{For authentication pass a list with \code{username} and \code{password}.}
##' \item{\code{use_ssl} defaults to "force" if unset.}
##' \item{For available options run \code{curl::\link[curl]{curl_options}}.}
##' }
##' @seealso \code{\link{mime_part}} for a way to add attachments.
##' \code{curl::\link[curl]{send_mail}} for curl SMTP URL specification.
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' from <- sprintf("<sendmailR@@\\%s>", Sys.info()[4])
##' to <- "<olafm@@datensplitter.net>"
##' subject <- "Hello from R"
##' body <- list("It works!", mime_part(iris))
##' sendmail(from, to, subject, body,
##'          control=list(smtpServer="ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM"))
##' sendmail(from="from@example.org",
##'   to=c("to1@example.org", "to2@example.org"),
##'   subject="SMTP auth test",
##'   msg=mime_part("This message was send using sendmailR and curl."),
##'   engine = "curl",
##'   engineopts = list(username = "foo", password = "bar"),
##'   control=list(smtpServer="smtp://smtp.gmail.com:587", verbose = TRUE)
##' )
##' }
##' @export
sendmail <- function(from, to, subject, msg, cc, bcc, ...,
                     engine     = c("internal", "curl", "debug"),
                     headers    = list(),
                     control    = list(),
                     engineopts = list()) {
  ## Argument checks:
  stopifnot(is.list(headers), is.list(control))
  if (length(from) != 1)
    stop("'from' must be a single address.")

  if (length(to) < 1)
    stop("'to' must contain at least one address.")

  # Uses the first element of vector
  engine <- match.arg(engine, c("internal", "curl", "debug"))

  get_value <- function(n, default = "") {
    if (n %in% names(control)) {
    } else if (n %in% names(.SendmailREnv$options)) {
    } else {

  # For backward compatibility (2023-01-08 deprecated)
  if (get_value("transport") == "debug") engine <- "debug"

  headers$From <- from
  headers$To <- to
  if (!missing(cc))
    headers$Cc <- cc
  if (!missing(bcc))
    headers$Bcc <- bcc

  ## Encode subject if it contains none ASCII characters
  if (grepl("[^ -~]", subject)) {
    subject <- .rfc2047_subject(subject)
  headers$Subject <- subject

  ## Add Date header if not explicitly set. This fixes the annoyance,
  ## that apparently Thunderbird does not sort mails correctly if they
  ## do not have a Date header.
  if (is.null(headers$Date))
    headers$Date <- .rfc2822_date()

  verbose <- get_value("verbose", FALSE)
  server <- get_value("smtpServer", "localhost")

  if (engine == "curl") {
    port <- get_value("smtpPort", 587)
    # Add custom port to URL if none is specified using domain:port
    # smtps:// uses port 465 by default
    if (!grepl("[0-9]$", server) && !grepl("smtps:", server))
      server <- paste0(server, ":", port)

      .smtp_submit_mail_curl(server, headers, curlopts = engineopts, msg,
                             verbose = verbose))

  if (engine == "internal") {
    port <- get_value("smtpPort", 25)
    # Default transport
      .smtp_submit_mail(server, port, headers, msg, verbose))

  if (engine == "debug") {
    message("Recipients: ", paste(.get_recipients(headers), collapse = ", "))

    # use temporary file for .write_mail
    sock <- file(tempfile(), open = "a+")
    .write_mail(headers, msg, sock)
    msg <- readLines(sock)
    # Delete temp file


Try the sendmailR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sendmailR documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 5:10 p.m.