
Defines functions subsetSDF subsetSDF.SpatialIndexDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPointsDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPixelsDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialLinesDataFrame

Documented in subsetSDF subsetSDF subsetSDF.SpatialIndexDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialLinesDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPixelsDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPointsDataFrame subsetSDF.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

#                subset.SpatialDataFrame                         #
# subsetSDF

subsetSDF = 
  function(x, locations, data = names(x@data), ...){}

subsetSDF.SpatialIndexDataFrame  = function(
  x, # SpatialIndexDataFrame
  locations, # integer; select the elements with this index value
  data = names(x@data), # integer/character; select these columns of data
  grid # integer; select these elements of x@index
  if (!is.na(x@proj4string@projargs)){
    new_proj4string = x@proj4string
    new_proj4string = CRS(as.character(NA))
  # determine which index entries remain
  nI = length(x@index)
  keep_grid = rep(TRUE, nI)
  keep_index = rep(TRUE, nI)
    new_data = x@data[,data, drop = FALSE]
    new_data = x@data
    keep_grid[!is.element(1:nI, grid)] = FALSE
    keep_index[!is.element(x@index, locations)] = FALSE    
    if (any(table(locations) > 1)){
      warning("Some 'locations' have been selected multiple times, this is ignored.") 
    #if (!identical(sort(locations), locations)){
    #  warning("The order of 'locations' is ignored.")
  new_index = x@index[keep_grid & keep_index]
  if (!missing(locations)){
    orderLocations = as.integer(order(unique(na.omit(intersect(locations, new_index)))))
    rankLocations = as.integer(rank(unique(na.omit(intersect(locations, new_index)))))
  ## adapt index & data to changes from deleting and order of locations
  remaining_index = sort(unique(na.omit(new_index)))
  new_n = length(remaining_index)
  New_index = rep(NA, length(new_index))
  for(i in 1:new_n){
    if (missing(locations)){
      New_index[new_index == remaining_index[i]] = i         
    } else {
      New_index[new_index == remaining_index[i]] = orderLocations[i] 
  if (missing(locations)){
    new_data = new_data[remaining_index,, drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    new_data = new_data[remaining_index[rankLocations],, drop = FALSE]  
  new = new("SpatialIndexDataFrame",
            index = New_index,
            data = new_data,
            bbox = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
            proj4string = new_proj4string)
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialIndexDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialIndexDataFrame)

subsetSDF.SpatialPointsDataFrame = 
  function(x, locations, data = names(x@data), ...){
    if (!missing(locations)){
      out = x[locations, data]
    } else {
      out = x[, data]
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialPointsDataFrame)

subsetSDF.SpatialPixelsDataFrame = 
  function(x, locations, data = names(x@data), ...){
    if (!missing(locations)){
      out = x[locations, data]
    } else {
      out = x[, data]
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialPixelsDataFrame)

subsetSDF.SpatialPolygridDataFrame =  
  function (x, 
            locations,             # integer, index of index
            data = names(x@data),  # integer or character, index of data columns
            coord_x, coord_y,      # numeric each (min, max) of grid x-/ y- coordinates (note: directions differ from grid_i, grid_j)
            grid_i, grid_j,        # integer, index of grid row / column
            grid_ij                # matrix same size as grid, logical
    # subset columns of data
    new_data = x@data[,data, drop = FALSE]
    if (all(missing(grid_i), missing(grid_j), missing(locations), missing(coord_x), missing(coord_y), missing(grid_ij))){
      new = x
      new@data = new_data 
    } else { # subset spatially
      indexNew = matrix(x@index, ncol = x@grid@cells.dim[1], nrow = x@grid@cells.dim[2], byrow = TRUE) 
      ## are subsetting parameters given?
      ##                              valid? 
      ##                                 result in empty grid?
        if(all(abs(grid_i - round(grid_i)) == 0)){
          if(max(grid_i) >= 1 & min(grid_i) <= x@grid@cells.dim[2]){
            selected = is.element(1:x@grid@cells.dim[2], grid_i)
            indexNew[!selected,] = NA  
            if(!all(is.element(grid_i, 1:x@grid@cells.dim[2]))){
              warning("grid_i contains indices beyond the number of rows of the grid, these are ignored.")
          }else{# no overlap
            stop("grid_i are not row indices of the grid, the result is empty.")
          return("grid_i must be integer values; the given values are ignored for subsetting.")
        if(all(abs(grid_j - round(grid_j)) == 0)){
          if(max(grid_j) >= 1 & min(grid_j) <= x@grid@cells.dim[1]){
            selected = is.element(1:x@grid@cells.dim[1], grid_j)
            indexNew[,!selected] = NA  
            if(!all(is.element(grid_j, 1:x@grid@cells.dim[1]))){
              warning("grid_j contains indices beyond the number of columns of the grid, these are ignored.")
          }else{# no overlap
            stop("grid_j are not column indices of the grid, the result is empty.")
          return("grid_j must be integer values; the given values are ignored for subsetting.")
        if(is.numeric(coord_x) & length(coord_x) == 2){
          if(max(coord_x) >= x@bbox[1,1] & min(coord_x) <= x@bbox[1,2]){
            coordIndex = c(
              floor((min(coord_x) - x@bbox[1,1])/x@grid@cellsize[1]) + 1,
              ceiling((max(coord_x) - x@bbox[1,1])/x@grid@cellsize[1]))         
            coordIndex[1] = max(coordIndex[1], 1)  
            coordIndex[2] = min(coordIndex[2], x@grid@cells.dim[1])
            selected = 1:x@grid@cells.dim[1] >= coordIndex[1] & 
              1:x@grid@cells.dim[1] <= coordIndex[2]
            indexNew[,!selected] = NA
            if(max(coord_x) > x@bbox[1,2] | min(coord_x) < x@bbox[1,1]){
              warning("coord_x exceeds the grid, the overlapping subset is used.")
          }else{# no overlap
            stop("coord_x are not x-coordinats of the grid, the result is empty.")
          warning("coord_x must be a vector of two numeric values; the given values are ignored for subsetting.")
        if(is.numeric(coord_y) & length(coord_y) == 2){
          if(max(coord_y) >= x@bbox[2,1] & min(coord_y) <= x@bbox[2,2]){
            coordIndex = c(
              floor((min(coord_y) - x@bbox[2,1])/x@grid@cellsize[2]) + 1,
              ceiling((max(coord_y) - x@bbox[2,1])/x@grid@cellsize[2]))         
            coordIndex[1] = max(coordIndex[1], 1)  
            coordIndex[2] = min(coordIndex[2], x@grid@cells.dim[2])
            selected = 1:x@grid@cells.dim[2] >= coordIndex[1] & 1:x@grid@cells.dim[2] <= coordIndex[2]
            indexNew[rev(!selected),] = NA
            if(max(coord_y) > x@bbox[2,2] | min(coord_x) < x@bbox[2,1]){
              warning("coord_y exceeds the grid, the overlapping subset is used.")
          }else{# no overlap
            stop("coord_y are not y-coordinats of the grid, the result is empty.")
          warning("coord_y must be a vector of two numeric values; the given values are ignored for subsetting.")
        if(is.logical(grid_ij) && dim(t(grid_ij)) == x@grid@cells.dim){
          if (any(grid_ij)){
            indexNew[!grid_ij] = NA 
          } else {# empty grid
            stop("grid_ij contains only FALSE, the result is empty.")
          warning("grid_ij is invalid (not logical matrix of same size as grid), it is ignored for subsetting.")        
        if (any(table(locations) > 1)){
          warning("Some 'locations' have been selected multiple times, this is ignored.") 
#        if (!identical(sort(locations), locations)){
#          warning("The order of 'locations' is ignored.")
#        }
          if(any(is.element(locations, x@index))){
            indexGrid = matrix(is.element(x@index, locations),
                               nrow = x@grid@cells.dim[2],
                               ncol = x@grid@cells.dim[1],
                               byrow = TRUE)
            indexNew[!indexGrid] = NA
            if (!all(is.element(locations, x@index))){
              warning("'locations' contains values that do not occur, they are ignored")
            stop("The values given in 'locations' do not occur in the the index of x, the result is empty.")
          warning("The values in 'locations' are invalid (no integers), they are not used for subsetting.")
      if (all(is.na(indexNew))){
        stop("Combining all subsetting parameters, the result is empty.")
      # subsetting of the grid and adaption of index and data if necessary (i.e. if dropping rows or columns of the grid makes some values of index not occur anymore)  
      indexMargin1 = apply(X = is.na(indexNew), FUN = all, MARGIN = 1)
      indexMargin2 = apply(X = is.na(indexNew), FUN = all, MARGIN = 2)
      margin = rbind(c(min(which(indexMargin1 == FALSE)), max(which(indexMargin1 == FALSE))),
                     c(min(which(indexMargin2 == FALSE)), max(which(indexMargin2 == FALSE))))
#      if (margin[1,1] < margin[1,2] & margin[2,1] < margin[2,2]){
#        new_grid = x@grid[margin[1,1]:margin[1,2], margin[2,1]:margin[2,2]]

        new_grid = x@grid  
        new_grid@cellcentre.offset[1] = x@grid@cellcentre.offset[1] + 
                                        x@grid@cellsize[1] * (margin[2,1] - 1)
        new_grid@cells.dim[1] = as.integer(abs(diff(margin[2,])) + 1)
        new_grid@cellcentre.offset[2] = x@grid@cellcentre.offset[2] + 
                                        x@grid@cellsize[2] * (x@grid@cells.dim[2] - margin[1,2])
        new_grid@cells.dim[2] = as.integer(abs(diff(margin[1,])) + 1)
        new_spatialGrid = SpatialGrid(new_grid, x@proj4string)
        new_index = as.integer(t(indexNew[margin[1,1]:margin[1,2], margin[2,1]:margin[2,2]]))
        ## adapt index and data to changes from deleting
if (!missing(locations)){
  orderLocations = as.integer(order(unique(na.omit(intersect(locations, new_index)))))
  rankLocations = as.integer(rank(unique(na.omit(intersect(locations, new_index)))))
remaining_index = sort(unique(na.omit(new_index)))
new_n = length(remaining_index)
New_index = rep(NA, length(new_index))
for(i in 1:new_n){
  if (missing(locations)){
    New_index[new_index == remaining_index[i]] = i         
  } else {
    New_index[new_index == remaining_index[i]] = orderLocations[i] 
if (missing(locations)){
  new_data = new_data[remaining_index,, drop = FALSE]  
} else {
  new_data = new_data[remaining_index[rankLocations],, drop = FALSE]

#        remaining_index = sort(unique(na.omit(new_index)))
#        new_n = length(remaining_index)
#        New_index = rep(NA, length(new_index))
#        for(i in 1:new_n){
#          New_index[new_index == remaining_index[i]] = i   
#        }
#        new_data = new_data[remaining_index,, drop = FALSE]
        new = new("SpatialPolygridDataFrame",
                  grid = new_grid,
                  index = New_index,
                  proj4string = x@proj4string,
                  bbox = bbox(new_spatialGrid),
                  data = new_data)     
#      } else { # result has only one row or column, must be transformed into SpatialPointsDataFrame
#        warning("The resulting grid would only have one row or column, therefore it is transformed to a SpatialPointsDataFrame.")
#        xPoints = as(x@grid, "SpatialPoints")
#        new_index = as.integer(t(indexNew))
#        xPoints = xPoints[!is.na(new_index)]
#        new_data = new_data[na.omit(new_index),, drop = FALSE] # copy data to the associated points
#        new = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xPoints, data = new_data, proj4string = proj4string(x))
#      }  
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialPolygridDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialPolygridDataFrame)

subsetSDF.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame = 
  function(x, locations, data = names(x@data), ...){
    if (!missing(locations)){
      out = x[locations, data]
    } else {
      out = x[, data]
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)

subsetSDF.SpatialLinesDataFrame = 
  function(x, locations, data = names(x@data), ...){
    if (!missing(locations)){
      out = x[locations, data]
    } else {
      out = x[, data]
setMethod("subsetSDF", signature(x = "SpatialLinesDataFrame"), subsetSDF.SpatialLinesDataFrame)

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sensors4plumes documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:27 p.m.