
Defines functions consensus

Documented in consensus

consensus <- function(matali, method = c( "majority", "threshold", "IUPAC", "profile"), threshold = 0.60,
                      warn.non.IUPAC = FALSE, type = c("DNA", "RNA")){
    if(inherits(matali, "alignment")) matali <- as.matrix(matali)
    if(!is.matrix(matali)) stop("matrix or alignment object expected")
    if(storage.mode(matali) != "character") stop("matrix of characters expected")
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "IUPAC"){
        type <- match.arg(type)
        res <- apply(matali, 2, bma, warn.non.IUPAC = warn.non.IUPAC, type = type)
        names(res) <- NULL
    if(method == "majority"){
        majority <- function(x) names(which.max(table(x)))
        res <- apply(matali, 2, majority)
        names(res) <- NULL
    if(method == "profile"){
        obsvalue <- levels(factor(matali))
        nrow <- length(obsvalue)
        res <- apply(matali, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = obsvalue)))
    if(method == "threshold"){
        profile <- consensus(matali, method = "profile")
        profile.rf <- apply(profile, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
        res <- rownames(profile.rf)[apply(profile.rf, 2, which.max)]
        res <- ifelse(apply(profile.rf, 2, max) >= threshold, res, NA)
        names(res) <- NULL

con <- consensus

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