#' Serve R Markdown based websites
#' R Markdown documents (with the filename extension \file{.Rmd}) are
#' re-compiled using \pkg{knitr} or \pkg{rmarkdown} when necessary (source files
#' are newer than output files), and the HTML pages will be automatically
#' refreshed in the web browser accordingly.
#' The function \code{jekyll()} sets up a web server to serve a Jekyll-based
#' website. A connection is established between R and the HTML pages through
#' WebSockets so that R can notify the HTML pages to refresh themselves if any R
#' Markdown documents have been re-compiled.
#' @param dir the root directory of the website
#' @param input the input directories that contain R Markdown documents (the
#' directories must be relative instead of absolute; same for \code{output}
#' directories)
#' @param output the output directories corresponding to \code{input}; for an
#' input document \file{foo.Rmd} under the directory \code{input[i]}, its
#' output document \file{} (or \file{foo.html}) is generated under
#' \code{output[i]} if the output document is older than the input document
#' @param script a Makefile (see \code{\link{make}}), or (if Makefile not found)
#' the name of an R script to re-build R Markdown documents, which will be
#' executed via command line of the form \command{Rscript build.R arg1 arg2}
#' where \code{build.R} is the script specified by this argument, \code{arg1}
#' is the input filename, and \code{arg2} is the output filename; inside the R
#' script, you can use \code{\link{commandArgs}(TRUE)} to capture
#' \code{c(arg1, arg2)}, e.g. \code{knitr::knit(commandArgs(TRUE)[1],
#' commandArgs(TRUE)[2])}; if this R script is not found, either, internal
#' compiling methods will be used, which are basically
#' \code{\link[knitr]{knit}()}, \code{\link[knitr]{knit2html}()}, or
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}()}
#' @param serve whether to serve the website; if \code{FALSE}, the R Markdown
#' documents and the website will be compiled but not served
#' @param command a command to build the Jekyll website; by default, it is
#' \command{jekyll build}, and you can use alternative commands, such as
#' \command{bundle exec jekyll build}
#' @inheritParams httd
#' @rdname dynamic_site
#' @note Apparently \code{jekyll()} and \code{rmdv1()} require the \pkg{knitr}
#' package, and \code{rmdv2()} requires \pkg{rmarkdown}. You have to install
#' them before calling the server functions here.
#' All R Markdown documents are compiled in separate R sessions by default. If
#' you have any R Markdown documents that should not be compiled as standalone
#' documents (e.g. child documents), you can use different filename
#' extensions, such as \file{.Rmarkdown}.
#' The \code{baseurl} argument does not work in \code{jekyll()}, and the base
#' URL setting will be read from \file{_config.yml} (the \samp{baseurl} field)
#' of the website if present. You should not pass \code{baseurl} to the
#' function \code{jekyll()} directly.
#' @references R Markdown v1: \url{}. R
#' Markdown v2: \url{}. For Jekyll, see
#' \url{}. The GitHub repository
#' \url{} is an example of serving Jekyll
#' websites with \code{servr::jekyll()}.
#' @seealso The \pkg{blogdown} package (based on Hugo and R Markdown v2) is a
#' better alternative to Jekyll: \url{}. I
#' strongly recommend you to try it.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) servr::rmdv1() # serve the current dir with R Markdown v1
#' if (interactive()) servr::rmdv2() # or R Markdown v2
#' # built-in examples
#' servr::serve_example('rmd', servr::rmdv1)
#' servr::serve_example('rmd', servr::rmdv2)
#' @importFrom httpuv startServer stopServer
#' @export
jekyll = function(
dir = '.', input = c('.', '_source', '_posts'), output = c('.', '_posts', '_posts'),
script = c('Makefile', 'build.R'), serve = TRUE, command = 'jekyll build', ...
) {
baseurl = jekyll_config(dir, 'baseurl', '')
destination = jekyll_config(dir, 'destination', '_site')
jekyll_build = function() {
if (system(command) != 0) stop('Failed to run: ', command)
build_all = function() knit_maybe(input, output, script, method = 'jekyll')
if (!serve) {
in_dir(dir, {
dir, ...,
build = function(...) {
update = build_all()
if (update || !file_test('-d', destination)) jekyll_build()
site.dir = destination,
baseurl = baseurl
# in theory, I should use the yaml package, but I do not want to introduce a
# dependency at the moment, so here goes the naive way
jekyll_config = function(dir, field, default) {
if (!file.exists(config <- file.path(dir, '_config.yml'))) return(default)
x = xfun::read_utf8(config)
p = sprintf('^%s:\\s*([^#[:space:]]+).*$', field)
x = grep(p, x, value = TRUE)
if (length(x) == 1) gsub('"', '', sub(p, '\\1', x)) else default
#' @details The functions \code{rmdv1()} and \code{rmdv2()} are similar to
#' \code{jekyll()}, and the only difference is the way to compile R Markdown
#' documents: \code{rmdv1()} uses the \pkg{markdown} package (a.k.a R Markdown
#' v1) via \code{\link[knitr]{knit2html}()}, and \code{rmdv2()} calls
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}()} in the \pkg{rmarkdown} package (a.k.a R
#' Markdown v2).
#' @rdname dynamic_site
#' @param in_session whether to render the R Markdown documents in the current R
#' session (\code{TRUE}) or in a separate new R session (\code{FALSE}); if the
#' former, the argument \code{script} can be a function with two arguments,
#' the filenames of the source document and the output document, respectively;
#' an internal function (basically \code{rmarkdown::render()} or
#' \code{knitr::knit2html()}) will be used if the \code{script} argument is
#' not a function and \code{in_session = TRUE}
#' @note For the sake of reproducibility, you are recommended to compile each
#' source document in a separate R session (i.e., use the default
#' \code{in_session = FALSE}) to make sure they can compile on their own,
#' otherwise the current workspace may affect the evaluation of the code
#' chunks in these source documents. Sometimes it might be useful to compile a
#' document in the current R session. For example, if reading data is
#' time-consuming and it is not convenient to cache it (using the \pkg{knitr}
#' chunk option \code{cache = TRUE}), you may read the data once, temporarily
#' turn off the evaluation of that code chunk, and keep on working on the rest
#' of code chunks so that data will not be read over and over again.
#' @export
rmdv2 = function(dir = '.', script = c('Makefile', 'build.R'), in_session = FALSE, ...) {
dynamic_rmd(dir, script, ..., method = 'rmdv2', in_session = in_session)
#' @rdname dynamic_site
#' @export
rmdv1 = function(dir = '.', script = c('Makefile', 'build.R'), in_session = FALSE, ...) {
dynamic_rmd(dir, script, ..., method = 'rmdv1', in_session = in_session)
dynamic_rmd = function(dir, script, ..., method, in_session = FALSE) {
dir, ...,
build = function(message) {
# exclude .hidden dirs
dirs = grep('^[.].', list.dirs(), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
knit_maybe(dirs, dirs, script, method, in_session)
site.dir = '.'
# serve a dynamic site (dynamic in the sense that the site contains documents
# that need to be compiled to generate HTML files); we use WebSockets to notify
# the HTML pages whether they need to refresh themselves, which is determined by
# the value returned from the build() function
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON toJSON
dynamic_site = function(
dir = '.', ..., build = function(...) FALSE, site.dir = dir,
pre_process = identity, post_process = identity, response = serve_dir(),
ws_handler = pkg_file('ws-reload.js')
) {
dir = normalizePath(dir, mustWork = TRUE)
in_dir(dir, build(NULL))
res = server_config(dir, ...)
js = xfun::file_string(ws_handler)
app = list(
call = function(req) {
owd = setwd(dir); on.exit(setwd(owd))
req = pre_process(req)
ret = response(req)
req = post_process(req)
add_js(ret, js, res$interval, req$PATH_INFO)
onWSOpen = function(ws) {
ws$onMessage(function(binary, message) in_dir(dir, {
# send the result of build() to the websocket client
toJSON(build(message), auto_unbox = TRUE, null = 'null'),
error = function(e) { print(e); 'null' }
ws = "new WebSocket(location.href.replace(/^http/, 'ws').replace(/[?#].*/g, '').replace(/\\/?$/, '/websocket/'))"
ws_js = function(js, interval, path) {
path = gsub('"', '\\"', path, fixed = TRUE)
paste0('<script>', js, '(', interval * 1000, ', "', path, '", ', ws, ');</script>')
add_js = function(res, js, ...) {
if (res$status != 200L || res$headers[['Content-Type']] != 'text/html')
# post-process HTML content: inject the websocket code
body = res$body
if (is.raw(body)) {
body = rawToChar(body)
Encoding(body) = 'UTF-8'
if (length(grep('<!-- DISABLE-SERVR-WEBSOCKET -->', body, fixed = TRUE)))
js = ws_js(js, ...)
body = if (length(grep('</head>', body))) sub(
'</head>', paste2(js, '</head>'), body, fixed = TRUE
) else if (length(grep('</html>', body)) == 0) {
# there is no </head> or </html>, just append js after the document
paste2(body, js)
} else body
res$body = body
#' Determine if R Markdown files need to be re-built
#' @param input the input dirs
#' @param output the output dirs
#' @param script the R script, or an R function to build the R Markdown files
#' @param method if no \code{script} was provided, fall back to internal methods
#' to build R Markdown files, so I need to know if you are Jekyll, R Markdown
#' v2, or something else
#' @noRd
knit_maybe = function(input, output, script, method = 'jekyll', in_session = FALSE) {
# if the script is a Makefile, check `make -q` to see if we need to
# re-generate any files; if we do not, there is nothing to do, otherwise run
# make, and tell the client that the files have been updated
if (is.character(script)) {
if (('Makefile' %in% script) && file.exists('Makefile')) {
if (in_session) warning('You cannot use in_session = TRUE with Makefile')
script = setdiff(script, 'Makefile')
if (length(script) != 1) stop("The length of the 'script' argument must be 1")
outext = switch(method, jekyll = '.md', '.html')
# check if R Markdown files need to be recompiled
res = mapply(
obsolete_out, input, output,
MoreArgs = list(outext = outext), SIMPLIFY = FALSE
update = FALSE
# recompile source documents
lapply(res, function(r) {
if (length(r) == 0) return()
update <<- TRUE
# compile each posts in a separate R session
for (i in seq_len(nrow(r))) {
# run script if exists, passing input and output filenames to Rscript
if (!in_session && file.exists(script)) {
rscript(shQuote(c(script, r[i, 1], r[i, 2])), r[i, 1])
if (in_session && is.function(script)) {
script(r[i, 1], r[i, 2])
# otherwise run default code
build = getFromNamespace(paste('build', method, sep = '_'), 'servr')
build(r[i, 1], r[i, 2], in_session)
if (any(i <- !file.exists(r[, 2])))
stop('Some output files were not successfully generated: ', paste(r[i, 2], collapse = ', '))
# which output files (.md) are obsolete compared to their sources (.Rmd)?
obsolete_out = function(input, output, pattern = '[.]Rmd$', outext = '.md') {
if (!file_test('-d', input)) return()
src = list.files(input, pattern, full.names = TRUE, = TRUE)
if (length(src) == 0) return()
out = sub(pattern, outext, src, = TRUE)
if (input != output)
out = paste(output, substring(out, nchar(input) + 1, nchar(out)), sep = '')
# return sources that are newer than output files
idx = !file.exists(out) | file_test('-nt', src, out)
if (any(idx)) cbind(src[idx], out[idx])
build_jekyll = function(input, output, ...) {
code = c(
c("knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = 'figure/%s/', ",
"cache.path = 'cache/%s/')"),
gsub('^_|[.][a-zA-Z]+$', '', input)
"knitr::opts_knit$set(base.url = '/')",
sprintf("knitr::knit('%s', '%s', quiet = TRUE)", input, output)
rscript(c(rbind('-e', shQuote(code))), input)
build_rmd = function(input, output, template, in_session) {
owd = setwd(dirname(input)); on.exit(setwd(owd))
input = basename(input)
code = sprintf(template, input)
if (in_session) {
eval(parse(text = code), envir = globalenv())
} else {
rscript(c(rbind('-e', shQuote(code))), file.path(owd, input))
build_rmdv2 = function(...) {
build_rmd(..., template = "rmarkdown::render('%s', quiet = TRUE)")
build_rmdv1 = function(...) {
build_rmd(..., template = "knitr::knit2html('%s', quiet = TRUE)")
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.