
Defines functions serve_dir modify_path server_config watch_dir httw run_r httr httd create_server

Documented in create_server httd httr httw server_config

#' Create a server
#' Create a server with a custom handler to handle the HTTP request.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{server_config}()}.
#' @param handler A function that takes the HTTP request and returns a response.
#' @param ws_open A function to be called back when a WebSocket connection is
#'   established (see \code{httpuv::\link[httpuv]{startServer}()}).
#' @export
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # always return "Success:" followed by the requested path
#' s = servr::create_server(handler = function(req) {
#'   list(status = 200L, body = paste('Success:', req$PATH_INFO))
#' })
#' s$url
#' browseURL(paste0(s$url, '/hello'))
#' browseURL(paste0(s$url, '/world'))
#' s$stop_server()
create_server = function(..., handler, ws_open = function(ws) NULL) {
  res = server_config(...)
  app = list(call = handler, onWSOpen = ws_open)

#' Serve static files under a directory
#' If there is an \file{index.html} under this directory, it will be displayed;
#' otherwise the list of files is displayed, with links on their names. After we
#' run this function, we can go to \samp{http://localhost:port} to browse the
#' web pages either created from R or read from HTML files.
#' \code{httd()} is a static file server by default (its \code{response}
#' argument can turn it into a dynamic file server).
#' @inheritParams server_config
#' @param ... Server configurations passed to \code{\link{server_config}()}.
#' @param response A function of the form \code{function(path, res, ...)} that
#'   takes a file path and server response as input, and return a new response.
#'   This can be useful for post-processing the response (for experts only).
#' @export
#' @references \url{https://github.com/yihui/servr}
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' servr::httd()
httd = function(dir = '.', ..., response = NULL) {
  dir = normalizePath(dir, mustWork = TRUE)
  if (dir != '.') {
    owd = setwd(dir); on.exit(setwd(owd))
  create_server(dir, ..., handler = serve_dir(dir, response))

#' @details \code{httr()} is based on \code{httd()} with a custom
#'   \code{response} function that executes R files via \code{xfun::record()},
#'   so that you will see the output of an R script as an HTML page. The page
#'   will be automatically updated when the R script is modified and saved.
#' @rdname httd
#' @export
httr = function(dir = '.', ...) {
  dir = normalizePath(dir, mustWork = TRUE)
  js = xfun::file_string(pkg_file('ws-update.js'))
  interval = NULL
  db = list()  # cache based on mtime of files
  is_r = function(p) grepl('[.][Rr]$', p)
  ret = httd(dir, ..., response = function(path, res) {
    if (is_r(path)) {
      path = sub('^[.]/', '', path)
      if (is.raw(code <- res$body)) code = sub('\r?\n$', '', rawToChar(code))
      res$body = run_r(path, code, template = TRUE)
      db[[path]] <<- file.mtime(path)
      res$headers[['Content-Type']] = 'text/html'
      # wait for `interval` to be initialized below
      while (!is.numeric(interval)) Sys.sleep(.1)
      res = add_js(res, js, interval, path)
  ws_open = function(ws) {
    ws$onMessage(function(binary, message) {
      owd = setwd(dir); on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
      send = function(x = '') ws$send(x)
      if (!is.character(p <- message) || !is_r(p)) return(send())
      t1 = db[[p]]; t2 = file.mtime(p)
      # skip if the R script has not been updated
      if (is.null(t1) || t1 >= t2) return(send())
      db[[p]] <<- t2
      # send new results onto the HTML page
      send(tryCatch(run_r(p), error = function(e) {
        warning(e$message, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
        paste('Error:', e$message)
  interval = ret$interval

run_r = function(path, code = xfun::read_utf8(path), ...) {
  res = in_dir(dirname(path), xfun::record(
    code, dev.path = paste0(xfun::sans_ext(basename(path)), '_files/figure/'),
    error = TRUE, envir = globalenv()
  paste2(format(res, 'html', ...))

#' @details \code{httw()} is similar to \code{httd()} but watches for changes
#'   under the directory: if an HTML file is being viewed in the browser, and
#'   any files are modified under the directory, the HTML page will be
#'   automatically refreshed.
#' @param watch A directory under which \code{httw()} is to watch for changes.
#'   If it is a relative path, it is relative to the \code{dir} argument.
#' @param pattern A regular expression passed to \code{\link{list.files}()} to
#'   determine the files to watch.
#' @param all_files Whether to watch all files including the hidden files.
#' @param filter A function to filter the file paths returned from
#'   \code{list.files()} (e.g., you can exclude certain files from the watch
#'   list).
#' @param handler A function to be called every time any files are changed or
#'   added under the directory; its argument is a character vector of the
#'   filenames of the files modified or added.
#' @rdname httd
#' @export
httw = function(
  dir = '.', watch = '.', pattern = NULL, all_files = FALSE, filter = NULL,
  handler = NULL, ...
) {
  dynamic_site(dir, ..., build = watch_dir(
    watch, pattern = pattern, all_files = all_files, filter = filter, handler = handler

watch_dir = function(
  dir = '.', pattern = NULL, all_files = FALSE, filter = NULL, handler = NULL
) {
  cwd = getwd()
  mtime = function(dir) {
    owd = setwd(cwd); on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
    info = file.info(list.files(
      dir, pattern, all.files = all_files, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
      no.. = TRUE
    ))[, 'mtime', drop = FALSE]
    if (is.function(filter)) info = info[filter(rownames(info)), , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(info) = gsub('^[.]/', '', rownames(info))
  info = mtime(dir)
  function(...) {
    info2 = mtime(dir)
    changed = !identical(info, info2)
    if (changed) {
      if (is.function(handler)) {
        f1 = rownames(info)
        f2 = rownames(info2)
        f3 = setdiff(f2, f1)    # new files
        f4 = intersect(f1, f2)  # old files
        f5 = f4[info[f4, 1] != info2[f4, 1]]  # modified files
        info <<- info2
        handler(c(f3, na.omit(f5)))
        info2 = mtime(dir)
      info <<- info2

#' Server configurations
#' The server functions in this package are configured through this function.
#' @param dir The root directory to serve.
#' @param port The TCP port number. If it is not explicitly set, the default
#'   value will be looked up in this order: First, the command line argument of
#'   the form \code{-pNNNN} (N is a digit from 0 to 9). If it was passed to R
#'   when R was started, \code{NNNN} will be used as the port number. Second,
#'   the environment variable \code{R_SERVR_PORT}. Third, the global option
#'   \code{servr.port} (e.g., \code{options(servr.port = 4322)}). If none of
#'   these command-line arguments, variables, or options were set, the default
#'   port will be \code{4321}. If this port is not available, a random available
#'   port will be used.
#' @param browser Whether to launch the default web browser. By default, it is
#'   \code{TRUE} if the R session is \code{\link{interactive}()}, or when a
#'   command line argument \code{-b} was passed to R (see
#'   \code{\link{commandArgs}()}). N.B. the RStudio viewer is used as the web
#'   browser if available.
#' @param daemon Whether to launch a daemonized server (the server does not
#'   block the current R session) or a blocking server. By default, it is the
#'   global option \code{getOption('servr.daemon')} (e.g., you can set
#'   \code{options(servr.daemon = TRUE)}); if this option was not set,
#'   \code{daemon = TRUE} if a command line argument \code{-d} was passed to R
#'   (through \command{Rscript}), or the server is running in an interactive R
#'   session. Note, however, that even though the server does not block the
#'   current R session, it is running in the same single-threaded process.
#'   Therefore, if a request is made from this same session, the client and
#'   server \emph{will} block each other. If this is your use case, a better
#'   solution is to use a package such as \code{callr} to run a \code{servr}
#'   in a separate process, e.g, \code{rx <- callr::r_bg(function()
#'   servr::httd(daemon = FALSE)); do_stuff(); rx$kill()} (the
#'   \code{do_stuff()} function may want to wait a couple of seconds before
#'   making requests, to allow the server time to start).
#' @param interval The time interval used to check if an HTML page needs to be
#'   rebuilt (by default, it is checked every second).
#' @param baseurl The base URL (the full URL will be
#'   \code{http://host:port/baseurl}).
#' @param initpath The initial path in the URL (e.g. you can open a specific
#'   HTML file initially).
#' @param hosturl A function that takes the host address and returns a character
#'   string to be used in the URL, e.g., \code{function(host) { if (host ==
#'   '') 'localhost' else host}} to convert \code{} to
#'   \code{localhost} in the URL.
#' @param auth A list of the form \code{list(scheme, creds)} containing the
#'   authentication scheme and credentials. See
#'   \url{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Authentication} for
#'   more info. Please note that this argument is \emph{by no means} intended
#'   for serious HTTP applications and there is \emph{no warranty} on security.
#'   You should use other dedicated software packages or services if security is
#'   important. You have been warned.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages when launching the server.
#' @inheritParams httpuv::startServer
#' @export
#' @return A list of configuration information of the form \code{list(host,
#'   port, start_server = function(app) {}, ...)}.
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # an example of authentication
#' servr::httd(auth = list(scheme = 'Basic', creds = servr::auth_basic('john', 'pa$s!')))
server_config = function(
  dir = '.', host = getOption('servr.host', ''), port, browser, daemon,
  interval = getOption('servr.interval', 1), baseurl = '', initpath = '',
  hosturl = identity, auth = getOption('servr.auth'), verbose = TRUE
) {
  cargs = commandArgs(TRUE)
  if (missing(browser)) browser = interactive() || '-b' %in% cargs || is_rstudio()
  if (missing(port)) port = if (length(port <- grep('^-p[0-9]{4,}$', cargs, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
    sub('^-p', '', port)
  } else {
    port = Sys.getenv('R_SERVR_PORT', NA)
    if (is.na(port)) getOption('servr.port', random_port()) else port
  port = as.integer(port)
  if (missing(daemon)) daemon = getOption('servr.daemon', ('-d' %in% cargs) || interactive())
  if (!is.numeric(interval)) interval = as.numeric(interval)
  # rstudio viewer cannot display a page served at; use instead
  host2 = if (host == '' && is_rstudio()) '' else host
  url = sprintf('http://%s:%d', hosturl(host2), port)
  baseurl = gsub('^/*', '/', baseurl)
  if (baseurl != '/') url = paste0(url, baseurl)
  url = paste0(url, if (initpath != '' && !grepl('^/', initpath)) '/', initpath)
  browsed = FALSE
  servrEnv$browse = browse = function(reopen = FALSE) {
    if (browsed && !reopen) return(invisible(url))
    if (browser || reopen) browseURL(url, browser = get_browser())
    browsed <<- TRUE
    if (verbose && !reopen) message('Serving the directory ', dir, ' at ', url)
  server = NULL
  # realm is required for Basic auth (append one in case it was not provided)
  if (identical(tolower(auth$scheme), 'basic'))
    auth$scheme = 'Basic realm="Access restricted"'
    host = host, port = port, interval = interval, url = url, daemon = daemon,
    start_server = function(app) {
      if (is.function(app_call <- app$call)) {
        app$call = function(req) {
          # authentication
          if (!auth_verify(req, auth)) return(list(
            status = 401L, body = '', headers = list(`WWW-Authenticate` = auth$scheme)
          req = modify_path(req, baseurl)
      id = startServer(host, port, app)
      if (verbose && daemon) daemon_hint(id); browse()
      server <<- id
      if (!daemon) while (TRUE) {
        httpuv::service(); Sys.sleep(0.001)
    stop_server = function() {
      if (is.null(server)) stop('The server has not been started yet.')
    browse = browse

# modify PATH_INFO in the request when baseurl is provided (remove baseurl)
modify_path = function(req, baseurl) {
  if (baseurl == '/') return(req)
  path = decode_path(req)
  if (startsWith(path, baseurl)) {
    path = substr(path, nchar(baseurl) + 1, nchar(path))
    req$PATH_INFO = httpuv::encodeURIComponent(path)

serve_dir = function(dir = '.', response = NULL) function(req) {
  owd = setwd(dir); on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
  path = decode_path(req)
  status = 200L

  if (grepl('^/', path)) {
    path = paste('.', path, sep = '')  # the requested file
  } else if (path == '') path = '.'
  body = if (file_test('-d', path)) {
    # ensure a trailing slash if the requested dir does not have one
    if (path != '.' && !grepl('/$', path)) return(redirect(sprintf('%s/', req$PATH_INFO)))
    type = 'text/html'
    if (file.exists(idx <- file.path(path, 'index.html'))) {
      readLines(idx, warn = FALSE)
    } else {
      d = file.info(list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))
      title = xfun:::escape_html(path)
      html_doc(c(sprintf('<h1>Index of %s</h1>', title), fileinfo_table(d)),
               title = title)
  } else {
    # use the custom 404.html only if the path looks like a directory or .html
    try_404 = function(path) {
      file.exists('404.html') && grepl('(/|[.]html)$', path, ignore.case = TRUE)
    # FIXME: using 302 here because 404.html may contain relative paths, e.g. if
    # /foo/bar/hi.html gives 404, I cannot just read 404.html and display it,
    # because it will be treated as /foo/bar/404.html; if 404.html contains
    # paths like ./css/style.css, I don't know how to let the browser know that
    # it means /css/style.css instead of /foo/bar/css/style.css
    if (!file.exists(path)) return(if (path == './favicon.ico') list(
      status = 200L, body = xfun::read_bin(file.path(R.home('doc'), 'html', 'favicon.ico')),
      headers = list('Content-Type' = 'image/x-icon')
    ) else if (try_404(path)) list(
      status = 302L, body = '', headers = list('Location' = '/404.html')
    ) else list(
      status = 404L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain'),
      body = paste2('Not found:', path)

    type = guess_type(path)
    range = req$HTTP_RANGE

    if (is.null(range)) {
    } else {
      range = strsplit(range, split = "(=|-)")[[1]]
      b2 = as.numeric(range[2])
      if (length(range) == 2 && range[1] == "bytes") {
        # open-ended range request
        # e.g. Chrome sends the range request 'bytes=0-'
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/18745164/559676
        range[3] = file_size(path) - 1
      b3 = as.numeric(range[3])
      if (length(range) < 3 || (range[1] != "bytes") || (b2 >= b3))
          status = 416L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain'),
          body = 'Requested range not satisfiable\r\n'

      status = 206L  # partial content
      # type may also need to be changed
      # e.g. to "multipart/byteranges" if multipart range support is added at a later date
      # or possibly to "application/octet-stream" for binary files

      con = file(path, open = "rb", raw = TRUE)
      seek(con, where = b2, origin = "start")
      readBin(con, 'raw', b3 - b2 + 1)
  if (is.character(body) && length(body) > 1) body = paste2(body)
  res = list(
    status = status, body = body,
    headers = c(list('Content-Type' = type), if (status == 206L) list(
      'Content-Range' = paste0("bytes ", range[2], "-", range[3], "/", file_size(path))
      'Accept-Ranges' = 'bytes') # indicates that the server supports range requests
  if (is.function(response)) response(path, res) else res

Try the servr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

servr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:01 p.m.