
Defines functions to_spatial_transformed to_spatial_subset to_spatial_subdivision to_spatial_smooth to_spatial_simple to_spatial_shortest_paths to_spatial_neighborhood to_spatial_explicit to_spatial_directed to_spatial_contracted

Documented in to_spatial_contracted to_spatial_directed to_spatial_explicit to_spatial_neighborhood to_spatial_shortest_paths to_spatial_simple to_spatial_smooth to_spatial_subdivision to_spatial_subset to_spatial_transformed

#' Spatial morphers for sfnetworks
#' Spatial morphers form spatial add-ons to the set of
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{morphers}} provided by \code{tidygraph}. These
#' functions are not meant to be called directly. They should either be passed
#' into \code{\link[tidygraph]{morph}} to create a temporary alternative
#' representation of the input network. Such an alternative representation is a
#' list of one or more network objects. Single elements of that list can be
#' extracted directly as a new network by passing the morpher to
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{convert}} instead, to make the changes lasting rather
#' than temporary. Alternatively, if the morphed state contains multiple
#' elements, all of them can be extracted together inside a
#' \code{\link[tibble]{tbl_df}} by passing the morpher to
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{crystallise}}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed on to other functions. See the description
#' of each morpher for details.
#' @param store_original_data Whenever multiple features (i.e. nodes and/or
#' edges) are merged into a single feature during morphing, should the data of
#' the original features be stored as an attribute of the new feature, in a
#' column named \code{.orig_data}. This is in line with the design principles
#' of \code{tidygraph}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param summarise_attributes Whenever multiple features (i.e. nodes and/or
#' edges) are merged into a single feature during morphing, how should their
#' attributes be combined? Several options are possible, see
#' \code{\link[igraph]{igraph-attribute-combination}} for details.
#' @return Either a \code{morphed_sfnetwork}, which is a list of one or more
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}} objects, or a \code{morphed_tbl_graph}, which is a
#' list of one or more \code{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph}} objects. See the
#' description of each morpher for details.
#' @details It also possible to create your own morphers. See the documentation
#' of \code{\link[tidygraph]{morph}} for the requirements for custom morphers.
#' @seealso The vignette on
#' \href{https://luukvdmeer.github.io/sfnetworks/articles/sfn05_morphers.html}{spatial morphers}.
#' @examples
#' library(sf, quietly = TRUE)
#' library(tidygraph, quietly = TRUE)
#' net = as_sfnetwork(roxel, directed = FALSE) %>%
#'   st_transform(3035)
#' # Temporary changes with morph and unmorph.
#' net %>%
#'  activate("edges") %>%
#'  mutate(weight = edge_length()) %>%
#'  morph(to_spatial_shortest_paths, from = 1, to = 10) %>%
#'  mutate(in_paths = TRUE) %>%
#'  unmorph()
#' # Lasting changes with convert.
#' net %>%
#'  activate("edges") %>%
#'  mutate(weight = edge_length()) %>%
#'  convert(to_spatial_shortest_paths, from = 1, to = 10)
#' @name spatial_morphers

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Combine groups of nodes into a single node per
#' group. \code{...} is forwarded to \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by}} to
#' create the groups. The centroid of the group of nodes will be used as
#' geometry of the contracted node. If edge are spatially explicit, edge
#' geometries are updated accordingly such that the valid spatial network
#' structure is preserved. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a
#' single element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param simplify Should the network be simplified after contraction? This
#' means that multiple edges and loop edges will be removed. Multiple edges
#' are introduced by contraction when there are several connections between
#' the same groups of nodes. Loop edges are introduced by contraction when
#' there are connections within a group. Note however that setting this to
#' \code{TRUE} also removes multiple edges and loop edges that already
#' existed before contraction. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by group_indices group_size group_split
#' @importFrom igraph contract delete_edges delete_vertex_attr which_loop
#' which_multiple
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_cast st_centroid st_combine st_geometry
#' st_geometry<- st_intersects
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph
#' @export
to_spatial_contracted = function(x, ..., simplify = FALSE,
                                 summarise_attributes = "ignore",
                                 store_original_data = FALSE) {
  if (will_assume_planar(x)) raise_assume_planar("to_spatial_contracted")
  # Retrieve nodes from the network.
  nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
  geom_colname = attr(nodes, "sf_column")
  ## =======================
  # Group the nodes table by forwarding ... to dplyr::group_by.
  # Each group of nodes will later be contracted into a single node.
  ## =======================
  nodes = group_by(nodes, ...)
  # If no group contains more than one node simply return x.
  if (all(group_size(nodes) == 1)) return(list(contracted = x))
  ## =======================
  # Split the nodes table into the created groups.
  # Store the indices that map each node to their respective group.
  # Subset the groups that contain more than one node.
  # --> These are the groups that are going to be contracted.
  ## =======================
  all_group_idxs = group_indices(nodes)
  all_groups = group_split(nodes)
  cnt_group_idxs = which(as.numeric(table(all_group_idxs)) > 1)
  cnt_groups = all_groups[cnt_group_idxs]
  ## ===========================
  # Contract the nodes in the network using igraph::contract.
  # Use the extracted group indices as mapping.
  # Attributes will be summarised as defined by argument summarise_attributes.
  # Igraph does not know the geometry column is not an attribute:
  # --> We should temporarily remove the geometry column before contracting.
  ## ===========================
  # Remove the geometry list column for the time being.
  x_tmp = delete_vertex_attr(x, geom_colname)
  # Update the attribute summary instructions.
  # During morphing tidygraph add the tidygraph node index column.
  # Since it is added internally it is not referenced in summarise_attributes.
  # We need to include it manually.
  # They should be concatenated into a vector.
  if (! inherits(summarise_attributes, "list")) {
    summarise_attributes = list(summarise_attributes)
  summarise_attributes[".tidygraph_node_index"] = "concat"
  # Contract with igraph::contract.
  x_new = as_tbl_graph(contract(x_tmp, all_group_idxs, summarise_attributes))
  ## ======================================================
  # Add the following information to the nodes table:
  # --> The geometries of the new nodes.
  # --> If requested the original node data in tibble format.
  ## ======================================================
  # Extract the nodes from the contracted network.
  new_nodes = as_tibble(x_new, "nodes")
  # Add geometries to the new nodes.
  # For each node that was not contracted:
  # --> Use its original geometry.
  # For each node that was contracted:
  # --> Use the centroid of the geometries of the group members.
  new_node_geoms = st_geometry(nodes)[!duplicated(all_group_idxs)]
  get_centroid = function(i) {
    comb = st_combine(st_geometry(i))
  cnt_node_geoms = do.call("c", lapply(cnt_groups, get_centroid))
  new_node_geoms[cnt_group_idxs] = cnt_node_geoms
  new_nodes[geom_colname] = list(new_node_geoms)
  # If requested, store original node data in a .orig_data column.
  if (store_original_data) {
    drop_index = function(i) { i$.tidygraph_node_index = NULL; i }
    new_nodes$.orig_data = lapply(cnt_groups, drop_index)
  # Update the nodes table of the contracted network.
  new_nodes = st_as_sf(new_nodes, sf_column_name = geom_colname)
  node_attribute_values(x_new) = new_nodes
  # Convert in a sfnetwork.
  x_new = tbg_to_sfn(x_new)
  ## ===============================================================
  # The geometries of the contracted nodes are updated.
  # This means the edge geometries of their incidents also need an update.
  # Otherwise the valid spatial network structure is not preserved.
  ## ===============================================================
  # First we will remove multiple edges and loop edges if this was requested.
  # Multiple edges occur when there are several connections between groups.
  # Loop edges occur when there are connections within groups.
  # Note however that original multiple and loop edges are also removed.
  if (simplify) {
    x_new = delete_edges(x_new, which(which_multiple(x_new)))
    x_new = delete_edges(x_new, which(which_loop(x_new)))
    x_new = x_new %preserve_all_attrs% x_new
  # Secondly we will update the geometries of the remaining affected edges.
  if (has_explicit_edges(x)) {
    # Extract the edges and their geometries from the contracted network.
    new_edges = edges_as_sf(x_new)
    new_edge_geoms = st_geometry(new_edges)
    # Define functions to:
    # --> Append a point at the start of an edge linestring.
    # --> Append a point at the end of an edge linestring.
    # --> Append the same point at both ends of an edge linestring.
    append_source = function(i, j) {
      l = new_edge_geoms[i]
      p = new_node_geoms[j]
      l_pts = st_cast(l, "POINT")
      st_cast(st_combine(c(p, l_pts)), "LINESTRING")
    append_target = function(i, j) {
      l = new_edge_geoms[i]
      p = new_node_geoms[j]
      l_pts = st_cast(l, "POINT")
      st_cast(st_combine(c(l_pts, p)), "LINESTRING")
    append_boundaries = function(j, i) {
      l = new_edge_geoms[j]
      p = new_node_geoms[i]
      l_pts = st_cast(l, "POINT")
      st_cast(st_combine(c(p, l_pts, p)), "LINESTRING")
    # Find the indices of the nodes at the boundaries of each edge.
    bounds = edge_boundary_node_indices(x_new, matrix = TRUE)
    # Mask out those indices of nodes that were not contracted.
    # Only edge boundaries at contracted nodes have to be updated.
    bounds[!(bounds %in% cnt_group_idxs)] = NA
    from = bounds[, 1]
    to = bounds[, 2]
    # Define for each edge if it:
    # --> Starts and ends at the same contracted node, i.e. is a loop.
    # --> Comes from a contracted node.
    # --> Goes to a contracted node.
    is_loop = (!is.na(from) & !is.na(to)) & (from == to)
    is_from = !is_loop & !is.na(from)
    is_to = !is_loop & !is.na(to)
    # First handle loop edges (if not removed yet through simplification).
    # Find the indices of:
    # --> Each loop edge.
    # --> The node at the start and end of each loop edge.
    # For each detected loop edge:
    # --> Append the node geometry at each end of the edge geometry.
    if (any(is_loop)) {
      E1 = which(is_loop)
      N1 = from[is_loop]
      geoms = do.call("c", mapply(append_boundaries, E1, N1, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
      new_edge_geoms[E1] = geoms
    # For from and to edges directed and undirected networks are different.
    # In directed networks:
    # --> The from node geometry is always the start of the edge linestring.
    # --> The to node geometry is always at the end of the edge linestring.
    # In undirected networks, this is not always the case.
    # We first need to define which node is at the start and end of the edge.
    if (is_directed(x_new)) {
      # Find the indices of:
      # --> Each from edge.
      # --> The node at the start of each from edge.
      # For each detected from edge:
      # --> Append the node geometry at the start of the edge geometry.
      if (any(is_from)) {
        E2 = which(is_from)
        N2 = from[is_from]
        geoms = do.call("c", mapply(append_source, E2, N2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
        new_edge_geoms[E2] = geoms
      # Find the indices of:
      # --> Each to edge.
      # --> The node at the end of each to edge.
      # For each detected to edge:
      # --> Append the node geometry at the end of the edge geometry.
      if (any(is_to)) {
        E3 = which(is_to)
        N3 = to[is_to]
        geoms = do.call("c", mapply(append_target, E3, N3, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
        new_edge_geoms[E3] = geoms
    } else {
      # The edges defined before as from/to are incident to contracted nodes.
      # However, we don't know yet if the come from or go to it.
      is_incident = is_from | is_to
      if (any(is_incident)) {
        # Combine the original node geometries for each group.
        # This gives us a set of all original node geometries in each group.
        combine_geoms = function(i) st_combine(st_geometry(i))
        all_group_geoms = do.call("c", lapply(all_groups, combine_geoms))
        # For each indicent edge, find:
        # --> The geometries of its startpoint.
        # --> The group index corresponding to that startpoint geometry.
        # --> The index of the contracted node at its boundary.
        bnd_geoms = linestring_boundary_points(new_edge_geoms[is_incident])
        src_geoms = bnd_geoms[seq(1, length(bnd_geoms) - 1, 2)]
        src_idxs = suppressMessages(st_intersects(src_geoms, all_group_geoms))
        bnd_idxs = bounds[is_incident, ]
        bnd_idxs = lapply(seq_len(nrow(bnd_idxs)), function(i) bnd_idxs[i, ])
        # Initially, assume that:
        # --> All incident edges are 'to' edges.
        is_to = matrix(c(is_from, is_to), ncol = 2)
        is_from = matrix(rep(FALSE, length(bounds)), nrow = nrow(bounds))
        # Update the initial phase such that edges are changed to 'from' if:
        # --> The contracted node index equals the startpoint group index.
        is_from[is_incident, ] = t(mapply(`%in%`, bnd_idxs, src_idxs))
        is_to[is_from] = FALSE
        # Now we have updated the 'from' and 'to' information.
        # Find the indices of:
        # --> Each from edge.
        # --> The node at the start of each from edge.
        # For each detected from edge:
        # --> Append the node geometry at the start of the edge geometry.
        if (any(is_from)) {
          E2 = which(apply(is_from, 1, any))
          N2 = t(bounds)[t(is_from)]
          geoms = do.call("c", mapply(append_source, E2, N2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
          new_edge_geoms[E2] = geoms
        # Find the indices of:
        # --> Each to edge.
        # --> The node at the end of each to edge.
        # For each detected to edge:
        # --> Append the node geometry at the end of the edge geometry.
        if (any(is_to)) {
          E3 = which(apply(is_to, 1, any))
          N3 = t(bounds)[t(is_to)]
          geoms = do.call("c", mapply(append_target, E3, N3, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
          new_edge_geoms[E3] = geoms
    # Update the edges table of the contracted network.
    st_geometry(new_edges) = new_edge_geoms
    edge_attribute_values(x_new) = new_edges
  # Return in a list.
    contracted = x_new %preserve_network_attrs% x

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Make a network directed in the direction given
#' by the linestring geometries of the edges. Differs from
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_directed}}, which makes a network directed based
#' on the node indices given in the \code{from} and \code{to} columns. In
#' undirected networks these indices may not correspond with the endpoints of
#' the linestring geometries. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a
#' single element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. This morpher requires edges
#' to be spatially explicit. If not, use \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_directed}}.
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @export
to_spatial_directed = function(x) {
  if (is_directed(x)) return (x)
  # Retrieve the nodes and edges from the network.
  nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
  edges = edges_as_sf(x)
  # Get the node indices that correspond to the geometries of the edge bounds.
  idxs = edge_boundary_point_indices(x, matrix = TRUE)
  from = idxs[, 1]
  to = idxs[, 2]
  # Update the from and to columns of the edges such that:
  # --> The from node matches the startpoint of the edge.
  # --> The to node matches the endpoint of the edge.
  edges$from = from
  edges$to = to
  # Recreate the network as a directed one.
  x_new = sfnetwork_(nodes, edges, directed = TRUE)
  # Return in a list.
    directed = x_new %preserve_network_attrs% x

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Create linestring geometries between source
#' and target nodes of edges. If the edges data can be directly converted to
#' an object of class \code{\link[sf]{sf}} using \code{\link[sf]{st_as_sf}},
#' extra arguments can be provided as \code{...} and will be forwarded to
#' \code{\link[sf]{st_as_sf}} internally. Otherwise, straight lines will be
#' drawn between the source and target node of each edge. Returns a
#' \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf
#' @export
to_spatial_explicit = function(x, ...) {
  # Workflow:
  # --> If ... is given, convert edges to sf by forwarding ... to st_as_sf.
  # --> If ... is not given, draw straight lines from source to target nodes.
  args = list(...)
  if (length(args) > 0) {
    edges = edges_as_table(x)
    new_edges = st_as_sf(edges, ...)
    x_new = x
    edge_attribute_values(x_new) = new_edges
  } else {
    x_new = explicitize_edges(x)
  # Return in a list.
    explicit = x_new

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Limit a network to the spatial neighborhood of
#' a specific node. \code{...} is forwarded to
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{node_distance_from}} (if \code{from} is \code{TRUE})
#' or \code{\link[tidygraph]{node_distance_to}} (if \code{from} is
#' \code{FALSE}). Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single
#' element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param node The geospatial point for which the neighborhood will be
#' calculated. Can be an integer, referring to the index of the node for which
#' the neighborhood will be calculated. Can also be an object of class
#' \code{\link[sf]{sf}} or \code{\link[sf]{sfc}}, containing a single feature.
#' In that case, this point will be snapped to its nearest node before
#' calculating the neighborhood. When multiple indices or features are given,
#' only the first one is taken.
#' @param threshold The threshold distance to be used. Only nodes within the
#' threshold distance from the reference node will be included in the
#' neighborhood. Should be a numeric value in the same units as the weight
#' values used for distance calculation.
#' @param weights The edge weights used to calculate distances on the network.
#' Can be a numeric vector giving edge weights, or a column name referring to
#' an attribute column in the edges table containing those weights. If set to
#' \code{NULL}, the values of a column named \code{weight} in the edges table
#' will be used automatically, as long as this column is present. If not, the
#' geographic edge lengths will be calculated internally and used as weights.
#' @param from Should distances be calculated from the reference node towards
#' the other nodes? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. If set to \code{FALSE}, distances
#' will be calculated from the other nodes towards the reference node instead.
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph
#' @importFrom tidygraph node_distance_from node_distance_to with_graph
#' @export
to_spatial_neighborhood = function(x, node, threshold, weights = NULL,
                                   from = TRUE, ...) {
  # Parse node argument.
  # If 'node' is given as a geometry, find the index of the nearest node.
  # When multiple nodes are given only the first one is taken.
  if (is.sf(node) | is.sfc(node)) node = get_nearest_node_index(x, node)
  if (length(node) > 1) raise_multiple_elements("node")
  # Parse weights argument.
  # This can be done equal to setting weights for path calculations.
  weights = set_path_weights(x, weights)
  # Calculate the distances from/to the reference node to/from all other nodes.
  # Use the provided weights as edge weights in the distance calculation.
  if (from) {
    dist = with_graph(x, node_distance_from(node, weights = weights, ...))
  } else {
    dist = with_graph(x, node_distance_to(node, weights = weights, ...))
  # Use the given threshold to define which nodes are in the neighborhood.
  in_neighborhood = dist <= threshold
  # Subset the network to keep only the nodes in the neighborhood.
  x_new = induced_subgraph(x, in_neighborhood)
  # Return in a list.
    neighborhood = x_new %preserve_all_attrs% x

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Limit a network to those nodes and edges that
#' are part of the shortest path between two nodes. \code{...} is evaluated in
#' the same manner as \code{\link{st_network_paths}} with
#' \code{type = 'shortest'}. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} that may
#' contain multiple elements of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}, depending on
#' the number of requested paths. When unmorphing only the first instance of
#' both the node and edge data will be used, as the the same node and/or edge
#' can be present in multiple paths.
#' @importFrom igraph delete_edges delete_vertices edge_attr vertex_attr
#' @export
to_spatial_shortest_paths = function(x, ...) {
  args = list(...)
  args$x = x
  args$type = "shortest"
  # Call st_network_paths with the given arguments.
  paths = do.call("st_network_paths", args)
  # Retrieve original node and edge indices from the network.
  orig_node_idxs = vertex_attr(x, ".tidygraph_node_index")
  orig_edge_idxs = edge_attr(x, ".tidygraph_edge_index")
  # Subset the network for each computed shortest path.
  get_single_path = function(i) {
    edge_idxs = as.integer(paths$edge_paths[[i]])
    node_idxs = as.integer(paths$node_paths[[i]])
    x_new = delete_edges(x, orig_edge_idxs[-edge_idxs])
    x_new = delete_vertices(x_new, orig_node_idxs[-node_idxs])
    x_new %preserve_all_attrs% x
  lapply(seq_len(nrow(paths)), get_single_path)

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Remove loop edges and/or merges multiple edges
#' into a single edge. Multiple edges are edges that have the same source and
#' target nodes (in directed networks) or edges that are incident to the same
#' nodes (in undirected networks). When merging them into a single edge, the
#' geometry of the first edge is preserved. The order of the edges can be
#' influenced by calling \code{\link[dplyr]{arrange}} before simplifying.
#' Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param remove_multiple Should multiple edges be merged into one. Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param remove_loops Should loop edges be removed. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @importFrom igraph simplify
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_crs st_crs<- st_precision st_precision<- st_sfc
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph
#' @export
to_spatial_simple = function(x, remove_multiple = TRUE, remove_loops = TRUE,
                             summarise_attributes = "first",
                             store_original_data = FALSE) {
  # Define if the network has spatially explicit edges.
  # This influences some of the processes to come.
  spatial = if (has_explicit_edges(x)) TRUE else FALSE
  # Update the attribute summary instructions.
  # In the summarise attributes only real attribute columns were referenced.
  # On top of those, we need to include:
  # --> The geometry column, if present.
  # --> The tidygraph edge index column added by tidygraph::morph.
  if (! inherits(summarise_attributes, "list")) {
    summarise_attributes = list(summarise_attributes)
  if (spatial) {
    # We always take the first geometry.
    geom_colname = edge_geom_colname(x)
    summarise_attributes[geom_colname] = "first"
  # The edge indices should be concatenated into a vector.
  summarise_attributes[".tidygraph_edge_index"] = "concat"
  # Simplify the network.
  x_new = simplify(
    remove.multiple = remove_multiple,
    remove.loops = remove_loops,
    edge.attr.comb = summarise_attributes
  ) %preserve_network_attrs% x
  # Igraph does not know about geometry list columns.
  # Summarizing them results in a list of sfg objects.
  # We should reconstruct the sfc geometry list column out of that.
  if (spatial) {
    new_edges = as_tibble(as_tbl_graph(x_new), "edges")
    new_edges[geom_colname] = list(st_sfc(new_edges[[geom_colname]]))
    new_edges = st_as_sf(new_edges, sf_column_name = geom_colname)
    st_crs(new_edges) = st_crs(x)
    st_precision(new_edges) = st_precision(x)
    edge_attribute_values(x_new) = new_edges
  # If requested, original edge data should be stored in a .orig_data column.
  if (store_original_data) {
    edges = edges_as_table(x)
    edges$.tidygraph_edge_index = NULL
    new_edges = edges_as_table(x_new)
    copy_data = function(i) edges[i, , drop = FALSE]
    new_edges$.orig_data = lapply(new_edges$.tidygraph_edge_index, copy_data)
    edge_attribute_values(x_new) = new_edges
  # Return in a list.
    simple = x_new

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a smoothed version of the network by
#' iteratively removing pseudo nodes, while preserving the connectivity of the
#' network. In the case of directed networks, pseudo nodes are those nodes that
#' have only one incoming and one outgoing edge. In undirected networks, pseudo
#' nodes are those nodes that have two incident edges. Equality of attribute
#' values among the two edges can be defined as an additional requirement by
#' setting the \code{require_equal} parameter. Connectivity of the
#' network is preserved by concatenating the incident edges of each removed
#' pseudo node. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element
#' of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param protect Nodes to be protected from being removed, no matter if they
#' are a pseudo node or not. Can be given as a numeric vector containing node
#' indices or a character vector containing node names. Can also be a set of
#' geospatial features as object of class \code{\link[sf]{sf}} or
#' \code{\link[sf]{sfc}}. In that case, for each of these features its nearest
#' node in the network will be protected. Defaults to \code{NULL}, meaning that
#' none of the nodes is protected.
#' @param require_equal Should nodes only be removed when the attribute values
#' of their incident edges are equal? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE},
#' only pseudo nodes that have incident edges with equal attribute values are
#' removed. May also be given as a vector of attribute names. In that case only
#' those attributes are checked for equality. Equality tests are evaluated
#' using the \code{==} operator.
#' @importFrom igraph adjacent_vertices decompose degree delete_vertices
#' edge_attr edge.attributes get.edge.ids igraph_opt igraph_options
#' incident_edges induced_subgraph is_directed vertex_attr
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_cast st_combine st_crs st_equals st_is
#' st_line_merge
#' @export
to_spatial_smooth = function(x,
                             protect = NULL,
                             summarise_attributes = "ignore",
                             require_equal = FALSE,
                             store_original_data = FALSE) {
  # Change default igraph options.
  # This prevents igraph returns node or edge indices as formatted sequences.
  # We only need the "raw" integer indices.
  # Changing this option can lead to quiet a performance improvement.
  default_igraph_opt = igraph_opt("return.vs.es")
  igraph_options(return.vs.es = FALSE)
  on.exit(igraph_options(return.vs.es = default_igraph_opt))
  # Retrieve nodes and edges from the network.
  nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
  edges = edges_as_table(x)
  # For later use:
  # --> Check if x is directed.
  # --> Check if x has spatially explicit edges.
  # --> Retrieve the name of the geometry column of the edges in x.
  directed = is_directed(x)
  spatial = is.sf(edges)
  geom_colname = attr(edges, "sf_column")
  ## ==========================
  # The first step is to detect which nodes in x are pseudo nodes.
  # In directed networks, we define a pseudo node as follows:
  # --> A node with only one incoming and one outgoing edge.
  # In undirected networks, we define a pseudo node as follows:
  # --> A node with only two connections.
  ## ==========================
  if (directed) {
    pseudo = degree(x, mode = "in") == 1 & degree(x, mode = "out") == 1
  } else {
    pseudo = degree(x) == 2
  if (! any(pseudo)) return (x)
  ## ===========================
  # Users can define additional requirements for a node to be smoothed:
  # --> It should not be listed in the provided set of protected nodes.
  # --> Its incident edges should have equal values for some attributes.
  # In these cases we need to filter the set of detected pseudo nodes.
  ## ===========================
  # Detected pseudo nodes that are protected should be filtered out.
  if (! is.null(protect)) {
    # Parse the protect parameter values.
    # If protect is given as character vector:
    # --> Find the node indices belonging to these node names.
    # If protect is given as geospatial features:
    # --> First find the nearest node to each of these features.
    if (is.character(protect)) {
      # Obtain node names.
      # They should be stored in a node attribute column named "name".
      node_names = vertex_attr(x, "name")
      if (is.null(node_names)) {
          "Node names should be stored in an attribute column called ",
          call. = FALSE
      # Match node names to node indices.
      matched_names = match(protect, node_names)
      if (any(is.na(matched_names))) {
          "Unknown node names: ",
          paste(sQuote(protect[is.na(matched_names)]), collapse = " and "),
          ". Make sure node names are stored in an attribute column called ",
          call. = FALSE
      protect = matched_names
    } else if (is.sf(protect) | is.sfc(protect)) {
      protect = get_nearest_node_index(x, protect)
    # Mark all protected nodes as not being a pseudo node.
    pseudo[protect] = FALSE
    if (! any(pseudo)) return (x)
  # Check for equality of certain attributes between incident edges.
  # Detected pseudo nodes that fail this check should be filtered out.
  if (! isFALSE(require_equal)) {
    # If require_equal is TRUE all attributes will be checked for equality.
    # In other cases only a subset of attributes will be checked.
    if (isTRUE(require_equal)) {
      require_equal = edge_attribute_names(x)
    } else {
      # Check if all given attributes exist in the edges table of x.
      attr_exists = require_equal %in% edge_attribute_names(x)
      if (! all(attr_exists)) {
          "Unknown edge attributes: ",
          paste(sQuote(require_equal[!attr_exists]), collapse = " and "),
          call. = FALSE
    # Get the node indices of the detected pseudo nodes.
    pseudo_idxs = which(pseudo)
    # Get the edge indices of the incident edges of each pseudo node.
    # Combine them into a single numerical vector.
    # Note the + 1 since incident_edges returns indices starting from 0.
    incident_idxs = incident_edges(x, pseudo_idxs, mode = "all")
    incident_idxs = do.call("c", incident_idxs) + 1
    # Define for each of the incident edges if they are incoming or outgoing.
    # In undirected networks this can be read instead as "first or second".
    is_in = seq(1, 2 * length(pseudo_idxs), by = 2)
    is_out = seq(2, 2 * length(pseudo_idxs), by = 2)
    # Obtain the attributes to be checked for each of the incident edges.
    incident_attrs = edge.attributes(x, incident_idxs)[require_equal]
    # For each of these attributes:
    # --> Check if its value is equal for both incident edges of a pseudo node.
    check_equality = function(A) {
      # Check equality for each pseudo node.
      # NOTE:
      # --> Operator == is used because element-wise comparisons are needed.
      # --> Not sure if this approach works with identical() or all.equal().
      are_equal = A[is_in] == A[is_out]
      # If one of the two values is NA or NaN:
      # --> The result of the element-wise comparison is always NA.
      # --> This means the two elements are certainly not equal.
      # --> Hence the result of this comparison can be set to FALSE.
      are_equal[is.na(are_equal)] = FALSE
    tests = lapply(incident_attrs, check_equality)
    # If one or more equality tests failed for a detected pseudo node:
    # --> Mark this pseudo node as FALSE, i.e. not being a pseudo node.
    failed = rowSums(do.call("cbind", tests)) != length(require_equal)
    pseudo[pseudo_idxs[failed]] = FALSE
    if (! any(pseudo)) return (x)
  ## ====================================
  # When removing pseudo nodes their incident edges get removed to.
  # To preserve the network connectivity we need to:
  # --> Find the two adjacent nodes of a pseudo node.
  # --> Connect these by merging the incident edges of the pseudo node.
  # An adjacent node of a pseudo node can also be another pseudo node.
  # Instead of processing each pseudo node on its own, we will:
  # --> Find connected sets of pseudo nodes.
  # --> Find the adjacent non-pseudo nodes (junction or pendant) to that set.
  # --> Connect them by merging the edges in the set plus its incident edges.
  ## ====================================
  # Subset x to only contain pseudo nodes and the edges between them.
  # Decompose this subgraph to find connected sets of pseudo nodes.
  pseudo_sets = decompose(induced_subgraph(x, pseudo))
  # For each set of connected pseudo nodes:
  # --> Find the indices of the adjacent nodes.
  # --> Find the indices of the edges that need to be merged.
  # The workflow for this is different for directed and undirected networks.
  if (directed) {
    initialize_replacement_edge = function(S) {
      # Retrieve the original node indices of the pseudo nodes in this set.
      # Retrieve the original edge indices of the edges that connect them.
      N = vertex_attr(S, ".tidygraph_node_index")
      E = edge_attr(S, ".tidygraph_edge_index")
      # Find the following:
      # --> The index of the pseudo node where an edge comes into the set.
      # --> The index of the pseudo node where an edge goes out of the set.
      n_i = N[degree(S, mode = "in") == 0]
      n_o = N[degree(S, mode = "out") == 0]
      # If these nodes do not exists:
      # --> We are dealing with a loop of connected pseudo nodes.
      # --> The loop is by definition not connected to the rest of the network.
      # --> Hence, there is no need to create a new edge.
      # --> Therefore we should not return a path.
      if (length(n_i) == 0) return (NULL)
      # Find the following:
      # --> The index of the edge that comes in to the pseudo node set.
      # --> The index of the non-pseudo node at the other end of that edge.
      # We'll call this the source node and source edge of the set.
      # Note the + 1 since adjacent_vertices returns indices starting from 0.
      source_node = adjacent_vertices(x, n_i, mode = "in")[[1]] + 1
      source_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(source_node, n_i))
      # Find the following:
      # --> The index of the edge that goes out of the pseudo node set.
      # --> The index of the non-pseudo node at the other end of that edge.
      # We'll call this the sink node and sink edge of the set.
      # Note the + 1 since adjacent_vertices returns indices starting from 0.
      sink_node = adjacent_vertices(x, n_o, mode = "out")[[1]] + 1
      sink_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(n_o, sink_node))
      # List indices of all edges that will be merged into the replacement edge.
      edge_idxs = c(source_edge, E, sink_edge)
      # Return all retrieved information in a list.
        from = as.integer(source_node),
        to = as.integer(sink_node),
        .tidygraph_edge_index = as.integer(edge_idxs)
  } else {
    initialize_replacement_edge = function(S) {
      # Retrieve the original node indices of the pseudo nodes in this set.
      # Retrieve the original edge indices of the edges that connect them.
      N = vertex_attr(S, ".tidygraph_node_index")
      E = edge_attr(S, ".tidygraph_edge_index")
      # Find the following:
      # --> The two adjacent non-pseudo nodes to the set.
      # --> The edges that connect these nodes to the set.
      # We'll call these the adjacent nodes and incident edges of the set.
      # --> The adjacent node with the lowest index will be the source node.
      # --> The adjacent node with the higest index will be the sink node.
      if (length(N) == 1) {
        # When we have a single pseudo node that forms a set:
        # --> It will be adjacent to both adjacent nodes of the set.
        # Note the + 1 since adjacent_vertices returns indices starting from 0.
        adjacent = adjacent_vertices(x, N)[[1]] + 1
        if (length(adjacent) == 1) {
          # If there is only one adjacent node to the pseudo node:
          # --> The two adjacent nodes of the set are the same node.
          # --> We only have to query for incident edges of the set once.
          incident = get.edge.ids(x, c(adjacent, N))
          source_node = adjacent
          source_edge = incident[1]
          sink_node = adjacent
          sink_edge = incident[2]
        } else {
          # If there are two adjacent nodes to the pseudo node:
          # --> The one with the lowest index will be source node.
          # --> The one with the highest index will be sink node.
          source_node = min(adjacent)
          source_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(source_node, N))
          sink_node = max(adjacent)
          sink_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(N, sink_node))
      } else {
        # When we have a set of multiple pseudo nodes:
        # --> There are two pseudo nodes that form the boundary of the set.
        # --> These are the ones connected to only one other pseudo node.
        N_b = N[degree(S) == 1]
        # If these boundaries do not exist:
        # --> We are dealing with a loop of connected pseudo nodes.
        # --> The loop is by definition not connected to the rest of the network.
        # --> Hence, there is no need to create a new edge.
        # --> Therefore we should not return a path.
        if (length(N_b) == 0) return (NULL)
        # Find the adjacent nodes of the set.
        # These are the adjacent non-pseudo nodes to the boundaries of the set.
        # We find them iteratively for the two boundary nodes of the set:
        # --> A boundary connects to one pseudo node and one non-pseudo node.
        # --> The non-pseudo node is the one not present in the pseudo set.
        # Note the + 1 since adjacent_vertices returns indices starting from 0.
        get_set_neighbour = function(n) {
          all = adjacent_vertices(x, n)[[1]] + 1
          all[!(all %in% N)]
        adjacent = do.call("c", lapply(N_b, get_set_neighbour))
        # The adjacent node with the lowest index will be source node.
        # The adjacent node with the highest index will be sink node.
        N_b = N_b[order(adjacent)]
        source_node = min(adjacent)
        source_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(source_node, N_b[1]))
        sink_node = max(adjacent)
        sink_edge = get.edge.ids(x, c(N_b[2], sink_node))
      # List indices of all edges that will be merged into the replacement edge.
      edge_idxs = c(source_edge, E, sink_edge)
      # Return all retrieved information in a list.
        from = as.integer(source_node),
        to = as.integer(sink_node),
        .tidygraph_edge_index = as.integer(edge_idxs)
  new_idxs = lapply(pseudo_sets, initialize_replacement_edge)
  new_idxs = new_idxs[lengths(new_idxs) != 0] # Remove NULLs.
  ## ===================================
  # Each replacement edge replaces multiple original edges.
  # Their attributes should all be summarised in a single value.
  # The summary techniques to be used are given as summarise_attributes.
  ## ===================================
  # Obtain the attribute values of all original edges in the network.
  # These should not include the geometries and original edge indices.
  exclude = c(".tidygraph_edge_index", geom_colname)
  edge_attrs = edge.attributes(x)
  edge_attrs = edge_attrs[!(names(edge_attrs) %in% exclude)]
  # For each replacement edge:
  # --> Summarise the attributes of the edges it replaces into single values.
  merge_attrs = function(E) {
    orig_edges = E$.tidygraph_edge_index
    orig_attrs = lapply(edge_attrs, `[`, orig_edges)
    apply_summary_function = function(i) {
      # Store return value in a list.
      # This prevents automatic type promotion when rowbinding later on.
      list(get_summary_function(i, summarise_attributes)(orig_attrs[[i]]))
    new_attrs = lapply(names(orig_attrs), apply_summary_function)
    names(new_attrs) = names(orig_attrs)
  new_attrs = lapply(new_idxs, merge_attrs)
  ## ===================================
  # If the edges to be replaced have geometries:
  # --> These geometries have to be concatenated into a single new geometry.
  # --> The new geometry should go from the defined source to sink node.
  ## ===================================
  if (spatial) {
    # Obtain geometries of all original edges and nodes in the network.
    edge_geoms = st_geometry(edges)
    node_geoms = st_geometry(nodes)
    # For each replacement edge:
    # --> Merge geometries of the edges it replaces into a single geometry.
    merge_geoms = function(E) {
      orig_edges = E$.tidygraph_edge_index
      orig_geoms = edge_geoms[orig_edges]
      new_geom = st_line_merge(st_combine(orig_geoms))
      # There are two situations where merging lines like this is problematic.
      # 1. When the source and sink node of the new edge are the same.
      # --> In this case the original edges to be replaced form a closed loop.
      # --> Any original endpoint can then be the startpoint of the new edge.
      # --> st_line_merge chooses the point with the lowest x coordinate.
      # --> This is not necessarily the source node we defined.
      # --> This behaviour comes from third partly libs and can not be tuned.
      # --> Hence, we manually need to reorder the points in the merged line.
      if (E$from == E$to && length(orig_edges) > 1) {
        pts = st_cast(new_geom, "POINT")
        from_idx = st_equals(node_geoms[E$from], pts)[[1]]
        if (length(from_idx) == 1) {
          n = length(pts)
          ordered_pts = c(pts[c(from_idx:n)], pts[c(2:from_idx)])
          new_geom = st_cast(st_combine(ordered_pts), "LINESTRING")
      # 2. When the new edge crosses itself.
      # --> In this case st_line_merge creates a multilinestring geometry.
      # --> We just want a regular linestring (even if this is invalid).
      if (any(st_is(new_geom, "MULTILINESTRING"))) {
        new_geom = multilinestrings_to_linestrings(new_geom)
    new_geoms = do.call("c", lapply(new_idxs, merge_geoms))
  ## ============================================
  # The newly created edges should be added to the original network.
  # This must happen before removing the pseudo nodes.
  # Otherwise their from and to values do not match the correct node indices.
  ## ============================================
  # Create the data frame for the new edges.
  new_edges = cbind(
    data.frame(do.call("rbind", new_idxs)),
    data.frame(do.call("rbind", new_attrs))
  new_edges[geom_colname] = list(new_geoms)
  # Bind together with the original edges.
  # Merged edges may have list-columns for some attributes.
  # This requires a bit more complicated rowbinding.
  all_edges = bind_rows_list(edges, new_edges)
  if (spatial) all_edges = st_as_sf(all_edges, sf_column_name = geom_colname)
  # Recreate an sfnetwork.
  x_new = sfnetwork_(nodes, all_edges, directed = directed)
  ## ============================================
  # Remove all the detected pseudo nodes from the original network.
  # This will automatically also remove their incident edges.
  # Remember that their replacement edges have already been added in step IV.
  # From and to indices will be updated automatically.
  ## ============================================
  x_new = delete_vertices(x_new, pseudo) %preserve_all_attrs% x
  ## ==============================================
  # Users can request to store the data of original edges in a special column.
  # This column will - by tidygraph design - be named .orig_data.
  # The value in this column is for each edge a tibble containing:
  # --> The data of the original edges that were merged into the new edge.
  ## ==============================================
  if (store_original_data) {
    # Store the original edge data in a .orig_data column.
    new_edges = edges_as_sf(x_new)
    edges$.tidygraph_edge_index = NULL
    copy_data = function(i) edges[i, , drop = FALSE]
    new_edges$.orig_data = lapply(new_edges$.tidygraph_edge_index, copy_data)
    edge_attribute_values(x_new) = new_edges
  # Return in a list.
    smooth = x_new

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a subdivision of the network by
#' subdividing edges at each interior point that is equal to any
#' other interior or boundary point in the edges table. Interior points in this
#' sense are those points that are included in their linestring geometry
#' feature but are not endpoints of it, while boundary points are the endpoints
#' of the linestrings. The network is reconstructed after subdivision such that
#' edges are connected at the points of subdivision. Returns a
#' \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. This morpher requires edges to be spatially
#' explicit and nodes to be spatially unique (i.e. not more than one node at
#' the same spatial location).
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @importFrom sf st_crs st_crs<- st_geometry st_geometry<- st_precision
#' st_precision<-
#' @importFrom sfheaders sf_to_df sfc_linestring sfc_point
#' @export
to_spatial_subdivision = function(x) {
  if (will_assume_constant(x)) raise_assume_constant("to_spatial_subdivision")
  # Retrieve nodes and edges from the network.
  nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
  edges = edges_as_sf(x)
  # For later use:
  # --> Check wheter x is directed.
  directed = is_directed(x)
  ## ===========================
  # Decompose the edges linestring geometries into the points that shape them.
  ## ===========================
  # Extract all points from the linestring geometries of the edges.
  edge_pts = sf_to_df(edges)
  # Extract two subsets of information:
  # --> One with only the coordinates of the points
  # --> Another with indices describing to which edge a point belonged.
  edge_coords = edge_pts[names(edge_pts) %in% c("x", "y", "z", "m")]
  edge_idxs = edge_pts$linestring_id
  ## =======================================
  # Edges should be split at locations where:
  # --> An edge interior point is equal to a boundary point in another edge.
  # --> An edge interior point is equal to an interior point in another edge.
  # Hence, we need to split edges at point that:
  # --> Are interior points.
  # --> Have at least one duplicate among the other edge points.
  ## =======================================
  # Find which of the edge points is a boundary point.
  is_startpoint = !duplicated(edge_idxs)
  is_endpoint = !duplicated(edge_idxs, fromLast = TRUE)
  is_boundary = is_startpoint | is_endpoint
  # Find which of the edge points occur more than once.
  is_duplicate_desc = duplicated(edge_coords)
  is_duplicate_asc = duplicated(edge_coords, fromLast = TRUE)
  has_duplicate = is_duplicate_desc | is_duplicate_asc
  # Split points are those edge points satisfying both of the following rules:
  # --> 1) They have at least one duplicate among the other edge points.
  # --> 2) They are not edge boundary points themselves.
  is_split = has_duplicate & !is_boundary
  if (! any(is_split)) return (x)
  ## ================================
  # The split points are currently a single interior point in an edge.
  # They will become the endpoint of one edge *and* the startpoint of another.
  # Hence, each split point needs to be duplicated.
  ## ================================
  # Create the repetition vector:
  # --> This defines for each edge point if it should be duplicated.
  # --> A value of '1' means 'store once', i.e. don't duplicate.
  # --> A value of '2' means 'store twice', i.e. duplicate.
  # --> Split points will be part of two new edges and should be duplicated.
  reps = rep(1L, nrow(edge_coords))
  reps[is_split] = 2L
  # Create the new coordinate data frame by duplicating split points.
  new_edge_coords = data.frame(lapply(edge_coords, function(i) rep(i, reps)))
  ## ==========================================
  # With the new coords of the edge points we need to recreate linestrings.
  # First we need to know which edge points belong to which *new* edge.
  # Then we need to build a linestring geometry for each new edge.
  ## ==========================================
  # First assign each new edge point coordinate its *original* edge index.
  # --> Then increment those accordingly at each split point.
  orig_edge_idxs = rep(edge_idxs, reps)
  # Original edges are subdivided at each split point.
  # Therefore, a new edge originates from each split point.
  # Hence, to get the new edge indices:
  # --> Increment each original edge index by 1 at each split point.
  incs = integer(nrow(new_edge_coords)) # By default don't increment.
  incs[which(is_split) + 1:sum(is_split)] = 1L # Add 1 after each split.
  new_edge_idxs = orig_edge_idxs + cumsum(incs)
  new_edge_coords$edge_id = new_edge_idxs
  # Build the new edge geometries.
  new_edge_geoms = sfc_linestring(new_edge_coords, linestring_id = "edge_id")
  st_crs(new_edge_geoms) = st_crs(edges)
  st_precision(new_edge_geoms) = st_precision(edges)
  new_edge_coords$edge_id = NULL
  ## ===================================
  # We now have the geometries of the new edges.
  # However, the original edge attributes got lost.
  # We will restore them by:
  # --> Adding back the attributes to edges that were not split.
  # --> Duplicating original attributes within splitted edges.
  # Beware that from and to columns will remain unchanged at this stage.
  # We will update them later.
  ## ===================================
  # Find which *original* edge belongs to which *new* edge:
  # --> Use the lists of edge indices mapped to the new edge points.
  # --> There we already mapped each new edge point to its original edge.
  # --> First define which new edge points are startpoints of new edges.
  # --> Then retrieve the original edge index from these new startpoints.
  # --> This gives us a single original edge index for each new edge.
  is_new_startpoint = !duplicated(new_edge_idxs)
  orig_edge_idxs = orig_edge_idxs[is_new_startpoint]
  # Duplicate original edge data whenever needed.
  new_edges = edges[orig_edge_idxs, ]
  # Set the new edge geometries as geometries of these new edges.
  st_geometry(new_edges) = new_edge_geoms
  ## ==========================================
  # All split points are now boundary points of new edges.
  # All edge boundaries become nodes in the network.
  ## ==========================================
  is_new_boundary = rep(is_split | is_boundary, reps)
  new_node_geoms = sfc_point(new_edge_coords[is_new_boundary, ])
  st_crs(new_node_geoms) = st_crs(nodes)
  st_precision(new_node_geoms) = st_precision(nodes)
  ## =====================================
  # We now have the geometries of the new nodes.
  # However, the original node attributes got lost.
  # We will restore them by:
  # --> Adding back the attributes to nodes that were already a node before.
  # --> Filling attribute values of newly added nodes with NA.
  # Beware at this stage the nodes are recreated from scratch.
  # That means each boundary point of the new edges is stored as separate node.
  # Boundaries with equal geometries will be merged into a single node later.
  ## =====================================
  # Find which of the *original* edge points equaled which *original* node.
  # If an edge point did not equal a node, store NA instead.
  node_idxs = rep(NA, nrow(edge_pts))
  if (directed) {
    node_idxs[is_boundary] = edge_boundary_node_indices(x)
  } else {
    node_idxs[is_boundary] = edge_boundary_point_indices(x)
  # Find which of the *original* nodes belong to which *new* edge boundary.
  # If a new edge boundary does not equal an original node, store NA instead.
  orig_node_idxs = rep(node_idxs, reps)[is_new_boundary]
  # Retrieve original node data for each new edge boundary.
  # Rows of newly added nodes will be NA.
  new_nodes = nodes[orig_node_idxs, ]
  # Set the new node geometries as geometries of these new nodes.
  st_geometry(new_nodes) = new_node_geoms
  ## ==================================================
  # Now we updated the node data, the node indices changes.
  # Therefore we need to update the from and to columns of the edges as well.
  ## ==================================================
  # Define the indices of the new nodes.
  # Equal geometries should get the same index.
  new_node_idxs = st_match(new_node_geoms)
  # Map node indices to edges.
  is_source = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(new_node_geoms) / 2)
  new_edges$from = new_node_idxs[is_source]
  new_edges$to = new_node_idxs[!is_source]
  ## =============================
  # We can now remove the duplicated node geometries from the new nodes data.
  # Then, each location is represented by a single node.
  ## =============================
  new_nodes = new_nodes[!duplicated(new_node_idxs), ]
  ## ============================
  # Use the new nodes data and the new edges data to create the new network.
  ## ============================
  # Create new network.
  x_new = sfnetwork_(new_nodes, new_edges, directed = directed)
  # Return in a list.
    subdivision = x_new %preserve_network_attrs% x

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Subset the network by applying a spatial
#' filter, i.e. a filter on the geometry column based on a spatial predicate.
#' \code{...} is evaluated in the same manner as \code{\link[sf]{st_filter}}.
#' Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. For filters on an attribute column, use
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_subgraph}}.
#' @param subset_by Whether to create subgraphs based on nodes or edges.
#' @export
to_spatial_subset = function(x, ..., subset_by = NULL) {
  if (is.null(subset_by)) {
    subset_by = attr(x, "active")
    message("Subsetting by ", subset_by)
  x_new = switch(
    nodes = spatial_filter_nodes(x, ...),
    edges = spatial_filter_edges(x, ...),
    subset = x_new

#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Transform the geospatial coordinates of the
#' network into a different coordinate reference system. \code{...} is
#' evaluated in the same manner as \code{\link[sf]{st_transform}}.
#' Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @importFrom sf st_transform
#' @export
to_spatial_transformed = function(x, ...) {
    transformed = st_transform(x, ...)

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sfnetworks documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:32 a.m.