
Defines functions hsarx make_hsarx parse_hsarx

Documented in hsarx

## TODO:
## - coef names to match model frame
## - include dcFit
## - include prediction model (estimates, vcov or SE)
## - include prediction for model selection purposes???

## class definition
    contains = "dcmle")

## basic show method
setMethod("show", "hsarx", function(object) {
    show(summary(as(object, "dcmle"), object@title))

## interpreting formula, returning design matrices
parse_hsarx <- 
function(formula, data)
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
    f <- Formula(formula)
    st <- length(f)
    if (st[1] != 1)
        stop("multiple responses in LHS are not allowed")
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf$formula <- f
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    Y <- model.response(mf)
    X <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
    if (st[2] > 1) {
        Z <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
        if (length(formula(f, lhs=FALSE, rhs=3)[[2]]) > 1)
            stop("inappropriate grouping variable")
        G <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 3)
        if (ncol(G) > 2) {
            G[rowSums(G[,-1]) != 0,1] <- 0
            G <- rowSums(col(G) * G)
        } else {
            G <- G[,2]
        G <- as.integer(as.factor(G))
        if (length(unique(G)) == 1)
            stop("grouping variable must have at least 2 levels")

#if (ncol(X) > 2)
#    stop("multiple focal covariates not supported")

    } else {
        Z <- NULL
        G <- NULL
    list(Y=Y, X=X, Z=Z, G=G)

## returning all the treats dcmle needs
make_hsarx <- 
function(Y, X, Z, G)
    m <- length(Y) # no. of islands
    if (is.null(Z)) {
        n <- 1
        G <- rep(1, n)
    } else {
        n <- length(unique(G)) # no. of studies
    p <- ncol(X) # no. of focal parameters
    dy <- lapply(1:n, function(i) Y[G == unique(G)[i]])
    dx <- lapply(1:n, function(i) X[G == unique(G)[i],])
    lmmods <- lapply(1:n, function(i) lm(dy[[i]] ~ dx[[i]]-1))
    if (!is.null(Z)) {
        ## HSAR/HSARX estimation
        q <- ncol(Z) # no. of modifiers
        dz <- sapply(1:n, function(i) data.matrix(Z[G == unique(G)[i],])[1,])
        dz <- if (q > 1)
            t(dz) else data.matrix(dz)
        ## weighted averaging meta analysis for priors
#        lmmods <- lapply(1:n, function(i) lm(dy[[i]] ~ dx[[i]]-1))
        cfs <- t(sapply(lmmods, coef))
        ses <- t(sapply(lmmods, function(z) coef(summary(z))[,2]))
        lsig <- sapply(lmmods, function(z) log(summary(z)$sigma))
        tau2 <- sapply(1:p, function(i) {
            vwts <- 1/ses[,i]^2
            fixedsumm <- sum(vwts * cfs[,i]) / sum(vwts)
            Q <- sum(((cfs[,i] - fixedsumm)^2) / ses[,i]^2)
            tau2 <- max(0, (Q - n - 1)/(sum(vwts) - sum(vwts^2)/sum(vwts)))
        w <- sapply(1:p, function(i) 1/(tau2[i] + ses[,i]^2))
        wm <- lapply(1:p, function(i) lm(cfs[,i] ~ dz-1, weights=w[,i]))
        wmsig <- lm(lsig ~ dz-1)
        wm[[(p+1)]] <- wmsig
        ## create objects for priors
        pr.cfs <- t(sapply(wm, coef))
#        pr.ses <- t(sapply(wm, function(z) 1/(coef(summary(z))[,2]^2))) ## too strong priors
        pr.ses <- rep(0.1, prod(dim(pr.cfs)))
        if (q == 1) {
            pr.cfs <- matrix(pr.cfs, ncol=1)
            pr.ses <- matrix(pr.ses, ncol=1)
        dim(pr.ses) <- dim(pr.cfs)
        pr.tau <- rbind(c(log(sqrt(tau2)), 0), rep(0.1, p+1))
        ZG <- Z[sapply(1:n, function(i) min(which(G == unique(G)[i]))),]
        ZG <- data.matrix(ZG)
        pr.cfs[is.na(pr.cfs)] <- 0
        pr.ses[is.na(pr.ses)] <- 0.1
        pr.tau[is.na(pr.tau)] <- 0.1
        res <- makeDcFit(
            dat <- list(logY=dcdim(data.matrix(Y)), 
            model = structure(c(
                c("model {", 
                "            for (cl in 1:ncl) { # clones", 
                "                for (j in 1:m) { # islands # focal model", 
                "                    logY[j,cl] ~ dnorm(mu[j,cl], 1/exp(log.sigma.i[G[j],cl])^2)", 
                "                    mu[j,cl] <- inprod(X[j,], beta.i[G[j],,cl])", 
                "                }", 
                "                for (i in 1:n) { # studies", 
                "                    for (k in 1:p) { # focal parameters # modifier models for each focal parameter k", 
                "                        beta.i[i,k,cl] ~ dnorm(mu.k[i,k], 1/exp(log.tau.k[k])^2)", 
                "                    }", 
                "                    log.sigma.i[i,cl] ~ dnorm(epsilon.i[i], 1/exp(log.tau)^2)", 
                "                }", 
                "            }", 
                "            for (i in 1:n) {", 
                "                for (k in 1:p) {", 
                "                    mu.k[i,k] <- inprod(ZG[i,], beta.k[k,])", 
                "                }", 
                "                epsilon.i[i] <- inprod(ZG[i,], theta)", 
                "            } # prior specifications", 
                "            for (t in 1:q) { # modifier parameters", 
                "                for (k in 1:p) { # focal parameters", 
                "                    beta.k[k,t] ~ dnorm(pr.cfs[k,t], pr.ses[k,t])", 
                "                }", 
                "                theta[t] ~ dnorm(pr.cfs[(p+1),t], pr.ses[(p+1),t])", 
                "            }", 
                "            for (k in 1:p) { # focal parameters", 
                "                log.tau.k[k] ~ dnorm(pr.tau[1,k], pr.tau[2,k])", 
                "            }", 
                "            log.tau ~ dnorm(pr.tau[1,(p+1)], pr.tau[2,(p+1)])", 
                "        }")
                ), class = "custommodel"),
    } else {
        ## SAR/SARX estimation
            res <- makeDcFit(
                model = structure(c(
                    "model {",
                    "            for (j in 1:m) {",
                    "                   logY[j] ~ dnorm(mu[j], 1/exp(log.sigma)^2)",
                    "                    mu[j] <- inprod(X[j,], beta)",
                    "            }",
                    "            for (k in 1:p) {",
                    "                beta[k] ~ dnorm(pr[k], pr2)",
                    "            }",
                    "            log.sigma ~ dnorm(pr[(p+1)], pr2)",
                    "        }"
                    ), class = "custommodel"),
            data = list(logY=Y, 
                pr=c(coef(lmmods[[1]]), log(summary(lmmods[[1]])$sigma)), 
            inits = NULL,
            params = c("beta","log.sigma"),
            unchanged = c("p", "pr","pr2"), 

## this is where the magic happens
hsarx <- 
function(formula, data, n.clones, cl=NULL, ...)
    if (missing(n.clones))
        stop("'n.clones' argument missing")
    if (missing(data))
        data <- parent.frame()
    tmp <- parse_hsarx(formula, data)
    dcf <- make_hsarx(tmp$Y, tmp$X, tmp$Z, tmp$G)
    dcm <- dcmle(dcf, n.clones=n.clones, cl=cl, nobs=length(tmp$Y), ...)
    out <- as(dcm, "hsarx")
    title <- if (ncol(tmp$X) > 2)
        "SARX" else "SAR"
    if (!is.null(tmp$Z)) {
        if (title != "SARX" && NCOL(tmp$Z) > 1)
            title <- paste(title, "X", sep="")
        title <- paste("H", title, sep="")
    out@title <- paste(title, "Model")
    out@data <- dcf

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