
#' @docType class
#' @title Connector to DBI-valid databases
#' @description Object of this class handles all connections for the RegLogServer
#' object to the database. It is created to handle `DBI` compatible drivers.
#' Provides methods than will be used by RegLogServer to get and send data.
#' @family dbConnectors
#' @import R6
#' @export

RegLogDBIConnector = R6::R6Class(
  inherit = RegLogConnector,
  # private elements ####
  private = list(
    # storage of connection args
    db_args = NULL,
    # storage of connection driver
    db_drv = NULL,
    # storage of connection 
    db_conn = NULL,
    # table names
    db_tables = NULL,
    # connect to the database
    db_connect = function(
    ) {
      private$db_conn <- do.call(
        what = DBI::dbConnect,
        args = c(
          list(drv = private$db_drv),
    # disconnect from the database
    db_disconnect = function() {
    # check the connection, and reconnect
    db_check_n_refresh = function() {
    #   tryCatch({
    #     res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(private$db_conn, "SELECT TRUE;")
    #     DBI::dbClearResult(res)
    #     },
    #     error = function(e) {
    #       private$db_connect()
    #     }
    #   )
      if (!isTRUE(DBI::dbIsValid(private$db_conn)))
    # method to input log into database
    input_log = function(message, direction, session) {

      sql <- paste0("INSERT INTO ", private$db_tables[3], 
                   " (time, session, direction, type", 
                   if (!is.null(message$logcontent)) ", note", 
                   ") VALUES (?time, ?session, ?direction, ?type",
                   if (!is.null(message$logcontent)) ", ?note",
      log_data <- list(time = message$time,
                       session = session$token,
                       direction = direction,
                       type = message$type)
      if (!is.null(message$logcontent)) {
        log_data[["note"]] <- message$logcontent
      query <- DBI::sqlInterpolate(private$db_conn,
                                   .dots = log_data)
      DBI::dbExecute(private$db_conn, query)
  # public elements ####
  public = list(

    #' @description Initialization of the object. Creates initial connection
    #' to the database.
    #' Requires `DBI` package to be installed.
    #' @param driver Call that specifies the driver to be used during all queries
    #' @param ... other arguments used in `DBI::dbConnect()` call
    #' @param table_names character vector. Contains names of the tables in the
    #' database: first containing user data, second - reset codes information,
    #' third (optional) - logs from the object. For more info check documentation
    #' of `DBI_database_create`.
    #' @param custom_handlers named list of custom handler functions. Every 
    #' custom handler should take arguments: `self` and `private` - relating to 
    #' the R6 object and `message` of class `RegLogConnectorMessage`. It should 
    #' return `RegLogConnectorMessage` object.
    #' @return object of `RegLogDBIConnector` class
    initialize = function(
      table_names = c("account", "reset_code", "logs"),
      custom_handlers = NULL
    ) {
      # append default handlers
      self$handlers[["login"]] <- DBI_login_handler
      self$handlers[["register"]] <- DBI_register_handler
      self$handlers[["credsEdit"]] <- DBI_credsEdit_handler
      self$handlers[["resetPass_generate"]] <- DBI_resetPass_generation_handler
      self$handlers[["resetPass_confirm"]] <- DBI_resetPass_confirmation_handler
      super$initialize(custom_handlers = custom_handlers)
      # store the arguments internally
      private$db_drv <- driver
      private$db_args <- list(...)
      private$db_tables <- table_names
      # initial connection to the database, checking if everything is all right
      # disconnect fron the database when not used

Try the shiny.reglog package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shiny.reglog documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 1:06 a.m.