
Defines functions handle_custom_mails parse_credsEdit_body parse_credsEdit_subject parse_resetPass_body parse_resetPass_subject parse_register_body parse_register_subject

parse_register_subject <- function(private) {
        RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reg_mail_h"))

parse_register_body <- function(private) {
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reg_mail_1"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reg_mail_2"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reg_mail_3"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "mail_automatic"))

parse_resetPass_subject <- function(private) {
        RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reset_mail_h"),
        sep = " - ")

parse_resetPass_body <- function(private) {
     RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reset_mail_1"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reset_mail_2"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "reset_mail_3"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "mail_automatic"))

parse_credsEdit_subject <- function(private) {
        RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "crededit_mail_h"),
        sep = " - ")

parse_credsEdit_body <- function(private) {
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "crededit_mail_1"),
    RegLog_txt(lang = private$lang, custom_txts = private$custom_txts, x = "mail_automatic"))

#' @docType class
#' @title RegLogConnector for email sending via `emayili` package
#' @description With the use of this object, RegLogServer can send emails
#' confirming the registration and containing code for password reset procedure.
#' @family mailConnectors
#' @import R6
#' @export

RegLogEmayiliConnector <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = RegLogConnector,
  public = list(
    #' @field mails List containing default mail templates to use by default
    #' mail handlers for register and password reset
    #' @details default mails are used by `register_mail` and `reset_pass_mail`
    #' handlers. To change the mail used by these handlers you can pass character
    #' strings to the `custom_mail` argument during initialization or append them
    #' directly into this list.
    #' They are stored (and should be passed accordingly) in a list of structure:
    #' - register
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body
    #' - resetPass
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body
    #' - credsEdit
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body

    mails = list(),
    #' @description Initialization of the object. Creates smtp server for email
    #' sending.
    #' @param from Character containing content in `from` of the email.
    #' @param smtp Object created by `emayili::server` or all its similiar
    #' functions.
    #' @param lang character specyfiyng which language to use for all texts
    #' generated in the UI. Defaults to 'en' for English. Currently 'pl' for
    #' Polish is also supported.
    #' @param custom_txts named list containing character strings with custom
    #' messages. Defaults to NULL, so all built-in strings will be used.
    #' @param custom_handlers named list of custom handler functions. Custom handler
    #' should take arguments: `self` and `private` - relating to the R6 object
    #' and `message` of class `RegLogConnectorMessage`. It should return
    #' return `RegLogConnectorMessage` object.
    #' @param custom_mails named list containing character strings of the same
    #' structure as elements in the `mails` field. Not all elements need to be
    #' present.

    initialize = function(
      lang = "en",
      custom_txts = NULL,
      custom_handlers = NULL,
      custom_mails = NULL
    ) {
      # language
      private$lang <- lang
      private$custom_txts <- custom_txts
      # append default handlers
      self$handlers[["reglog_mail"]] <- emayili_reglog_mail_handler
      self$handlers[["custom_mail"]] <- emayili_custom_mail_handler
      # append default mails ####
      self$mails[["register"]][["body"]] <- parse_register_body(private)
      self$mails[["register"]][["subject"]] <- parse_register_subject(private)

      self$mails[["resetPass"]][["body"]] <- parse_resetPass_body(private)
      self$mails[["resetPass"]][["subject"]] <- parse_resetPass_subject(private)

      self$mails[["credsEdit"]][["body"]] <- parse_credsEdit_body(private)
      self$mails[["credsEdit"]][["subject"]] <- parse_credsEdit_subject(private)
      # append all custom handlers
      super$initialize(custom_handlers = custom_handlers)
      # append all custom mails
      handle_custom_mails(self = self, custom_mails = custom_mails)
      # save mailing details for sending
      private$smtp <- smtp
      private$from <- from
      # assign the unique ID for the module
      self$module_id <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()
  private = list(
    smtp = NULL,
    from = NULL,
    custom_txts = NULL,
    lang = NULL

#' @docType class
#' @title RegLogConnector for email sending via `emayili` package
#' @description With the use of this object, RegLogServer can send emails
#' confirming the registration and containing code for password reset procedure.
#' @family mailConnectors
#' @import R6
#' @export

RegLogGmailrConnector <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = RegLogConnector,
  public = list(
    #' @field mails List containing default mail templates to use by default
    #' mail handlers for register and password reset
    #' @details default mails are used by `register_mail` and `reset_pass_mail`
    #' handlers. To change the mail used by these handlers you can pass character
    #' strings to the `custom_mail` argument during initialization or append them
    #' directly into this list.
    #' They are stored (and should be passed accordingly) in a list of structure:
    #' - register
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body
    #' - resetPass
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body
    #' - credsEdit
    #'    - subject
    #'    - body
    mails = list(),
    #' @description Initialization of the object. Creates smtp server for email
    #' sending.
    #' @param from Character containing content in `from` of the email.
    #' @param lang character specyfiyng which language to use for all texts
    #' generated in the UI. Defaults to 'en' for English. Currently 'pl' for
    #' Polish is also supported.
    #' @param custom_txts named list containing character strings with custom
    #' messages. Defaults to NULL, so all built-in strings will be used.
    #' @param custom_handlers named list of custom handler functions. Custom handler
    #' should take arguments: `self` and `private` - relating to the R6 object
    #' and `message` of class `RegLogConnectorMessage`. It should return
    #' return `RegLogConnectorMessage` object.
    #' @param custom_mails named list containing character strings of the same
    #' structure as elements in the `mails` field. Not all elements need to be
    #' present.
    initialize = function(
      lang = "en",
      custom_txts = NULL,
      custom_handlers = NULL,
      custom_mails = NULL
    ) {
      # language
      private$lang <- lang
      private$custom_txts <- custom_txts
      # append default handlers
      self$handlers[["reglog_mail"]] <- gmailr_reglog_mail_handler
      self$handlers[["custom_mail"]] <- gmailr_custom_mail_handler
      # append default mails ####
      self$mails[["register"]][["body"]] <- parse_register_body(private)
      self$mails[["register"]][["subject"]] <- parse_register_subject(private)
      self$mails[["resetPass"]][["body"]] <- parse_resetPass_body(private)
      self$mails[["resetPass"]][["subject"]] <- parse_resetPass_subject(private)
      self$mails[["credsEdit"]][["body"]] <- parse_credsEdit_body(private)
      self$mails[["credsEdit"]][["subject"]] <- parse_credsEdit_subject(private)
      # append all custom handlers
      super$initialize(custom_handlers = custom_handlers)
      # append all custom mails
      handle_custom_mails(self = self, custom_mails = custom_mails)
      # save mailing details server for sending
      private$from <- from
      # assign the unique ID for the module
      self$module_id <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()
  private = list(
    from = NULL,
    custom_txts = NULL,
    lang = NULL

#' append custom mails to mailConnector object
#' @noRd

handle_custom_mails <- function(self, custom_mails)
  # assign custom mails if any present
  if (!is.null(custom_mails)) {
    ## checks if the custom_mails are correct
    ## custom mails should be a list
    if (is.list(custom_mails) &&
        ## all elements of it needs to be named
        all(sapply(names(custom_mails), \(x) nchar(x) > 0)) &&
        ## all elements need to be of class 'list'
        all(sapply(custom_mails, \(x) {
          is.list(x) && 
            ## all elements inside every list need to be named either 'subject' or 'body'
            all(names(x) %in% c("subject", "body"))
    ) {
      for (mail_name in names(custom_mails)) {
        for (element_name in names(custom_mails[[mail_name]])) {
          # assign every custom mail in the self$objects
          self$mails[[mail_name]][[element_name]] <-
    } else {
      stop("Object passed to the 'custom_mails' should be a named list containing list of character strings
         named 'subject' and/or 'body'.")

Try the shiny.reglog package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shiny.reglog documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 1:06 a.m.