
Defines functions accordion list_container list_element menu_divider menu_header dropdown_menu menu_item menu message_box field fields form segment card cards header update_tabset tabset set_tab_id label icon

Documented in accordion card cards dropdown_menu field fields form header icon label list_container list_element menu menu_divider menu_header menu_item message_box segment set_tab_id tabset update_tabset

#' Create Semantic UI icon tag
#' This creates an icon tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param class A name of an icon. Look at
#' http://semantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html for all possibilities.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class etc.)
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shiny.semantic)
#' ui <- function() {
#'   shinyUI(
#'     semanticPage(
#'       # Basic icon
#'       icon("home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Different size
#'       icon("small home"),
#'       icon("large home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Disabled icon
#'       icon("disabled home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Loading icon
#'       icon("spinner loading"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Icon formatted as link
#'       icon("close link"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Flipped
#'       icon("horizontally flipped cloud"),
#'       icon("vertically flipped cloud"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Rotated
#'       icon("clockwise rotated cloud"),
#'       icon("counterclockwise rotated cloud"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Circular
#'       icon("circular home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Bordered
#'       icon("bordered home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # Colored
#'       icon("red home"),
#'       br(),
#'       # inverted
#'       segment(class = "inverted", icon("inverted home"))
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#' })
#' shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)
#' }
#' @export
icon <- function(class = "", ...) {
  shiny::tags$i(class = paste(class, "icon"), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI label tag
#' This creates a \code{div} or \code{a} tag with with class \code{ui label} using Semantic UI.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added such as content of the tag (text, icons) and/or attributes (style)
#' @param class class of the label. Look at https://semantic-ui.com/elements/label.html for all possibilities.
#' @param is_link If TRUE creates label with 'a' tag, otherwise with 'div' tag.
#' #'
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(
#'     semanticPage(
#'       ## label
#'       label(icon = icon("mail icon"), 23),
#'       p(),
#'       ## pointing label
#'       field(
#'         text_input("ex", label = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Your name")),
#'       label("Please enter a valid name", class = "pointing red basic"),
#'       p(),
#'       ## tag
#'       label(class = "tag", "New"),
#'       label(class = "red tag", "Upcoming"),
#'       label(class =" teal tag","Featured"),
#'       ## ribbon
#'       segment(class = "ui raised segment",
#'               label(class = "ui red ribbon", "Overview"),
#'               "Text"),
#'       ## attached
#'       segment(class = "ui raised segment",
#'               label(class = "top attached", "HTML"),
#'               p("Text"))
#'     ))
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
#' @import shiny
label <- function(..., class = "", is_link = TRUE) {
  label_container <- if (is_link) tags$a else tags$div
  label_container(class = paste("ui label", class),

#' Sets tab id if not provided
#' Sets tab id if it wasn't provided
#' @param tab A tab. Tab is a list of three elements - first
#' element defines menu item, second element defines tab content, third optional element defines tab id.
#' @keywords internal
set_tab_id <- function(tab) {
  id <- tab$id
  menu <- tab$menu
  content <- tab$content
  list(id = if (!is.null(id)) id else generate_random_id("tab"),
       menu = menu, content = content)

#' Create Semantic UI tabs
#' This creates tabs with content using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param tabs A list of tabs. Each tab is a list of three elements - first
#' element defines menu item, second element defines tab content, third optional element defines tab id.
#' @param active Id of the active tab. If NULL first tab will be active.
#' @param id Id of the menu element (default: randomly generated id)
#' @param menu_class Class for the menu element (default: "top attached
#' tabular")
#' @param tab_content_class Class for the tab content (default: "bottom attached
#' segment")
#' @details You may access active tab id with \code{input$<id>}.
#' @seealso update_tabset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- semanticPage(
#'     tabset(tabs =
#'              list(
#'                list(menu = "First Tab", content = "Tab 1"),
#'                list(menu = "Second Tab", content = "Tab 2", id = "second_tab")
#'              ),
#'            active = "second_tab",
#'            id = "exampletabset"
#'     ),
#'     h2("Active Tab:"),
#'     textOutput("activetab")
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output) {
#'       output$activetab <- renderText(input$exampletabset)
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
tabset <- function(tabs,
                   active = NULL,
                   id = generate_random_id("menu"),
                   menu_class = "top attached tabular",
                   tab_content_class = "bottom attached grid segment") {
  id_tabs <- tabs %>% purrr::map(~ set_tab_id(.x))
  valid_ids <- id_tabs %>% purrr::map_chr(~ .x$id)
  active_tab <- if (!is.null(active)) active else valid_ids[1] # nolint
    shiny::div(id = id,
               class = paste("ui menu sem", menu_class),
               purrr::map(id_tabs, ~ {
                 class <- paste("item", if (.$id == active_tab) "active" else "") # nolint
                 shiny::a(class = class, `data-tab` = .$id, .$menu)
    purrr::map(id_tabs, ~ {
      class <- paste("ui tab", tab_content_class,
                     if (.$id == active_tab) "active" else "") # nolint
      shiny::div(class = class, `data-tab` = .$id, .$content)

#' Change the selected tab of a tabset on the client
#' @param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
#' @param input_id The id of the tabset object.
#' @param selected The id of the tab to be selected.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#'  library(shiny)
#'  library(shiny.semantic)
#'  ui <- semanticPage(
#'    actionButton("changetab", "Select Second Tab"),
#'    tabset(
#'       tabs = list(
#'           list(menu = "First Tab", content = "First Tab", id= "first_tab"),
#'           list(menu = "Second Tab", content = "Second Tab", id = "second_tab")
#'       ),
#'       active = "first_tab",
#'       id = "exampletabset"
#'    )
#'  )
#'  server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'      observeEvent(input$changetab,{
#'          update_tabset(session, "exampletabset", "second_tab")
#'      })
#'  }
#'  shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname update_tabset
update_tabset <- function(session, input_id, selected = NULL) {
  message <- list(selected = selected)
  session$sendInputMessage(input_id, message)

#' Create Semantic UI header
#' This creates a header with optional icon using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param title Header title
#' @param description Subheader text
#' @param icon Optional icon name
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     header(title = "Header with description", description = "Description"),
#'     header(title = "Header with icon", description = "Description", icon = "dog")
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
header <- function(title, description, icon = NULL) {
  shiny::h2(class = "ui header",
            if (!is.null(icon)) icon(icon),
            shiny::div(class = "content", title,
                       shiny::div(class = "sub header", description)

#' Create Semantic UI cards tag
#' This creates a cards tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     cards(
#'       class = "two",
#'       card(
#'         div(class="content",
#'             div(class="header", "Elliot Fu"),
#'             div(class="meta", "Friend"),
#'             div(class="description", "Elliot Fu is a film-maker from New York.")
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       card(
#'         div(class="content",
#'             div(class="header", "John Bean"),
#'             div(class="meta", "Friend"),
#'             div(class="description", "John Bean is a film-maker from London.")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
cards <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::div(class = paste("ui cards", class), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI card tag
#' This creates a card tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     card(
#'       div(class="content",
#'           div(class="header", "Elliot Fu"),
#'           div(class="meta", "Friend"),
#'           div(class="description", "Elliot Fu is a film-maker from New York.")
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
card <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::div(class = paste("ui card", class), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI segment
#' This creates a segment using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     segment(),
#'     # placeholder
#'     segment(class = "placeholder segment"),
#'     # raised
#'     segment(class = "raised segment"),
#'     # stacked
#'     segment(class = "stacked segment"),
#'     #  piled
#'     segment(class = "piled segment")
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
segment <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::div(class = paste("ui segment", class), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI form tag
#' This creates a form tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     form(
#'       field(
#'         tags$label("Text"),
#'         text_input("text_ex", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Text...")
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     # loading form
#'     form(class = "loading form",
#'          field(
#'            tags$label("Text"),
#'            text_input("text_ex", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Text...")
#'          )),
#'     # size variations mini form
#'     form(class = "mini",
#'          field(
#'            tags$label("Text"),
#'            text_input("text_ex", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Text...")
#'          )),
#'     # massive
#'     form(class = "massive",
#'          field(
#'            tags$label("Text"),
#'            text_input("text_ex", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Text...")
#'          ))
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
form <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::tags$form(class = paste("ui form", class),

#' Create Semantic UI fields tag
#' This creates a fields tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     form(
#'       fields(class = "two",
#'              field(
#'                tags$label("Name"),
#'                text_input("name", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Name...")
#'              ),
#'              field(
#'                tags$label("Surname"),
#'                text_input("surname", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Surname...")
#'              ))
#'     )
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
fields <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::div(class = paste("fields", class), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI field tag
#' This creates a field tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, class or childrens etc.)
#' @param class Additional classes to add to html tag.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     form(
#'       field(
#'         tags$label("Name"),
#'         text_input("name", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Name...")
#'       ),
#'       # error field
#'       field(
#'         class = "error",
#'         tags$label("Name"),
#'         text_input("name", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Name...")
#'       ),
#'       # disabled
#'       field(
#'         class = "disabled",
#'         tags$label("Name"),
#'         text_input("name", value = "", type = "text", placeholder = "Enter Name...")
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
field <- function(..., class = "") {
  shiny::div(class = paste("field", class), ...)

#' Create Semantic UI Message box
#' @param header Header of the message box
#' @param content Content of the message box . If it is a vector, creates a list
#' of vector's elements
#' @param class class of the message. Look at
#' https://semantic-ui.com/collections/message.html for all possibilities.
#' @param icon_name If the message is of the type 'icon', specify the icon.
#' Look at http://semantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html for all possibilities.
#' @param closable Determines whether the message should be closable.
#' Default is FALSE - not closable
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     message_box(header = "Main header", content = "text"),
#'     # message with icon
#'     message_box(class = "icon", header = "Main header", content = "text", icon_name = "dog"),
#'     # closable message
#'     message_box(header = "Main header", content = "text", closable =  TRUE),
#'     # floating
#'     message_box(class = "floating", header = "Main header", content = "text"),
#'     # compact
#'     message_box(class = "compact", header = "Main header", content = "text"),
#'     # warning
#'     message_box(class = "warning", header = "Warning", content = "text"),
#'     # info
#'     message_box(class = "info", header = "Info", content = "text")
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
message_box <- function(header, content, class = "", icon_name, closable = FALSE) {
  if (length(content) > 1) {
    content <- shiny::tags$ul(class = "list", lapply(content, shiny::tags$li))
  if (grepl("icon", class)) {
    if (missing(icon_name)) {
      stop("If you give a class 'icon', then an icon_name argument is required")
    icon_else_header <- icon(icon_name)
    message_else_content <- shiny::div(class = "content",
                                       shiny::div(class = "header", header),
  } else {
    icon_else_header <- shiny::div(class = "header", header)
    message_else_content <- content
  div(class = paste("ui message", class),
      if (closable) {
        closable_messages <- "$('.message .close')
          .on('click', function() {
        icon("close icon", shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(closable_messages)))

#' Create Semantic UI Menu
#' This creates a menu using Semantic UI.
#' @param ... Menu items to be created. Use menu_item function to create new menu item.
#' Use dropdown_menu(is_menu_item = TRUE, ...) function to create new dropdown menu item.
#' Use menu_header and menu_divider functions to customize menu format.
#' @param class Class extension.Look at https://semantic-ui.com/collections/menu.html
#' for all possibilities.
#' @rdname menu
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- function() {
#'     shinyUI(
#'       semanticPage(
#'         title = "My page",
#'         menu(menu_item("Menu"),
#'              dropdown_menu(
#'                "Action",
#'                menu(
#'                  menu_header(icon("file"), "File", is_item = FALSE),
#'                  menu_item(icon("wrench"), "Open"),
#'                  menu_item(icon("upload"), "Upload"),
#'                  menu_item(icon("remove"), "Upload"),
#'                  menu_divider(),
#'                  menu_header(icon("user"), "User", is_item = FALSE),
#'                  menu_item(icon("add user"), "Add"),
#'                  menu_item(icon("remove user"), "Remove")),
#'                class = "",
#'                name = "unique_name",
#'                is_menu_item = TRUE),
#'              menu_item(icon("user"), "Profile", href = "#index", item_feature = "active"),
#'              menu_item("Projects", href = "#projects"),
#'              menu_item(icon("users"), "Team"),
#'              menu(menu_item(icon("add icon"), "New tab"), class = "right"))
#'       )
#'     )
#'   }
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {})
#'   shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)
#' }
#' @export
menu <- function(..., class = "") {
  class <- paste("ui menu", class)
  div(class =  class,

#' Create Semantic UI Menu Item
#' This creates a menu item using Semantic UI
#' @param ... Content of the menu item: text, icons or labels to be displayed.
#' @param item_feature If required, add additional item feature like 'active', 'header', etc.
#' @param style Style of the item, e.g. "text-align: center".
#' @param href If NULL (default) menu_item is created with 'div' tag. Otherwise it is created with 'a' tag, and
#' parameeter defines its href attribute.
#' @seealso menu
#' @export
#' @import shiny
menu_item <- function(..., item_feature = "", style = NULL, href = NULL) {
  menu_item_tag <- if (!is.null(href)) tags$a else tags$div
  menu_item_tag(class = paste("item", item_feature),
                href = href,
                style = style,

#' Create Semantic UI Dropdown
#' This creates a dropdown using Semantic UI.
#' @param ... Dropdown content.
#' @param class class of the dropdown. Look at https://semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html for all possibilities.
#' @param name Unique name of the created dropdown.
#' @param is_menu_item TRUE if the dropdown is a menu item. Default is FALSE.
#' @param dropdown_specs A list of dropdown functionalities.
#' Look at https://semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html#/settings for all possibilities.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- shinyUI(semanticPage(
#'     dropdown_menu(
#'       "Dropdown menu",
#'       icon(class = "dropdown"),
#'       menu(
#'         menu_header("Header"),
#'         menu_divider(),
#'         menu_item("Option 1"),
#'         menu_item("Option 2")
#'       ),
#'       name = "dropdown_menu",
#'       dropdown_specs = list("duration: 500")
#'     )
#'   ))
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @import shiny
#' @export
dropdown_menu <- function(..., class = "", name, is_menu_item = FALSE, dropdown_specs = list()) {

  if (missing(name)) {
    stop("Dropdown requires unique name. Specify \"name\" argument.")

  unique_dropdown_class <- paste0("dropdown_name_", name)

  if (is_menu_item) {
    class <- paste("ui dropdown item", class, unique_dropdown_class)
  } else {
    class <- paste("ui dropdown", class, unique_dropdown_class)

  dropdown_functionality <- paste(dropdown_specs, collapse = ", ")

    shiny::div(class = class,
    tags$script(paste0("$('.ui.dropdown.", unique_dropdown_class, "').dropdown({", dropdown_functionality, "});"))

#' Create Semantic UI Header Item
#' This creates a dropdown header item using Semantic UI.
#' @param ... Content of the header: text, icons, etc.
#' @param is_item If TRUE created header is item of Semantic UI Menu.
#' @seealso menu
#' @export
#' @import shiny
menu_header <- function(..., is_item = TRUE) {
  class <- "header"
  if (is_item) {
    class <- paste("item", class)
  div(class = class, ...)

#' Create Semantic UI Divider Item
#' This creates a menu divider item using Semantic UI.
#' @param ... Other attributes of the divider such as style.
#' @seealso menu
#' @export
menu_divider <- function(...) {
  shiny::div(class = "divider", ...)

#' Helper function to render list element
#' @param header character with header element
#' @param description character with content of the list
#' @param icon_name character with optional icon
#' @import shiny
#' @keywords internal
list_element <- function(header = NULL, description = NULL, icon_name = NULL) {
  div(class = "item",  if (!is.null(icon)) icon(icon_name) else "",
      div(class = "content",
          div(class = "header", header),
          div(class = "description", description))

#' Create Semantic UI list with header, description and icons
#' This creates a list with icons using Semantic UI
#' @param content_list list of lists with fields: `header` and/or `description`,
#' `icon` containing the list items headers, descriptions (one of these is mandatory)
#' and icons. Icon column should contain strings with icon names available
#' here: https://fomantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html
#' @param is_divided If TRUE created list elements are divided
#' @export
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
#' @examples
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shiny.semantic)
#' list_content <- list(
#'   list(header = "Head", description = "Lorem ipsum", icon = "cat"),
#'   list(header = "Head 2", icon = "tree"),
#'   list(description = "Lorem ipsum 2", icon = "dog")
#' )
#' if (interactive()){
#'   ui <- semanticPage(
#'     list_container(list_content, is_divided = TRUE)
#'  )
#'   server <- function(input, output) {}
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
list_container <- function(content_list, is_divided = FALSE) {
  divided_list <- ifelse(is_divided, "divided", "")
  list_class <- paste("ui", divided_list, "list")
  div(class = list_class,
      content_list %>% purrr::map(function(x) {
        if (is.null(x$header) && is.null(x$description))
          stop("content_list needs to have either header or description.")
        list_element(x$header, x$description, x$icon)

#' Accordion UI
#' In accordion you may display a list of elements that can be hidden or
#' shown with one click.
#' @param accordion_list list with lists with fields: `title` and `content`
#' @param fluid if accordion is fluid then it takes width of parent div
#' @param active_title if active title matches `title` from \code{accordion_list}
#' then this element is active by default
#' @param styled if switched of then raw style (no boxes) is used
#' @param custom_style character with custom style added to CSS of accordion (advanced use)
#' @return shiny tag list with accordion UI
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shiny.semantic)
#' accordion_content <- list(
#'   list(title = "AA", content = h2("a a a a")),
#'   list(title = "BB", content = p("b b b b"))
#' )
#' shinyApp(
#'   ui = semanticPage(
#'     accordion(accordion_content, fluid = F, active_title = "AA",
#'               custom_style = "background: #babade;")
#'   ),
#'   server = function(input, output) {}
#' )
#' }
accordion <- function(accordion_list, fluid = TRUE, active_title = "",
                      styled = TRUE, custom_style = "") {
  fluid <- ifelse(fluid, "fluid", "")
  styled <- ifelse(styled, "styled", "")
  accordion_class = glue::glue("ui {styled} {fluid} accordion")
    div(class = accordion_class, style = custom_style,
        accordion_list %>% purrr::map(function(x) {
          if (is.null(x$title) || is.null(x$content))
            stop("There must be both title and content fields in `accordion_list`")
          active <- ifelse(x$title == active_title, "active", "")
            div(class = paste("title", active), icon("dropdown"), x$title),
            div(class = paste("content", active),
                p(class = "transition hidden",
                  if (inherits(x$content, "shiny.tag")) x$content else div(x$content)

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shiny.semantic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.