
Defines functions updateF7VirtualList f7VirtualListItem f7VirtualList f7ListIndex f7ListGroup f7ListItem f7List

Documented in f7List f7ListGroup f7ListIndex f7ListItem f7VirtualList f7VirtualListItem updateF7VirtualList

#' Create a framework 7 contact list
#' @param ... Slot for \link{f7ListGroup} or \link{f7ListItem}.
#' @param mode List mode. NULL or "media" or "contacts".
#' @param inset Whether to display a card border. FALSE by default.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shinyMobile)
#' shinyApp(
#'   ui = f7Page(
#'     title = "My app",
#'     f7SingleLayout(
#'       navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
#'       # simple list
#'       f7List(
#'         lapply(1:3, function(j) f7ListItem(letters[j]))
#'       ),
#'       # list with complex items
#'       f7List(
#'         lapply(1:3, function(j) {
#'           f7ListItem(
#'             letters[j],
#'             media = f7Icon("alarm_fill"),
#'             right = "Right Text",
#'             header = "Header",
#'             footer = "Footer"
#'           )
#'         })
#'       ),
#'       # list with complex items
#'       f7List(
#'         mode = "media",
#'         lapply(1:3, function(j) {
#'           f7ListItem(
#'             title = letters[j],
#'             subtitle = "subtitle",
#'             "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
#'             Nulla sagittis tellus ut turpis condimentum, ut dignissim
#'             lacus tincidunt. Cras dolor metus, ultrices condimentum sodales
#'             sit amet, pharetra sodales eros. Phasellus vel felis tellus.
#'             Mauris rutrum ligula nec dapibus feugiat. In vel dui laoreet,
#'             commodo augue id, pulvinar lacus.",
#'             media = tags$img(
#'              src = paste0(
#'              "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/people-160x160-", j, ".jpg"
#'              )
#'             ),
#'             right = "Right Text"
#'           )
#'         })
#'       ),
#'       # list with links
#'       f7List(
#'         lapply(1:3, function(j) {
#'           f7ListItem(url = "https://google.com", letters[j])
#'         })
#'       ),
#'       # grouped lists
#'       f7List(
#'         mode = "contacts",
#'         lapply(1:3, function(i) {
#'           f7ListGroup(
#'             title = LETTERS[i],
#'             lapply(1:3, function(j) f7ListItem(letters[j]))
#'           )
#'         })
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   server = function(input, output) {}
#'  )
#' }
f7List <- function(..., mode = NULL, inset = FALSE) {

  listCl <- "list chevron-center"
  if (!is.null(mode)) listCl <- paste0(listCl, " ", mode, "-list")
  if (inset) listCl <- paste0(listCl, " inset")

    class = listCl,
    if (is.null(mode)) {
    } else if (mode == "media") {
    } else {

#' Create a Framework 7 contact item
#' @param ... Item text.
#' @param title Item title.
#' @param subtitle Item subtitle.
#' @param header Item header. Do not use when \link{f7List} mode is not NULL.
#' @param footer Item footer. Do not use when \link{f7List} mode is not NULL.
#' @param href Item external link.
#' @param media Expect \link{f7Icon} or \code{img}.
#' @param right Right content if any.
#' @export
f7ListItem <- function(..., title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, header = NULL, footer = NULL,
                       href = NULL, media = NULL, right = NULL) {

  # avoid to have crazy large images
  if (!is.null(media)) {
    if (!is.null(media$name)) {
      if (media$name == "img") media$attribs$width <- "50"

  itemContent <- shiny::tagList(
    # left media
    if (!is.null(media)) {
        class = "item-media",

    # center content
      class = "item-inner",

      if (is.null(title)) {
            class = "item-title",
            if (!is.null(header)) {
                class = "item-header",
            if (!is.null(footer)) {
                class = "item-footer",

          # right content
          if (!is.null(right)) {
              class = "item-after",
      } else {
            class = "item-title-row",
              class = "item-title",
              if (!is.null(header)) {
                  class = "item-header",
              if (!is.null(footer)) {
                  class = "item-footer",
            # right content
            if (!is.null(right)) {
                class = "item-after",

          # subtitle
          if (!is.null(subtitle)) {
              class = "item-subtitle",

          # text
            class = "item-text",

  itemContentWrapper <- if (is.null(href)) {
      class = "item-content",
  } else {
      class = "item-link item-content external",
      href = href,
      target = "_blank",


#' Create a framework 7 group of contacts
#' @param ... slot for \link{f7ListItem}.
#' @param title Group title.
#' @export
f7ListGroup <- function(..., title) {
    class = "list-group",
      shiny::tags$li(class = "list-group-title", title),

#' Create a Framework 7 list index
#' List index must be attached to an existing list view.
#' @param id Unique id.
#' @param target Related list element. CSS selector like .class, #id, ...
#' @param ... Other options (see \url{https://v5.framework7.io/docs/list-index#list-index-parameters}).
#' @param session Shiny session object.
#' @export
#' @note For some reason, unable to get more than 1 list index working. See
#' example below. The second list does not work.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'  library(shiny)
#'  library(shinyMobile)
#'  shinyApp(
#'    ui = f7Page(
#'      title = "List Index",
#'      f7TabLayout(
#'        navbar = f7Navbar(
#'          title = "f7ListIndex",
#'          hairline = FALSE,
#'          shadow = TRUE
#'        ),
#'        f7Tabs(
#'          f7Tab(
#'            tabName = "List1",
#'            f7List(
#'             mode = "contacts",
#'             lapply(1:26, function(i) {
#'               f7ListGroup(
#'                 title = LETTERS[i],
#'                 lapply(1:26, function(j) f7ListItem(letters[j]))
#'               )
#'             })
#'            )
#'          ),
#'          f7Tab(
#'            tabName = "List2",
#'            f7List(
#'             mode = "contacts",
#'             lapply(1:26, function(i) {
#'               f7ListGroup(
#'                 title = LETTERS[i],
#'                 lapply(1:26, function(j) f7ListItem(letters[j]))
#'               )
#'             })
#'            )
#'          )
#'        )
#'      )
#'    ),
#'    server = function(input, output, session) {
#'     observeEvent(TRUE, {
#'      f7ListIndex(id = "list-index-1", target = ".list")
#'     }, once = TRUE)
#'    }
#'  )
#' }
f7ListIndex <- function(id, target, ..., session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  message <- list(el = id, listEl = target, ...)
  sendCustomMessage("listIndex", message, session)

#' Framework7 virtual list
#' \code{f7VirtualList} is a high performance list container.
#' Use if you have too many components in \link{f7List}.
#' @param id Virtual list unique id.
#' @param items List items. Slot for \link{f7VirtualListItem}.
#' @param rowsBefore Amount of rows (items) to be rendered before current
#' screen scroll position. By default it is equal to double amount of
#' rows (items) that fit to screen.
#' @param rowsAfter Amount of rows (items) to be rendered after current
#' screen scroll position. By default it is equal to the amount of rows
#' (items) that fit to screen.
#' @param cache Disable or enable DOM cache for already rendered list items.
#' In this case each item will be rendered only once and all further
#' manipulations will be with DOM element. It is useful if your list
#' items have some user interaction elements (like form elements or swipe outs)
#' or could be modified.
#' @export
#' @rdname virtuallist
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'  library(shiny)
#'  library(shinyMobile)
#'  shinyApp(
#'   ui = f7Page(
#'     title = "Virtual List",
#'     f7SingleLayout(
#'       navbar = f7Navbar(
#'         title = "Virtual Lists",
#'         hairline = FALSE,
#'         shadow = TRUE
#'       ),
#'       # main content
#'       f7VirtualList(
#'         id = "vlist",
#'         rowsBefore = 2,
#'         rowsAfter = 2,
#'         items = lapply(1:2000, function(i) {
#'           f7VirtualListItem(
#'             title = paste("Title", i),
#'             subtitle = paste("Subtitle", i),
#'             header = paste("Header", i),
#'             footer = paste("Footer", i),
#'             right = paste("Right", i),
#'             content = i,
#'             media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-1.jpg")
#'           )
#'         })
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   server = function(input, output) {
#'   }
#'  )
#'  # below example will not load with classic f7List
#'  #shinyApp(
#'  #  ui = f7Page(
#'  #    title = "My app",
#'  #    f7SingleLayout(
#'  #      navbar = f7Navbar(
#'  #        title = "Virtual Lists",
#'  #        hairline = FALSE,
#'  #        shadow = TRUE
#'  #      ),
#'  #      # main content
#'  #      f7List(
#'  #        lapply(1:20000, function(i) {
#'  #          f7ListItem(
#'  #            title = paste("Title", i),
#'  #            subtitle = paste("Subtitle", i),
#'  #            header = paste("Header", i),
#'  #            footer = paste("Footer", i),
#'  #            right = paste("Right", i),
#'  #            content = i
#'  #          )
#'  #        })
#'  #      )
#'  #    )
#'  #  ),
#'  #  server = function(input, output) {
#'  #
#'  #  }
#'  #)
#' }
f7VirtualList <- function(id, items, rowsBefore = NULL, rowsAfter = NULL,
                          cache = TRUE) {

  config <- dropNulls(
      items = items,
      rowsBefore = rowsBefore,
      rowsAfter = rowsAfter,
      cache = cache

    id = id,
      type = "application/json",
      `data-for` = id,
        x = config,
        auto_unbox = TRUE,
        json_verbatim = TRUE
    class = "list virtual-list media-list searchbar-found"

#' Framework7 virtual list item
#' \code{f7VirtualListItem} is an item component for \link{f7VirtualList}.
#' @inheritParams f7ListItem
#' @rdname virtuallist
#' @export
f7VirtualListItem <- function(..., title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, header = NULL, footer = NULL,
                              href = NULL, media = NULL, right = NULL) {

      content = ...,
      title = title,
      subtitle = subtitle,
      header = header,
      footer = footer,
      url = href,
      media = as.character(media), # avoid issue on JS side
      right = right

#' Update an \link{f7VirtualList} on the server side
#' This function wraps all methods from \url{https://framework7.io/docs/virtual-list.html}
#' @param id \link{f7VirtualList} to update.
#' @param action Action to perform. See \url{https://framework7.io/docs/virtual-list.html}.
#' @param item If action is one of appendItem, prependItem, replaceItem, insertItemBefore.
#' @param items If action is one of appendItems, prependItems, replaceAllItems.
#' @param index If action is one of replaceItem, insertItemBefore, deleteItem.
#' @param indexes If action if one of filterItems, deleteItems.
#' @param oldIndex If action is moveItem.
#' @param newIndex If action is moveItem.
#' @param session Shiny session.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'  library(shiny)
#'  library(shinyMobile)
#'  shinyApp(
#'    ui = f7Page(
#'      title = "Update virtual list",
#'      f7SingleLayout(
#'        navbar = f7Navbar(
#'          title = "Virtual Lists",
#'          hairline = FALSE,
#'          shadow = TRUE
#'        ),
#'        # main content
#'        f7Segment(
#'          container = "segment",
#'          f7Button(inputId = "appendItem", "Append Item"),
#'          f7Button(inputId = "prependItems", "Prepend Items"),
#'          f7Button(inputId = "insertBefore", "Insert before"),
#'          f7Button(inputId = "replaceItem", "Replace Item")
#'        ),
#'        f7Segment(
#'          container = "segment",
#'          f7Button(inputId = "deleteAllItems", "Remove All"),
#'          f7Button(inputId = "moveItem", "Move Item"),
#'          f7Button(inputId = "filterItems", "Filter Items")
#'        ),
#'        f7Flex(
#'          uiOutput("itemIndexUI"),
#'          uiOutput("itemNewIndexUI"),
#'          uiOutput("itemsFilterUI")
#'        ),
#'        f7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          items = lapply(1:5, function(i) {
#'            f7VirtualListItem(
#'              title = paste("Title", i),
#'              subtitle = paste("Subtitle", i),
#'              header = paste("Header", i),
#'              footer = paste("Footer", i),
#'              right = paste("Right", i),
#'              content = i,
#'              media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-3.jpg")
#'            )
#'          })
#'        )
#'      )
#'    ),
#'    server = function(input, output, session) {
#'      output$itemIndexUI <- renderUI({
#'        req(input$vlist$length > 2)
#'        f7Stepper(
#'          inputId = "itemIndex",
#'          label = "Index",
#'          min = 1,
#'          value = 2,
#'          max = input$vlist$length
#'        )
#'      })
#'      output$itemNewIndexUI <- renderUI({
#'        req(input$vlist$length > 2)
#'        f7Stepper(
#'          inputId = "itemNewIndex",
#'          label = "New Index",
#'          min = 1,
#'          value = 1,
#'          max = input$vlist$length
#'        )
#'      })
#'      output$itemsFilterUI <- renderUI({
#'        input$appendItem
#'        input$prependItems
#'        input$insertBefore
#'        input$replaceItem
#'        input$deleteAllItems
#'        input$moveItem
#'        isolate({
#'          req(input$vlist$length > 2)
#'          f7Slider(
#'            inputId = "itemsFilter",
#'            label = "Items to Filter",
#'            min = 1,
#'            max = input$vlist$length,
#'            value = c(1, input$vlist$length)
#'          )
#'        })
#'      })
#'      observe(print(input$vlist))
#'      observeEvent(input$appendItem, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "appendItem",
#'          item = f7VirtualListItem(
#'            title = "New Item Title",
#'            right = "New Item Right",
#'            content = "New Item Content",
#'            media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-1.jpg")
#'          )
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$prependItems, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "prependItems",
#'          items = lapply(1:5, function(i) {
#'            f7VirtualListItem(
#'              title = paste("Title", i),
#'              right = paste("Right", i),
#'              content = i,
#'              media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-1.jpg")
#'            )
#'          })
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$insertBefore, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "insertItemBefore",
#'          index = input$itemIndex,
#'          item = f7VirtualListItem(
#'            title = "New Item Title",
#'            content = "New Item Content",
#'            media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-1.jpg")
#'          )
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$replaceItem, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "replaceItem",
#'          index = input$itemIndex,
#'          item = f7VirtualListItem(
#'            title = "Replacement",
#'            content = "Replacement Content",
#'            media = img(src = "https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-1.jpg")
#'          )
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$deleteAllItems, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "deleteAllItems"
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$moveItem, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "moveItem",
#'          oldIndex = input$itemIndex,
#'          newIndex = input$itemNewIndex
#'        )
#'      })
#'      observeEvent(input$filterItems, {
#'        updateF7VirtualList(
#'          id = "vlist",
#'          action = "filterItems",
#'          indexes = input$itemsFilter[1]:input$itemsFilter[2]
#'        )
#'      })
#'    }
#'  )
#' }
updateF7VirtualList <- function(id, action = c("appendItem", "appendItems", "prependItem",
                                               "prependItems", "replaceItem", "replaceAllItems",
                                               "moveItem", "insertItemBefore", "filterItems",
                                               "deleteItem", "deleteAllItems", "scrollToItem"),
                                item = NULL, items = NULL, index = NULL, indexes = NULL,
                                oldIndex = NULL, newIndex = NULL,
                                session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {

  # JavaScript starts from 0!
  index <- index - 1
  indexes <- indexes - 1
  oldIndex <- oldIndex - 1
  newIndex <- newIndex - 1

  message <- dropNulls(
      action = action,
      item = item,
      items = items,
      index = index,
      indexes = indexes,
      oldIndex = oldIndex,
      newIndex = newIndex

  session$sendInputMessage(inputId = id, message)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyMobile documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.