#' @title Insert dependencies to track usage of a Shiny app
#' @description If used in UI of an application,
#' this will create new `input`s available in the server.
#' Set `dependencies = FALSE` in [track_usage()]
#' server-side to load dependencies only once.
#' @param what Elements to record between `"session"`, `"input"`, `"output"` and `"error"`.
#' @param exclude_input_regex Regular expression to exclude inputs from tracking.
#' @param exclude_input_id Vector of `inputId` to exclude from tracking.
#' @param on_unload Logical, save log when user close the browser window or tab,
#' if `TRUE` it prevent to create `shinylogs`
#' input during normal use of the application, there will
#' be created only on close, downside is that a popup will appear asking to close the page.
#' @param app_name Name of the app as a character string.
#' If `NULL`, `basename(getwd())` (name of the folder where application is located) is used.
#' @note The following `input`s will be accessible in the server (according to what is used in `record` argument):
#' - **.shinylogs_lastInput** : last `input` used by the user
#' - **.shinylogs_input** : all `input`s send from the browser to the server
#' - **.shinylogs_error** : all errors generated by `output`s elements
#' - **.shinylogs_output** : all `output`s generated from the server
#' - **.shinylogs_browserData** : information about the browser where application is displayed.
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmltools attachDependencies tags singleton
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom bit64 as.integer64
#' @importFrom nanotime nanotime
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @example examples/use_tracking.R
use_tracking <- function(what = c("session", "input", "output", "error"),
exclude_input_regex = NULL,
exclude_input_id = NULL,
on_unload = FALSE,
app_name = NULL) {
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(app_name))
app_name <- basename(getwd())
timestamp <- Sys.time()
init_log <- data.frame(
app = app_name,
server_connected = get_timestamp(timestamp),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
timestamp <- format(as.integer64(nanotime(timestamp)), scientific = FALSE)
init_log$sessionid <- digest::digest(timestamp)
tag_log <- tags$script(
id = "shinylogs-tracking",
type = "application/json",
`data-for` = "shinylogs",
what = what,
logsonunload = isTRUE(on_unload),
exclude_input_regex = exclude_input_regex,
exclude_input_id = exclude_input_id,
sessionid = init_log$sessionid
)), auto_unbox = TRUE, json_verbatim = TRUE)
x = singleton(tag_log),
value = list(
#' @importFrom stats setNames
parse_logInput <- function(x, shinysession, name) {
X = x,
FUN = function(x) {
setNames(x, NULL)
#' @importFrom anytime anytime
parse_lastInput <- function(x, shinysession, name) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
x$timestamp <- anytime(x$timestamp)
#' @title Track usage of a Shiny app
#' @description Used in Shiny \code{server} it will record all inputs and
#' output changes and errors that occurs through an output.
#' @param storage_mode Storage mode to use : [store_json()], [store_rds()],
#' [store_sqlite()] or [store_null()].
#' @inheritParams use_tracking
#' @param exclude_users Character vectors of user for whom it is not necessary to save the log.
#' @param get_user A `function` to get user name, it should
#' return a character and take one argument: the Shiny session.
#' @param dependencies Load dependencies in client, can be set to `FALSE` if [use_tracking()] has been called in UI.
#' @param session The shiny session.
#' @export
#' @note The following `input`s will be accessible in the server:
#' - **.shinylogs_lastInput** : last `input` used by the user
#' - **.shinylogs_input** : all `input`s send from the browser to the server
#' - **.shinylogs_error** : all errors generated by `output`s elements
#' - **.shinylogs_output** : all `output`s generated from the server
#' - **.shinylogs_browserData** : information about the browser where application is displayed.
#' @importFrom shiny getDefaultReactiveDomain insertUI onSessionEnded isolate observe
#' @importFrom nanotime nanotime
#' @importFrom bit64 as.integer64
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom htmltools tags singleton
#' @example examples/track_usage-json.R
#' @example examples/track_usage-console.R
track_usage <- function(storage_mode,
what = c("session", "input", "output", "error"),
exclude_input_regex = NULL,
exclude_input_id = NULL,
on_unload = FALSE,
app_name = NULL,
exclude_users = NULL,
get_user = NULL,
dependencies = TRUE,
session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
stopifnot(inherits(storage_mode, "shinylogs.storage_mode"))
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(app_name))
app_name <- basename(getwd())
if (is.null(get_user))
get_user <- get_user_
if (!is.function(get_user))
stop("get_user must be a function", call. = FALSE)
user <- get_user(session)
timestamp <- Sys.time()
init_log <- data.frame(
app = app_name,
user = user,
server_connected = get_timestamp(timestamp),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
storage_mode$appname <- app_name
storage_mode$timestamp <- format(as.integer64(nanotime(timestamp)), scientific = FALSE)
init_log$sessionid <- digest::digest(storage_mode$timestamp)
if (isTRUE(dependencies)) {
selector = "body", where = "afterBegin",
ui = singleton(tags$script(
id = "shinylogs-tracking",
type = "application/json",
`data-for` = "shinylogs",
what = what,
logsonunload = isTRUE(on_unload),
exclude_input_regex = exclude_input_regex,
exclude_input_id = exclude_input_id,
sessionid = init_log$sessionid
)), auto_unbox = TRUE, json_verbatim = TRUE)
immediate = TRUE,
session = session
selector = "body", where = "afterBegin",
ui = attachDependencies(
x = tags$div(),
value = list(
immediate = FALSE,
session = session
if (isTRUE(storage_mode$console)) {
to_console(session$input$.shinylogs_browserData, init_log)
fun = function() {
init_log$server_disconnected <- get_timestamp(Sys.time())
logs <- c(isolate(session$input$.shinylogs_input),
browser_data <- isolate(session$input$.shinylogs_browserData)
if (!is.null(browser_data)) {
browser_data <-
logs$session <- cbind(init_log, browser_data)
} else {
logs$session <- init_log
if (isTRUE(!user %in% exclude_users)) {
write_logs(storage_mode, logs)
session = session
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.