
Defines functions sgolayfilt filter.sgolayFilter

Documented in filter.sgolayFilter sgolayfilt

## Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Kienzle
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

## y = sgolayfilt (x, p, n [, m [, ts]])
##    Smooth the data in x with a Savitsky-Golay smoothing filter of 
##    polynomial order p and length n, n odd, n > p.  By default, p=3
##    and n=p+2 or n=p+3 if p is even.
## y = sgolayfilt (x, F)
##    Smooth the data in x with smoothing filter F computed by sgolay.
## These filters are particularly good at preserving lineshape while
## removing high frequency squiggles. Particularly, compare a 5 sample
## averager, an order 5 butterworth lowpass filter (cutoff 1/3) and
## sgolayfilt(x, 3, 5), the best cubic estimated from 5 points:
##    [b, a] = butter(5,1/3)
##    x=[matrix(0, 1,15), 10*matrix(1, 1,10), matrix(0, 1,15)]
##    plot(sgolayfilt(x),"r;sgolayfilt;",...
##         filtfilt(matrix(1, 1,5)/5,1,x),"g;5 sample average;",...
##         filtfilt(b,a,x),"c;order 5 butterworth;",...
##         x,"+b;original data;")
## See also: sgolay

## 15 Dec 2004 modified by Pascal Dupuis <Pascal.Dupuis@esat.kuleuven.ac.be>
## Author: Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@users.sf.net>

## TODO: Patch filter.cc so that it accepts matrix arguments

filter.sgolayFilter <- function(filt, x, ...)
  sgolayfilt(x, filt)

sgolayfilt <- function(x, p = 3, n = p + 3 - p%%2, m = 0, ts = 1)  {

  ## The first k rows of F are used to filter the first k points
  ## of the data set based on the first n points of the data set.
  ## The last k rows of F are used to filter the last k points
  ## of the data set based on the last n points of the dataset.
  ## The remaining data is filtered using the central row of F.
  ## As the filter coefficients are used in the reverse order of what
  ## seems the logical notation, reverse F[k+1,] so that antisymmetric
  ## sequences are used with the right sign.
  len = length(x)
  if (inherits(p, "sgolayFilter") || (!is.null(dim(p)) && dim(p) > 1)) {
    F = p
    n = nrow(F)
  } else 
    F = sgolay(p, n, m, ts)
  k = floor(n/2)
  z = filter(F[k+1,n:1], 1, x)
  c(F[1:k,] %*% x[1:n], z[n:len], F[(k+2):n,] %*% x[(len-n+1):len])

###bf = butter(5,1/3)
###x = c(rep(0,15), rep(10, 10), rep(0, 15))
###sg = sgolayfilt(x)
###plot(sgolayfilt(x), type="l")
###lines(filtfilt(rep(1, 5)/5,1,x), col = "red")
###lines(filtfilt(bf,x), col = "blue")
###points(x, pch = "x")
#! x=x+randn(size(x))/2
#! subplot(122); title("boxcar+noise")
#! plot(sgolayfilt(x,3,5),"r;sgolay(3,5);",...
#!      filtfilt(matrix(1, 1,5)/5,1,x),"g;5 sample average;",...
#!      filtfilt(b,a,x),"c;order 5 butterworth;",...
#!      x,"+b;original data;"); title("")

#! [b, a] = butter(5,1/3)
#! t = 0:0.01:1.0;                         % 1 second sample
#! x=cos(2*pi*t*3);                        % 3 Hz sinusoid
#! subplot(121); title("sinusoid")
#! axis([0 1 -1.5 2.5])
#! plot(t,sgolayfilt(x,3,5),"r;sgolay(3,5);",...
#!      t,filtfilt(matrix(1, 1,5)/5,1,x),"g;5 sample average;",...
#!      t,filtfilt(b,a,x),"c;order 5 butterworth;",...
#!      t,x,"+b;original data;"); title("")
#! x=x+0.2*randn(size(x));                % signal+noise
#! subplot(122); title("sinusoid+noise")
#! plot(t,sgolayfilt(x',3,5),"r;sgolay(3,5);",...
#!      t,filtfilt(matrix(1, 1,5)/5,1,x),"g;5 sample average;",...
#!      t,filtfilt(b,a,x),"c;order 5 butterworth;",...
#!      t,x,"+b;original data;"); title("")
#! oneplot()

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