#' @importFrom stats pbeta approxfun
#' @importFrom wrapr unpack
#' calculate ROC curve.
#' Based on:
#' \url{}
#' @param modelPredictions numeric predictions (not empty)
#' @param yValues truth values (not empty, same length as model predictions)
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param na.rm logical, if TRUE remove NA values.
#' @param yTarget value considered to be positive.
#' @return the ROC graph of Score (model score), Sensitivity, and Specificity. Guaranteed to have the (0, 0) and (1, 1) (1-Specificity,Sensitivity) endpoints.
#' @examples
#' sigr::build_ROC_curve(1:4, c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
#' @export
build_ROC_curve <- function(modelPredictions, yValues,
na.rm = FALSE,
yTarget = TRUE) {
wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "sigr::build_ROC_curve")
if(!is.numeric(modelPredictions)) {
stop("sigr::build_ROC_curve modelPredictions must be numeric")
yValues <- yValues==yTarget
if(!is.logical(yValues)) {
stop("sigr::build_ROC_curve yValues must be logical")
if(length(modelPredictions)!=length(yValues)) {
stop("sigr::build_ROC_curve must have length(modelPredictions)==length(yValues)")
if(na.rm) {
goodPosns <- (! & (!
modelPredictions <- modelPredictions[goodPosns]
yValues <- yValues[goodPosns]
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
positive_prevalence <- 0
if(length(yValues) <= 0) {
modelPredictions <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_)
x = c(0, 1)
y = c(0, 1)
} else {
positive_prevalence <- mean(yValues)
ord <- order(modelPredictions, decreasing=TRUE)
yValues <- yValues[ord]
modelPredictions <- modelPredictions[ord]
# FPR is the x-axis, TPR the y.
x <- cumsum(!yValues)/max(1,sum(!yValues)) # FPR = x-axis
y <- cumsum(yValues)/max(1,sum(yValues)) # TPR = y-axis
# each point should be fully after a bunch of points or fully before a
# decision level. remove dups to achieve this.
dup <- c(modelPredictions[-1]>=modelPredictions[-length(modelPredictions)],
x <- x[!dup]
y <- y[!dup]
modelPredictions <- modelPredictions[!dup]
# And add in ideal endpoints just in case
if((x[[1]] > 0) || (y[[1]] > 0)) {
x <- c(0, x)
y <- c(0, y)
modelPredictions <- c(NA_real_, modelPredictions)
if((x[[length(x)]] < 1) || (y[[length(x)]] < 1)) {
x <- c(x, 1)
y <- c(y, 1)
modelPredictions <- c(modelPredictions, NA_real_)
Score = modelPredictions,
Sensitivity = y,
Specificity = 1 - x)
#' Add ROC derived columns.
#' Add ROC columns derived from sensitivity and specificity.
#' @param d input data frame, must at lest of columns Sensitivity and Specificity
#' @param positive_prevalence scalar, the prevalence of the positive class or prior odds
#' @return extended data frame with more columns
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(pred = 1:4, truth = c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
#' roc <- build_ROC_curve(d$pred, d$truth)
#' add_ROC_derived_columns(roc, mean(d$truth))
#' @export
add_ROC_derived_columns <- function(d, positive_prevalence) {
# standard definitions
d$FalsePositiveRate <- 1 - d$Specificity
d$TruePositiveRate <- d$Sensitivity
d$TrueNegativeRate <- 1 - d$FalsePositiveRate
d$FalseNegativeRate <- 1 - d$TruePositiveRate
# to prevalences (rates normalized by total population, not by class)
d$false_positive_prevalence = d$FalsePositiveRate * (1 - positive_prevalence)
d$true_positive_prevalence = d$TruePositiveRate * positive_prevalence
d$true_negative_prevalence = d$TrueNegativeRate * (1 - positive_prevalence)
d$false_negative_prevalence = d$FalseNegativeRate * positive_prevalence
# return value
area_from_roc_graph <- function(d) {
# sum areas of segments (triangle topped vertical rectangles)
n <- nrow(d)
area <- sum( ((d$Sensitivity[-1]+d$Sensitivity[-n])/2) * abs(d$Specificity[-1]-d$Specificity[-n]) )
#' calculate AUC.
#' Based on:
#' \url{}
#' @param modelPredictions numeric predictions (not empty), ordered (either increasing or decreasing)
#' @param yValues truth values (not empty, same length as model predictions)
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param na.rm logical, if TRUE remove NA values.
#' @param yTarget value considered to be positive.
#' @return area under curve
#' @examples
#' sigr::calcAUC(1:4, c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE)) # should be 2/3
#' @export
calcAUC <- function(modelPredictions, yValues,
na.rm = FALSE,
yTarget = TRUE) {
wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "sigr::calcAUC")
d <- build_ROC_curve(
modelPredictions = modelPredictions,
yValues = yValues,
na.rm = na.rm,
yTarget = yTarget)
# sum areas of segments (triangle topped vertical rectangles)
area <- area_from_roc_graph(d)
#' Compute the q-graph.
#' Based on:
#' \url{}
#' @param Specificity vector of sensitivities to evaluate
#' @param q shape parameter for \code{1 - (1 - (1-Specificity)^q)^(1/q)}
#' @return Sensitivity
#' @examples
#' sensitivity_from_specificity_q(seq(0, 1, 0.1), 0.61)
#' @export
sensitivity_from_specificity_q <- function(Specificity, q) {
Sensitivity <- 1 - (1 - (1-Specificity)^q)^(1/q)
#' Find area matching polynomial curve.
#' Based on \url{}
#' @param area area to match
#' @param ... not used, force later arguments to bind by name
#' @param n_points how many points to use to estimte area.
#' @return q that such that curve \code{1 - (1 - (1-Specificity)^q)^(1/q)} matches area
#' @examples
#' find_area_q(0.75)
#' @export
find_area_q <- function(area,
n_points = 101) {
q_eps <- 1.e-6
q_low <- 0
q_high <- 1
ex_frame <- data.frame(
Specificity = seq(0, 1, length.out = n_points))
while(q_low + q_eps < q_high) {
q_mid <- (q_low + q_high)/2
ex_frame$Sensitivity <- sensitivity_from_specificity_q(ex_frame$Specificity, q_mid)
q_mid_area <- area_from_roc_graph(ex_frame)
if(q_mid_area <= area) {
q_high <- q_mid
} else {
q_low <- q_mid
(q_low + q_high)/2
#' Find area matching polynomial curve.
#' Based on \url{}
#' @param modelPredictions numeric predictions (not empty), ordered (either increasing or decreasing)
#' @param yValues truth values (not empty, same length as model predictions)
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param na.rm logical, if TRUE remove NA values.
#' @param yTarget value considered to be positive.
#' @param n_points number of points to use in estimates.
#' @return q that such that curve 1 - (1 - (1-ideal_roc$Specificity)^q)^(1/q) matches area
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(pred = 1:4, truth = c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
#' q <- find_AUC_q(d$pred, d$truth)
#' roc <- build_ROC_curve(d$pred, d$truth)
#' ideal_roc <- data.frame(Specificity = seq(0, 1, length.out = 101))
#' ideal_roc$Sensitivity <- sensitivity_from_specificity_q(ideal_roc$Specificity, q)
#' # library(ggplot2)
#' # ggplot(mapping = aes(x = 1 - Specificity, y = Sensitivity)) +
#' # geom_line(data = roc, color = "DarkBlue") +
#' # geom_line(data = ideal_roc, color = "Orange") +
#' # theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
#' # ggtitle("example actual and ideal curve")
#' @export
find_AUC_q <- function(modelPredictions, yValues,
na.rm = FALSE,
yTarget = TRUE,
n_points = 101) {
wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "sigr::find_AUC_q")
d <- build_ROC_curve(
modelPredictions = modelPredictions,
yValues = yValues,
na.rm = na.rm,
yTarget = yTarget)
area <- area_from_roc_graph(d)
q <- find_area_q(area, n_points = n_points)
#' Fit beta parameters from data.
#' Fit shape1, shape2 using the method of moments.
#' @param x numeric predictions
#' @return beta shape1, shape2 parameters in a named list
#' @examples
#' x <- rbeta(1000, shape1 = 3, shape2 = 5.5)
#' fit_beta_shapes(x) # should often be near [3, 5.5]
#' @export
fit_beta_shapes <- function(x) {
Ex <- mean(x)
Vx <- mean((x - Ex)^2)
shape1 <- Ex * Ex * (1 - Ex) / Vx - Ex
shape2 <- (Ex * (1 - Ex) / Vx - 1) * (1 - Ex)
c(shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2)
#' Find beta shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
#' Based on \url{}. Used to find
#' one beta distribution on positive examples, and another on negative examples.
#' @param modelPredictions numeric predictions (not empty), ordered (either increasing or decreasing)
#' @param yValues truth values (not empty, same length as model predictions)
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param yTarget value considered to be positive.
#' @return beta curve shape parameters
#' @examples
#' d <- rbind(
#' data.frame(x = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 6, shape2 = 4), y = TRUE),
#' data.frame(x = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 3), y = FALSE)
#' )
#' find_matching_conditional_betas(modelPredictions = d$x, yValues = d$y)
#' # should be near
#' # shape1_pos shape2_pos shape1_neg shape2_neg
#' # 6 4 2 3
#' #
#' # # How to land all as variables
#' # unpack[shape1_pos, shape2_pos, shape1_neg, shape2_neg] <-
#' # find_ROC_matching_ab(modelPredictions = d$x, yValues = d$y)
#' @export
find_matching_conditional_betas <- function(
modelPredictions, yValues,
yTarget = TRUE) {
yValues <- yValues == yTarget
shape1 <- shape1_neg <- shape1_pos <- shape2 <- shape2_neg <- shape2_pos <- NULL # don't look unbound
unpack[shape1_pos = shape1, shape2_pos = shape2] <-
unpack[shape1_neg = shape1, shape2_neg = shape2] <-
c(shape1_pos = shape1_pos,
shape2_pos = shape2_pos,
shape1_neg = shape1_neg,
shape2_neg = shape2_neg)
#' @export
#' @rdname find_matching_conditional_betas
find_ROC_matching_ab <- find_matching_conditional_betas
#' Find beta-1 shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
#' Based on \doi{10.1177/0272989X15582210}. Fits a Beta(a, 1) distribuiton on
#' positive examples and an Beta(1, b) distribution on negative examples.
#' @param modelPredictions numeric predictions (not empty), ordered (either increasing or decreasing)
#' @param yValues truth values (not empty, same length as model predictions)
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param yTarget value considered to be positive.
#' @param step_size size of steps in curve drawing
#' @return beta curve shape parameters
#' @examples
#' d <- rbind(
#' data.frame(x = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 6, shape2 = 4), y = TRUE),
#' data.frame(x = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 5), y = FALSE)
#' )
#' find_ROC_matching_ab1(modelPredictions = d$x, yValues = d$y)
#' # should be near
#' # shape1_pos shape2_pos shape1_neg shape2_neg a b
#' # 3.985017 1.000000 1.000000 1.746613 3.985017 1.746613
#' #
#' # # How to land what you want as variables
#' # unpack[a, b] <-
#' # find_matching_a1_1b(modelPredictions = d$x, yValues = d$y)
#' @export
find_matching_a1_1b <- function(
modelPredictions, yValues,
yTarget = TRUE,
step_size = 0.001) {
yValues <- yValues == yTarget
# match the displayed curve
# fit by moment matching to get an initial guess
shape1 <- shape1_neg <- shape1_pos <- shape2 <- shape2_neg <- shape2_pos <- NULL # don't look unbound
unpack[shape1_pos = shape1, shape2_pos = shape2] <-
unpack[shape1_neg = shape1, shape2_neg = shape2] <-
a0 <- max(1, shape1_pos / shape2_pos)
b0 <- max(1, shape2_neg / shape1_neg)
# find a close fit
empirical_graph <- build_ROC_curve(modelPredictions, yValues)
curve_critique <- function(x) {
a <- max(1, x[[1]])
b <- max(1, x[[2]])
ideal_roc <- sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n(
seq(0, 1, step_size),
shape1_pos = a,
shape2_pos = 1,
shape1_neg = 1,
shape2_neg = b)
match_fn <- suppressWarnings(approxfun(
x = ideal_roc$Specificity,
y = ideal_roc$Sensitivity,
yleft = 1,
yright = 0))
match_values <- match_fn(empirical_graph$Specificity)
loss <- mean((empirical_graph$Sensitivity - match_values)^2)
regularization <- 1.0e-6*sum((x - 1)^2)
loss + regularization
opt <- stats::optim(c(a0, b0), curve_critique, lower = c(1, 1), method = 'L-BFGS-B')
a <- max(1, opt$par[[1]])
b <- max(1, opt$par[[2]])
c(shape1_pos = a,
shape2_pos = 1,
shape1_neg = 1,
shape2_neg = b,
a = a,
b = b)
#' @export
#' @rdname find_matching_a1_1b
find_ROC_matching_ab1 <- find_matching_a1_1b
#' Compute the shape1_pos, shape2_pos, shape1_neg, shape2_neg graph.
#' Compute specificity and sensitivity given specificity and model fit parameters.
#' @param Score vector of sensitivities to evaluate
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param shape1_pos beta shape1 parameter for positive examples
#' @param shape2_pos beta shape2 parameter for positive examples
#' @param shape1_neg beta shape1 parameter for negative examples
#' @param shape2_neg beta shape1 parameter for negative examples
#' @return Score, Specificity and Sensitivity data frame
#' @examples
#' library(wrapr)
#' empirical_data <- rbind(
#' data.frame(
#' Score = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 3, shape2 = 2),
#' y = TRUE),
#' data.frame(
#' Score = rbeta(1000, shape1 = 5, shape2 = 4),
#' y = FALSE)
#' )
#' unpack[shape1_pos = shape1, shape2_pos = shape2] <-
#' fit_beta_shapes(empirical_data$Score[empirical_data$y])
#' shape1_pos
#' shape2_pos
#' unpack[shape1_neg = shape1, shape2_neg = shape2] <-
#' fit_beta_shapes(empirical_data$Score[!empirical_data$y])
#' shape1_neg
#' shape2_neg
#' ideal_roc <- sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n(
#' seq(0, 1, 0.1),
#' shape1_pos = shape1_pos,
#' shape1_neg = shape1_neg,
#' shape2_pos = shape2_pos,
#' shape2_neg = shape2_neg)
#' empirical_roc <- build_ROC_curve(
#' modelPredictions = empirical_data$Score,
#' yValues = empirical_data$y
#' )
#' # # should look very similar
#' # library(ggplot2)
#' # ggplot(mapping = aes(x = 1 - Specificity, y = Sensitivity)) +
#' # geom_line(data = empirical_roc, color='DarkBlue') +
#' # geom_line(data = ideal_roc, color = 'Orange')
#' @export
sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n <- function(
shape1_pos, shape2_pos,
shape1_neg, shape2_neg) {
wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "sigr::sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n")
Specificity <- pbeta(Score, shape1 = shape1_neg, shape2 = shape2_neg)
Sensitivity <- 1 - pbeta(Score, shape1 = shape1_pos, shape2 = shape2_pos)
Score = Score,
Specificity = Specificity,
Sensitivity = Sensitivity)
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