
Defines functions msq

Documented in msq

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This program conducts a discrete-event simulation of a multiple-server
## queue with a FIFO (first-in-first-out) queue discipline and default
## iid exponentially distributed interarrival times and iid exponentially
## distributed service times (i.e., an M/M/2 queue).  The interarrival time
## distribution and the service time distribution can be altered.
## Assumptions:
##   * Initial state of the system:  empty queue and idle server(s)
##   * Server(s) takes no breaks
##   * No feedback (once a customer is serviced, the customer departs)
##   * Immediate service (no time delay between serving customers)
##   * Ending conditions:  the simulation is terminated by 1 of 3 conditions
##       - number of customers departed,
##       - simulated time exceeds a prescribed ending time,
##       - number of arrivals (this option allows the system to clear out,
##            unless one of the other stopping conditions overrides),
##     whichever occurs first
##   * Server selection: one of five built-in selection types from among those
##     servers available (i.e., not currently in service):
##       - LRU: least recently used
##       - LFU: least frequently used, in utilization
##       - CYC: cyclic, starting from the most recently engaged
##       - RAN: randomly selected
##       - ORD: in order, starting from the first server
## Name            : msq.R (Multi-Server Queue)
## Author          : Barry Lawson & Larry Leemis & Vadim Kudlay
## Language        : R (part of simEd package)
## Latest Revision : 13 Dec 2020
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Multi-Server Queue Simulation
#' @description   A next-event simulation of a single-queue multiple-server
#'    service node, with extensible arrival and service processes.
#' @details
#'  Implements a next-event implementation of a single-queue multiple-server
#'    queue simulation.
#' @param interarrivalFcn
#'    Function for generating interarrival times for queue simulation.
#'    Default value (\code{NA}) will result in use of default interarrival 
#'    function based on \code{interarrivalType}.  See examples.
#' @param serviceFcn
#'    Function for generating service times for queue simulation.
#'    Default value (\code{NA}) will result in use of default service function
#'    based on \code{serviceType}.  See examples.
#' @param numServers
#'    Number of servers to simulation (an integer between 1 and 24)
#' @param serverSelection
#'    Algorithm to use for selecting among idle servers (default is "LRU")
#' @param respectLayout
#'    If TRUE, plot layout (i.e., par, device, etc.) settings will be respected.
#'    Not recommended except for specialized use.
#' @param animate
#'    If FALSE, no animation will be shown.
#' @param showQueue
#'    if TRUE, displays a visualization of the queue
#' @param plotQueueFcn 
#'    Plotting function to display Queue visualization. 
#'    By default, this is provided by \code{defaultPlotSSQ}. Please refer to
#'    the corresponding help for more details about required arguments.
#' @param plotSkylineFcn 
#'    Plotting function to display Skyline visualization. 
#'    By default, this is provided by \code{defaultPlotSkyline}.  Please refer
#'    to the corresponding help for more details about required arguments.
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom shape roundrect Arrows
#' @importFrom grDevices as.raster 
#' @template queue
#' @template queue2
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept  queueing
#' @details
#'    The server selection mechanism can be chosen from among five options, with
#'    \code{"LRU"} being the default:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item \code{"LRU"} (least recently used): from among the currently
#'          available (idle) servers, selects the server who has been idle longest.
#'      \item \code{"LFU"} (least frequently used): from among the currently
#'          available servers, selects the server having the lowest computed
#'          utilization.
#'      \item \code{"CYC"} (cyclic): selects a server in a cyclic manner; i.e,
#'          indexing the servers 1, 2, \eqn{\ldots}, \code{numServers} and incrementing
#'          cyclically, starts from one greater than the index of the most recently
#'          engaged server and selects the first idle server encountered.
#'      \item \code{"RAN"} (random): selects a server at random from among the
#'          currently available servers.
#'     \item \code{"ORD"} (in order): indexing the servers 1, 2, \eqn{\ldots},
#'          \code{numServers}, selects the idle server having the lowest index.
#'    }
#' @examples
#'  # process 100 arrivals, R-provided seed (via NULL seed), default 2 servers
#'  msq(100, NULL)
#'  # process 100 arrivals, seed 8675309, 3 servers, LFU server selection
#'  msq(100, 8675309, 3, 'LFU')
#'  msq(maxArrivals = 100, seed = 8675309)
#'  msq(maxTime = 100, seed = 8675309)
#'  ############################################################################
#'  # example to show use of seed = NA (default) to rely on current state of generator
#'  output1 <- msq(200, 8675309, showOutput = FALSE, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  output2 <- msq(300,          showOutput = FALSE, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  set.seed(8675309)
#'  output3 <- msq(200,          showOutput = FALSE, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  output4 <- msq(300,          showOutput = FALSE, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  sum(output1$sojournTimes != output3$sojournTimes) # should be zero
#'  sum(output2$sojournTimes != output4$sojournTimes) # should be zero
#'  ############################################################################
#'  # use same service function for (default) two servers
#'  myArrFcn <- function() { vexp(1, rate = 1/4, stream = 1) }               # mean is 4
#'  mySvcFcn <- function() { vgamma(1, shape = 1, rate = 0.3, stream = 2) }  # mean is 3.3
#'  output <- msq(maxArrivals = 100, interarrivalFcn = myArrFcn,
#'      serviceFcn = mySvcFcn, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  mean(output$interarrivalTimes)
#'  mean(output$serviceTimes)
#'  ############################################################################
#'  # use different service function for (default) two servers
#'  myArrFcn  <- function() { vexp(1, rate = 1/4, stream = 1) }                # mean is 4
#'  mySvcFcn1 <- function() { vgamma(1, shape = 3, scale = 1.1, stream = 2) }  # mean is 3.3
#'  mySvcFcn2 <- function() { vgamma(1, shape = 3, scale = 1.2, stream = 3) }  # mean is 3.6
#'  output <- msq(maxArrivals = 100, interarrivalFcn = myArrFcn,
#'      serviceFcn = list(mySvcFcn1, mySvcFcn2), saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  mean(output$interarrivalTimes)
#'  meanTPS(output$numInQueueT, output$numInQueueN)  # compute time-averaged num in queue
#'  mean(output$serviceTimesPerServer[[1]])  # compute avg service time for server 1
#'  mean(output$serviceTimesPerServer[[2]])  # compute avg service time for server 2
#'  meanTPS(output$serverStatusT[[1]], output$serverStatusN[[1]])  # compute server 1 utilization
#'  meanTPS(output$serverStatusT[[2]], output$serverStatusN[[2]])  # compute server 2 utilization
#'  ############################################################################
#'  # example to show use of (simple) trace data for arrivals and service times,
#'  # allowing for reuse of trace data times
#'  smallQueueTrace <- list()
#'  smallQueueTrace$arrivalTimes <- c(15, 47, 71, 111, 123, 152, 166, 226, 310, 320)
#'  smallQueueTrace$serviceTimes <- c(43, 36, 34,  30,  38,  40,  31,  29,  36,  30)
#'  interarrivalTimes <- NULL
#'  serviceTimes      <- NULL
#'  getInterarr <- function()
#'  {
#'      if (length(interarrivalTimes) == 0) {
#'            interarrivalTimes <<- c(smallQueueTrace$arrivalTimes[1],
#'                                   diff(smallQueueTrace$arrivalTimes))
#'      }
#'      nextInterarr <- interarrivalTimes[1]
#'      interarrivalTimes <<- interarrivalTimes[-1]  # remove 1st element globally
#'      return(nextInterarr)
#'  }
#'  getService <- function()
#'  {
#'      if (length(serviceTimes) == 0) {
#'          serviceTimes <<- smallQueueTrace$serviceTimes
#'      }
#'      nextService <- serviceTimes[1]
#'      serviceTimes <<- serviceTimes[-1]  # remove 1st element globally
#'      return(nextService)
#'  }
#'  output <- msq(maxArrivals = 100, numServers = 2, interarrivalFcn = getInterarr,
#'                serviceFcn = getService, saveAllStats = TRUE)
#'  mean(output$interarrivalTimes)
#'  mean(output$serviceTimes)
#'  mean(output$serviceTimesPerServer[[1]])  # compute avg service time for server 1
#'  mean(output$serviceTimesPerServer[[2]])  # compute avg service time for server 2
#'  ############################################################################
#'  # Testing with visualization
#'  # Visualizing msq with a set seed, infinite queue capacity, 10 arrivals,
#'  # and showing queue (default) and skyline for all 3 attributes
#'  msq(seed = 1234, numServers = 5, maxArrivals = 10, showSkyline = 7, 
#'      plotDelay = 0.1)
#'  # Same simulation as above but using default interactive mode
#'  if (interactive()) {
#'    msq(seed = 1234, numServers = 5, maxArrivals = 10, showSkyline = 7)
#'  }
#'  # Visualizing msq with a set seed, finite queue capacity, 20 arrivals,
#'  # and showing queue (default) and skyline for all 3 attributes
#'  msq(seed = 1234, numServers = 5, maxArrivals = 25, showSkyline = 7,
#'      maxInSystem = 5, plotDelay = 0)
#'  # Using default distributions to simulate an M/G/2 queue
#'  msq(seed = 1234, maxDepartures = 10, 
#'      interarrivalType = "M", serviceType = "G", plotDelay = 0)
#' @export
msq <- function( maxArrivals           = Inf,
                 seed                  = NA,  # NA:use rng state; NULL:sys gen
                 numServers            = 2,
                 serverSelection       = c("LRU", "LFU", "CYC", "RAN", "ORD"),
                 interarrivalFcn       = NULL,
                 serviceFcn            = NULL,
                 interarrivalType      = "M",
                 serviceType           = "M",
                 maxTime               = Inf,
                 maxDepartures         = Inf,
                 maxInSystem            = Inf,
                 maxEventsPerSkyline   = 15,
                 saveAllStats          = FALSE,
                 saveInterarrivalTimes = FALSE,
                 saveServiceTimes      = FALSE,
                 saveWaitTimes         = FALSE,
                 saveSojournTimes      = FALSE,
                 saveNumInQueue        = FALSE,
                 saveNumInSystem       = FALSE,
                 saveServerStatus      = FALSE,
                 showOutput            = TRUE,
                 animate               = FALSE,
                 #show                  = NULL, # del 23 Nov 2023
                 showQueue             = NULL, # TRUE, mod 23 Nov 2023
                 showSkyline           = NULL,
                 showSkylineSystem     = FALSE, # TRUE, mod 23 Nov 2023
                 showSkylineQueue      = FALSE, # TRUE, mod 23 Nov 2023
                 showSkylineServer     = FALSE, # TRUE, mod 23 Nov 2023
                 showTitle             = TRUE,
                 showProgress          = TRUE,
                 plotQueueFcn          = defaultPlotMSQ,
                 plotSkylineFcn        = defaultPlotSkyline,
                 jobImage              = NA,
                 plotDelay             = NA,
                 respectLayout         = FALSE
) {

  # variables defined w/in scope of msq that make "good use of 
  # superassignment" for stateful function use (mod 23 Nov 2023)
  # (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-April/275905.html)
  # (https://adv-r.hadley.nz/function-factories.html#stateful-funs)
  # (add 23 Nov 2023)
  pauseData <- NULL # list used in step-by-step progress through viz

  # these two are used, respectively, by CYC and LFU server selection functions
  lastServerEngaged <- 0
  areaPerServer     <- rep(0, numServers)

  picType <- NULL   # for visualization

  # Creating msq-scope instance of TryPausePlot. To be overridden in main
  PauseCurrPlot <- NULL   # eventually a function

  numPlotsShown <- 0
  numPlotSlots  <- 0
  numPlotted    <- 0

  # We maintain two event calendars just for easy separation:
  #   - a list of length one corresponding to the next arrival
  #   - a list of length numServers, one event DS per server
  # For arrivals, the event data structure entries correspond to:
  #   - type:  'a' for arrivals
  #   - time:  time of next arrival to occur
  #   - state: 0 <--> arrivals disallowed; 1 <--> arrivals allowed
  # For servers, the event data structure entries correspond to:
  #   - type:  'sk' for server # k = 1, 2, ..., numServers
  #   - time:  time of next (state == 1) or last (state == 0) completion of svc
  #   - state: 0 <--> server currently idle; 1 <--> server currently busy
  arrivalsCal <- list(type = 'a',  time = Inf, state = 0)
  event       <- list(type = NULL, time = 0,   state = 0, job = 0)
  serversCal  <- replicate(numServers, event)
  for (i in 1:numServers) serversCal[,i]$type <- paste('s', i, sep = "")

  bar <- NULL # for progress bar

  # Do parameter checking and handling; stop execution or warn if erroneous
  checkVal(seed,          "i", minex = 0, null = TRUE, na = TRUE)
  checkVal(maxTime,            minex = 0)
  checkVal(numServers,    "i", minex = 0, maxex = simEd_env$simEd_max_streams)
  checkVal(maxArrivals,   "i", minex = 0)
  checkVal(maxDepartures, "i", minex = 0)
  checkVal(maxInSystem,   "i", min = numServers)
  checkVal(maxEventsPerSkyline, "i", minex = 0)

  if (maxTime == Inf && maxArrivals == Inf && maxDepartures == Inf)
    stop("at least one of 'maxTime', 'maxArrivals', or 'maxDepartures' must be < Inf")

  # ensure server selection is one of proper types: LRU, LFU, CYC, RAN, ORD
  serverSelection <- match.arg(serverSelection)

  checkVal(saveAllStats,          "l")
  checkVal(saveInterarrivalTimes, "l")
  checkVal(saveServiceTimes,      "l")
  checkVal(saveWaitTimes,         "l")
  checkVal(saveSojournTimes,      "l")
  checkVal(saveNumInQueue,        "l")
  checkVal(saveNumInSystem,       "l")
  checkVal(saveServerStatus,      "l")

  if (saveAllStats) {
    saveInterarrivalTimes <- TRUE
    saveServiceTimes      <- TRUE
    saveWaitTimes         <- TRUE
    saveSojournTimes      <- TRUE
    saveNumInQueue        <- TRUE
    saveNumInSystem       <- TRUE
    saveServerStatus      <- TRUE

  checkVal(showOutput,        "l")
  checkVal(showSkylineSystem, "l")
  checkVal(showSkylineQueue,  "l")
  checkVal(showSkylineServer, "l")
  checkVal(showTitle,         "l")
  checkVal(showProgress,      "l")

  if (!is.null(showQueue))   checkVal(showQueue, "l")        # add 23 Nov 2023
  if (!is.null(showSkyline)) checkVal(showSkyline, "i", 1,7) # add 23 Nov 2023

  # del 23 Nov 2023  (see add logic immediately below)
  #showResults    <- ParseShow(
  #  showBools   = c(showQueue, showSkyline),
  #  show        = show,
  #  ignoreBools = missing(showQueue) || missing(showSkyline)
  #  #ignoreBools = missing(showQueue) && missing(showSkyline)
  #showQueue      <- showResults[1]
  #showSkyline    <- showResults[2]  # NB: converts to NA if missing

  # add 23 Nov 2023
  # if user sets any of the show* or plotDelay parameters, make sure that
  # animate is TRUE
  bool_params = c(showSkylineSystem, showSkylineQueue, showSkylineServer)
  if ((!is.null(showQueue) || !is.null(showSkyline) || any(bool_params) || 
       !is.na(plotDelay)) && !animate)
      animate <- TRUE
  if (animate && (is.null(showQueue)   || !showQueue) && 
                 (is.null(showSkyline) || showSkyline == 0) &&
      # if user wants to animate but without specifying any components
      # to show, use the defaults
      warning(paste("animate is TRUE but no show values given to indicate plots;",
                    "defaulting to showQueue = TRUE and showSkyline = 7"),
              immediate. = TRUE)
      # components, the default is for showQueue & showSkyline
      showQueue         <- TRUE
      showSkyline       <- 7     # show system, queue, & server skyline
      showSkylineSystem <- TRUE
      showSkylineQueue  <- TRUE
      showSkylineServer <- TRUE
  if (animate)
      # using on.exit w/ par per CRAN suggestion (add 22 Nov 2023)
      oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)  # save current par settings (add 22 Nov 2023)
      on.exit(par(oldpar))               # add (22 Nov 2023)

      # default is to show the queue
      if (is.null(showQueue)) showQueue <- TRUE

  showSkyResults <- ParseShow(
    showBools   = c(
    show        = showSkyline,
    ignoreBools = missing(showSkylineSystem)
               && missing(showSkylineQueue)
               && missing(showSkylineServer)
  showSkylineSystem <- showSkyResults[1]
  showSkylineQueue  <- showSkyResults[2]
  showSkylineServer <- showSkyResults[3]
  showSkyline <- (showSkylineSystem
               || showSkylineQueue
               || showSkylineServer)

  checkVal(respectLayout, "l")

  if (!is.na(jobImage) && !is.character(jobImage))
    stop("'jobImage' must be a local link or URL to an image (or a vector of such)")

  if (animate) {
      if (is.na(plotDelay)) plotDelay <- -1  # default to interactive
      if (!isValNum(plotDelay) || (plotDelay < 0 && plotDelay != -1))
          stop("'plotDelay' must be a numeric value (in secs) >= 0 or -1 (interactive mode)")
  # del 23 Nov 2023 (see added logic above)
  #    if (!is.na(plotDelay)) {
  #        warning("kindly disregarding plotDelay as 'animate' is FALSE")
  #        plotDelay <- 0
  #    }
  endCriteria <- list(ARRIVALS = 1, DEPARTURES = 2) #, TIME = 3)
  endValue <- max(if (is.infinite(maxArrivals))   -1 else maxArrivals,
                  if (is.infinite(maxDepartures)) -1 else maxDepartures, 
                  if (is.infinite(maxTime))       -1 else maxTime)
  endType <- if (endValue == maxArrivals || endValue == maxTime)
             else if (endValue == maxDepartures) 
  # NB: this is not a general solution for stopping criteria for at least
  # two reasons:
  #    1) user may include two stopping criteria (e.g., maxArrivals & maxTime)
  #       but there is no way for us to know in advance which of those two
  #       would occur first -- so, for now at least, consider in order 
  #       of importance: arrivals, departures, time
  #    2) these variables are used primarily to pass to compPlot.R:PausePlot,
  #       e.g., for jumping and displaying progress bar; but if user chooses
  #       to stop on max time only, we won't know in advance what the upper
  #       limit of arrivals would be in that case.

  ## default interarrival and service functions...
  ## defaultService needs to come prior to serviceFcn error checking below

  if (typeof(interarrivalFcn) != "closure") {
    fcnInfo         <- GetDefaultDistroFcn(interarrivalType, isArrival = TRUE)
    interarrivalFcn <- fcnInfo$fcn
    arrivalNotation <- fcnInfo$notation
  } else {
    # for backward compatibility, we want to allow the user to provide a
    # function having no arguments, a la
    #       iaFcn <- function() { rexp(1, rate = 2, stream = 1) }
    # but Vadim's new code expects the function to allow for a variable number
    # of arguments, a la
    #       iaFcn <- function(...) { rexp(1, rate = 2, stream = 1) }
    # so parse the function to rebuild allowing for variable number of arguments
    # if necessary:
    interarrivalFcn <- ParseDistroFcn(interarrivalFcn)
    arrivalNotation <- GetDistroNotation(interarrivalFcn)

  stopMsg <- paste("'serviceFcn' must be one function or a list of length", numServers, "of functions")

  if (is.null(serviceFcn)) {
    fcnInfo         <- GetDefaultDistroFcn(serviceType, isArrival = FALSE, numServers = numServers)
    serviceFcn      <- fcnInfo$fcn
    serviceNotation <- fcnInfo$notation
    serviceFcn <- replicate(numServers, serviceFcn)
  else if (typeof(serviceFcn) != "closure" && typeof(serviceFcn) != "list") stop(stopMsg)
  else if (typeof(serviceFcn) == "closure") {
    # allow for variable # of args if necessary -- see comment above
    serviceFcn <- ParseDistroFcn(serviceFcn)
    serviceFcn <- replicate(numServers, serviceFcn)
    # set the notation to be the first in the list... if not all the same,
    # not even sure what notation we should use...
    serviceNotation <- GetDistroNotation(serviceFcn[[1]])
  else if (typeof(serviceFcn) == "list") {
    if (length(serviceFcn) != numServers)       stop(stopMsg)
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
      if (typeof(serviceFcn[[s]]) != "closure") stop(stopMsg)
      # allow for variable # of args if necessary -- see comment above
      serviceFcn[[s]] <- ParseDistroFcn(serviceFcn[[s]])
    # set the notation to be the first in the list... if not all the same,
    # not even sure what notation we should use...
    serviceNotation <- GetDistroNotation(serviceFcn[[1]])

  msqTitle <- ""
  skyTitle <- ""

  if (showTitle) {
    if (maxInSystem < Inf || maxArrivals < Inf) {
        paramsText <- paste(" (",
                        if (maxInSystem  < Inf) paste("K = ", maxInSystem,  ", ", sep = ""),
                        if (maxArrivals < Inf)  paste("N = ", maxArrivals, ")", sep = ""),
                        sep = "")
    } else {
        paramsText <- ""

    msqTitle <- bquote(.(arrivalNotation) ~ "/" ~ .(serviceNotation)
            ~ "/" ~ .(numServers) ~ .(paramsText))

    skyTitle <- "Number in System and In Queue"


  # Function that returns picture to be used for elements. Returns NA by default.
  # If picture links are found, function is overridden.
  GetPic <- function(i) return(NA)

  # Try to parse in pictures for jobs if any were specified
  if (!is.na(jobImage[1])) 
    if (!requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)) {
      message("Package \"magick\" needed for image inclusion to work. ",
              "Defaulting from using images.", call. = FALSE)
    # If queue will never be shown, ignore images
    else if (showQueue == FALSE) {
      # mod 23 Nov 2023
      #warning(paste("kindly refusing to use 'jobImage' as 'showQueue' is 'FALSE'"))
      warning(paste("kindly refusing to use 'jobImage' as 'showQueue' is 'FALSE'"),
              immediate. = TRUE)
      jobImage <- NA

    # Otherwise, initialize setup of picture-handling structures
    else {

      # Attempt to determine max number of jobs to use as size of random image matrix
      numJobs <- if (maxArrivals < Inf)  maxArrivals+1  else  100

      # Parse the picture links, scale them to 80 width, and convert them to raster images
      pics <- lapply(jobImage, function(p) 
        as.raster(magick::image_scale(magick::image_read(p), "80")))

      # Override the GetPic function to either return
      #  - a randomly-set picture consistent with the inputted index
      #  - the picture to be used for all of the elements
      if (length(jobImage > 1)) {
        # mod 23 Nov 2023 (facilitating 'stateful function use')
        #picType <- sample(1:length(pics), numJobs, replace = TRUE)
        picType <<- sample(1:length(pics), numJobs, replace = TRUE)
        GetPic  <- function(i) return(pics[[picType[i]]])
      }  else  {
        GetPic <- function(i) return(pics)


  #numPlotsShown <- numPlotSlots <- numPlotted <- 0 (del 23 Nov 2023)

  if (animate) {
    # Create new device with default size if none exists
      dev.new(width=5.5, height=6)
    # Number of plots that should be shown per animation
    numPlotsShown <- showQueue + showSkyline
    # Number of plots needed to fill based on par specifications
    numPlotSlots  <- max(prod(par("mfrow")), prod(par("mfcol")))
    # Number of plot slots that have been filled so far
    numPlotted <- 0

    # Generate Warnings
      # try to respect user's previously defined par(mfrow) or par(mfcol) if
      # sufficient to show all plots; if not, display a warning message
      if (respectLayout) {
        if (numPlotSlots < numPlotsShown) {
          msg <- paste('Cannot display the requested ', numPlotsShown,
                    ' plots simultaneously because layout is set for ', numPlotSlots,
                    ' plot', if (numPlotSlots > 1) 's. ' else '. ',
                    'Please use \'par\' to set layout appropriately, e.g., ',
                    'par(mfrow = c(', numPlotsShown, ',1)) or ',
                    'par(mfcol = c(1,', numPlotsShown, ')).', sep = "")
          # mod 23 Nov 2023
          warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Creating msq-scope instance of TryPausePlot. To be overridden in main
  #PauseCurrPlot <- NULL   # eventually a function  # del 23 Nov 2023

  # We maintain two event calendars just for easy separation:
  #   - a list of length one corresponding to the next arrival
  #   - a list of length numServers, one event DS per server
  # For arrivals, the event data structure entries correspond to:
  #   - type:  'a' for arrivals
  #   - time:  time of next arrival to occur
  #   - state: 0 <--> arrivals disallowed; 1 <--> arrivals allowed
  # For servers, the event data structure entries correspond to:
  #   - type:  'sk' for server # k = 1, 2, ..., numServers
  #   - time:  time of next (state == 1) or last (state == 0) completion of svc
  #   - state: 0 <--> server currently idle; 1 <--> server currently busy
  #arrivalsCal <- list(type = 'a',  time = Inf, state = 0)  # del 23 Nov 2023
  #event       <- list(type = NULL, time = 0,   state = 0, job = 0) # del 23 Nov 2023
  #serversCal  <- replicate(numServers, event) # del 23 Nov 2023
  #for (i in 1:numServers) serversCal[,i]$type <- paste('s', i, sep = "") # del 23 Nov 2023

  # these two are used, respectively, by CYC and LFU server selection functions
  #lastServerEngaged <- 0                   # del 23 Nov 2023
  #areaPerServer     <- rep(0, numServers)  # del 23 Nov 2023

  # progress bar to keep the user updated
  #bar <- NULL # del 23 Nov 2023

  if (interactive() && showProgress && (!animate || plotDelay == 0)) {
    bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, style = 3)

  ### -----------------   BEGIN FUNCITON DEFINITIONS FOR MAIN   -----------------  ###

  ##  getNextEvent
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##  Return a copy of the next event type
  getNextEvent <- function() {
    minTime   <- Inf
    nextEvent <- NULL

    # first search the list-of-one arrivals calendar
    if (arrivalsCal$state == 1 && arrivalsCal$time < minTime)
      minTime   <- arrivalsCal$time
      nextEvent <- arrivalsCal

    # then search the list of one-per-server events
    for (i in 1:numServers)
      if (serversCal[,i]$state == 1 && serversCal[,i]$time < minTime)
        minTime   <- serversCal[,i]$time
        nextEvent <- serversCal[,i]

    return (nextEvent)

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServerLRU: Use the 'least recently used' selection criteria to return
  ##   the index of the available server idle longest.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServerLRU <- function() {
    s <- 0

    # find index of first available (idle) server
    for (i in 1:numServers)
      if (serversCal[,i]$state == 0) { s <- i; break }

    if (s == 0) stop("error in finding one idle server")
    if (s == numServers) return(s)

    # now check the others to find which has been idle longest
    for (i in (s+1):numServers)
      if (serversCal[,i]$state == 0 &&
          (serversCal[,i]$time < serversCal[,s]$time))
        s <- i

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServerLFU: Use the 'least frequently used' selection criteria to
  ##   return the index of the available server with lowest utilization.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServerLFU <- function() {
    s <- 0

    # find index of first available (idle) server
    for (i in 1:numServers)
      if (serversCal[,i]$state == 0) { s <- i; break }

    if (s == 0) stop("error in finding one idle server")
    if (s == numServers) return(s)

    # now check the others to find which has been idle longest -- use the
    # areaPerServer[s], which is just a sum of the service times completed
    # by server s thus far (e.g., (t_end - t_start) * 1 for each job).
    minUtil <- areaPerServer[s]  # util is area/t, but don't need the extra div

    for (i in (s+1):numServers)
       if (serversCal[,i]$state == 0) {
          util <- areaPerServer[i]
          if (util < minUtil) {
             minUtil <- util
             s <- i

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServerCYC: Use the 'cyclic' selection criteria to return the index
  ##   of the first available server starting with the most recently engaged.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServerCYC <- function() {
     for (cnt in 0:(numServers-1)) {
        s <- ((lastServerEngaged + cnt) %% numServers) + 1  # s = 1...numServers
        if (serversCal[,s]$state == 0) break
     lastServerEngaged <<- s

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServerRAN: Use the 'random' selection criteria to return the index
  ##   of a randomly-selected available server.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServerRAN <- function() {
     avail <- NULL
     for (s in 1:numServers)
        if (serversCal[,s]$state == 0) avail <- c(avail, s)

     # could use stats::sample, but want streams...
     idx <- 1 + floor(length(avail) * vunif(1, 0, 1, stream = numServers + 1))

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServerORD: Use the 'in order' selection criteria to return the index
  ##   of the first available server starting with the first server.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServerORD <- function() {
     for (s in 1:numServers)
        if (serversCal[,s]$state == 0) break

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## findAServer: Use the provided selection criteria argument to select a
  ##   server and return its index.
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  findAServer <- function() {
    s <- switch(serverSelection,
      "LRU" = findAServerLRU(),  # least recently used
      "LFU" = findAServerLFU(),  # least frequently used (utilization)
      "CYC" = findAServerCYC(),  # cyclic, starting from most recently engaged
      "RAN" = findAServerRAN(),  # random
      "ORD" = findAServerORD())  # in order, starting from first server

  ##  updateProgressBar
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##  Updating the progress bar: defaults to using time if one provided; o/w
  ##  uses the min of maxArrivals and maxDepartures.  In the event that both
  ##  time and (one or more of) maxArrivals/maxDepartures are provided and
  ##  maxArrivals is hit well before maxTime, we update the bar after the
  ##  simulation loop so it always finishes at 100%.
  updateProgressBar <- function(t, numArrivals, numDepartures)
     if (maxTime < Inf)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, t / maxTime)
     else if (maxArrivals < maxDepartures)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, numArrivals / maxArrivals)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, numDepartures / maxDepartures)


  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##  The equivalent of main() from a C program.  This function will be
  ##  invoked at the end of the encompassing ssq() function, causing the
  ##  discrete-event simulation to execute.
  main <- function(seed) 
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initialization of main-scope variables
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # if seed == NULL, use system-generated seed a la base::set.seed;
    # if seed == NA, use the most recent state of the generator (e.g., if
    #    user had done an explicit set.seed call prior to executing msq) --
    #    i.e., do nothing new with respect to setting seed;
    # otherwise, set the seed with the given (integer) value of 'seed'
    # NB: simEd::set.seed version also explicitly calls base::set.seed
    if (is.null(seed) || is.numeric(seed)) simEd::set.seed(seed)

    numEntries <- 1000  ## initial size of storage vectors

    currSystem <- c()

    # variables defined w/in scope of msq's main that make "good use of 
    # superassignment" below for stateful function use (mod 23 Nov 2023)
    # (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-April/275905.html)
    # (https://adv-r.hadley.nz/function-factories.html#stateful-funs)
    # list of vectors, one entry per customer, optionally returned on exit
    jobs <- list(
        arrTimes     = rep(NA, numEntries),  # arrival time of customer i
        intArrTimes  = rep(NA, numEntries),  # interarrival time of customer i
        waitTimes    = rep(NA, numEntries),  # wait time of customer i
        serviceTimes = rep(NA, numEntries),  # service time of customer i
        #sojournTimes = rep(NA, numEntries),  # service time of customer i
        server       = rep(NA, numEntries),  # server handling job
        #currState    = rep("pending",  numEntries))
        currState    = if (!animate) NULL else rep("pending",  numEntries))

    # for storing system-state changes: times and corresponding num in sys
    times       <- rep(NA, numEntries)    # times of changes to number in system
    numsInSys   <- rep(NA, numEntries)    # corresponding number in system
    #numsInQue   <- rep(NA, numEntries)   # corresponding number in system
    #numsInSvr   <- rep(NA, numEntries)   # corresponding number in system

    timesPos  <- 0                        # track where to place in times
    perSvrPos <- rep(1, numServers)       # and in times/numsPerServer[[s]]

    timesPerServer <- list()  # times of per-customer idle/busy changes to server s
    numsPerServer  <- list()  # corresponding number (0:idle, 1:busy)

    old.iar <- 0
    old.svc <- 0   # Keep track of old interarrival and service time

    for (s in 1:numServers) {
        timesPerServer[[s]]    <- rep(NA, numEntries)
        numsPerServer [[s]]    <- rep(NA, numEntries)
        timesPerServer[[s]][1] <- 0
        numsPerServer [[s]][1] <- 0

    #timesPos  <- 0                  # track where to place in times (del 23 Nov 2023)
    #perSvrPos <- rep(1, numServers) # and in times/numsPerServer[[s]] (del 23 Nov 2023)

    ## initialize system variables
    t.current     <- 0.0      # current time
    t.past        <- 0.0      # time before the current time

    numInSystem   <- 0      # number in the node
    numArrivals   <- 0      # used to count jobs arriving to the system
    numStarted    <- 0      # used to count jobs that have at least begun service
    numDepartures <- 0      # used to count processed jobs
    numRejects    <- 0      # used to count dropout count

    newDropped    <- 0      # used to index newly-dropped elements
    newServed     <- 0      # used to index just-finished element if one exists

    currSvc       <- 0      # holds current service time
    currIar       <- 0      # holds current interarrival time


    ## Setter functions and generic statistic utility functions
    ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Sets the current time and number in system/queue/server
    SetSysState   <- function(t, n) 
      timesPos <<- timesPos + 1
      if (timesPos > length(times)) {
         times     <<- resize(times)
         numsInSys <<- resize(numsInSys)
         #numsInQue <<- resize(numsInQue)
         #numsInSvr <<- resize(numsInSvr)
      times    [timesPos] <<- t
      numsInSys[timesPos] <<- n
      #numsInQue[timesPos] <<- max(0, n - numServers)
      #numsInSvr[timesPos] <<- min(numServers, n)

    # Sets current server state
    SetSvrState   <- function(t, n, svr = 1:numServers) 
      for(s in svr) {
        # check whether per-server storage vectors need resizing
        perSvrPos[s] <<- perSvrPos[s] + 1
        while (perSvrPos[s] > length(timesPerServer[[s]])) {
           timesPerServer[[s]] <<- resize(timesPerServer[[s]])
           numsPerServer [[s]] <<- resize(numsPerServer[[s]])
        timesPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]] <<- t
        numsPerServer [[s]][perSvrPos[s]] <<- n

    # Sets arrival & interarrival times, updates job state, and ups counts
    SetJobState_Arrival  <- function(a, r, state, i = numArrivals + 1) 
      if (i > length(jobs$arrTimes))    jobs$arrTimes    <<- resize(jobs$arrTimes)
      if (i > length(jobs$intArrTimes)) jobs$intArrTimes <<- resize(jobs$intArrTimes)
      #if (i > length(jobs$currState))   jobs$currState   <- resize(jobs$currState)
      if (animate && i > length(jobs$currState)) {
          jobs$currState   <-  resize(jobs$currState)

      # Double jobImage to facilitate job images
      if (animate && !is.na(jobImage) && length(currSystem) > length(picType)) {
        picType <<- c(picType, picType)

      jobs$arrTimes   [i] <<- a
      jobs$intArrTimes[i] <<- r
      #jobs$currState  [i] <<- state
      if (animate) jobs$currState[i] <<- state

    # Sets service & completion times, updates job state, and ups counts
    SetJobState_Service  <- function(w, s, svr, state, i = numStarted + 1) 
      if (i > length(jobs$waitTimes))
          jobs$waitTimes     <<- resize(jobs$waitTimes)
      if (i > length(jobs$serviceTimes))
          jobs$serviceTimes  <<- resize(jobs$serviceTimes)
      #if (i > length(jobs$sojournTimes))
      #    jobs$sojournTimes  <<- resize(jobs$sojournTimes)
      if (i > length(jobs$server))
          jobs$server        <<- resize(jobs$server)

      jobs$waitTimes    [i]  <<- w
      jobs$serviceTimes [i]  <<- s
      #jobs$sojournTimes [i]  <<- w + s
      #jobs$currState    [i]  <<- state
      if (animate) jobs$currState[i] <<- state
      jobs$server       [i]  <<- svr

    SetSysState(0, 0)
    SetSvrState(0, 0)

    # Initialize Pausing Functions

    viewJob <- function(job.num, data = jobs) 
      if (is.na(job.num))
        message("\t", sym$alert, 
                " 'job' must be followed by the job # you want to view,",
                " e.g., 'job 5'")
      else if (job.num > numArrivals)
        message("\t", sym$alert, " Job ", job.num, " has not yet arrived")
      else {
        message("\tViewing Job ", job.num)
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Arrival Time      = ", 
            format(round(data$arrTimes[job.num],     3), nsmall = 3))
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Interarrival Time = ", 
            format(round(data$intArrTimes[job.num],  3), nsmall = 3))
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Wait Time         = ", 
            format(round(data$waitTimes[job.num],    3), nsmall = 3))
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Service Time      = ", 
            format(round(data$serviceTimes[job.num], 3), nsmall = 3))
        sojourn_   = data$waitTimes[job.num] + data$serviceTimes[job.num]
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Sojourn Time      = ",
            format(round(sojourn_, 3), nsmall = 3))
        departure_ = data$arrTimes[job.num] + sojourn_
        message("\t ", sym$bullet, " Departure Time    = ",
            format(round(departure_, 3), nsmall = 3))

    # changing <<- to <- per CRAN req't (23 Nov 2023)
    # pauseData now defined in local scope of msq, as with other
    # internal-to-function variables
    #pauseData <<- SetPausePlot(  # (del 23 Nov 2023)
    pauseData <- SetPausePlot(
      plotDelay    = plotDelay, 
      prompt       = "Hit 'ENTER' to proceed, 'q' to quit, or 'h' for help/more options: ",
      viewCommand  = c("job"),
      viewNumArgs    = c(1),
      viewInstruct = c("'job n'           = shows attributes of nth job"),
      viewFunction = list("1" = function(n_) viewJob(n_))

    # mod 23 Nov 2023: see comment above
    #PauseCurrPlot <<- function(pauseData)
    PauseCurrPlot <- function(pauseData)
        #endValue  <- max(if (is.infinite(maxArrivals))   -1 else maxArrivals,
        #                 if (is.infinite(maxDepartures)) -1 else maxDepartures, 
        #                 if (is.infinite(maxTime))       -1 else maxTime)

        currValue <- if (endType == endCriteria$ARRIVALS) { numArrivals }
                     else                                 { numDepartures }

        updatedPauseData <- PausePlot(
            pauseData = pauseData,   # list
            currStep  = currValue,   # integer
            maxSteps  = endValue


    ## Printing of initial empty graphs prior to any meaningful computation

    # Function to reset plot to clear display
    resetPlot <- function(numPlotted, numPlotSlots) 
      if (numPlotted == 0)  return(0)
      while (numPlotSlots %% numPlotted > 0 && numPlotted %% numPlotSlots > 0)
        numPlotted <- numPlotted + 1
        plot(NA, NA, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
             xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n", las = 1, type = "s")
      return(numPlotSlots %% numPlotted)
    if (animate) 
      # Force layout to show only outputted plots if possible
      if (respectLayout == FALSE) 
        minPlots <- 1
        numPlotSlots  <<- max(numPlotsShown, minPlots)
        numPlotsShown <<- max(numPlotsShown, minPlots)
        par(mfrow = c(numPlotSlots, 1), mar = c(1,1,1,1), new = FALSE)
      } else {
        par(par(), mar = c(1,1,1,1))

    # generate initial arrival time, and save the first interarrival to
    # be added below to the list of saved arrivals
    currIar <- interarrivalFcn(numInSystem, FALSE)
    arrivalsCal$time  <<- t.current + currIar
    arrivalsCal$state <<- 1   # indicate that arrivals are permitted

    #old.iar <- old.svc <- 0   # Keep track of old interarrival and service time (del 23 Nov 2023)

    # Function for plotting the current state of SSQ
    plotCurrMSQ <- function()
      if (showQueue) {
        numPlotted <<- numPlotted + plotQueueFcn(
          time         = t.current,
          currSystem   = currSystem,
          newDropped   = newDropped,
          nextToEnter  = numArrivals + 1,
          newServed    = newServed,
          currProgress = getCurrProgress(),
          numRejects   = numRejects,
          numServers   = numServers,
          serversCal   = serversCal,
          title        = msqTitle,
          getPicFcn    = GetPic

    # Plots current syline function
    plotCurrSkyline <- function(endOfSim = FALSE) 
      if (showSkyline) {
        rangePlot <-
          if (!endOfSim)
            c(max(timesPos - maxEventsPerSkyline, 1), timesPos)
            c(1, timesPos)
        numPlotted <<- numPlotted + plotSkylineFcn(
          times      = times,
          numsInSys  = numsInSys,
          #numsInQue  = numsInQue,
          #numsInSvr  = numsInSvr,
          numsInQue  = sapply(numsInSys, function(num) max(0, num - 1)),
          numsInSvr  = ifelse(numsInSys > 0, 1, 0),
          rangePlot  = rangePlot,
          rangeAll   = c(1, timesPos),
          show       = c(showSkylineSystem,
          title      = skyTitle

    # Function for calculating current progress
    getCurrProgress <- function()
      return(max(c(numDepartures/maxDepartures, numArrivals/maxArrivals, t.current/maxTime)))


    # hack for speed
    resetAnimate <- FALSE
    if (animate && plotDelay == 0) {
        animate <- FALSE
        resetAnimate <- TRUE
    while (t.current < maxTime
           && (numDepartures < maxDepartures)
           && (arrivalsCal$state == 1 || numInSystem > 0))
      # enter the simulation event loop:
      # Continue so long as:
      #    - the maximum simulated time has not been reached, and
      #    - the maximum number of departures has not been reached, and
      #    - there are jobs in the system still to be flushed out
      # The net effect of the last piece of the compound condition is to
      # allow the user to set maxArrivals and allow them all to be cleared
      # (unless the user specifies a maxTime that doesn't allow them to all
      # be cleared, or unless the user specifies a maxDepartures that is
      # less than maxArrivals)

      newServed <- newDropped <- 0  # Initializes newly-changed jobs
      nextEvent <- getNextEvent()
      t.past    <- t.current       # Stores past clock tine
      t.current <- nextEvent$time  # advace the clock

      arr.past <- com.past <- -1   # Signal no new interarrival and svc time yet

      # Handle end of simulation
      if (t.current > maxTime)
          t.current  <- maxTime
          # ensure max time vals are added to end of times/num structures
          SetSysState(t.current, numsInSys[timesPos])
          # Update server states to reflect end of simulation state
          for (s in 1:numServers) {
             perSvrPos[s] <- perSvrPos[s] + 1
             if (perSvrPos[s] == length(timesPerServer[[s]])) {
                timesPerServer[[s]] <- resize(timesPerServer[[s]])
                numsPerServer[[s]]  <- resize(numsPerServer[[s]])
             timesPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]] <- maxTime
             numsPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]]  <- numsPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s] - 1]

      # event type 'a': process an arrival
      if (nextEvent$type == 'a')
        pauseData$isJumpStep <- TRUE

        # If queue is infinite OR finite w/ room, process arrival
        if (numInSystem < maxInSystem)
          # Add new arrival statistics into jobs list
          SetJobState_Arrival(a = t.current, r = currIar, state = "queued")
          numArrivals <- numArrivals + 1

          numInSystem <- numInSystem + 1
          currSystem  <- append(currSystem, numArrivals)

          # Double jobImage to facilitate job images
          if (animate && !is.na(jobImage) 
                      && length(currSystem) > length(picType)) 
            picType <<- c(picType, picType)

          # BEGIN NOTE: Vadim had this IA code after the numInSystem if/else 
          # below; however, this throws the generation order of interarrival &
          # service times out of sync with the original simEd's ssq whenever
          # not using streams (e.g., iaFcn <- function() rexp(1, rate = 1));
          # hence it is moved back here, and repeated within the rejection
          # block below...
          currIar  <- interarrivalFcn(numInSystem, as_list = FALSE)
          arr.past <- arrivalsCal$time
          arrivalsCal$time <<- arrivalsCal$time + currIar

          # handle end-of-simulation scenarios
          if (arrivalsCal$time >= maxTime || numArrivals == maxArrivals) {
            arrivalsCal$state <<- 0   # NO MORE ARRIVALS PERMITTED
          # END NOTE

          # if current queue had only one element, get new service time immediately
          if (numInSystem <= numServers) 
            s       <- findAServer()
            currSvc <- serviceFcn[[s]](numInSystem, FALSE) 
                                # service fcn per server

            serversCal[,s]$time  <<- t.current + currSvc
            serversCal[,s]$state <<- 1 # INDICATE SERVER IS BUSY
            serversCal[,s]$job   <<- numArrivals
            # Add service time/wait time statistics for current element in queue
            SetJobState_Service(w = 0, s = currSvc, svr = s, state = "in service")
            numStarted <- numStarted + 1
            # Update timesServer and numsServer to reflect current time state
            SetSvrState(t.current, 1, svr = s)
            # no need to add to server area here -- server just now busy (again)
        else # Otherwise, process rejection
          # Add new rejection statistics into jobs list
          SetJobState_Arrival(a = t.current, r = currIar, state = "dropped")
          numArrivals <- numArrivals + 1

          numRejects <- numRejects + 1
          newDropped <- numArrivals

          # see comment above RE having moved this...
          currIar  <- interarrivalFcn(numInSystem, as_list = FALSE)
          arr.past <- arrivalsCal$time
          arrivalsCal$time <<- arrivalsCal$time + currIar
          if (arrivalsCal$time >= maxTime || numArrivals == maxArrivals) {
            arrivalsCal$state <<- 0   # NO MORE ARRIVALS PERMITTED

        # Add new time interval and system population size to times and nums
        SetSysState(t.current, numInSystem)

        if (animate && pauseData$plotDelay == -2 && 
                pauseData$jumpTo == numArrivals)  
          pauseData$jumpComplete <- TRUE
          pauseData$plotDelay <- -1   # back to interactive
      else  # event type 's': process a departure
        pauseData$isJumpStep <- FALSE

        numDepartures <- numDepartures + 1
        numInSystem   <- numInSystem   - 1

        #jobs$currState[currSystem[1]] <- "served"
        if (animate) jobs$currState[currSystem[1]] <- "served"

        newServed <- currSystem[ 1]
        currSystem <- currSystem[-1]

        # grab the server index (e.g., type == 's2')
        s <- as.integer(substring(nextEvent$type, 2))

        # record the newly-served job
        newServed <- serversCal[,s]$job
        serversCal[,s]$job <<- 0

        # Update time intervals and nums in system to current state
        SetSysState(t.current, numInSystem)

        # add to server area -- job just completed;
        # could just do sum(jobs$serviceTimes[which(jobs$server == s)]),
        # but that will be expensive over time...
        plusArea <- (t.current - timesPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]])
        areaPerServer[s] <<- areaPerServer[s] + plusArea

        if (numInSystem >= numServers) 
          # Generate the current service time for queue
          currSvc <- serviceFcn[[s]](numInSystem, FALSE)  # service fcn per server
          com.past <- serversCal[,s]$time             # Recording of old completion time
          serversCal[,s]$time <<- t.current + currSvc # Update server calendar
          serversCal[,s]$job  <<- numStarted + 1

            w = t.current - jobs$arrTimes[numStarted + 1],
            s = currSvc,
            svr = s,
            state = "in service"
          numStarted <- numStarted + 1

          # even though for final stats we don't need to store these times,
          # they are used in computation of LFU server selection (technically
          # in computation of areaPerServer)
          SetSvrState(t.current, 1, s)
          # nothing waiting in queue -- server goes idle
          serversCal[,s]$state <<- 0  # INDICATE SERVER IS NOW IDLE
          SetSvrState(t.current, 0, s)


      ## Segment to animate all output at end of cycle
      if (animate && pauseData$plotDelay != 0)
        # plot if non-zero delay (>0) or interactive (-1), 
        # but not if jumping (-2) or plot only at end (0)
        if (pauseData$plotDelay > 0 || pauseData$plotDelay == -1)
            numPlotted <<- resetPlot(numPlotted, numPlotSlots)

        pauseData <- PauseCurrPlot(pauseData)
        if (pauseData$menuChoice == "q")
        else if (pauseData$menuChoice == "e")
            # change animate to FALSE until after simulation so we can save on
            # computation (Vadim stores state for plotting)...  but create the 
            # local progress bar (that would be present if not animating) so we 
            # can inform the user how long it will be before finishing
            animate <- FALSE
            if (showProgress) {
                bar <<- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 1, 
                                             initial = 0, style = 3)

      # Update console progress bar
      if (interactive() && showProgress && !animate)
        updateProgressBar(t.current, numArrivals, numDepartures)


    } # while (...)

    if (resetAnimate) animate <- TRUE

    if (animate || pauseData$menuChoice == "e")
      plotCurrSkyline(endOfSim = TRUE)

      pauseData$plotDelay <- 0.01
      pauseData <- PauseCurrPlot(pauseData)

    ## Conduct final saves, formats, and returns

    # ensure bar runs through end (e.g., if maxTime too big for maxArrivals)
    if (interactive() && showProgress && !is.null(bar))
       utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, 1)

    # "growing" per-customer vectors may leave NA values at ends -- remove them
    jobs$arrTimes     <- jobs$arrTimes     [!is.na(jobs$arrTimes)]
    jobs$intArrTimes  <- jobs$intArrTimes  [!is.na(jobs$intArrTimes)]
    jobs$waitTimes    <- jobs$waitTimes    [!is.na(jobs$waitTimes)]
    jobs$serviceTimes <- jobs$serviceTimes [!is.na(jobs$serviceTimes)]
    jobs$server       <- jobs$server       [!is.na(jobs$server)]

    # if simulation ends on max arrivals or max departures (not max time)
    # then one of the per-server times/nums needs an additional value @ its end
    # so that both servers match through the end of the simulation
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
       if (timesPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]] != t.current) {
          perSvrPos[s] <- perSvrPos[s] + 1
          if (perSvrPos[s] > length(timesPerServer[[s]])) {
             timesPerServer[[s]] <- resize(timesPerServer[[s]])
             numsPerServer[[s]]  <- resize(numsPerServer[[s]])
          timesPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]] <- t.current
          numsPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s]]  <- numsPerServer[[s]][perSvrPos[s] - 1]

    times      <- times[!is.na(times)]
    numsInSys  <- numsInSys[!is.na(numsInSys)]
    #numsInQue  <- numsInQue[!is.na(numsInQue)]
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
       timesPerServer[[s]] <- timesPerServer[[s]][!is.na(timesPerServer[[s]])]
       numsPerServer[[s]]  <- numsPerServer[[s]][!is.na(numsPerServer[[s]])]

    # if there are jobs still in service at the end of the simulation, they will
    # have each received a wait time and a service time, but we should not
    # include their (automatically computed, via the sum below) sojourn times,
    # as the jobs have not actually completed service
    jobs$sojournTimes <- (jobs$waitTimes + jobs$serviceTimes)[1:numDepartures]

    avgWait        <- mean(jobs$waitTimes)
    avgSojourn     <- mean(jobs$sojournTimes)
    avgNumInSys    <- meanTPS(times, numsInSys)
    #avgNumInQue    <- meanTPS(times, numsInQue)

    util  <- rep(NA, numServers)
    share <- rep(NA, numServers)
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
       util[s]  <- meanTPS(timesPerServer[[s]], numsPerServer[[s]])
       share[s] <- length(jobs$serviceTimes[jobs$server == s]) / numStarted
           # for share, remember there may still be some in queue not started

    # note that numsQueue will potentially have adjacent zero entries, e.g.,
    # when the system toggles back and forth b/w 1 and 0 in the system;
    # we leave these in intentionally, as the entries in numsQueue line up
    # perfectly with the entries in nums (system), appearing on a
    # job-started/job-completed basis; while some of this extra may be
    # considered unnecessary, we want to allow the user to decide whether
    # she would like to see things on a per-job-start/complete basis
    # numsQueue     <- sapply(numsInSys, function(n) { max(0, n - numServers) })
    numsInQue <- sapply(numsInSys, function(n) max(0, n - 1))
    avgNumInQueue <- meanTPS(times, numsInQue)

    # make sure the default output is printed
    printed <- ""
    printed <- paste(printed, "$customerArrivals\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, numArrivals)
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$customerDepartures\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, numDepartures)
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$simulationEndTime\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, round(min(t.current, maxTime), digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$avgWait\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, signif(avgWait, digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$avgSojourn\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, signif(avgSojourn, digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$avgNumInSystem\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, signif(avgNumInSys, digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$avgNumInQueue\n[1]", sep = "")
    printed <- paste(printed, signif(avgNumInQueue, digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$utilization\n[1]", sep = "")
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
        printed <- paste(printed, signif(util[s], digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n$serverShare\n[1]", sep = "")
    for (s in 1:numServers) {
        printed <- paste(printed, signif(share[s], digits = 5))
    printed <- paste(printed, "\n\n", sep = "")
    if (showOutput) on.exit(message(printed))

    # create a list of the output, to be returned to the user
    msq <- list(customerArrivals   = numArrivals,
                customerDepartures = numDepartures,
                simulationEndTime  = min(t.current, maxTime),
                avgWait            = avgWait,
                avgSojourn         = avgSojourn,
                avgNumInSystem     = avgNumInSys,
                avgNumInQueue      = avgNumInQueue,
                utilization        = util,
                serverShare        = share)

    # note that computing interarrivals as diff(c(0, jobs$arrTimes)) gives
    # _slightly_ different times than storing interarrivals when generated;
    # similar for having computed sojurns as waits + services above
    if (saveInterarrivalTimes) msq$interarrivalTimes <- jobs$intArrTimes
    if (saveServiceTimes)      msq$serviceTimes      <- jobs$serviceTimes
    if (saveWaitTimes)         msq$waitTimes         <- jobs$waitTimes
    if (saveSojournTimes)      msq$sojournTimes      <- jobs$sojournTimes
    if (saveServiceTimes) {
        msq$serviceTimesPerServer <- list()
        for (s in 1:numServers) {
            msq$serviceTimesPerServer[[s]] <- jobs$serviceTimes[jobs$server == s]

    if (saveNumInSystem) {
       msq$numInSystemT <- times
       msq$numInSystemN <- numsInSys
    if (saveNumInQueue) {
       msq$numInQueueT <- times
       msq$numInQueueN <- numsInQue
    if (saveServerStatus) {
       msq$serverStatusT <- list()
       msq$serverStatusN <- list()
       for (s in 1:numServers) {
          # similar to numsQueue above, numsPerServer will potentially have
          # adjacent 1 entries, e.g., when the server stays busy but
          # works on a sequence of different customers;
          # we leave these redundant 1 entries in intentionally, allowing the
          # user to decide whether she would like to see things on a
          # per-job-start/complete basis
          msq$serverStatusT[[s]] <- timesPerServer[[s]]
          msq$serverStatusN[[s]] <- numsPerServer[[s]]


    ## using on.exit() for par per CRAN suggestion (del 22 Nov 2023)
    #if (animate && !respectLayout) {
    #    par(mfrow = c(1,1))  # reset to default on exit

    # invisible() on return makes sure potentially big lists of
    # times aren't printed!

  } # main

  # *********************************************************
  # * CALL THE MAIN msq FUNCTION, executing the simulation. *
  # * This passes a list back to the R user.                *
  # *********************************************************


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simEd documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 1:07 a.m.