
Defines functions SimResults SimControl Strata NAControl validNAControlObject validVirtualNAControlObject ContControl DARContControl DCARContControl validContControlObject validVirtualContControlObject SummarySampleSetup SampleSetup TwoStageControl validTwoStageControlObject SampleControl validSampleControlObject validVirtualSampleControlObject DataControl validDataControlObject

Documented in ContControl DARContControl DataControl DCARContControl NAControl SampleControl SampleSetup SimControl SimResults Strata SummarySampleSetup TwoStageControl

# ----------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         KU Leuven
# ----------------------

## class unions of elementary classes (for convenience)

setClassUnion("BasicVector", c("character", "logical", "numeric"))
setClassUnion("NumericMatrix", c("numeric", "matrix"))
setClassUnion("OptBasicVector", c("NULL", "BasicVector"))
setClassUnion("OptCall", c("NULL", "call"))
setClassUnion("OptCharacter", c("NULL", "character"))
setClassUnion("OptNumeric", c("NULL", "numeric"))

# ---------------------------------------

## control class for generating model based data

validDataControlObject <- function(object) {
    if(length(object@size) == 1 && object@size >= 0) TRUE
    else "'size' must be a single non-negative integer"

    representation(size = "numeric", distribution = "function", 
        dots = "list", colnames = "OptCharacter"),
    prototype(size = 0, colnames = NULL),
    validity = validDataControlObject)

DataControl <- function(...) new("DataControl", ...)

# class union (for extending the framework)
setClassUnion("VirtualDataControl", "DataControl")

setClassUnion("OptDataControl", c("NULL", "VirtualDataControl"))

# ---------------------------------------

## sample control

# virtual class
validVirtualSampleControlObject <- function(object) {
    if(length(object@k) == 1 && object@k > 0) TRUE
    else "'k' must be a single positive integer"

    representation(k = "numeric"),
    prototype(k = 1),
    contains = "VIRTUAL",
    validity = validVirtualSampleControlObject)

setClassUnion("OptSampleControl", c("NULL", "VirtualSampleControl"))

# single-stage sampling
#validSampleControlObject <- function(object) {
#    l <- getSelectionLength(object@grouping)
#    ok <- c(is.na(l) || l <= 1, 
#        is.null(object@size) || length(object@size),
#        is.null(object@prob) || length(object@prob), 
#        length(object@collect) == 1)
#    msg <- c("'grouping' must not specify more than one variable",
#        "'size' must have positive length",
#        "'prob' must have positive length", 
#        "'collect' must be a single logical")
#    if(all(ok)) TRUE
#    else msg[!ok]
#    representation(design = "BasicVector", grouping = "BasicVector", 
#        collect = "logical", fun = "function", size = "OptNumeric", 
#        prob = "OptNumeric", dots = "list"),
#    prototype(design = character(), grouping = character(), 
#        collect = FALSE, size = NULL, prob = NULL),
#    contains = "VirtualSampleControl",
#    validity = validSampleControlObject)

validSampleControlObject <- function(object) {
    lengthGrouping <- getSelectionLength(object@grouping)
    prob <- object@prob
    if(is(prob, "character") || is(prob, "logical")) {
        lengthProb <- getSelectionLength(prob)
        okProb <- is.na(lengthProb) || lengthProb <= 1
        msgProb <- "'prob' must not specify more than one variable"
    } else {
        okProb <- is.null(prob) || length(prob)
        msgProb <- "'prob' must have positive length"
    ok <- c(is.na(lengthGrouping) || lengthGrouping <= 1, 
        is.null(object@size) || length(object@size), okProb, 
        length(object@collect) == 1)
    msg <- c("'grouping' must not specify more than one variable",
        "'size' must have positive length", msgProb, 
        "'collect' must be a single logical")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(design = "BasicVector", grouping = "BasicVector", 
        collect = "logical", fun = "function", size = "OptNumeric", 
        prob = "OptBasicVector", dots = "list"),
    prototype(design = character(), grouping = character(), 
        collect = FALSE, size = NULL, prob = NULL),
    contains = "VirtualSampleControl",
    validity = validSampleControlObject)

SampleControl <- function(...) new("SampleControl", ...)

# two-stage sampling
#validTwoStageControlObject <- function(object) {
#    l <- getSelectionLength(object@grouping)
#    fun <- object@fun
#    size <- object@size
#    prob <- object@prob
#    dots <- object@dots
#    ok <- c(is.na(l) || l %in% 1:2, 
#        length(fun) == 2 && all(sapply(fun, is, "function")), 
#        length(size) == 2 && all(sapply(size, is, "OptNumeric")) && 
#            all(sapply(size, function(s) is.null(s) || length(s) > 0)), 
#        length(prob) == 2 && all(sapply(prob, is, "OptNumeric")) && 
#            all(sapply(prob, function(p) is.null(p) || length(p) > 0)), 
#        length(dots) == 2 && 
#            all(sapply(dots, function(x) is.null(x) || is(x, "list"))))
#    msg <- c("'grouping' must specify either one or two variables",
#        "'fun' must have length 2 and each component should be a function", 
#        "'size' must have length 2 and each component should be NULL or a numeric vector of positive length",
#        "'prob' must have length 2 and each component should be NULL or a numeric vector of positive length",
#        "'dots' must have length 2 and each component should again be a list")
#    if(all(ok)) TRUE
#    else msg[!ok]

validTwoStageControlObject <- function(object) {
    l <- getSelectionLength(object@grouping)
    fun <- object@fun
    size <- object@size
    prob <- object@prob
    dots <- object@dots
    ok <- c(is.na(l) || l %in% 1:2, 
        length(fun) == 2 && all(sapply(fun, is, "function")), 
        length(size) == 2 && all(sapply(size, is, "OptNumeric")) && 
            all(sapply(size, function(s) is.null(s) || length(s) > 0)), 
        length(prob) == 2 && all(sapply(prob, is, "OptBasicVector")) && 
            all(sapply(prob, function(p) {
                        if(is(p, "character") || is(p, "logical")) {
                            lengthP <- getSelectionLength(p)
                            is.na(lengthP) || lengthP <= 1
                        } else is.null(p) || length(p) > 0
        length(dots) == 2 && 
            all(sapply(dots, function(x) is.null(x) || is(x, "list"))))
    msg <- c("'grouping' must specify either one or two variables",
        "'fun' must have length 2 and each component should be a function", 
        "'size' must have length 2 and each component should be NULL or a numeric vector of positive length",
        "'prob' must have length 2 and each component should be NULL, a numeric vector of positive length, or must not specify more than one variable",
        "'dots' must have length 2 and each component should again be a list")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(design = "BasicVector", grouping = "BasicVector", 
        fun = "list", size = "list", 
        prob = "list", dots = "list"),
    prototype(design = character(), grouping = character(), 
        size = list(NULL, NULL), prob = list(NULL, NULL), 
        dots = list(list(), list())),
    contains = "VirtualSampleControl",
    validity = validTwoStageControlObject)

TwoStageControl <- function(..., fun1 = srs, fun2 = srs, 
        size1 = NULL, size2 = NULL, prob1 = NULL, prob2 = NULL, 
        dots1 = list(), dots2 = list()) {
    # list components for the two stages can be supplied separately
    args <- list(...)
    if(is.null(args$fun) && !(missing(fun1) && missing(fun2))) {
        args$fun <- list(fun1, fun2)
    if(is.null(args$size) && !(missing(size1) && missing(size2))) {
        args$size <- list(size1, size2)
    if(is.null(args$prob) && !(missing(prob1) && missing(prob2))) {
        args$prob <- list(prob1, prob2)
    if(is.null(args$dots) && !(missing(dots1) && missing(dots2))) {
        args$dots <- list(dots1, dots2)
    do.call("new", c("TwoStageControl", args))

# ---------------------------------------

## sample setup

#validSampleSetupObject <- function(object) {
#    ok <- c(length(object@grouping) <= 1, length(object@collect) == 1)
#    msg <- c("'grouping' must not specify more than one variable", 
#        "'collect' must be a single logical")
#    if(all(ok)) TRUE
#    else msg[!ok]
#    representation(indices = "list", prob = "numeric", design = "character", 
#        grouping = "character", collect = "logical", fun = "function", 
#        seed = "list", call = "OptCall"),
#    prototype(collect = FALSE, call = NULL),
#    validity = validSampleSetupObject)

    representation(indices = "list", prob = "numeric", 
        control = "VirtualSampleControl", seed = "list", call = "OptCall"),
    prototype(call = NULL))

SampleSetup <- function(...) new("SampleSetup", ...)

# summary

    representation(size = "numeric"))

SummarySampleSetup <- function(...) new("SummarySampleSetup", ...)

# ---------------------------------------

## contamination control

# virtual class
validVirtualContControlObject <- function(object) {
    ok <- c(length(object@target) > 0 || is.null(object@target), 
        length(object@epsilon) > 0, 
        all(0 <= object@epsilon & object@epsilon <= 0.5))
    msg <- c("'target' must be specified", 
        "'epsilon' must be specified",  
        "values in 'epsilon' must be between 0 and 0.5")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(target = "OptCharacter", epsilon = "numeric"),
    prototype(target = NULL, epsilon = 0.05),
    contains = "VIRTUAL",
    validity = validVirtualContControlObject)

setClassUnion("OptContControl", c("NULL", "VirtualContControl"))

# internal control class (not expected to be extended by the user)
validContControlObject <- function(object) {
    ok <- c(length(object@grouping) <= 1, length(object@aux) <= 1)
    msg <- c("'grouping' must not specify more than one variable", 
        "'aux' must not specify more than one variable")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(grouping = "character", aux = "character"),
    contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VirtualContControl"),
    validity = validContControlObject)

# contamination distributed completely at random (DCAR)
    representation(distribution = "function", dots = "list"),
    contains = "ContControl")

DCARContControl <- function(...) new("DCARContControl", ...)

# contamination distributed at random (DAR)
    representation(fun = "function", dots = "list"),
    contains = "ContControl")

DARContControl <- function(...) new("DARContControl", ...)

# wrapper (mostly for compatibility)
ContControl <- function(..., type = c("DCAR", "DAR")) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    class <- paste(type, "ContControl", sep="")
    new(class, ...)

# ---------------------------------------

## NA control

# virtual class
validVirtualNAControlObject <- function(object) {
    NArate <- object@NArate
    nl <- getLength(NArate)
    ok <- c(length(object@target) > 0 || is.null(object@target), 
        nl > 0 || is.na(nl), 
        all(0 <= NArate & NArate <= 1))
    msg <- c("'target' must be specified", 
        "'NArate' must be specified", 
        "non-numeric values in 'NArate'", 
        "values in 'NArate' must be between 0 and 1")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(target = "OptCharacter", NArate = "NumericMatrix"),
    prototype(target = NULL, NArate = 0.05),
    contains = "VIRTUAL",
    validity = validVirtualNAControlObject)

setClassUnion("OptNAControl", c("NULL", "VirtualNAControl"))

# select values randomly for each target variable
validNAControlObject <- function(object) {
    lengthAux <- length(object@aux)
    ok <- c(length(object@grouping) <= 1, 
#        length(object@aux) <= 1,
        length(object@intoContamination) == 1)
    msg <- c("'grouping' must not specify more than one variable", 
#        "'aux' must not specify more than one variable", 
        "'intoContamination' must be a single logical")
    if(all(ok)) TRUE
    else msg[!ok]

    representation(grouping = "character", aux = "character", 
        intoContamination = "logical"),
    contains = "VirtualNAControl", 
    validity = validNAControlObject)

NAControl <- function(...) new("NAControl", ...)

# ---------------------------------------

## strata information

    representation(values = "numeric", split = "list", 
        design = "character", nr = "numeric", legend = "data.frame", 
        size = "numeric", call = "OptCall"), 
    prototype(size = 0, call = NULL))

Strata <- function(...) new("Strata", ...)

# ---------------------------------------

## simulation control

    representation(contControl = "OptContControl", NAControl = "OptNAControl",
        design = "character", fun = "function", dots = "list", SAE = "logical"),
    prototype(contControl = NULL, NAControl = NULL, 
        design = character(), SAE = FALSE))

SimControl <- function(...) new("SimControl", ...)

# ---------------------------------------

### one simulation result
#    representation(values = "numeric", add = "ANY"))
#SimResult <- function(...) new("SimResult", ...)

# ---------------------------------------

## simulation results

#    representation(values = "data.frame", add = "list", design = "character", 
#        colnames = "character", epsilon = "numeric", NArate = "NumericMatrix", 
#        seed = "list", call = "OptCall"),
#    prototype(NArate = numeric(), call = NULL))

    representation(values = "data.frame", add = "list", design = "character", 
        colnames = "character", epsilon = "numeric", NArate = "NumericMatrix", 
        dataControl = "OptDataControl", sampleControl = "OptSampleControl", 
        nrep = "numeric", control = "SimControl", seed = "list", 
        call = "OptCall"),
    prototype(NArate = numeric(), call = NULL, dataControl = NULL, 
        sampleControl = NULL))

SimResults <- function(...) new("SimResults", ...)

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