
Defines functions convert2geno_allchr

Documented in convert2geno_allchr

#' Convert continuous allele information into marker genotypes for
#' multiple chromosomes
#' Wrap up of convert2geno to adequate multiple chromosomes.
#' @param xodat The sort of detailed genotype/crossover data generated
#' by [sim_from_pedigree_allchr()]
#' @param map marker locations, a list with elements for each
#' chromosome
#' @param id ids for which individuals genotypes is desired
#' @param founder_geno Optional list of matrices (one per chromosome)
#' of size `n_founders` x `n_markers`, with the founder genotypes.
#' If coded as 1/2 (or 1/3), results are 1/2/3
#' genotypes. If coded as A/T/G/C/N, results are A/T/G/C/N/H
#' genotypes. If coded as letters A-H (in the case of 8 founders), results are
#' two-letter genotypes AA-HH with 36 possible values.
#' @param shift_map If TRUE, shift genetic map to start at 0
#' @param return.matrix If FALSE, the result is a list of length
#' `n_chrs`, otherwise it is converted into a matrix if size
#' `length(id)` x `n_markers`.
#' @return If `founder_geno` is provided or there are just two
#' founders, the result is a numeric matrix of genotypes, individuals
#' x markers, with genotypes 1/2/3 codes for 11/12/22 genotypes. If
#' there are more than two founders and `founder_geno` are
#' letters, the result is a character matrix, too.
#' If `founder_geno` is not provided and there are more than two
#' founders, the result is a 3-dimensional array, individuals x
#' markers x alleles, with the third dimensional corresponding to the
#' maternal and paternal allele.
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
#' @seealso [convert2geno()]
#' @examples
#' library(qtl)
#' # marker map
#' map <- sim.map(len=rep(100, 19), n.mar=10, include.x=FALSE)
#' # simulate AIL pedigree
#' tab <- sim_ail_pedigree(12, 30)
#' # simulate data from that pedigree
#' dat <- sim_from_pedigree_allchr(tab, map)
#' names(map) <- paste0("marker", seq(along=map))
#' # convert data to marker genotypes
#' id <- which(tab[, "gen"]==12)
#' geno <- convert2geno_allchr(dat, map, id)
convert2geno_allchr <- function(xodat, map, id=NULL, founder_geno=NULL,
                                  return.matrix=TRUE, shift_map=FALSE){

  stopifnot(length(map) == length(xodat))
  if(is.null(id)) id <- 1:length(xodat[[1]])

    geno <- NULL
    for(chr in 1:length(map)){
      geno[[chr]] <- convert2geno(xodat=xodat[[chr]][id], map=map[[chr]])
    names(geno) <- names(map)

    ## create a list of founder geno, one element for each chr.
      ## check that founder_geno is a list of same length as map
    }else{  ## founder_geno is a matrix.
      nm.chr <- sapply(map, length)
      nm.map <- sum(nm.chr)
      nm <- nrow(founder_geno)
      if(nm.map!=nm) stop("founder_geno should have ", nm.map, " columns but has ", nm)

      founder_geno <- cbind(founder_geno, founder_geno)
      founder_geno.list <- list()
      for(chr in 1:length(map)){
            founder_geno.list[[chr]] <- t(founder_geno[1:nm.chr[chr], ])
            founder_geno.list[[chr]] <- t(founder_geno[sum(nm.chr[1:(chr-1)]) + (1:nm.chr[chr]), ])
      founder_geno <- founder_geno.list
    geno <- NULL
    for(chr in 1:length(map)){
      geno[[chr]] <- convert2geno(xodat=xodat[[chr]][id], map=map[[chr]],
    names(geno) <- names(map)

  if(!return.matrix){ ## return the list directly
  }else{ ## cbind all elememts to make a matrix.
      geno.mat <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(geno)){
        geno.mat <- cbind(geno.mat, geno[[i]])
    }else{ ## this could be a arrary when founder_geno is missing...
      ## individuals x markers x alleles,
      geno.mat1 <- NULL
      geno.mat2 <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(geno)){
        geno.mat1 <- cbind(geno.mat1, geno[[i]][,,1])
        geno.mat2 <- cbind(geno.mat2, geno[[i]][,,2])
      geno.mat <- array(NA, dim=c(dim(geno.mat1), 2))
      geno.mat[,,1] <- geno.mat1
      geno.mat[,,2] <- geno.mat2

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