
Defines functions pmse NG_number permmatRank_joint permmatRank_sequential_JB permmatRank angleMatchICA matchICA permTestJointRank greedymatch

Documented in angleMatchICA greedymatch matchICA NG_number permmatRank_joint permTestJointRank pmse

### Functions for Match and permutation
# Use greedy algorithm:

#' Greedy Match
#'\code{Greedy Match} matches a column of Mx and My by minimizing chordal distance between vectors,
#'removes the matched columns and then finds the next pair.
#'This equivalent to maximizing absolute correlation for data in which each column has mean equal to zero.
#'Returns permuted columns of Mx and My. This function does not do any scaling or sign flipping.
#'For this matching to coincide with angle matching, the columns must have zero mean.
#' @param Mx Subject Score for X with n x n.comp.X matrix
#' @param My Subject Score for Y with n x n.comp.Y matrix
#' @param Ux Matrix with n.comp x n, Mx = Lx^-1 \%*\% t Ux, Lx is the whitener matrix of dX.
#' @param Uy Matrix with n.comp x n, My = Ly^-1 \%*\% t Uy, Ly is the whitener matrix of dY.
#' @return a list of matrices:
#' \describe{
#'        \item{\code{Mx}}{Columns of original Mx reordered from highest to lowest correlation with matched component in My}
#'        \item{\code{My}}{Columns of original My reordered from highest to lowest correlation with matched component in Mx}
#'        \item{\code{Ux}}{Permuted rows of original Ux corresponds to MapX}
#'        \item{\code{Uy}}{Permuted rows of original Uy corresponds to MapY}
#'        \item{\code{correlations}}{a vector of correlations for each pair of columns in permuted Mx and M}
#'        \item{\code{mapX}}{the sequence of the columns in original Mx.}
#'        \item{\code{mapY}}{the sequence of the columns in original MY.}
#' }
#' @export
greedymatch = function(Mx,My,Ux,Uy) {
  # input:
  # Mx: n x n.comp
  # My: n x n.comp
  # For this matching to coincide with angle matching, the columns must have zero mean.
  # NOTE: returns permuted columns of Mx and My. This function does not do any scaling or sign flipping.
  ## Mx: Columns of original Mx reordered from highest to lowest correlation with matched component in My

  # check the means are approximately zero:
  checkX = all(colMeans(Mx)<1e-05)
  checkY = all(colMeans(My)<1e-05)
  if(!checkX) warning('Columns of Mx do not appear to be centered -- correlations and angle match give different results')
  if(!checkY) warning('Columns of My do not appear to be centered -- correlations and angle match give different results')

  allCorr = abs(stats::cor(Mx,My))
  px = ncol(Mx)
  py = ncol(My)
  allCorr = abs(stats::cor(Mx,My))
  minpxpy = min(px,py)
  mapX = numeric(minpxpy)
  mapY = numeric(minpxpy)
  selcorr = numeric(minpxpy)
  for (t in 1:minpxpy) {
    selcorr[t] = max(allCorr)
    allCorr[tindices[1],] = 0
    allCorr[,tindices[2]] = 0

  # reorder Mx and My
  # grab all columns (applies when px ne py), non-matched columns
  # can still impact the selection of the penalty:
  notinX = c(1:px)[!c(1:px)%in%mapX]
  mapX = c(mapX,notinX)
  notinY = c(1:py)[!c(1:py)%in%mapY]
  mapY = c(mapY,notinY)
  reorderMx = Mx[,mapX]
  reorderMy = My[,mapY]
  reorderUx = Ux[mapX,]
  reorderUy = Uy[mapY,]
  return(list('Mx' = reorderMx, 'My' = reorderMy,'Ux' = reorderUx, 'Uy' = reorderUy, 'correlations' = selcorr, 'mapX' = mapX, 'mapY' = mapY))

# BRisk: 30 March 2020
#' Permutation test with Greedymatch
#' @param MatchedMx matrix with nsubject x n.comp.X, comes from greedymatch
#' @param MatchedMy matrix with nsubject2 x n.comp.Y, comes from greedymatch
#' @param nperm default value = 1000
#' @param alpha default value = 0.01
#' @param multicore default value = 0
#' @return a list of matrixes
#'  ## rj: joint component rank
#'  ## pvalues: pvalue for the components(columns) not matched
#'  ## fwer_alpha: quantile of corr permutation with 1- alpha
#' @export
permTestJointRank = function(MatchedMx,MatchedMy,nperm=1000,alpha=0.01,multicore=0) {
  # Mx: nSubject x n.comp
  # multicore: if = 0 or 1, uses a single processor; multicore > 1 requires packages doParallel and doRNG
  nSubject = nrow(MatchedMx)
  nSubject2 = nrow(MatchedMy)
  px = ncol(MatchedMx)
  py = ncol(MatchedMy)
  if (nSubject!=nSubject2) {
    stop('Mx and My have different numbers of rows. The number of subjects must be equal in X and Y.')
  if (multicore>1) {

    #corrperm = foreach (b = 1:nperm, .combine=rbind) %dorng% {
      #new.My = MatchedMy[sample(1:nSubject),]
    stop('This package does not support multicore')
  } else {
    corrperm = numeric(nperm)
    for (k in 1:nperm) {
      new.My = MatchedMy[sample(1:nSubject),]
      corrperm[k] = max(abs(stats::cor(MatchedMx,new.My)))

  pperm = NULL
  maxrj = min(px,py)
  corrmatched = numeric(maxrj)
  for (i in 1:maxrj) {
    corrmatched[i] = abs(stats::cor(MatchedMx[,i],MatchedMy[,i]))
  for (j in 1:maxrj) pperm[j] = mean(corrmatched[j]<corrperm)
  rj = sum(pperm<alpha)

  return(list(rj=rj,pvalues = pperm,fwer_alpha = stats::quantile(corrperm,1-alpha)))

#Match based on L2 distances and Hungarian
#' match ICA
#' @param S loading variable matrix
#' @param template template for match
#' @param M subject score matrix
#' @return the match result
#' @import clue
matchICA=function(S,template,M=NULL) {

  if(n.comp>n.obs) warning('Input should be n x d')
  if(!all(dim(template)==dim(S))) warning('Template should be n x d')
  S = t(S)
  template = t(template)
  for (j in 1:n.comp) {
    for (i in 1:n.comp) {

  if(!is.null(M)) {
  }  else {

# IGAY: edited on June 4th, 2019 to return perm matrix and omangles ordering
# IGAY: edited on July 15th, 2019 to avoid exiting with error when rx>ry
# IGAY: edited on Aug 12th, 2019 to avoid dropping to vector type from matrix when original rank is 1
#' Match the colums of Mx and My
#'\code{angleMatchICA} match the colums of Mx and My, using the n x p parameterization of the JIN decomposition assumes
#' @param Mx Subject score for X   matrix of n x n.comp
#' @param My Subject score for Y   matrix of n x n.comp
#' @param Sx Variable loadings for X  matrix of n.comp x px
#' @param Sy Variable loadings for Y  matrix of n.comp x py
#' @return a list of matrixes:
#'  ## Mx:
#'  ## My:
#'  ## matchedangles:
#'  ## allangles:
#'  ## perm:
#'  ## omangles:
#' @import clue
angleMatchICA=function(Mx,My,Sx=NULL,Sy=NULL) {
  # match the colums of Mx and My, using the
  # n x p parameterization of the JIN decomposition
  # assumes

  rx = ncol(Mx)
  ry = ncol(My)
  #if(rx>ry) stop('rx must be less than or equal to ry')
  n.comp = max(ry, rx) # IGAY: adjusted this on Jyly 19th, 2019 to be maximal of the two

  if(n.comp>=n.obs) warning('Input should be n x r')
  if(n.obs!=nrow(My)) warning('Mx and My need to have the same number of rows')
  Mx = t(Mx)
  Mx = Mx / sqrt(apply(Mx^2,1,sum))

  My = t(My)
  My = My / sqrt(apply(My^2,1,sum))

  if(rx<ry) {
    Mx = rbind(Mx,matrix(0,ry-rx,n.obs))
  if(ry<rx) {
    My = rbind(My,matrix(0,rx-ry,n.obs))
  angle.mat1.perm = angle.mat1[,map]
  angle.mat2.perm = angle.mat2[,map]
  matchedangles = apply(cbind(angle1,angle2),1,min)
  allangles = angle.mat1.perm*(angle.mat1.perm<=angle.mat2.perm)+angle.mat2.perm*(angle.mat2.perm<angle.mat1.perm)


  # reorder components by their matched angles
  smatchedangles = sort(matchedangles)
  omangles = order(matchedangles)
  sallangles = allangles[omangles[1:rx],omangles[1:ry]]
  sMx = Mx[omangles[1:rx],, drop = F]
  sMy.perm = My.perm[omangles[1:ry],, drop = F]

  if(!is.null(Sy)) {
    sSy.perm = Sy.perm[omangles[1:ry],, drop = F]
    sSx = Sx[omangles[1:rx],, drop = F]
    return(list(Mx=t(sMx),My = t(sMy.perm),matchedangles = smatchedangles,allangles = sallangles,Sx = sSx, Sy = sSy.perm, perm = perm, omangles = omangles))
  else {
    return(list(Mx=t(sMx),My = t(sMy.perm),matchedangles = smatchedangles,allangles = sallangles, perm = perm, omangles = omangles))

# Wrapper functions for rank estimation using permutation approach
# subfunctions used in this function:
permmatRank = function(xdata, ncomp, nperms,
                       ninitialization_perm) {
  nsubjects = ncol(xdata)
  px = nrow(xdata)
  ngauss = nsubjects - ncomp + 1
  permmatJB = rep(0, nperms)
  for(k in 1:nperms){
    # sample n - r subjects
    tempX = xdata[ , sample(1:nsubjects, ngauss)]
    newX = matrix(0, px, ngauss)
    for (j in 1:ngauss) {
      # permute jth column
      pmat = sample(1:px)
      newX[,j] = tempX[pmat, j]
    # estimate non-gaussianity of the component
    permmatJB[k] = lngca(newX, n.comp = 1, restarts.pbyd=ninitialization_perm,distribution='JB')$nongaussianity

permmatRank_sequential_JB = function(xdata,maxcompdata=ncol(xdata),ncomplist,nperms,ninitialization_data=10,ninitialization_perm=5) {
  #xdata: p x n subjects
  #maxcompdata: number of components to estimate from data. This should be the maximum number of possible non-Gaussian components. By default equal to n
  #ncomplist is a vector corresponding to the components to be tested for Gaussianity.
  # In the simplest case, this, will be 1:maxcompdata
  #for each ncomp in ncomplist, ncomp refers to a test of whether the ncomp$th$ component is Gaussian
  #the maximum of this should be less than or equal to maxcompdata
  #nperms: number of samples for each permutation test
  #ncores: number of cores to use via registerDoParallel

  # Estimate model with components=maxcompdata :
  estX = lngca(xdata,restarts.pbyd=round(ninitialization_data/2),restarts.dbyd=round(ninitialization_data/2),distribution='JB', n.comp=maxcompdata)

  # Construct p-values for reach component
  nc = length(ncomplist)
  permmatJB_bigmat = matrix(0, nrow = nperms, ncol = nc)
  pvalues = rep(NA, nc)

  for (i in 1:length(ncomplist)) {
    # Estimate residuals from the first r-1 components
    if (ncomplist[i] > 1){
      newxdata = stats::lm(xdata~estX$S[,1:(ncomplist[i]-1)])$residuals
      newxdata = xdata
    # Find values of non-gaussianity from all permutations
    permmatJB_bigmat[,i] = permmatRank(newxdata, ncomplist[i], nperms, ninitialization_perm)
    # Calculate corresponding p-value
    pvalues[i] = mean(estX$nongaussianity[ncomplist[i]]<permmatJB_bigmat[,i])
  colnames(permmatJB_bigmat) = ncomplist
  return(list(pvalues = pvalues,sample=permmatJB_bigmat))

#' Permutation test to get joint components ranks
#' @param matchedResults results generated by angleMatchICA
#' @param nperms the number of permutation
#' @return a list of matrixes
#'  ## pvalues: pvalues for the matched colunmns don't have correlation.
#'  ## corrperm: correlation value for original Mx with each random permutation of My.
#'  ## corrmatched: the correlation for each pair of matched columns.
permmatRank_joint = function(matchedResults, nperms = 100){

  # Calcualte correlations based on original Ms via angle-matching
  Mx = t(matchedResults$Mx)
  My = t(matchedResults$My)
  corrmatched = cos(matchedResults$matchedangles)
  n = ncol(Mx)

  # Calculate maximal correlations based on permutations
  corrperm = rep(NA, nperms)
  for(b in 1:nperms){
    # Resample the subjects in the 2nd mixing matrix
    new.My= My[,sample(1:n), drop = F]
    # Calculate maximal correlation
    corrperm[b] = max(abs(atanh(stats::cor(t(Mx),t(new.My)))))

  # Calculate p-values from permutations
  rx = nrow(Mx)
  ry = nrow(My)
  maxrj = min(rx,ry) #maximum possible number of joint components

  pperm = rep(NA, maxrj)
  for (j in 1:maxrj) {
    pperm[j] = mean(atanh(corrmatched[j]) < corrperm)

  return(list(pvalues = pperm, corrperm = corrperm, corrmatched = corrmatched))

#' find the number of non-Gaussian components in the data.
#' @param data original matrix with n x p.
#' @param type 'S1', 'S2' or 'S3'
#' @import ICtest
#' @return the number of non-Gaussian components in the data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(singR)
#' data("exampledata")
#' data=exampledata
#' NG_number(data$dX)
NG_number <- function(data,type='S3'){ #data nxp
  if(nrow(data)>ncol(data)){stop("Number of non-Gaussian components need to be specificed when p_x < n; note: LNGCA maximizes non-Gaussianity across p_x.")}
  data=t(data) # transpose the dimension to p x n, which is the input requirement of FOBIasymp

  while (FOBI$p.value < 0.05) {

# Match mixing matrices:
# This function does not require M to be square:
#' Permutation invariant mean squared error
#' @param M1 Subject score 1 matrix r x n.
#' @param M2 Subject score 2 matrix r x n.
#' @param S1 Loading 1 with matrix p x r.
#' @param S2 Loading 2 with matrix p x r.
#' @param standardize whether to standardize
#' @return permutation invariant mean squared error
#' @export
#' @import clue
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #get simulation data
#' data(exampledata)
#' # use JB stat to compute with singR
#' output_JB=singR(dX=exampledata$dX,dY=exampledata$dY,
#' df=0,rho_extent="small",distribution="JB",individual=TRUE)
#' # use pmse to measure difference from the truth
#' pmse(M1 = t(output_JB$est.Mj),M2 = t(exampledata$mj),standardize = TRUE)
#' }
pmse<-function(M1=NULL,M2=NULL,S1=NULL,S2=NULL,standardize=FALSE) {
  #MODEL: X = S M + E, so M is d x p
  #standardize: if standardize==TRUE, then standardizes rows of M1 and M2
  #to have unit norm; if using S1 and S2, standardizes columns to have unit variance.
  #standardize=TRUE makes the measure scale invariant.

  tfun = function(x) all(x==0)
  if(is.null(M1) && is.null(M2) && is.null(S1) && is.null(S2)) stop("need to supply either M1 and M2 or S1 and S2")
  if(!is.null(M1) && !is.null(M2) && !is.null(S1) && !is.null(S2)) {
    stop("provide either (M1 and M2) or (S1 and S2) but not both (M1,M2) and (S1,S2)")
  if(!is.null(M1) && nrow(M1) > ncol(M1)) stop("The input appears to be S1 and S2, but the arguments were not specified; re-run with S1=<object> and S2=<object>")

  if(is.null(M1)) {
    nS = nrow(S1)
    if(nS!=nrow(S2)) stop('S1 and S2 must have the same number of rows')
    if(sum(apply(S1,2,tfun)) + sum(apply(S2,2,tfun))) stop('pmse not defined when S1 or S2 has a column of all zeros')
    if(standardize) {
      S1 = scale(S1)
      S2 = scale(S2)
    p = ncol(S1)
    q = ncol(S2)
    if(p < q) {
      S1 = cbind(S1,matrix(0,nS,(q-p)))
    if(q < p) {
      S2 = cbind(S2,matrix(0,nS,(p-q)))
    Stemp = matchICA(S=S1,template=S2)
    n.comp = max(q,p)
    indices = c(1:n.comp)[!(apply(Stemp,2,tfun) | apply(S2,2,tfun))]
    return(sqrt(sum((Stemp[,indices] - S2[,indices])^2))/sqrt(nS*min(p,q)))

  else {
    if(sum(apply(M1,1,tfun)) + sum(apply(M2,1,tfun))) stop('pmse not defined when M1 or M2 has a row of all zeros')
    if(standardize) {
      temp = diag((diag(M1%*%t(M1)))^(-1/2))
      M1 = temp%*%M1
      temp = diag((diag(M2%*%t(M2)))^(-1/2))
      M2 = temp%*%M2
    p = ncol(M1)
    if(p!=ncol(M2)) stop("M1 and M2 must have the same number of columns")
    d = nrow(M1)
    q = nrow(M2)
    if(n.comp > p) warning("M should be d x p")
    if(d<q) {
      M1 = rbind(M1,matrix(0,(q-d),p))
    if(q<d) {
      M2 = rbind(M2,matrix(0,(d-q),p))
    for (j in 1:n.comp) {
      for (i in 1:n.comp) {
        #since signs are arbitrary, take min of plus and minus:
    #take the min of plus/min l2 distances. This is okay because solve_LSAP is one to one
    #retain relevant l2 distances:
    #sign.change is for re-ordered matrix 2
    indices = c(1:n.comp)[!(apply(M.perm,1,tfun) | apply(M2,1,tfun))]

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