
Defines functions .rowmax.matrix .eigenvalue.manymatrices eigenvalues.manymatrices

Documented in eigenvalues.manymatrices

## File Name: eigenvalues.manymatrices.R
## File Version: 0.10

# computation of eigenvalues of many matrices
eigenvalues.manymatrices <- function( Sigma.all, itermax=10, maxconv=.001,
    inverse=FALSE ){
    D <- sqrt( ncol(Sigma.all) )
    N <- nrow( Sigma.all )
    lambda <- matrix( 0, nrow=N, ncol=D )
    U <- matrix( 0, nrow=N, ncol=D^2 )
    Sigma1 <- Sigma.all
    for (dd in 1:D){
        # dd <- 1
        res <- .eigenvalue.manymatrices( Sigma.all=Sigma1, itermax=itermax, maxconv=maxconv )
        lambda[,dd] <- res$lambda
        U[, D*(dd-1 )+1:D ] <- res$z
        z <- res$z
        for (zz in 1:D){
            Sigma1[, D*(zz-1) + 1:D  ] <- Sigma1[, D*(zz-1) + 1:D  ] - lambda[,dd] * z[,zz] * z
    res <- list("lambda"=lambda, "U"=U )
    # calculate determinant
    res$logdet <- rowSums( log( lambda ) )
    res$det <- exp( res$logdet )
    # compute inverse matrix if required
    if (inverse){
        Sigma.inv <- 0*Sigma.all
        for (dd in 1:D){
        for (zz in 1:D){
            #zz <- 1
            #dd <- 1
            z <- U[, D*(dd-1) + 1:D  ]
            Sigma.inv[, D*(zz-1) + 1:D  ] <- Sigma.inv[, D*(zz-1) + 1:D  ] + 1 / lambda[,dd] * z[,zz] * z
        res$Sigma.inv <- Sigma.inv
# computation of the largest eigenvalue and the first eigenvector
.eigenvalue.manymatrices <- function( Sigma.all, itermax=10, maxconv=.001 ){
        D <- sqrt( ncol( Sigma.all) )
        N <- nrow(Sigma.all)
        z <- matrix(1,nrow=N, ncol=D )
        z <- z / sqrt( rowSums( z^2 ) )
        z0 <- z
        ii <- 0
        conv <- 2*maxconv
        while ( ( ii < itermax ) & ( conv > maxconv) ){
            for (dd in 1:D){ #        dd <- 1
                z[,dd] <- rowSums( Sigma.all[, D*(dd-1) + 1:D ] * z0 )
            v1 <- sqrt(rowSums( z^2 ))
            z <- z / v1
            res <- .rowmax.matrix( abs(z) )
            ind <- as.matrix( data.frame( 1:N, res ) )
            si <- sign( z[ ind ] / z0[ind] )
            z <- si*z
            lambda <- si*v1
            conv <- max( abs( z - z0 ) )
            z0 <- z
            ii <- ii+1
        res <- list( "lambda"=lambda, "z"=z )
# rowwise maximum in a matrix
.rowmax.matrix <- function(matr){
    ind <- rep(1, nrow(matr) )
    v1 <- matr[,1]
    for (dd in 2:( ncol(matr) ) ){
        ind <- ifelse( matr[,dd] > v1, dd, ind )
        v1 <- ifelse( matr[,dd] > v1, matr[,dd], v1 )

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