
Defines functions plot.lsem.permutationTest

Documented in plot.lsem.permutationTest

## File Name: plot.lsem.permutationTest.R
## File Version: 0.21

# plot p values permutation test for LSEM
plot.lsem.permutationTest <- function( x, type="global",
        stattype="SD", parindex=NULL,
        sig_add=TRUE, sig_level=.05, sig_pch=17,
        nonsig_pch=2, sig_cex=1,
        sig_lab="p value", stat_lab="Test statistic",
        moderator_lab=NULL, digits=3, title=NULL, parlabels=NULL,
        ask=TRUE, ... )

    if ( is.null(parindex) ){
        NP <- max( x$parameters$parindex )
        parindex <- 1:NP

    # global test statistic
    if ( type=="global"){

        teststat <- x$teststat[ parindex,, drop=FALSE]
        test_p <- teststat[, paste0(stattype,"_p") ]
        NP <- nrow(teststat)
        labs <- paste(teststat$par)
        if ( ! is.null(parlabels) ){
            labs <- parlabels
        if (sig_add){
            nc <- nchar(labs)
            NC <- max(nc)
            labs <- paste0( labs, " (p=", formatC( test_p, digits=digits, format="f"), ")")

        main <- title
        if ( is.null(title)){
            main <- paste0( "p values ", stattype)

        xlab1 <- sig_lab
        h1 <- seq(NP, 1 )
        labs <- labs[ h1  ]
        test_p <- test_p[ h1 ]
        graphics::dotchart( test_p, labels=labs, xlim=c(0,1), pch=sig_pch,
                        xlab=xlab1, main=main, lwd=1.2)
        graphics::abline(v=sig_level, col=2, lty=4, lwd=2)
    if (type=="pointwise"){

        ppt <- x$parameters_pointwise_test
        for (pp in parindex ){
            ind.pp <- which( parindex==pp)
            x.pp <- ppt[ ppt$parindex==pp, ]
            ylab1 <- sig_lab
            if ( is.null(moderator_lab) ){
                moderator_lab <- x$moderator
            if ( is.null(parlabels)){
                t1 <- paste( x.pp$par[1] )
            } else {
                t1 <- parlabels[ind.pp]

            graphics::plot( x.pp$moderator, x.pp$est, xlab=moderator_lab,
                    ylab=stat_lab, main=t1, type="o", pch=16)
            graphics::abline( h=0, lty=3, col="gray")

            # p value
            pch1 <- ifelse( x.pp$p < sig_level, sig_pch, nonsig_pch )
            graphics::plot( x.pp$moderator, x.pp$p, xlab=moderator_lab,
                    ylab=ylab1, main=t1, type="o", pch=pch1,
                    ylim=c(0,1), cex=sig_cex)

            # lines( spline( modgrid[,1], y=x.pp$p, n=100 )  )
            graphics::abline(h=sig_level, col=2, lty=4, lwd=2)

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