
Defines functions summary.R2noharm

Documented in summary.R2noharm

## File Name: summary.R2noharm.R
## File Version: 0.14

# R2Noharm summary function

# summary function for R2noharm
summary.R2noharm <- function( object, logfile=NULL, ...){
    # global summary
    if ( ! is.null(logfile) ){ sink( paste0(logfile,".Rout"), split=TRUE ) }
    cat( paste( "-------------------------------------------------"), "\n" )
    cat( paste( "NOHARM4 ", object$systime, sep=""), "\n" )
    d <- utils::packageDescription("sirt")
    cat(paste(d$Package," ", d$Version," (",d$Date,")",sep=""))
    cat( paste( "\n-------------------------------------------------"), "\n\n" )
    # model type
    if (object$modtype==2){ cat( "Multidimensional Exploratory Factor Analysis\n\n") }
    if (object$modtype==3){ cat( "Multidimensional Confirmatory Factor Analysis\n\n") }
    if (object$modtype==4){ cat( "Unidimensional Confirmatory Factor Analysis\n\n") }
    # descriptives
    cat( paste( "Number of Observations: ", object$Nobs, sep=""), "\n" )
    cat( paste( "Number of Items       : ", object$Nitems, sep=""), "\n" )
    cat( paste( "Number of Dimensions  : ", object$dimensions, sep=""), "\n" )
    cat( paste( "Tanaka Index          : ", round(object$tanaka,object$display.fit), sep=""), "\n" )
    cat( paste( "RMSR                  : ", round(object$rmsr,object$display.fit), sep=""), "\n\n" )

    # chi square statistic
    if (object$modtype %in% 2:4){
        cat("Chi Square Statistic of Gessaroli & De Champlain (1996)\n\n")
        cat( paste( "Number of Estimated Parameters : ", object$Nestpars, sep=""), "\n" )
        cat( paste( "Chi2                           : ", round(object$chisquare,3), sep=""), "\n" )
        cat( paste( "Degrees of Freedom (df)        : ", object$df, sep=""), "\n" )
        cat( paste( "p(Chi2,df)                     : ", round(object$p.chisquare,3), sep=""), "\n" )
        cat( paste( "Chi2 / df                      : ", round(object$chisquare / object$df,3), sep=""), "\n" )
        cat( paste( "RMSEA                          : ", round(object$rmsea,3), sep=""), "\n\n" )
    if ( object$modtype %in% 2:4){
        # factor correlation
        cat( "Factor Covariance Matrix\n")
        print( object$factor.cor )
        if ( object$modtype %in% 3){
            cat( "\nFactor Correlation Matrix\n")
            print( round( stats::cov2cor(object$factor.cor), 3 ))
    if ( object$modtype %in% 3:4){
        # item parameter
        l1 <- object$loadings.theta
        cat("\nItem Parameters - Latent Trait Model Parametrization\n",
                "Loadings, Constants, Guessing Parameters and Decriptives\n\n")
        m1 <- l1 %*% as.matrix(object$factor.cor) %*% t( l1 )
        v1 <- 1 + diag( m1 )
        l1 <- data.frame( l1, "final.constants"=object$final.constants, "guess"=object$guesses,
                    "item.variance"=round( v1, 3), "N"=diag(object$N.itempair), "p"=diag(object$pm) )
        print( l1 )
        res <- list( "itempars"=l1 )
        # factor analysis parametrization
        l1 <- object$loadings
        cat("\nItem Parameters - Common Factor Parametrization\n",
            "Loadings, Thresholds, Uniquenesses and Guessing Parameters\n\n")
        l1 <- data.frame( l1, "threshold"=object$thresholds, "uniqueness"=object$uniquenesses,
                        "guess"=object$guesses )
        print( l1 )
        res[["itempars.faparm" ]] <- l1
        # Lord's parametrization for unidimensional models
        if (object$modtype==4){
            cat("\nItem Parameters - Lord's Parametrization\n",
                "Difficulty and Discrimination\n\n")
            l1 <- data.frame( "difficulty"=object$difficulties,
                               "discrimination"=object$discriminations )
        res[["itempars.lord" ]] <- l1
    if ( object$modtype %in% 2){
        # item parameter
        l1 <- object$loadings.theta
        cat("\nItem Parameters - Promax Rotated Parameters\n",
                "Loadings, Constants, Guessing Parameters and Descriptives\n\n")
        l1 <- object$promax.theta
        l1 <- data.frame( l1, "final.constants"=object$final.constants,
                    "guess"=object$guesses, "N"=diag(object$N.itempair), "p"=diag(object$pm) )
        print( l1 )
        res <- list( "itempars.promax"=l1 )
    if ( ! is.null(logfile) ){ sink() }

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