#' @title Replace NA with specific values
#' @name replace_na
#' @description This function replaces (tagged) NA's of a variable, data frame
#' or list of variables with \code{value}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[sjlabelled]{set_na}} for setting \code{NA} values, \code{\link{rec}}
#' for general recoding of variables and \code{\link{recode_to}}
#' for re-shifting value ranges.
#' @param value Value that will replace the \code{\link{NA}}'s.
#' @param na.label Optional character vector, used to label the the former NA-value
#' (i.e. adding a \code{labels} attribute for \code{value} to \code{x}).
#' @param Optional single character, specifies a \code{\link[haven]{tagged_na}} value
#' that will be replaced by \code{value}. Herewith it is possible
#' to replace only specific \code{NA} values of \code{x}.
#' @inheritParams to_dummy
#' @inheritParams rec
#' @return \code{x}, where \code{NA}'s are replaced with \code{value}. If \code{x}
#' is a data frame, the complete data frame \code{x} will be returned,
#' with replaced NA's for variables specified in \code{...};
#' if \code{...} is not specified, applies to all variables in the
#' data frame.
#' @note Value and variable label attributes are preserved.
#' @details While regular \code{NA} values can only be \emph{completely} replaced with
#' a single value, \code{\link[haven]{tagged_na}} allows to differentiate
#' between different qualitative values of \code{NA}s.
#' Tagged \code{NA}s work exactly like regular R missing values
#' except that they store one additional byte of information: a tag,
#' which is usually a letter ("a" to "z") or character number ("0" to "9").
#' Therewith it is possible to replace only specific NA values, while
#' other NA values are preserved.
#' @examples
#' library(sjlabelled)
#' data(efc)
#' table(efc$e42dep, useNA = "always")
#' table(replace_na(efc$e42dep, value = 99), useNA = "always")
#' # the original labels
#' get_labels(replace_na(efc$e42dep, value = 99))
#' # NA becomes "99", and is labelled as "former NA"
#' get_labels(
#' replace_na(efc$e42dep, value = 99, na.label = "former NA"),
#' values = "p"
#' )
#' dummy <- data.frame(
#' v1 = efc$c82cop1,
#' v2 = efc$c83cop2,
#' v3 = efc$c84cop3
#' )
#' # show original distribution
#' lapply(dummy, table, useNA = "always")
#' # show variables, NA's replaced with 99
#' lapply(replace_na(dummy, v2, v3, value = 99), table, useNA = "always")
#' if (require("haven")) {
#' x <- labelled(c(1:3, tagged_na("a", "c", "z"), 4:1),
#' c("Agreement" = 1, "Disagreement" = 4, "First" = tagged_na("c"),
#' "Refused" = tagged_na("a"), "Not home" = tagged_na("z")))
#' # get current NA values
#' x
#' get_na(x)
#' # replace only the NA, which is tagged as NA(c)
#' replace_na(x, value = 2, = "c")
#' get_na(replace_na(x, value = 2, = "c"))
#' table(x)
#' table(replace_na(x, value = 2, = "c"))
#' # tagged NA also works for non-labelled class
#' # init vector
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
#' # set values 2 and 3 as tagged NA
#' x <- set_na(x, na = c(2, 3), as.tag = TRUE)
#' # see result
#' x
#' # now replace only NA tagged with 2 with value 5
#' replace_na(x, value = 5, = "2")
#' }
#' @export
replace_na <- function(x, ..., value, na.label = NULL, = NULL) {
# check for valid value
if (is.null(value) || return(x)
# evaluate arguments, generate data
.dat <- get_dot_data(x, dplyr::quos(...))
if ( {
# iterate variables of data frame
for (i in colnames(.dat)) {
x[[i]] <- replace_na_helper(
x = .dat[[i]],
value = value,
na.label = na.label, =
} else {
x <- replace_na_helper(
x = .dat,
value = value,
na.label = na.label, =
replace_na_helper <- function(x, value, na.label, {
# create named vector, for labelleing
if (!is.null(na.label)) {
na.vec <- value
names(na.vec) <- as.character(na.label)
# check if we have any misisngs at all
if (anyNA(x)) {
# do we have a factor? then check for levels
if (is.factor(x)) {
# is value in levels?
if (!any(levels(x) %in% as.character(value))) {
# if not, add value to levels
levels(x) <- c(levels(x), as.character(value))
# check if we have tagged NA
if (!is.null( {
if (!requireNamespace("haven", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package `haven` needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
# coerce to tagged NA
if (!haven::is_tagged_na( <- haven::tagged_na(
# replace tagged NA
x[which(haven::na_tag(x) == haven::na_tag(] <- value
# remove label
x <- suppressMessages(sjlabelled::remove_labels(x, labels =
} else {
x[] <- value
# add NA label
if (!is.null(na.label)) x <- sjlabelled::add_labels(x, labels = na.vec)
} else {
message("`x` has no missings.")
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