
# get_pos_tags adapted from:
# http://martinschweinberger.de/docs/articles/PosTagR.pdf
get_pos_tags <- function(txt, word_token_annotator, pos_annotator) {
  str_txt <- NLP::as.String(txt)
  a2 <- NLP::Annotation(1L, "sentence", 1L, nchar(str_txt))
  a2 <- NLP::annotate(str_txt, word_token_annotator, a2)
  a3 <- NLP::annotate(str_txt, pos_annotator, a2)
  a3w <- a3[a3$type == "word"]
  pos <- unlist(lapply(a3w$features, `[[`, "POS"))
    word = str_txt[a3w],
    pos = pos,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

handle_pos_error <- function(c_obj) {
  er <- c_obj$message
  if (grepl("memory", er, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    stop(er, "\n\nSee the second FAQ in the 'Frequently asked questions' ",
         "vignette for how to fix this.")
  } else {

stop_pos_tags <- function(pos_word_df, stop_pos) {
  in_stop_pos <- pos_word_df$pos %in% stop_pos
  # Replace unwanted words (based on POS) with a phrase delim (.):
  pos_word_df$word[in_stop_pos] <- "."
  paste(pos_word_df$word, collapse = " ")

gen_split_regex <- function(stop_words) {
  phrase_end_regex <- '[-,.?():;"!/]|\''
  if (!is.null(stop_words)) {
    stop_words_wrds <- paste0("\\b", stop_words, "\\b")
    stop_regex <- paste0(stop_words_wrds, collapse = "|")
    paste0(stop_regex, "|", phrase_end_regex)
  } else {

split_string <- function(txt, regex) {
  x <- strsplit(txt, regex)[[1]]
  strsplit(x, " ")

get_cand_words <- function(txt, stop_words) {
  regex <- gen_split_regex(stop_words = stop_words)
  split_string(txt = txt, regex = regex)

filter_words <- function(cand_words, word_min_char) {
  temp_vec <- lapply(cand_words, function(x)
    x[x != "" & grepl("[[:alpha:]]", x) & nchar(x) >= word_min_char])
  temp_vec[vapply(temp_vec, length, numeric(1)) > 0]

gen_word_cnts <- function(cand_words) {
  # Get a list of unique words in each keyword so we don't double count (e.g.,
  # don't double count "vector" in "vector times vector").
  unq_wrds <- unlist(lapply(cand_words, unique))

gen_degree <- function(wrd_cnts, cand_words) {
  temp_score1 <- vapply(rownames(wrd_cnts), function(x)
      vapply(cand_words, function(q)
        ifelse(x %in% q, length(q) - 1, 0), numeric(1)
  , numeric(1))

  temp_score1 + wrd_cnts[, 1]

calc_word_scores <- function(wrd_cnts, degree) {
    degree / wrd_cnts, # degree / freq
    names = rownames(wrd_cnts)

calc_keyword_scores <- function(cand_words) {
  # Get word counts for all distinct words
  wrd_cnts <- gen_word_cnts(cand_words = cand_words)
  # Get word's degree score
  degree <- gen_degree(wrd_cnts = wrd_cnts, cand_words = cand_words)

  # Get each word's score as per degree/frequency
  word_scores <- calc_word_scores(wrd_cnts = wrd_cnts, degree = degree)
  # Add word scores for the words in each (non-distinct) keyword, to get
  # keyword scores
  unlist(lapply(cand_words, function(x) sum(word_scores[x])))

process_keyword_df <- function(keyword_df) {
  key_cnts <- table(keyword_df$keyword)
  key_cntsdf <- as.data.frame(key_cnts, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(key_cntsdf) <- c("keyword", "freq")
  key_df <- merge(key_cntsdf, keyword_df, by = "keyword")
  out_df <- unique(key_df[order(key_df$score, decreasing = TRUE), ])
  row.names(out_df) <- NULL

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slowraker documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:26 p.m.