
Defines functions em

Documented in em

em <-
   	w <- Status	
	n <- length(Status)
	if(model == "ph") s <- smsurv(Time,Status,X,beta,w,model)$survival
	if(model == "aft"){
		if(!is.null(offsetvar)) Time <- Time/exp(offsetvar)
		error <- drop(log(Time)-beta%*%t(X))
		s <- smsurv(error,Status,X,beta,w,model)$survival
	convergence<- 1000;i <-1
	while (convergence > eps & i < emmax){  
		uncureprob <- matrix(exp((b)%*%t(Z))/(1+exp((b)%*%t(Z))),ncol=1)
		if(model == "ph"){
		if(model == "aft"){
	  		 error <- drop(log(Time)-beta%*%t(X))
	  		 survival <- s} 
		## E step 
		w <- Status+(1-Status)*(uncureprob*survival)/((1-uncureprob)+uncureprob*survival)
	## M step
	logistfit<- eval(parse(text = paste("glm", "(", "w~Z[,-1]",",family = quasibinomial(link='", link, "'",")",")",sep = "")))
	update_cureb <- logistfit$coef
      if(!is.null(offsetvar)) update_cureb <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text = paste("glm", "(", "w~Z[,-1]+offset(offsetvar)",",family = quasibinomial(link='", link, "'",")",")",sep = "")))$coef)
	if(model == "ph") {
	update_beta <- coxph(Surv(Time, Status)~X[,-1]+offset(log(w)), subset=w!=0, method="breslow")$coef
	if(!is.null(offsetvar)) update_beta <- coxph(Surv(Time, Status)~X[,-1]+offset(offsetvar+log(w)), subset=w!=0, method="breslow")$coef
	update_s <-smsurv(Time,Status,X,beta,w,model)$survival}
	if(model == "aft") {
	update_beta <- optim(rep(0,ncol(X)), rank, Time=Time,X=X,n=n,w=w,Status=Status,method="Nelder-Mead",control=list(reltol=0.0001,maxit=500))$par
      	update_s <- smsurv(error,Status,X,beta,w,model)$survival}
		b <- update_cureb
     	 	beta <- update_beta 
		uncureprob <- matrix(exp((b)%*%t(Z))/(1+exp((b)%*%t(Z))),ncol=1)
   	i <- i+1
em <- list(logistfit=logistfit,b=b, latencyfit= beta,Survival=s,Uncureprob=uncureprob,tau=convergence)

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smcure documentation built on May 9, 2022, 9:08 a.m.