
context("test some getter and setter functions")

test_that("hasTags works as expected", {
  # check that hasTags works for smoof_functions
  fun.names = filterFunctionsByTags(c("multimodal"))
  fun.names = fun.names[!(fun.names %in% c("Hartmann"))]

  funs = unlist(lapply(fun.names, function(fun.name) {
    makeFunctionsByName(fun.name, dimensions = 2L, m = 5L)

  for (fun in funs) {
    expect_true(hasTags(fun, "multimodal"), info = sprintf("Function '%s' has
      no tag multimodal, but it should have.", getName(fun)))

  # check that hasTags works for smoof_generators
  expect_true(hasTags(makeAckleyFunction, "multimodal"))
  expect_false(hasTags(makeSphereFunction, "multimodal"))

  # check that hasTags works for strings
  expect_true(hasTags("Ackley", "multimodal"))
  expect_false(hasTags("Sphere", "multimodal"))

test_that("getLocalOptimum and getGlobalOptimum work as expected on MPM2", {
  # check that hasTags works for smoof_functions
  n.peaks = c(1, 5, 30)
  dims = c(2, 3, 10)
  for (d in dims) {
    funs = lapply(n.peaks, function(peaks) makeMPM2Function(n.peaks = peaks,
      dimensions = d, topology = "funnel", seed = 1, rotated = TRUE, peak.shape = "ellipse"))

    for (i in seq_along(funs)) {
      fun = funs[[i]]
      local.opt = getLocalOptimum(fun)
      global.opt = getGlobalOptimum(fun)
      # check that each peak has a parameter and objective value
      expect_equal(nrow(local.opt$params), n.peaks[i])
      expect_equal(length(local.opt$values), n.peaks[i])
      # length of x-values of local optima should equal the problem dimension
      expect_equal(ncol(local.opt$params), d)
      # check that global optimum is the best of the local optima
      best = ifelse(global.opt$is.minimum, min, max)
      indices = which(best(local.opt$values) == global.opt$value)
      for (ind in indices) {
        expect_equal(local.opt$values[ind], global.opt$value)
      expect_true(any(vapply(indices, function(ind)
        all.equal(local.opt$params[ind, ], global.opt$param), logical(1L))))

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smoof documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:48 p.m.