
context("makeFunctionsByName helper")

test_that("makeFunctionsByName helper should work as expected", {
  # basic checks
  fn = makeFunctionsByName("Ackley", dimensions = 2L)[[1L]]
  expect_is(fn, "smoof_function")
  expect_true(grepl("ackley", getName(fn), ignore.case = TRUE))

  # check if 2D function is created with dimensions = 2 and no dimensions
  # attribute at all
  fn = makeFunctionsByName("BraninRCOS", dimensions = 2L)[[1L]]
  expect_is(fn, "smoof_function")
  expect_true(grepl("branin", getName(fn), ignore.case = TRUE))
  fn = makeFunctionsByName("BraninRCOS")[[1L]]
  expect_is(fn, "smoof_function")
  expect_true(grepl("branin", getName(fn), ignore.case = TRUE))
  expect_error(makeFunctionsByName("Branin", dimensions = 3L)[[1L]])

  # test in combination with filtering
  # funs = makeFunctionsByName(
  #   filterFunctionsByTags(c("multimodal", "scalable")),
  #   dimensions = 2L,
  #   m = 5 # for Shekel
  # )
  # expect_list(funs, types = "smoof_function")

  # check if all single objective functions can be generated for 2D
  # all.tags = getAvailableTags()
  # all.tags = setdiff(all.tags, "multi-objective")
  # all.funs.names = unique(unlist(lapply(as.list(all.tags), filterFunctionsByTags)))
  # for (fun.names in all.funs.names) {
  #   sof.fn = makeFunctionsByName(fun.names = fun.names, dimensions = 2L, m = 5L)[[1L]]
  #   expect_is(sof.fn, "smoof_function", info = sprintf("Error generating function '%s'
  #     with dimensions = 2L.", fun.names))
  # }

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smoof documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:48 p.m.