
Defines functions .onAttach

#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
.onAttach <- function(# Internal. Message displayed when loading the package.
    #   Try to load triangles and languages with special characters
    tryRes <- try( lang.par2 <- readRDS( file = system.file( 
        "languages.rds", package = pkgname ) ) ) 

    tryRes2 <- try( triPar2 <- readRDS( file = system.file( 
        "triangles.rds", package = pkgname ) ) )
    #   Extend language parameter if the polish triangle was loaded
    #   successfully
    if( !("try-error" %in% c( class( tryRes ), class( tryRes2 ) ) ) ){ 
        #   Save languages with special characters
        lang.par <- TT.get( "lang.par" ) 
        lang.par <- rbind( 
        TT.set( "lang.par" = lang.par ) 
        #   Save triangles with special characters
        for( i in 1:length( triPar2 ) ){ 
            do.call( what = "TT.add", args = triPar2[ i ] )
        packageStartupMessage( "soiltexture: Languages and triangles with special characters could not be loaded" )
    # Welcome message
    if( interactive() ){ 
        gitVersion <- system.file( "GIT_REVISION", package = pkgname ) 
        if( gitVersion != "" ){ 
            gitVersion <- readLines( con = gitVersion )[ 1L ] 
            gitVersion <- strsplit( x = gitVersion, split = " ", 
                fixed = TRUE )[[ 1L ]][ 1L ]
            gitVersion <- sprintf( "(git revision: %s)", gitVersion ) 
            gitVersion <- "(git revision: ?)" 
        msg <- sprintf( 
            "%s %s %s. For help type: help(pack='%s')", 
            as.character( utils::packageVersion( pkgname ) ), 
            gitVersion, # svnVersion
            pkgname ) 
        packageStartupMessage( msg ) 

Try the soiltexture package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

soiltexture documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:53 a.m.