
Defines functions ndsi

Documented in ndsi

#Gage's Soundscape Index
# From REAL - Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory
# http://www.real.msu.edu/
# Also from: Kasten, Eric P., Stuart H. Gage, Jordan Fox, and Wooyeong Joo. 2012.
#  The Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory's Acoustic Library: An Archive for 
#  Studying Soundscape Ecology. Ecological Informatics 12: 50-67. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2012.08.001.
# And
#  Krause, Bernie, Stuart H. Gage, and Wooyeong Joo. 2011. 
#  Measuring and interpreting the temporal variability in the soundscape
#  at four places in Sequoia National Park. Landscape Ecol. DOI 10.1007/s10980-011-9639-6
# "Normalized Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI) is a numeric indicator of a
#  soundscape's relative biological composition to human disturbance based
#  on the amount of acoustic energy in different frequency bands. The distribution 
#  of sound frequencies in acoustic samples was computed to determine what 
#  types of sounds occurred (e.g., mechanical, biological or physical) at 
#  different frequencies. Normalized ratios of frequency levels were then 
#  calculated to evaluate the relative amounts of Biophony (biological sounds) 
#  or Anthrophony (human-induced sounds) in a set of samples. 
#  The equation for NDSI is: 
#    NDSI = (Biophony - Anthrophony) / (Biophony + Anthrophony)
#  where Anthrophony, Biophony represent the proportion of acoustic energy of Anthrophony and 
#  Biophony, respectively. The value of the index ranges from -1 to 1. If the 
#  value is negative, mechanical sounds dominate the soundscape. If the value 
#  approaches 1, most of the soundscape consists of biological sounds at the site."
#  "The NDSI is computed as the ratio of the sound intensity found in the 
#  frequencies where biological sounds (biophony) are most prevalent (2-8 kHz)
#  to the frequencies where mechanical sounds (technophony) are most prevalent
#  (1-2 kHz). NDSI has values in the range +1 to -1, with +1 indicating that 
#  a signal contains only biophony. As shown in the figure, NDSI has a larger 
#  biophonic component between 2100 and 0730 hours."
# REQUIRES the packages tuneR, seewave, pracma, oce

ndsi <- function(soundfile, fft_w = 1024, anthro_min = 1000, anthro_max = 2000, bio_min = 2000, bio_max = 11000){
  #test arguments
  if (is.numeric(as.numeric(fft_w))){
    fft_w <- as.numeric(fft_w)
  } else{
    stop(" fft_w is not a number.")
  if (is.numeric(as.numeric(anthro_min))){
    anthro_min <- as.numeric(anthro_min)
  } else{
    stop(" anthro_min is not a number.")
  if (is.numeric(as.numeric(anthro_max))){
    anthro_max <- as.numeric(anthro_max)
  } else{
    stop(" anthro_max is not a number.")
  if (is.numeric(as.numeric(bio_min))){
    bio_min <- as.numeric(bio_min)
  } else{
    stop(" bio_min is not a number.")
  if (is.numeric(as.numeric(bio_max))){
    bio_max <- as.numeric(bio_max)
  } else{
    stop(" bio_max is not a number.")
	#Some general values
	hz_interval = anthro_max - anthro_min
	#Get sampling rate
	samplingrate <- soundfile@samp.rate
	duration <- length(soundfile@left)/soundfile@samp.rate
	#Get Nyquist frequency in Hz
	nyquist_freq <- (samplingrate/2)
	#Check errors
	if (bio_max > nyquist_freq) {
	  stop(paste("The maximum frequency of biophony (", bio_max, " Hz) can not be higher than the maximum frequency of the file (", nyquist_freq, " Hz)\n\n Change the value of bio_max to less than ", nyquist_freq, "\n\n", sep = ""))
	if (anthro_max > bio_min) {
	  stop(paste("The maximum frequency of anthrophony (", anthro_max, " Hz) can not be higher than the minimum frequency of biophony (", bio_min, " Hz)\n\n Change the value of anthro_max to equal or less than bio_min\n\n", sep = ""))
	if (anthro_max < anthro_min) {
	  stop(paste("The minimum frequency of anthrophony (", anthro_min, " Hz) can not be higher than the maximum frequency of anthrophony (", anthro_max, " Hz)\n\n Change the value of anthro_min to less than anthro_max\n\n", sep = ""))
	if (bio_max < bio_min) {
	  stop(paste("The minimum frequency of biophony (", bio_min, " Hz) can not be higher than the maximum frequency of biophony (", bio_max, " Hz)\n\n Change the value of anthro_min to less than anthro_max\n\n", sep = ""))
	#Stereo file
	if (soundfile@stereo == TRUE) {
		cat("\n This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.\n")
		left <- channel(soundfile, which = c("left"))
		right <- channel(soundfile, which = c("right"))
		cat("\n Calculating index. Please wait... \n")
		left1 <- as.vector(cutw(left, from = 0, to = length(left@left) / left@samp.rate))
		left2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = samplingrate, ncol = floor(duration)))
		for (i in 0:(floor(duration)-1)){
			j <- i+1
			start1 <- (i * samplingrate)+ 1
			end <- start1 + samplingrate - 1
			left2[, j] <- left1[start1:end]
		left3 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = fft_w/2, ncol = floor(duration)))
		left4 <- apply(left2, 2, pwelch, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)
		for (i in 1:floor(duration)){
			left3[, i] <- left4[[i]]$spec
		specA_left <- apply(left3, 1, mean)
		specA_rows <- length(specA_left)
		freq_per_row <- specA_rows/nyquist_freq
		anthro_vals_range <- anthro_max - anthro_min
		bio_vals_range <- bio_max - bio_min
		bio_bins <- round(bio_vals_range/hz_interval)
		anthro_bins <- rep(NA, round(anthro_vals_range/hz_interval))
		bio_bins <- rep(NA, round(bio_vals_range/hz_interval))
		anthro_min_row <- round(anthro_min * freq_per_row)
		anthro_max_row <- round(anthro_max * freq_per_row)
		bio_step_range <- freq_per_row * (bio_vals_range/length(bio_bins))
		bio_min_row <- round(bio_min * freq_per_row)
		bio_max_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
		#Get the area for each bin of anthrophony and biophony
			for (i in 1:length(anthro_bins)){
			  anthro_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_left[anthro_min_row:anthro_max_row])
			for (i in 1:length(bio_bins)){
				if (bio_max_row >= specA_rows){
					bio_max_row <- specA_rows
			  bio_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_left[bio_min_row:bio_max_row])
			  bio_min_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
			  bio_max_row <- bio_max_row + bio_step_range
		freqbins <- rep(NA, sum(length(anthro_bins), length(bio_bins)))
		freqbins <- c(anthro_bins, bio_bins)
		freqbins = freqbins / norm(as.matrix(freqbins), "F")
		#All bins
		freqbins.SumAll <- sum(freqbins)
		#All biophony bins
		freqbins.SumBio <- sum(freqbins[2:length(freqbins)])
		#Single anthrophony bin
		freqbins.Anthro <- freqbins[1]
		NDSI_left <- (freqbins.SumBio - freqbins.Anthro) / (freqbins.SumBio + freqbins.Anthro)
    biophony_left <- freqbins.SumBio
		anthrophony_left <- freqbins.Anthro
		#Right channel
		#right1 <- cutw(right, from = 0, to = length(right@left) / right@samp.rate)
		right1 <- as.vector(cutw(right, from = 0, to = length(right@left) / right@samp.rate))
		right2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = samplingrate, ncol = floor(duration)))
		for (i in 0:(floor(duration)-1)){
			j <- i+1
			start1 <- (i * samplingrate)+ 1
			end <- start1 + samplingrate - 1
			right2[, j] <- right1[start1:end]
		right3 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = fft_w/2, ncol = floor(duration)))
		right4 <- apply(right2, 2, pwelch, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)
		for (i in 1:floor(duration)){
			right3[, i] <- right4[[i]]$spec
		specA_right <- apply(right3, 1, mean)
		specA_rows <- length(specA_right)
		freq_per_row <- specA_rows / nyquist_freq
		anthro_vals_range <- anthro_max - anthro_min
		bio_vals_range <- bio_max - bio_min
		bio_bins <- round(bio_vals_range/hz_interval)
		anthro_bins <- rep(NA, round(anthro_vals_range / hz_interval))
		bio_bins <- rep(NA, round(bio_vals_range / hz_interval))
		anthro_min_row <- round(anthro_min * freq_per_row)
		anthro_max_row <- round(anthro_max * freq_per_row)
		bio_step_range <- freq_per_row * (bio_vals_range/length(bio_bins))
		bio_min_row <- round(bio_min * freq_per_row)
		bio_max_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
		for (i in 1:length(anthro_bins)){
		  anthro_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_right[anthro_min_row:anthro_max_row])
		for (i in 1:length(bio_bins)){
			if (bio_max_row >= specA_rows){
				bio_max_row <- specA_rows
		  bio_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_right[bio_min_row:bio_max_row])
		  bio_min_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
		  bio_max_row <- bio_max_row + bio_step_range
		freqbins <- rep(NA, sum(length(anthro_bins), length(bio_bins)))
		freqbins <- c(anthro_bins, bio_bins)
		freqbins = freqbins / norm(as.matrix(freqbins), "F")
		freqbins.SumAll <- sum(freqbins)
		freqbins.SumBio <- sum(freqbins[2:length(freqbins)])
		freqbins.Anthro <- freqbins[1]
		NDSI_right <- (freqbins.SumBio - freqbins.Anthro) / (freqbins.SumBio + freqbins.Anthro)
		biophony_right <- freqbins.SumBio
		anthrophony_right <- freqbins.Anthro		
    	cat("  Normalized Difference Soundscape Index:\n")
		cat("\n   Left channel: ")
		cat("   Right channel: ")
	} else 
		cat("\n This is a mono file.\n")
		left<-channel(soundfile, which = c("left"))
		cat("\n Calculating index. Please wait... \n\n")
		left1 <- as.vector(cutw(left, from = 0, to = length(left@left) / left@samp.rate))
# 		left2 <- left1[1:(floor((length(left1)/fft_w)) * fft_w)]
# 		left2 <- matrix(left2, nrow = fft_w, ncol = floor(length(left1)/fft_w))
		#x <- matrix(x, nrow = nwindows, byrow = TRUE)
		#psd <- matrix(psd, nrow = nrow, byrow = TRUE)/normalization
# 		specA_left <- pwelch(left1, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)$spec
# 		specA_left2 <- pwelch(left2, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot=FALSE)
# 		specA_left2 <- pwelch2(left2, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot=FALSE)
		left2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = samplingrate, ncol = floor(duration)))
		#divide in 1-second segment to avoid a long for loop in pwelch
		for (i in 0:(floor(duration)-1)){
			j <- i+1
			start1 <- (i * samplingrate)+ 1
			end <- start1 + samplingrate - 1
			left2[, j] <- left1[start1:end]
		left3 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = fft_w/2, ncol = floor(duration)))
# 		for (i in 1:floor(duration)){
# 			left3[, i] <- pwelch(left2[, i], fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)$spec
# 		}
		left4 <- apply(left2, 2, pwelch, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)
		for (i in 1:floor(duration)){
			left3[, i] <- left4[[i]]$spec
		specA_left <- apply(left3, 1, mean)
# 		left2 <- ts(data = left1, frequency = 44100)
# 		specA_left1 <- welchPSD(left2, seglength = 1)
# 		specA_left2 <- apply(left2, 2, pwelch, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)
# 		specA_left3 <- apply(specA_left2, 1, normalize, fs = samplingrate, nfft = fft_w, plot = FALSE)
# 		specA_left2 <- matrix(psd, nrow = nrow, byrow = TRUE)/normalization
		#with pwelch
		#specA_left <- specA_left$spec
		specA_rows <- length(specA_left)
		freq_per_row <- specA_rows / nyquist_freq
		anthro_vals_range <- anthro_max - anthro_min
		bio_vals_range <- bio_max - bio_min
		bio_bins <- round(bio_vals_range / hz_interval)
		anthro_bins <- rep(NA, round(anthro_vals_range / hz_interval))
		bio_bins <- rep(NA, round(bio_vals_range / hz_interval))
		anthro_min_row <- round(anthro_min * freq_per_row)
		anthro_max_row <- round(anthro_max * freq_per_row)
		bio_step_range <- freq_per_row * (bio_vals_range / length(bio_bins))
		bio_min_row <- round(bio_min * freq_per_row)
		bio_max_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
		for (i in 1:length(anthro_bins)){
		  anthro_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_left[anthro_min_row:anthro_max_row])
		for (i in 1:length(bio_bins)){
			if (bio_max_row >= specA_rows){
				bio_max_row <- specA_rows

		  bio_bins[i] <- trapz(specA_left[bio_min_row:bio_max_row])
		  bio_min_row <- bio_min_row + bio_step_range
		  bio_max_row <- bio_max_row + bio_step_range
		freqbins <- rep(NA, sum(length(anthro_bins), length(bio_bins)))
		freqbins <- c(anthro_bins, bio_bins)
		freqbins = freqbins / norm(as.matrix(freqbins), "F")
    freqbins.SumAll <- sum(freqbins)
		freqbins.SumBio <- sum(freqbins[2:length(freqbins)])
		freqbins.Anthro <- freqbins[1]
    NDSI_left <- (freqbins.SumBio - freqbins.Anthro) / (freqbins.SumBio + freqbins.Anthro)
    biophony_left <- freqbins.SumBio
    anthrophony_left <- freqbins.Anthro		
    biophony_right <- NA
    anthrophony_right <- NA
    #Right channel
		NDSI_right = NA
		cat("  Normalized Difference Soundscape Index: ")
	invisible(list(ndsi_left = NDSI_left, ndsi_right = NDSI_right, biophony_left = biophony_left, anthrophony_left = anthrophony_left, biophony_right = biophony_right, anthrophony_right = anthrophony_right))

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soundecology documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:21 a.m.