
Defines functions mle.nomean mle.nomean.spam mle mle.spam neg2loglikelihood neg2loglikelihood.spam

Documented in mle mle.nomean mle.nomean.spam mle.spam neg2loglikelihood neg2loglikelihood.spam

# HEADER ####################################################
# This is file spam/R/mle.R.                                #
# It is part of the R package spam,                         #
#  --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam              #
#  --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam64            #
#  --> https://git.math.uzh.ch/reinhard.furrer/spam         #
# by Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre], Florian Gerber [aut],      #
#    Roman Flury [aut], Daniel Gerber [ctb],                #
#    Kaspar Moesinger [ctb]                                 #
# HEADER END ################################################


neg2loglikelihood.spam <- function(y, X, distmat, Covariance,
                                   beta, theta, Rstruct = NULL, cov.args=NULL,...) {

  Sigma <- do.call(Covariance, c(list(distmat, theta), cov.args))
  if (!is.spam(Sigma)){
    warning("\"Covariance\" should return a spam object. Forced to spam.")
    Sigma <- as.spam(Sigma)
  if (is(Rstruct, "spam.chol.NgPeyton")) 
    cholS <- update.spam.chol.NgPeyton(Rstruct, Sigma, ...)
  else cholS <- chol.spam(Sigma, ...)

  n <- length(y)
  resid <- y-X%*%beta
  return( n * log(2*pi) +
         2*c(determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton(cholS)$modulus) +
         sum(resid * solve.spam( cholS, resid))

neg2loglikelihood <- function(y, X, distmat, Covariance,
                                   beta, theta, cov.args=NULL, ...) {

#   Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,list(distmat,theta))
  Sigma <- do.call(Covariance, c(list(distmat,theta),cov.args))
  cholS <- chol(Sigma, ...)
  logdet <- sum(log(diag(cholS)))
  n <- length(y)
  resid <- y-X%*%beta
  return( n * log(2*pi) +
         2*logdet +
         sum(resid * backsolve(cholS, forwardsolve(cholS, resid,
            transpose=TRUE, upper.tri=TRUE),n))

neg2loglikelihood.nomean <- function (y, distmat, Covariance,
                                      theta, cov.args=NULL, ...) {
# 	Sigma <- do.call(Covariance, list(distmat, theta))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance, c(list(distmat,theta),cov.args))
    cholS <- chol(Sigma, ...)
    logdet <- sum(log(diag(cholS)))
    n <- length(y)
    return(n * log(2 * pi) + 2 * logdet + sum(y * backsolve(cholS, 
	    forwardsolve(cholS, y, transpose = TRUE, upper.tri = TRUE), n)))

mle.spam <- function(y, X, distmat, Covariance,
                     beta0, theta0,
                     thetalower, thetaupper, optim.control=NULL,
                     Rstruct = NULL, hessian = FALSE,cov.args=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is(Rstruct, "spam.chol.NgPeyton")) {
#    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
#                     list(distmat,c(thetaupper[1],theta0[-1])))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
    if (!is.spam(Sigma))
      stop("\"Covariance\" should return a spam object.")
    Rstruct <- chol.spam(Sigma, ...)
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  n <- length(y)
  neg2loglikelihood <- function(fulltheta,...) {
#      Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,list(distmat,fulltheta[-(1:p)]))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,c(list(distmat,fulltheta[-(1:p)]),cov.args))
    cholS <- update.spam.chol.NgPeyton(Rstruct, Sigma, ...)

    resid <- y-X%*%fulltheta[1:p]
    return( n * log(2*pi) +
           2*c(determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton(cholS)$modulus) +
           sum(resid * solve.spam( cholS, resid))

               method = "L-BFGS-B",control = optim.control,
               upper=c(rep(Inf,p),thetaupper), hessian = hessian))

mle <- function(y, X, distmat, Covariance,
                beta0, theta0,
                thetalower, thetaupper, optim.control=NULL,
                hessian = FALSE,cov.args=NULL, 
                ...) {
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  n <- length(y)
  neg2loglikelihood <- function(fulltheta,...) {
#      Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,list(distmat,fulltheta[-(1:p)]))
          Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,c(list(distmat,fulltheta[-(1:p)]),cov.args))
    cholS <- chol(Sigma, ...)
    logdet <- sum(log(diag(cholS)))

    resid <- y-X%*%fulltheta[1:p]
    return( n * log(2*pi) +
           2*logdet +
           sum(resid * backsolve(cholS, forwardsolve(cholS, resid,
              transpose=TRUE, upper.tri=TRUE),n))

               method = "L-BFGS-B",control = optim.control,
               upper=c(rep(Inf,p),thetaupper), hessian = hessian))

mle.nomean.spam <- function(y, distmat, Covariance,
                     thetalower, thetaupper, optim.control = NULL,
                     Rstruct = NULL, hessian = FALSE, cov.args=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is(Rstruct, "spam.chol.NgPeyton")) {
#    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
#                     list(distmat,c(thetaupper[1],theta0[-1])))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
                     c(list(distmat,c(thetaupper[1],theta0[-1])), cov.args))
    if (!is.spam(Sigma))
      stop("\"Covariance\" should return a spam object.")
    Rstruct <- chol.spam(Sigma, ...)
  n <- length(y)
  neg2loglikelihood <- function(theta,...) {
#    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,list(distmat,theta))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
                     c(list(distmat,theta), cov.args))
    cholS <- update.spam.chol.NgPeyton(Rstruct, Sigma, ...)

    return( n * log(2*pi) +
           2*c(determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton(cholS)$modulus) +
           sum(y * solve.spam( cholS, y))

               method = "L-BFGS-B",control = optim.control,
               lower=thetalower,    upper=thetaupper, hessian = hessian))

mle.nomean <- function(y, distmat, Covariance,
                       thetalower, thetaupper, optim.control=NULL,
                       hessian = FALSE, cov.args=NULL,
                       ...) {
  n <- length(y)
  neg2loglikelihood <- function(theta,...) {
 #   Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,list(distmat,theta))
    Sigma <- do.call(Covariance,
                     c(list(distmat,theta), cov.args))
    cholS <- chol(Sigma, ...)
    logdet <- sum(log(diag(cholS)))

    return( n * log(2*pi) +
           2*logdet +
           sum(y * backsolve(cholS, forwardsolve(cholS, y,
              transpose=TRUE, upper.tri=TRUE),n))

               method = "L-BFGS-B",control = optim.control,
               lower=thetalower,    upper=thetaupper, hessian = hessian))

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spam documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 5:07 p.m.