
Defines functions write_mrs_nifti

Documented in write_mrs_nifti

#' Write MRS data object to file in NIFTI format.
#' @param mrs_data object to be written to file.
#' @param fname the filename of the output NIFTI MRS data.
write_mrs_nifti <- function(mrs_data, fname) {
  if (!inherits(mrs_data, "mrs_data")) stop("data object is not mrs_data format")
  if (stringr::str_sub(fname, -7) != ".nii.gz") {
    stop("filename argument must end in .nii.gz")
  # NIfTI MRS stores data in the time-domain
  if (is_fd(mrs_data)) mrs_data <- fd2td(mrs_data)
  # extract the raw data points
  data_points <- mrs_data$data
  # drop the first dummy dimension
  data_points <- abind::adrop(data_points, 1)
  # reorder the dimensions to X, Y, Z, FID, coil, dynamics, indirect
  data_points <- aperm(data_points, c(1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4))
  # add a 7th dimension
  dim(data_points) <- c(dim(data_points), 1)
  # convert to nii
  mrs_nii <- RNifti::asNifti(data_points)
  # get the geometry information
  affine  <- mrs_data$affine
  # voxel dimensions
  mrs_pixdim <- mrs_data$resolution[2:4]
  dwell_time <- mrs_data$resolution[7]
  dyn_interval <- mrs_data$resolution[5]
  mrs_nii$pixdim <- c(-1, mrs_pixdim, dwell_time, dyn_interval, 0, -1)
  # set the sform
  if (is.null(affine)) affine <- diag(1, 4, 4)
  mrs_nii <- RNifti::`sform<-`(mrs_nii, structure(affine, code = 2L))
  mrs_nii$intent_name <- "mrs_v0_2"
  # set the nucleus to a default value if not specified in mrs_data
  if (!exists("nuc", where = mrs_data)) mrs_data$nuc <- def_nuc()
  # if (is.null(mrs_data$meta$EchoTime)) {
  #  te_val <- NULL
  #} else {
  #  te_val <- mrs_data$meta$EchoTime * 1e3
  #json_list <- list(SpectrometerFrequency = mrs_data$ft / 1e6,
  #                  ResonantNucleus = mrs_data$nuc,
  #                  EchoTime = jsonlite::unbox(te_val))
  # these two are required for nifti mrs and therefore a special case
  json_list <- list(SpectrometerFrequency = mrs_data$ft / 1e6,
                    ResonantNucleus = mrs_data$nuc)
  # these are in BIDS and are derived directly from the mrs object 
  json_list <- c(json_list, list(SpectralWidth = 1 / mrs_data$res[7],
                                 NumberOfSpectralPoints = Npts(mrs_data),
                                 AcquisitionVoxelSize = mrs_data$res[2:4]),
                                 ChemicalShiftOffset = mrs_data$ref)
  # check to see if we know the TR
  if (!is.na(mrs_data$res[5])) {
      json_list <- c(json_list, list(RepetitionTime = mrs_data$res[5]))
  # if SVS this doesn't work yet as number of dynamics doesn't always equal
  # the number of trasients, eg when dealing with averaged data
  # if (is_svs(mrs_data)) {
  #   json_list <- c(json_list, list(NumberOfTransients = Ndyns(mrs_data)))
  # }
  # remove any tags that aren't part of BIDS
  mrs_data$meta$SeriesDescription <- NULL
  mrs_data$meta$SeriesNumber      <- NULL
  # append any additional meta information
  json_list <- c(json_list, mrs_data$meta)
  if (is.null(json_list$dim_5)) json_list <- c(json_list, dim_5 = "DIM_COIL")
  if (is.null(json_list$dim_6)) json_list <- c(json_list, dim_6 = "DIM_DYN")
  # json_data <- jsonlite::toJSON(json_list, digits = NA, null = "null")
  json_data <- jsonlite::toJSON(json_list, digits = NA, null = "null")
  RNifti::extension(mrs_nii, 44) <- json_data
  # write nifti to disk
  RNifti::writeNifti(mrs_nii, fname, version = 2)
  # write json sidecar
  # jsonlite::write_json(json_list, sub('\\.nii\\.gz$', '.json', fname),
  #                      pretty = TRUE, digits = NA, null = "null") 
  jsonlite::write_json(json_list, sub('\\.nii\\.gz$', '.json', fname),
                       pretty = TRUE, digits = NA, null = "null",
                       auto_unbox = TRUE) 

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spant documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:13 p.m.