
Defines functions residuals.mppm

Documented in residuals.mppm

#  residuals.mppm.R
# computes residuals for fitted multiple point process model
#  $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2015/01/29 06:44:26 $

residuals.mppm <- function(object, type="raw", ..., 
                          fittedvalues = fitted.mppm(object)) {
  verifyclass(object, "mppm")
  userfitted <- !missing(fittedvalues)
  type <- pickoption("type", type,
  typenames <- c(inverse="inverse-lambda residuals",
                 raw="raw residuals",
                 pearson="Pearson residuals")
  typename <- typenames[[type]]
  # Extract quadrature points and weights
  Q <- quad.mppm(object)
#  U <- lapply(Q, union.quad) # quadrature point patterns
  Z <- unlist(lapply(Q, is.data)) # indicator data/dummy
  W <- unlist(lapply(Q, w.quad)) # quadrature weights
  # total number of quadrature points
  nquadrature <- length(W)
  # number of quadrature points in each pattern
  nU <- unlist(lapply(Q, n.quad))
  # number of rows of hyperframe
  npat <- object$npat
  # attribution of each quadrature point
  id <- factor(rep(1:npat, nU), levels=1:npat)
  # Compute fitted conditional intensity at quadrature points

  if(!is.list(fittedvalues) || length(fittedvalues) != npat)
    stop(paste(sQuote("fittedvalues"), "should be a list of length",
               npat, "containing vectors of fitted values"))
  lambda <- unlist(fittedvalues)

  # consistency check
  if(length(lambda) != nquadrature)
    stop(paste(if(!userfitted) "internal error:" else NULL,
               "number of fitted values", paren(length(lambda)),
               "does not match number of quadrature points",

  # indicator is 1 if lambda > 0
  # (adjusted for numerical behaviour of predict.glm)
  indicator <- (lambda > .Machine$double.eps)

  # Evaluate residual measure components
  discrete <- ifelse(Z,
                            raw     = 1,
                            inverse = 1/lambda,
                            pearson = 1/sqrt(lambda)

  density <- switch(type,
                    raw     = -lambda,
                    inverse = -indicator,
                    pearson = -indicator * sqrt(lambda))

  atoms <- as.logical(Z)
  # All components
  resdf <- data.frame(discrete=discrete,

  # Split residual data according to point pattern affiliation
  splitres <- split(resdf, id)
  # Associate with quadrature scheme
  reshf <- hyperframe(R=splitres, Q=Q)
  # Convert to signed measures
  answer <- with(reshf, msr(Q, R$discrete[R$atoms], R$density))
  # tag
  answer <- lapply(answer, "attr<-", which="type", value=type)
  answer <- lapply(answer, "attr<-", which="typename", value=typename)

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