
#	exactdt.S
#	S function exactdt() for exact distance transform
#	$Revision: 4.24 $	$Date: 2022/05/21 09:52:11 $

exactdt <- local({

  die <- function(why) { stop(paste("ppp object format corrupted:", why)) }

  exactdt <- function(X, ...) {
    verifyclass(X, "ppp")
    w <- X$window
    if(spatstat.options("exactdt.checks.data")) {
      ## check validity of ppp structure 
      bb <- as.rectangle(w)
      xr <- bb$xrange
      yr <- bb$yrange
      rx <- range(X$x)
      ry <- range(X$y)
      if(rx[1L] < xr[1L] || rx[2L] > xr[2L]) die("x-coordinates out of bounds")
      if(ry[1L] < yr[1L] || ry[2L] > yr[2L]) die("y-coordinates out of bounds")
      if(length(X$x) != length(X$y))
        die("x and y vectors have different length")
      if(length(X$x) != X$n) die("length of x,y vectors does not match n")
    w <- as.mask(w, ...)
    ## dimensions of result
    nr <- w$dim[1L]
    nc <- w$dim[2L]
    xcol <- w$xcol
    yrow <- w$yrow
    ## Handle empty pattern
    if(npoints(X) == 0) {
      dist <- matrix(Inf, nr, nc)
      inde <- matrix(NA_integer_ , nr, nc)
      bdry <- framedist.pixels(w, style="matrix")
      return(list(d = dist, i = inde, b = bdry, w=w))
    ## margins in C array 
    mr <- 2
    mc <- 2
    ## full dimensions of allocated storage
    Nnr <- nr + 2 * mr
    Nnc <- nc + 2 * mc
    N <- Nnr * Nnc
    ## output rows & columns (R indexing)
    rmin <- mr + 1
    rmax <- Nnr - mr
    cmin <- mc + 1
    cmax <- Nnc - mc
    ## go
    res <- .C(SG_exact_dt_R,
              nr = as.integer(nr),
              nc = as.integer(nc),
              mr = as.integer(mr),
              mc = as.integer(mc),
              distances = as.double(double(N)),
              indices = as.integer(integer(N)),
              boundary = as.double(double(N)),
    ## extract 
    dist <- matrix(res$distances,
                   ncol=Nnc, nrow=Nnr, byrow = TRUE)[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax]
    inde <- matrix(res$indices,
                   ncol=Nnc, nrow=Nnr, byrow = TRUE)[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax]
    bdry <- matrix(res$boundary,
                   ncol=Nnc, nrow=Nnr, byrow = TRUE)[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax]
    ## convert index from C to R indexing
    inde <- inde + 1L
    return(list(d = dist, i = inde, b = bdry, w=w))


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spatstat.geom documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:08 a.m.