
Defines functions handle.rshift.args rshift.ppp rshift.splitppp rshift

Documented in handle.rshift.args rshift rshift.ppp rshift.splitppp

#   rshift.R
#   random shift with optional toroidal boundary
#   $Revision: 1.19 $   $Date: 2020/04/29 13:20:21 $
rshift <- function(X, ...) {

rshift.splitppp <- function(X, ..., which=seq_along(X),
                            nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
  verifyclass(X, "splitppp")
  if("group" %in% names(list(...)))
    stop(paste("argument", sQuote("group"),
               "not implemented for splitppp objects"))

  if(is.null(which)) {
    iwhich <- which <- seq_along(X)
  } else {
    id <- seq_along(X)
    names(id) <- names(X)
    iwhich <- id[which]
    if(length(iwhich) == 0)
      stop(paste("Argument", sQuote("which"), "did not match any marks"))
  # validate arguments and determine common clipping window
  arglist <- handle.rshift.args(X[[1]]$window, ..., edgedefault="torus")

  if(!is.null(clip <- arglist$clip)) {
    # clip the patterns that are not to be shifted
    if(length(iwhich) < length(X)) 
      X[-iwhich] <- lapply(X[-iwhich], "[.ppp", i=clip)
  Xvariable <- X[iwhich]

  resultlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)

  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    Xsim <- X
    ## perform shift on selected patterns
    ## (setting group = NULL ensures each pattern is not split further)
    shiftXsub <- do.call(lapply, append(list(Xvariable, rshift.ppp, group=NULL),
    ## put back
    Xsim[iwhich] <- shiftXsub
    resultlist[[isim]] <- Xsim

  return(simulationresult(resultlist, nsim, drop))

rshift.ppp <- function(X, ..., which=NULL, group, nsim=1, drop=TRUE)
  verifyclass(X, "ppp")
  # validate arguments and determine common clipping window
  arglist <- handle.rshift.args(X$window, ..., edgedefault="torus")

  # default grouping
  #   (NULL is not the default)
  #   (NULL means all points shifted in parallel)
    group <- if(is.multitype(X)) marks(X) else NULL

  # if no grouping, use of `which' is undefined
  if(is.null(group) && !is.null(which))
    stop(paste("Cannot apply argument", sQuote("which"),
               "; no grouping defined"))

  resultlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  # if grouping, use split
  if(!is.null(group)) {
    Y <- split(X, group)
    splitshifts <- do.call(rshift.splitppp,
                           append(list(Y, which=which, nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE),
    for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
      Xsim <- X
      split(Xsim, group) <- splitshifts[[isim]]
      resultlist[[isim]] <- Xsim
    return(simulationresult(resultlist, nsim, drop))
  # ungrouped point pattern
  # shift all points in parallel

  # recover arguments
  radius <- arglist$radius
  width  <- arglist$width
  height <- arglist$height
  edge   <- arglist$edge
  clip   <- arglist$clip
  W <- rescue.rectangle(Window(X))

  if(edge == "torus") {
      stop("edge = 'torus' is only meaningful for rectangular windows")
    xr <- W$xrange
    yr <- W$yrange
    Wide <- diff(xr)
    High <- diff(yr)

  ## .......... simulation loop ..................
  resultlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    #' generate random translation vector
    if(!is.null(radius)) {
      jump <- runifdisc(1, radius=radius)
    } else {
      jump <- list(x=runif(1, min=0, max=width),
                   y=runif(1, min=0, max=height))
    #' translate points of X
    x <- X$x + jump$x
    y <- X$y + jump$y
    #' wrap points
    if(edge == "torus") {
      x <- xr[1] + (x - xr[1]) %% Wide
      y <- yr[1] + (y - yr[1]) %% High
    #' save as point pattern
    Xsim <- X
    Xsim$x <- x
    Xsim$y <- y
    #' clip to window
      Xsim <- Xsim[clip]
    #' save result
    resultlist[[isim]] <- Xsim
  ## ................ end loop ..................
  return(simulationresult(resultlist, nsim, drop))

handle.rshift.args <- function(W, ...,
                               radius=NULL, width=NULL, height=NULL,
                               edge=NULL, clip=NULL, edgedefault)
  verifyclass(W, "owin")
  W <- rescue.rectangle(W)
  if(length(aargh <- list(...)) > 0)
    stop(paste("Unrecognised arguments:",
               paste(names(aargh), collapse=",")))
  if(!is.null(radius)) {
    # radial generator
    if(!(is.null(width) && is.null(height)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("radius"), "is incompatible with",
               sQuote("width"), "and", sQuote("height")))
  } else {
    # rectangular generator
    if(is.null(width) != is.null(height))
      stop("Must specify both width and height, if one is specified")
    if(is.null(width)) width <- diff(W$xrange)
    if(is.null(height)) height <- diff(W$yrange)
    edge <- edgedefault
  else if(!(edge %in% c("torus", "erode", "none")))
    stop(paste("Unrecognised option erode=", sQuote(edge)))

  # determine whether clipping window is needed
    clip <- switch(edge,
                   torus= NULL,
                   none= W,
                       erosion.owin(W, radius)
                     else if(W$type == "rectangle")
                       trim.rectangle(W, width, height)
                       erosion.owin(W, max(width, height))

  return(list(radius=radius, width=width, height=height,
              edge=edge, clip=clip))

# rtoro <- function(X, which=NULL, radius=NULL, width=NULL, height=NULL) {
#  .Deprecated("rshift", package="spatstat")
#  rshift(X, which=which, radius=radius, width=width, height=height)
# }

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spatstat.random documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:45 a.m.