
Defines functions i_mind_the_gap_smoothing i_mav i_plot_exists i_plot_boundaries i_match_label_or_idx i_match_label i_is_index i_is_whole i_is_increasing

Documented in i_is_increasing i_is_index i_is_whole i_match_label i_match_label_or_idx i_mav i_mind_the_gap_smoothing i_plot_boundaries i_plot_exists

#' Is increasing
#' \code{i_is_increasing} tests if numerical values are increasing
#' Many transform functions can only (or at least should only) be applied to
#' spectra with increasing band values. \code{i_is_increasing} tests for that.
#' @param x bands
#' @return boolean
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_is_increasing = function(x){
    all(diff(x) > 0.0)

#' Is whole number?
#' \code{i_is_whole} Tests if x is (are) whole numbers
#' @param x single value or vector of numbers
#' @return boolean
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_is_whole = function(x){
    r = suppressWarnings(as.integer(x) == x)
    r[is.na(r)] = FALSE

#' Compatible with being an index?
#' \code{i_is_index} Tests if x fit the requirements of being indices
#' This function potentially allows negative indices, given that they may be used
#' with the intent of removing an entry that corresponds to the index. Conversely,
#' zero is never used as an index in R and is not recognized as such here.
#' @param x numeric values
#' @param max_length Max acceptable values for x (inclusive). Must be >= 1
#' @param allow_negative boolean. Count negative integers as indices? defaults to FALSE
#' @return boolean
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_is_index = function(x, max_value, allow_negative = FALSE){

    if(max_value < 1){
        stop("max_value must be >= 1")

    w = i_is_whole(x)

    ## In case there are no whole numbers, return result
    if( all( !w )){
        warning("None of the indices are whole numbers.")

    ## Case some values are whole numbers.
    ## Even if negative values are allowed, x cannot have both negative and
    ## positive values...
    if(all(x >= 0)){
        p = x <= round(max_value, digits = 0) & x != 0
    } else if (all(x <= 0) ){
            p = x >= round( - max_value, digits = 0)  & x != 0
        } else {
            p = x >= round(  max_value, digits = 0)  & x != 0
    } else {
        stop("cannot mix positive and negative indices")

    ## Combine information from `w` and `p` and return
    w & p

#' Match label
#' @param x label vector
#' @param i picked label or NULL
#' @param full boolean. If TRUE, a full list of results is returned
#' @param allow_empty_lookup boolean. If TRUE, x is allowed to be NULL. Defaults
#'        to false
#' @param allow_negative boolean. Allow labels to be negative? Defaults to FALSE
#' @return matched indices, or list in case full = TRUE
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_match_label = function(x, i, full = FALSE, allow_empty_lookup = FALSE, allow_negative = FALSE){

    r = list(matched = NULL, unmatched = NULL, not_element = NULL)
    l = length(x)

    ## Case x doesn't exist
    if(l == 0){
        } else {
            stop("Invalid label vector (x)")

    ## Case i == NULL: return all incices
    if(missing(i) || is.null(i)){
        r[] = list(seq.int(l), NULL, NULL)

        } else {

    flip_match_unmatch = FALSE

    # In case of negative subsetting
    if(all(i < 0) & allow_negative){
        i = abs(as.numeric(i))
        flip_match_unmatch = TRUE

    ds = match(x, i)
    dw = which(!is.na(ds))
    ds = order(ds[dw])

        m = which(! x %in% i)
        u = dw[ds]
        n = setdiff(i, x)
    } else {
        m = dw[ds]
        u = which(! x %in% i)
        n = setdiff(i, x)

        r[] = list(m, u, n)
    } else {
        if( length(n) != 0 || length(n) == length(i) ){
            stop(length(n), " labels not found: ", paste(n, collapse = ","), call. = FALSE)

#' Match label or index
#' @param x label vector
#' @param i picked label or idx or NULL
#' @param full boolean. If TRUE, a full list of results is returned
#' @param allow_empty_lookup boolean. If TRUE, x is allowed to be NULL. Defaults
#'        to false
#' @param allow_negative boolean. Allow indices to be negative? Defaults to FALSE
#' @return matched indices
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_match_label_or_idx = function(x, i, full = FALSE, allow_empty_lookup = FALSE, allow_negative = FALSE){

    # match index function
    # HACK. this function should've been declared outside

    i_match_index = function(ii, dd, ll){
        ii = as.integer(ii)
        ## In case the indices are positive
        if(all(ii > 0)){
            r = list(matched     = ii[dd],
                     unmatched   = setdiff(seq(ll), ii[dd]),
                     not_element = ii[!dd])
        } else {                            ## In case the indices are negative
            ip = abs(ii)
            r = list(matched     = setdiff(seq(ll), ip[dd]),
                     unmatched   = ip[dd],
                     not_element = ii[!dd])

    # Begin i_match_label_or_idx

    l = length(x)

    if(l == 0){
        } else {
            stop("Invalid label vector (x)")

    # First try to match to label
    m = i_match_label(x, i, full = TRUE, allow_empty_lookup = allow_empty_lookup)

    ## return matched by lable if clean cut
    if(length(m$matched) > 0 && length(m$not_element) == 0){
        } else {

    # Now match to index
    d = i_is_index(x = i, max_value = l, allow_negative = allow_negative)

    if (any(d)){
        r = i_match_index(ii = i, dd = d, ll = l)

    ## return matched by index if clean cut
        } else {

    # Try both

    message("Trying to match by label...")
    if(length(m$matched) > 0 && length(m$not_element) != length(i)){
        } else {
            warning("Following label not found:", i[m$not_element])

    message("Trying to match by index...")
    if (any(d)) {
        } else {
            if( length(r[["not_element"]]) != 0 ){
                warning("Following indices not found: ", r[["not_element"]])
    stop("No match.")

#' Find plot boundaries in user space
#' \code{i_plot_boundaries} gets plot boundaries in user space as matrix or vec
#' @param return_mat return a matrix instead of vector? defaults to FALSE
#' @return vector or matrix, depending on return_mat value
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_plot_boundaries = function(return_mat = FALSE) {
    bounds = stats::setNames(graphics::par("usr"), c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax"))

    if(return_mat) {
        bounds = matrix(bounds, ncol = 2,
                        dimnames = list(c("min", "max"), c("x", "y")))

#' Tests if a plot device exists
#' @return boolean
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_plot_exists = function(){
    tryCatch( {graphics::par(new = TRUE); TRUE}, warning = function(x){FALSE})

#' Moving Average
#' \code{i_mav} computes the moving average of a vector.
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @param n number of points going into the average
#' @param sides TODO
#' @return numeric vector
#' @references http://stackoverflow.com/questions/743812/calculating-moving-average-in-r
#' @importFrom stats filter
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_mav = function(x, n = 3, sides = 2){
    stats::filter(x, rep( (1/n), n), sides = sides)

#' Warn if gap between bands is too wide
#' @param x spectra
#' @return nothing. warn if gap is too wide
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @keywords internal
i_mind_the_gap_smoothing = function(x){
    b        = bands(x)
    b_diff   = diff(sort(abs(b)))
    diff_med = median(b_diff)
    d_thresh = 10
    big_jump = b_diff > diff_med * d_thresh
        warning("Gap(s) between bands is too wide around band(s):", paste(b[big_jump], sep = ","), "\nSmoothing results may be wonky.")

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spectrolab documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:27 p.m.