
Defines functions splot.color

Documented in splot.color

#' splot colors
#' Get a prespecified set of 9 colors, or a set of graded or random, potentially grouped colors.
#' @param x dictates the number and shade of colors. If a single value, returns that many samples of the
#'   first \code{seed} entry. If a vector, returns a color for each entry. If numeric, a single seed color
#'   is sampled in order of the vector. If a character or factor, a separate seed color is assigned to
#'   each level, then sampled within levels. Values or vectors in a list are each assigned a seed color.
#' @param by a vector to group \code{x} by; each level is assigned a seed color.
#' @param seed a vector of color names or codes to adjust from, lining up with levels of \code{x} or
#'   \code{by}, or the name of a palette, partially matching \code{'bright'}, \code{'dark'},
#'   \code{'pastel'}, or \code{'grey'}.
#' @param brightness adjusts the RGB values of the seed color, usually between -1 and 1.
#' @param luminance adjusts the white levels of the seed color, usually between -1 and 1.
#' @param opacity sets the opacity of the seed color, between 0 and 1.
#' @param extend if \code{method='scale'}, extends the range of the gradient beyond the sampled range,
#'   making for more similar colors (defaults is .5, with 0 sampling the full range). If
#'   \code{method='related'}, increases the amount any of the RGB values can be adjusted, making for
#'   potentially more different colors (default is 2).
#' @param lighten logical; if \code{TRUE}, scaled colors are lightened instead of darkened. Only
#'   applicable if \code{method='scale'}.
#' @param shuffle logical; if \code{TRUE}, scaled colors are shuffled. Only applicable if
#'   \code{method='scale'}.
#' @param flat logical; if \code{FALSE} and \code{x} is a character, factor, or list, or \code{by} is not
#'   missing, a list is returned.
#' @param method a character setting the sampling method: If \code{'related'} (\code{'^rel|^ran|^o'}),
#'   RGB values are freely adjusted, resulting in similar colors. If \code{'none'} (\code{'^no|^f|^bin'}),
#'   Seed colors are simply repeated in each level (sampling is off). Otherwise, RGB values are adjusted
#'   together, resulting in a gradient.
#' @param grade logical; if \code{TRUE}, seeds are adjusted on the scale of numeric \code{x}s.
#'   Otherwise, seeds are adjusted in even steps along numeric \code{x}s.
#' @param decreasing logical; if \code{FALSE}, assigns colors to numeric \code{x}s in increasing order.
#' @param nas value to replace missing values with.
#' @return A character vector of color codes, or a list of such vectors if \code{flat} if \code{FALSE}.
#' @details
#' If \code{x} and \code{by} are not specified (or are characters with a length of 1, in which case they
#' are treated as \code{seed}), only the seed palette is returned.
#' To expand on a palette, seed colors are assigned to groups, and variants of each seed are assigned to
#' values or levels within groups, or randomly or as a gradient if there are no values or level to assign to.
#' Seed colors are assigned to groups. If \code{x} is a character or factor and no \code{by} has been
#' specified, groups are the unique levels of \code{x}. If \code{by} is specified and is a character or
#' factor, or has fewer than 10 unique levels, groups are levels of \code{by}. If \code{x} is a list,
#' groups are list entries.
#' The number of variants for each seed color is determined either by a value (if the value has a length
#' of 1; e.g., \code{x=10}), the vector's length (if \code{x} is numeric), or the count of the given level
#' (if \code{x} is a factor or character vector).
#' @examples
#' # including no arguments or just a palette name will only return
#' # the palette as a character vector
#' pastel_palette <- splot.color()
#' dark_palette <- splot.color("dark")
#' # entering a number for x will generate that many variants of the first seed color
#' red_scale <- splot.color(10, "red")
#' # entering a list of values as x will return that many variants of the associated seed
#' red_and_green_scales <- splot.color(list(10, 10), seed = c("red", "green"))
#' # this shows gradients of each color in the default palette
#' # a list entered as colorby is treated as arguments to splot.color
#' # periods before the position name refer to the internally assembled data
#' splot(
#'   rep(splot.color(), each = 100) ~ rep.int(seq.int(.01, 1, .01), 9),
#'   colorby = list(.x, .y),
#'   lines = FALSE, mar = c(2, 4, 0, 0), cex = c(points = 3), leg = FALSE, pch = 15,
#'   title = "'pastel' palette", labx = "value of x", laby = "seed color"
#' )
#' # colors graded by value, entered in a list
#' plot(
#'   1:30, numeric(30),
#'   pch = 15, cex = 10,
#'   col = splot.color(list(1:8, c(7:1, 1:7), 8:1))
#' )
#' # comparing sampling methods:
#' #   on top are 1000 similar colors, with different RGB ratios
#' #   on bottom are 268 colors with the same RGB ratio at different levels
#' splot(
#'   c(rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000, 10)) ~ rnorm(2000),
#'   lines = FALSE,
#'   colors = c(splot.color(1000), splot.color(1000, method = "related"))
#' )
#' @export

splot.color <- function(
    x = NULL, by = NULL, seed = "pastel", brightness = 0, luminance = 0, opacity = 1, extend = .7,
    lighten = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE, flat = TRUE, method = "scale", grade = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, nas = "#000000") {
  sets <- list(
    bright = c("#45FF00", "#BA00FF", "#000000", "#FF0000", "#FFFD00", "#003DFF", "#00F2F8", "#999999", "#FF891B"),
    dark = c("#1B8621", "#681686", "#2A2A2A", "#7C0D0D", "#B5BC00", "#241C80", "#1A7E8B", "#666666", "#B06622"),
    pastel = c("#82C473", "#A378C0", "#616161", "#9F5C61", "#D3D280", "#6970B2", "#78C4C2", "#454744", "#D98C82"),
    grey = function(n) grey(.2:n / (n + n * if (n < 10) .1 else .3))
  if (missing(seed) && is.character(x) && (length(x) == 1 || all(tolower(x) %in% colors()))) {
    seed <- x
    x <- numeric(length(seed)) + 1
  if (missing(seed) && is.character(by) && length(by) == 1) {
    seed <- by
    by <- NULL
  seed <- tolower(seed)
  ox <- NULL
  lvs <- function(x) if (is.factor(x)) base::levels(x) else sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))
  cn <- ncol(x)
  if (!is.null(cn) && !is.na(cn) && cn > 1) {
    if (is.null(by)) by <- x[, 2]
    x <- x[, 1]
  } else if (is.list(x) && length(x) == 1) x <- x[[1]]
  if (!is.null(by)) {
    ol <- length(x)
    if (is.null(x)) {
      x <- by
      by <- NULL
    } else if (ol != length(by)) {
      if (is.numeric(by) && length(by) == 1 && by < ol) {
        by <- rep_len(seq_len(by), ol)
      } else {
        by <- NULL
        warning("splot.color: by was dropped as it is not the same length as x", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(x) && (!(is.list(x) || is.numeric(x)) || (is.numeric(x) && !is.null(by)))) {
    if (is.null(by)) {
      ox <- x
      x <- as.list(table(x))[lvs(ox)]
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(by) && length(lvs(by)) > 9) {
        warning("splot.color: only non-numeric bys are accepted", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        ox <- by <- factor(by, lvs(by))
        x <- split(x, by)
  ol <- length(x)
  if (ol == 1 && is.list(x)) {
    x <- x[[1]]
    ol <- length(x)
    ox <- NULL
  n <- if (ol == 1) x else ol
  if (length(seed) == 1 && grepl("^bri|^dar|^pas|^gr[ae]y", seed)) {
    seed <- match.arg(seed, names(sets))
    seed <- if (seed == "grey") {
      if (n == 1) {
      } else if (ol == 1) {
      } else {
    } else {
    if (is.null(x) || (ol == 1 && n < 2)) {
  ckno <- grepl("^no|^f|^bin", method, TRUE)
  sc <- if (grepl("^rel|^ran|^o", method, TRUE)) {
    r <- if (missing(extend)) 2 else max(.001, extend)
    function(cc, n) {
      cc <- adjustcolor(cc)
      hdc <- c(0:9, LETTERS[1:6])
      hdc <- outer(hdc, hdc, paste0)
      ccord <- function(cc) {
        cc <- strsplit(cc, "")[[1]][2:7]
        cc <- paste0(cc[c(TRUE, FALSE)], cc[c(FALSE, TRUE)])
        vapply(cc, function(c) which(hdc == c, TRUE), c(0, 0))
      ccode <- function(m) {
        s <- seq_len(16)
        paste0("#", paste(apply(m, 2, function(cc) {
          hdc[which.min(abs(s - cc[1])), which.min(abs(s - cc[2]))]
        }), collapse = ""))
      csamp <- function(code, n) {
        n <- max(1, n - 1)
        ocs <- NULL
        code <- ccord(code)
        if (any(ck <- code > 14)) code[ck] <- code[ck] - (code[ck] - 14)
        if (any(ck <- code < 2)) code[ck] <- code[ck] + (2 - code[ck])
        i <- 1
        while (length(ocs) <= n && i < 9999) {
          s <- sample(1:6, 3)
          nc <- code
          nc[s] <- nc[s] + sample(-r:r, 3, TRUE)
          nc <- ccode(nc)
          if (!nc %in% ocs) ocs <- c(ocs, nc)
          i <- i + 1
        if (any(opacity != 1, brightness != 0, luminance != 0)) {
          adj <- 1 + brightness
          ocs <- adjustcolor(ocs, opacity, adj, adj, adj, c(rep(luminance, 3), 0))
        if (length(ocs) != n + 1) ocs <- rep_len(ocs, n + 1)
      csamp(cc, n)
  } else if (ckno) {
    function(cc, n) {
      ns <- length(n)
      vapply(seq_len(ns), function(i) {
        adj <- ns / (ns + i - 1) + brightness
        if (lighten) adj <- 1.8 - adj
        adjustcolor(cc, opacity, adj, adj, adj, c(rep(luminance, 3), 0))
      }, "")
  } else {
    function(cc, n) {
      s <- abs(n - max(n, na.rm = TRUE))
      n <- length(s)
      s <- s / max(s, na.rm = TRUE) * (n - 1) + 1
      r <- max(n, n + n * extend)
      if (!lighten) s <- s + r - max(s, na.rm = TRUE)
      vapply(s, function(i) {
        adj <- i / r + brightness
        if (lighten) adj <- adj + 1
        adjustcolor(cc, opacity, adj, adj, adj, c(rep(luminance, 3), 0))
      }, "")
  asc <- function(v, si) {
    n <- length(v)
    if (is.numeric(v)) v <- round(v, 3)
    if (!is.numeric(v) || (n != 1 && !grade)) v <- as.numeric(factor(v, lvs(v)))
    if (!ckno) if (n == 1) v <- seq_len(max(1, v)) else if (length(lvs(v)) == 1) v <- seq_along(v)
    n <- length(v)
    l <- lvs(v)
    u <- sort(unique(v), decreasing)
    nu <- length(u)
    pr <- rep(nas, n)
    cols <- if (nu < 2 && (!length(u) || u < 2)) si else sc(si, u)
    v <- factor(v[is.finite(v)], u)
    if (n != nu) cols <- rep(cols, tabulate(v))
    if (shuffle) sample(cols) else cols[order(order(v, decreasing = decreasing))]
  if (!is.list(x)) {
    seed <- asc(x, seed[1])
  } else {
    if (length(seed) < n) seed <- rep_len(seed, n)
    seed <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) asc(x[[i]], seed[i]))
    names(seed) <- if (!is.null(names(x))) names(x) else vapply(seed, "[[", "", 1)
    if (flat) {
      seed <- if (!is.null(ox) && all(lvs(ox) %in% names(seed))) {
        by <- as.character(ox)
        for (g in lvs(ox)) {
          su <- !is.na(by) & !is.nan(by) & by == g
          ssu <- sum(su)
          if (is.finite(ssu) && ssu) by[su] <- rep_len(seed[[g]], ssu)
      } else {
  if (!is.list(seed)) seed[is.na(seed) | is.nan(seed) | seed %in% c("NA", "NaN", "Inf", "-Inf")] <- nas
  if (opacity == 1) seed <- if (is.list(seed)) lapply(seed, function(s) sub("FF$", "", s)) else sub("FF$", "", seed)

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splot documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:02 p.m.