#' @name methods_spqtest
#' @title Methods for class spqtest
#' @description The \code{plot()} function allows the user obtain the plot of relative frequency
#' of each symbol (standard and equivalent) with the confidence interval.
#' The \code{print()} function is used to get a list with the values of Q test
#' for standard symbolization based on permutations and for equivalent symbolization
#' based on combinations. \code{summary()} print a table with the output of the Q test.
#' @param x a \code{spqtest} object created by \code{\link{Q.test}}.
#' @param ci confidence level for the intervals in \code{plot} method.
#' Default \code{ci = 0.95}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return This functions does not return any value
#' @author
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Fernando López \tab \email{} \cr
#' Román Mínguez \tab \email{} \cr
#' Antonio Páez \tab \email{} \cr
#' Manuel Ruiz \tab \email{} \cr
#' }
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Ruiz, M., López, F., and Páez, A. (2021).
#' A test for global and local homogeneity of categorical data based on spatial runs.
#' \emph{working paper}.
#' }
#' @export
plot.spqtest <- function(x, ...,ci = 0.95) {
z <- x
if (!inherits(z, "spqtest")) stop("Argument must be a spqtest object")
alpha_div_2 <- (1-ci)/2
critval <- qnorm(alpha_div_2, lower.tail = FALSE)
lplot_symb <- vector('list', length(z))
for (i in 1:length(z)) {
zi <- z[[i]]
R <- zi$R
if (zi$type == "standard-permutations") {
qsymb <- zi$qp_symb
efsymb <- zi$efp_symb
Symb <- zi$PSymb
efsymb_mc <- zi$efp_symb_mc
} else if (zi$type == "equivalent-combinations") {
qsymb <- zi$qc_symb
efsymb <- zi$efc_symb
Symb <- zi$CSymb
efsymb_mc <- zi$efc_symb_mc
} else stop("type must be standard-permutations or equivalent-combinations")
# Expected frequency of standard permutation symbols under the null
sf0 <- R * qsymb
lb_int <- rep(0, length = length(sf0))
ub_int <- rep(0, length = length(sf0))
names(lb_int) <- names(ub_int) <- names(efsymb)
if (zi$distr == "asymptotic") {
sep_symb <- critval*sqrt((sf0/R * (1 - sf0/R))/R)
lb_int <- sf0/R - sep_symb
ub_int <- sf0/R + sep_symb
} else if (zi$distr == "mc") {
for (j in 1:length(sf0)) {
lb_int[j] <- quantile(efsymb_mc[j,],
ub_int[j] <- quantile(efsymb_mc[j,],
1 - alpha_div_2)
lb_int <- lb_int / R
ub_int <- ub_int / R
} else stop("distribution must be asymptotic or mc")
# # Determine if empirical frequency is outside of intervals of
# # confidence
sigp_symb <- (-1 * (efsymb/R < lb_int) +
1 * (efsymb/R > ub_int))
sigp_symb <- factor(sigp_symb)
if (any(sigp_symb == -1)) {
levels(sigp_symb)[levels(sigp_symb) == "-1"] <- "sig -"
if (any(sigp_symb == 0)) {
levels(sigp_symb)[levels(sigp_symb) == "0"] <- "non-sig"
if (any(sigp_symb == 1)){
levels(sigp_symb)[levels(sigp_symb) == "1"] <- "sig +"
sigp_symb <- factor(sigp_symb, levels = c("sig -","non-sig","sig +"))
# Dataframe for plotting
efsymbR <- efsymb/R
sf0R <- sf0/R
Symb.df <- data.frame(Symb, efsymbR, sf0R,
lb_int, ub_int, sigp_symb)
colnames(Symb.df) <- c("Symb", "efsymbR",
"sf0R", "lb_int",
"ub_int", "sigp_symb")
# # Create ggplot2 plot object
if (zi$distr == "asymptotic") {
subt <- paste("m:", zi$m," r: ", zi$r,
" distance: ", zi$distance,
" intervals: ", zi$distr)
} else if (zi$distr == "mc") {
subt <- paste("m:", zi$m,
" distance: ", zi$distance,
" intervals: ", zi$distr)
} else stop("Distribution must be asymptotic or mc")
lplot_symb[[i]] <- ggplot(Symb.df) +
geom_bar(aes(x = Symb, y = efsymbR,
fill = sigp_symb),
stat = "identity",
color = "black") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("sig -" = "blue",
"non-sig" = "grey77",
"sig +" = "red")) +
geom_errorbar(aes(x = Symb, y = sf0R,
ymin = lb_int,
ymax = ub_int,
color = "black"),
width = 0.5) +
labs(title = paste("Symbolization for variable:",
subtitle = subt,
x = paste("Symbol:", zi$type), y = "Frequency",
color = "Significance") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0,
size = 6),
legend.position = "bottom")
# if (viewplot
# ) lapply(lplot_symb, print)
# # Como no tengo coordenadas uso igraph
# if (inherits(lsrq$listw), "knn")){
# W <- nb2mat(knn2nb(lsrq$listw))
# W <- (W>0)*1
# }
# if (inherits(lsrq$listw, "nb")){
# W <- nb2mat(lsrq$listw)
# W <- (W>0)*1
# }
# if (inherits(lsrq$listw[1], "matrix")){
# W <- (lsrq$listw>0)*1
# }
# g1 = igraph::graph.adjacency(W)
# plot(g1, axes =TRUE,vertex.size=6,vertex.label="",edge.color='black',edge.arrow.mode=0)
# if (!is.null(sf)){
# if (is.null(lsrq$nsim)){
# # if (sum($SRQlocal$`z-value`))==0){
# a <- as.factor((lsrq$SRQlocal$p.menor < sig)*1+(lsrq$SRQlocal$p.mayor < sig)*2)
# sf$Signif <- addNA(a)
# mylevel <- levels(sf$Signif)
# mylevel[mylevel==0]="non-sig"
# mylevel[mylevel==1]="sig +"
# mylevel[mylevel==2]="sig -"
# mylevel[mylevel=="NA"]="NA"
# mycolor[a==0]="gray"
# mycolor[a==1]="red"
# mycolor[a==2]="blue"
# sf$Signif <- mycolor
# levels(sf$Signif) <- mylevel
# ggplot(sf) +
# geom_sf(aes(fill = Signif, color = Signif), size=3,color = mycolor) +
# theme_bw() +
# theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
# xlab(paste0("Significance p-value = ", sig)) +
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue","gray"))
# # }
# }}
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