
Defines functions grtspts_ip

# Function: grtspts_ip (not exported)
# Programmers: Tony Olsen, Tom Kincaid
# Date: January 22, 2021
#' Calculate inclusion probabities for point sample frame for equal, unequal based
#' on categories or proportional to a variable. The inclusion probabilities are
#' calculated assuming a single stratum.
#' @param type Character string with values of \code{"equal"}, \code{"unequal"} or \code{"proportional"}. Default
#'   is \code{"equal"}.
#' @param n_base Sample size for the stratum. If type is \code{"equal"} or \code{"proportional"}, then \code{n_base}
#'   is numeric value for the total sample size for the stratum. If type is \code{"unequal"},
#'   then \code{n_base} is a named vector where names are the unequal probability categories with the
#'   expected sample size for each category. Names in \code{n_base} must be a subset of the values in \code{caty}.
#'   The sum of the category sample sizes is the total sample size for the stratum.
#' @param Nstratum Number of elements in the stratum. Each element will be assigned an
#'   inclusion probabibility. Only required when type is \code{"equal"}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param caty If type is \code{"unequal"}, a character variable that identifies the category
#'   for each element of the sample frame that may be used for an unequal probability
#'   design. All categories in \code{n_base} must be present in \code{pt_caty} but additional categories
#'   are allowed but will not be included in the survey design for the statum. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param aux If type is proportional, a numeric vector that will be used to select
#'   points proportional to the variable. Default is NULL.
#' @param warn_ind  A logical value where TRUE indicates a warning message.
#'   Used for internal collection of messages only.
#' @param warn_df A data frame containing messages warning of potential issues.
#'   Used for internal collection of messages only.
#' @return A numeric vector of inclusion probabilities with all values being greater
#'   than 0 and less than or equal 1. Values equal to 1 will be selected with certainty.
#'   Values equal to 0 will not be selected.
#' @author Tony Olsen \email{olsen.tony@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey, inclusion probability
#' @examples
#' tmp <- grtspts_ip(type = "equal", n_base = 10, Nstratum = 25)
#' tmp
#' tmp <- grtspts_ip(
#'   type = "unequal", n_base = c(small = 5, large = 5),
#'   caty = c(rep("small", 15), rep("large", 10))
#' )
#' tmp
#' @noRd
grtspts_ip <- function(type = "equal", n_base, Nstratum = NULL, caty = NULL,
                       aux = NULL, warn_ind = NULL, warn_df = NULL) {

  # equal inclusion probabilities
  if (type == "equal") {
    ip <- rep(sum(n_base, na.rm = TRUE) / Nstratum, Nstratum)
  # unequal inclusion probabilities
  if (type == "unequal") {
    gsum <- table(caty)
    catmatch <- match(names(n_base), names(gsum), nomatch = 0)
    piden <- n_base / gsum[catmatch]
    if (any(piden > 1)) {
      stop(paste0("The number of expected samples in levels ", paste0(names(piden[piden > 1]), collapse = " and "), " from the caty_n variable exceeds the number of allowed samples in sframe (if stratification was not used) or in at least one stratum (if stratification was used). If sframe has POINT or MULTIPOINT geometry, this means that the number of expected samples specified by these levels exceeds the number of observations in sframe. Consider 1) incorporating the caty_n variable into stratification or 2) reduce the number of expected samples for these levels in caty_n. Then rerun grts(). If sframe has LINESTRING, MULTILINESTRING, POLYGON, or MULTIPOLYGON geometry, this means that the number of expected samples specified by these levels exceeds the number of observations used in the approximation specified by the pt_density argument. Consider 1) incorporating the caty_n variable into stratification, 2) reduce the number of expected samples for these levels in caty_n, or 3) increase the pt_density argument. Then rerun grts()."), call. = FALSE)
    ip <- rep(NA, length(caty))
    for (i in names(n_base)) {
      ip[caty == i] <- piden[i]
  # proportional inclusion probabilities
  if (type == "proportional") {
    ip <- aux
    # check for "0" and negative values. if negative set to "0".
    nnull <- sum(aux == 0)
    nneg <- sum(aux < 0)
    if (nnull > 0) {
      warn <- "Proportional vector has zero values and their inclusion probabilities are set to 0."
      if (is.null(warn_ind)) {
        warn_df <- data.frame(stratum = NA, func = I("grtspts_ip"), warning = warn)
        warn_ind <- TRUE
      } else {
        if (warn_ind) {
          warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
            stratum = NA, func = I("grtspts_ip"),
            warning = warn
        } else {
          warn_df <- data.frame(stratum = NA, func = I("grtspts_ip"), warning = warn)
          warn_ind <- TRUE

    if (nneg > 0) {
      ip[ip < 0] <- 0
      warn <- paste0("Proportional vector has ", nneg, " negative value(s) and
              their inclusion probabilities are set to 0.")
      if (warn_ind) {
        warn_df <- data.frame(stratum = NA, func = I("grtspts_ip"), warning = warn)
      } else {
        warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
          stratum = NA, func = I("grtspts_ip"),
          warning = warn
        warn_ind <- TRUE
    # initialize inclusion probabilities
    ip <- n_base * ip / sum(ip)

    # identify and subset elements that have ip > 0
    element_gt0 <- ip > 0
    ip_gt0 <- ip[element_gt0]
    # identify elements greater than or equal to 1 and count them.
    element_gt1 <- ip_gt0 >= 1
    ngt1 <- sum(element_gt1)
    # if ngt1 is greater than 0, then set them to 1 and adjust remaining elements
    # to have sample size n - ngt1. Adjustment may cause other elements to become
    # greater than 1 so repeat until all are less than or equal to 1.
    if (ngt1 > 0) {
      tst <- 0
      while (ngt1 != tst) {
        tmp <- ip_gt0[!element_gt1]
        ip_gt0[!element_gt1] <- (n_base - ngt1) * tmp / sum(tmp)
        ip_gt0[element_gt1] <- 1
        tst <- ngt1
        element_gt1 <- ip_gt0 >= 1
        ngt1 <- sum(element_gt1)
      # replace non zero inclusion probabilities with new ones
      ip[element_gt0] <- ip_gt0

  # return list with vector of inclusion probabilities and warning indicator and messages
  ip <- list(ip = ip, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df)


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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.