
Defines functions pd_summary

Documented in pd_summary

# Function: pd_summary (exported)
# Programmer: Tony Olsen
# Date: March 14, 2019
#' Summary characteristics of a panel revisit design
#' Panel revisit design characteristics are summarized: number of panels, number
#' of time periods, total number of sample events for the revisit design, total
#' number of sample events for each panel, total number of sample events for
#' each time period and cumulative number of unique units sampled by time
#' periods.
#' @param  object Two-dimensional array from \code{panel_design} and dimnames specifying revisit
#'   panel design. Typically, array is output from \code{revisit_dsgn}, \code{revisit_bibd} or
#'   \code{revisit_rand} functions.
#' @param  visitdsgn Two-dimensional array with same dimensions as \code{paneldsgn}
#'   specifying the number of times a sample unit is sampled at each time
#'   period. Default is \code{visitdsgn=NULL}, where default assumes that a sample unit
#'   will be sampled only once at each time period.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (S3 consistency)
#' @details The revisit panel design and the visit design (if present) are
#'   summarized. Summaries can be useful to know the effort required to complete
#'   the survey design. See the values returned for the summaries that are
#'   produced.
#' @return List of six elements.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{n_panel}}{ number of panels in revisit design}
#'     \item{\code{n_period}}{ number of time periods in revisit design}
#'     \item{\code{n_total}}{ total number of sample events across all panels and all
#'       time periods, accounting for \code{visitdsgn}, that will be sampled in the revisit
#'       design}
#'     \item{\code{n_periodunit}}{ vector of the number of time periods a unit will be
#'       sampled in each panel}
#'     \item{\code{n_unitpnl}}{ vector of the number of sample units, accounting for
#'       \code{visitdsgn}, that will be sampled in each panel}
#'     \item{\code{n_unitperiod}}{ vector of the number of sample units, accounting for
#'       \code{visitdsgn}, that will be sampled during each time period}
#'     \item{\code{ncum_unit}}{ vector of the cumulative number of unique units that will
#'   be sampled in time periods up to and including the current time period.}
#'   }
#' @export
#' @author Tony Olsen \email{Olsen.Tony@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @examples
#' # Serially alternating panel revisit design summary
#' sa_dsgn <- revisit_dsgn(20, panels = list(SA60N = list(
#'   n = 60, pnl_dsgn = c(1, 4),
#'   pnl_n = NA, start_option = "None"
#' )), begin = 1)
#' pd_summary(sa_dsgn)
#' # Add visit design where first panel is sampled twice at every time period
#' sa_visit <- sa_dsgn
#' sa_visit[sa_visit > 0] <- 1
#' sa_visit[1, sa_visit[1, ] > 0] <- 2
#' pd_summary(sa_dsgn, sa_visit)
pd_summary <- function(object, visitdsgn = NULL, ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "paneldesign")) {
    stop("object must be output from spsurvey::revisit_bibd(),
         spsurvey::revisit_dsgn(), or spsurvey::revisit_rand()")
  paneldsgn <- object
  n_pan <- dim(paneldsgn)[1]
  n_period <- dim(paneldsgn)[2]

  # determine the cumulative number of unique sample units by sampling occasion
  used <- rep(FALSE, n_pan)
  tot <- vector("numeric", length = n_period)
  for (i in 1:n_period) {
    units <- paneldsgn[, i] > 0
    new <- used + units
    tot[i] <- sum(paneldsgn[new == 1, i])
    used <- new
  n_unique_com <- cumsum(tot)
  names(n_unique_com) <- dimnames(paneldsgn)[[2]]

  # summarize number of sample results by panel and by time period
  # incorporate multiple times unit is sampled if sample units for a time period are
  # sampled more than once.
  ifelse(!is.null(visitdsgn), vis <- visitdsgn * paneldsgn, vis <- paneldsgn)
  n_unitpnl <- apply(vis, 1, sum)
  n_unitperiod <- apply(vis, 2, sum)
  n_total <- sum(n_unitperiod)
  # number of times a sample unit is visited in each panel
  tmp <- array(0, c(n_pan, n_period))
  tmp[paneldsgn > 0] <- 1
  ifelse(!is.null(visitdsgn), vis <- visitdsgn * tmp, vis <- tmp)
  n_periodunit <- apply(vis, 1, sum)
  names(n_periodunit) <- dimnames(paneldsgn)[[1]]

  # create list of results
  rslt <- list(
    n_panel = n_pan,
    n_period = n_period,
    n_total = n_total,
    n_periodunit = n_periodunit,
    n_unitpnl = n_unitpnl,
    n_unitperiod = n_unitperiod,
    ncum_unit = n_unique_com

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