
Defines functions revisit_rand

Documented in revisit_rand

# Function: revisit_rand (exported)
# Programmer: Tony Olsen
# Date: March 15, 2019
#' Create a revisit design with random assignment to panels and time periods
#' Create a revisit design for a survey that specifies the panels and time
#' periods that will be sampled by random selection of panels and time periods.
#' Three options for random assignments are \code{"period"} where the number of time
#' periods to be sampled in a panel is fixed, \code{"panel"} where the number panels to
#' be sampled in a time period is fixed, and \code{"none"} where the number of
#' panel-period combinations is fixed.
#' @param n_period  Number of time periods for the survey design. Typically,
#'   number of periods if sampling occurs once per period or number of months if
#'   sampling occurs once per month. (v, number of varieties (or treatments) in
#'   BIBD terms)
#' @param n_pnl Number of panels
#' @param rand_control  Character value must be \code{"none"}, \code{"panel"}, or \code{"period"}.
#'   Specifies whether the number of sample events will be fixed for each panel
#'   (\code{"panel"}), for each sample occasion (\code{"occasion"}), or for total panel-period
#'   combinations (\code{"none"}).  Default is \code{"panel"}.
#' @param n_visit If \code{rand_control} is \code{"panel"}, this is the number of panels that
#'   will be sampled in each time period. If rand_control is \code{"period"}, this is
#'   the number of time periods to be sampled in each panel. If \code{rand_control} is
#'   \code{"none"}, this is the total number of panel-period combinations that will
#'   have units sampled in the revisit design.
#' @param nsamp Number of samples in each panel.
#' @param panel_name  Prefix for name of each panel
#' @param begin  Numeric name of first sampling occasion, e.g. a specific period.
#' @param skip  Number of sampling occasions to skip between planned sampling
#'   periods, e.g., sampling will occur only every 5 periods if \code{skip = 5}.
#' @details  The revisit design for a survey is created by random selection of
#'   panels and time periods that will have sample events.  The number of sample
#'   occasions that will be visited by a panel is random.
#' @return A two-dimensional array of sample sizes to be sampled for each panel
#'   and each time period.
#' @author Tony Olsen \email{Olsen.Tony@@epa.gov}
#' @seealso
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{\link{revisit_bibd}}}{create a balanced incomplete block
#'       panel revisit design}
#'     \item{\code{\link{revisit_dsgn}}}{create a panel revisit design}
#'     \item{\code{\link{pd_summary}}}{ to summarize characteristics of a
#'       panel revisit design}
#'   }
#' @keywords survey
#' @examples
#' revisit_rand(
#'   n_period = 20, n_pnl = 10, rand_control = "none", n_visit = 50,
#'   nsamp = 20
#' )
#' revisit_rand(
#'   n_period = 20, n_pnl = 10, rand_control = "panel", n_visit = 5,
#'   nsamp = 10
#' )
#' revisit_rand(
#'   n_period = 20, n_pnl = 10, rand_control = "period",
#'   n_visit = 5, nsamp = 10
#' )
#' @export

revisit_rand <- function(n_period, n_pnl, rand_control = "period", n_visit,
                         nsamp, panel_name = "Random", begin = 1, skip = 1) {
  if (!(rand_control %in% c("none", "panel", "period"))) {
    stop("\nRandom control not equal to none, panel or period")

  if (rand_control == "panel") {
    pan_dsgn <- matrix(rep(c(rep(nsamp, n_visit), rep(0, n_period - n_visit)), n_pnl),
      ncol = n_period, byrow = TRUE
    pan_dsgn <- t(apply(pan_dsgn, 1, function(x) {
        size = length(x),
        replace = FALSE

  if (rand_control == "period") {
    pan_dsgn <- matrix(rep(c(rep(nsamp, n_visit), rep(0, n_pnl - n_visit)), n_period),
      ncol = n_period
    pan_dsgn <- apply(pan_dsgn, 2, function(x) {
        size = length(x),
        replace = FALSE

  if (rand_control == "none") {
    pan_dsgn <- c(rep(nsamp, n_visit), rep(0, (n_pnl * n_period) - n_visit))
    pan_dsgn <- sample(pan_dsgn, size = length(pan_dsgn), replace = FALSE)
    pan_dsgn <- matrix(pan_dsgn, nrow = n_pnl)

  # drop panels if no visits
  keep <- ifelse(apply(pan_dsgn, 1, sum) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
  pan_dsgn <- pan_dsgn[keep, ]

  # assign dimnames
  if (nrow(pan_dsgn) < 10) {
    dimnames(pan_dsgn) <- list(
      c(paste(panel_name, 1:nrow(pan_dsgn), sep = "_")),
      seq(begin, by = skip, length.out = ncol(pan_dsgn))
  } else {
    dimnames(pan_dsgn) <- list(
        paste(panel_name, 1:9, sep = "_0"),
        paste(panel_name, 10:nrow(pan_dsgn), sep = "_")
      seq(begin, by = skip, length.out = ncol(pan_dsgn))
  class(pan_dsgn) <- "paneldesign"

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