
Defines functions calculate_chisq calculate_medae calculate_mae calculate_mse calculate_rmse calculate_simpsons calculate_pielou calculate_metric get_sftess calculate_sp_balance sp_balance

Documented in sp_balance

# Function: sp_balance (exported)
# Programmer: Michael Dumelle
# Date: December 03, 2020
# Last Revised: December 03, 2020
#' Calculate spatial balance metrics
#' This function measures the spatial balance (with respect to the
#' sampling frame) of design sites using
#' Voronoi polygons (Dirichlet tessellations).
#' @param object An \code{sf} object containing some design sites.
#' @param sframe The sampling frame as an \code{sf} object. The coordinate
#'   system for \code{sframe} must be one where distance for coordinates is meaningful.
#' @param stratum_var The name of the stratum variable in \code{object}
#' and \code{sframe}. If \code{NULL} (the default), no strata is assumed.
#' If a single character vector is provided, it is assumed this is the
#' name of the stratum variable in \code{object} and \code{sframe}. If
#' a two-dimensional character vector is provided, one element must be
#' named "object" and corresponds to the name of the stratum variable
#' in \code{object}, while the other element must be named "sframe" and
#' corresponds to the name of the stratum variable in \code{sframe}.
#' @param ip Inclusion probabilities associated with each row of \code{sframe}.
#' If these are not provided, an equal probability design is assumed (within
#' strata).
#' @param metrics A character vector of spatial balance metrics:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{pielou}}{ Pielou's Evenness Index (the default). This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and one.}
#'   \item{\code{simpsons}}{ Simpsons Evenness Index. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and logarithm of the sample size.}
#'   \item{\code{rmse}}{ Root-Mean-Squared Error. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and infinity.}
#'   \item{\code{mse}}{ Mean-Squared Error. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and infinity.}
#'   \item{\code{mae}}{ Median-Absolute Error. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and infinity.}
#'   \item{\code{medae}}{ Mean-Absolute Error. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and infinity.}
#'   \item{\code{chisq}}{ Chi-Squared Loss. This statistic
#'     can take on a value between zero and infinity.}
#'  }
#'   All spatial balance metrics have a lower bound of zero, which indicates perfect
#'   spatial balance. As the metric value increases, the spatial balance decreases.
#' @param extents Should the extent (total units) within each Voronoi polygon
#'   be returned? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A data frame with columns providing the stratum (\code{stratum}),
#'   spatial balance metric (\code{metric}), and spatial balance (\code{value}).
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @author Michael Dumelle \email{Dumelle.Michael@@epa.gov}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sample <- grts(NE_Lakes, 30)
#' sp_balance(sample$sites_base, NE_Lakes)
#' strata_n <- c(low = 25, high = 30)
#' sample_strat <- grts(NE_Lakes, n_base = strata_n, stratum_var = "ELEV_CAT")
#' sp_balance(sample_strat$sites_base, NE_Lakes, stratum_var = "ELEV_CAT", metric = "rmse")
#' }
sp_balance <- function(object, sframe, stratum_var = NULL, ip = NULL, metrics = "pielou", extents = FALSE) {
  if (inherits(object, "spdesign")) {
    stop("object must be an sf object. If object is output from grts() or irs(), instead 1) use object$sites_legacy, object$sites_base, object$sites_over, or object$sites_near; or 2) use sp_rbind().")

  # find system info
  on_solaris <- Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "SunOS"
  if (on_solaris) {
    stop("sp_balance() is not supported on Solaris.")

  if (is.null(stratum_var)) {
    object$stratum_var <- "None"
    sframe$stratum_var <- "None"
    stratum_var <- "stratum_var"

  if (length(stratum_var) == 1) {
    stratum_var <- c(object = stratum_var, sframe = stratum_var)
  } else if (length(stratum_var) == 2) {
    if (!all(names(stratum_var) %in% c("object", "sframe"))) {
      stop("names of stratum_var must be object and sframe")
  } else {
    stop("length of stratum_var must be zero, one, or two")

  object_levels <- sort(unique(object[[stratum_var["object"]]]))
  sframe_levels <- sort(unique(sframe[[stratum_var["sframe"]]]))

  if (!all.equal(object_levels, sframe_levels)) {
    stop("stratum_var levels for object and sframe must be the same")

  object_split <- split(object, object[[stratum_var["object"]]])
  sframe_split <- split(sframe, sframe[[stratum_var["sframe"]]])

  output <- lapply(object_levels, function(x) calculate_sp_balance(object_split[[x]], sframe_split[[x]], ip, metrics, extents))
  names(output) <- object_levels
  metrics_dfs <- lapply(object_levels, function(x) cbind(stratum = x, data.frame(metric = metrics, value = output[[x]]$values)))
  metrics <- do.call("rbind", metrics_dfs)
  metrics <- metrics[order(metrics$metric), , drop = FALSE]
  row.names(metrics) <- NULL
  if (extents) {
    extent_sf_split <- lapply(names(output), function(x) {
      object_split[[x]]$extent <- output[[x]]$extent
      object_split[[x]][c(stratum_var["object"], "extent")]
    extents <- do.call("rbind", extent_sf_split)
    names(extents)[[which(names(extents) == stratum_var["object"])]] <- "stratum"
    return(list(metrics = metrics, extents = extents))
  } else {

calculate_sp_balance <- function(object_split, sframe_split, ip, metrics, extents) {
  # need to calculate the density of each row in sframe_split
  if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))) {
    sframe_split$dens <- 1
  } else if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING"))) {
    sframe_split$dens <- as.numeric(st_length(sframe_split))
  } else if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))) {
    sframe_split$dens <- as.numeric(st_area(sframe_split))

  # these inclusion probabilities must be provided for the entire sampling frame
  if (is.null(ip)) {
    sframe_split$ip <- nrow(object_split) * (sframe_split$dens / sum(sframe_split$dens))
  } else {
    sframe_split$ip <- sframe_split[[ip]]

  # finding the sframe bounding box, this needs to be reordered to
  # use in the Dirichlet Tesselation
  pop_bbox <- st_bbox(sframe_split)[c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")]

  # working with the object sites

  ## take the object sites coordinates
  samp_coords <- st_coordinates(object_split)
  ## name them X and Y
  colnames(samp_coords) <- c("X", "Y")
  ## isolate X
  samp_xcoord <- samp_coords[, "X"]
  ## isolate Y
  samp_ycoord <- samp_coords[, "Y"]
  ## recover the object size
  n <- nrow(object_split)

  # spatial balance with respect to the sframe
  tiles <- tile.list(deldir(x = samp_xcoord, y = samp_ycoord, rw = pop_bbox))
  ## using lapply instead of a loop
  sftess <- lapply(tiles, get_sftess)
  sftess <- st_sfc(sftess, crs = st_crs(sframe_split))
  sftess <- st_sf(poly = 1:n, geometry = sftess)
  # next part required because st_intersection won't include points if they are on the
  # exact boundary of a polygon (Voronoi polygon has this occur when a site is along the
  # bounding box)
  buffer_dist <- (pop_bbox["xmax"] - pop_bbox["xmin"]) * (pop_bbox["ymax"] - pop_bbox["ymin"]) / 1e12
  sftess <- suppressWarnings(st_intersection(st_make_valid(sframe_split), st_buffer(sftess, buffer_dist)))

  # scaling the inclusion probabilities by the amount of the geometry
  # in the respective tesselation -- polydens can be at most one -- if the
  # row of sframe is contained fully in the respective row of sframe
  # polydens can be less than one -- when the row of sframe is not contained
  # fully in the respective row of sframe
  # for points, sframe geometry must be point or multipoint
  if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))) {
    ## storing a dummy variable to index counts by
    sftess$polydens <- 1
    sftess$adjip <- sftess$ip
  } else if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING"))) {
    sftess$polydens <- as.numeric(st_length(sftess))
    sftess$adjip <- sftess$ip * sftess$polydens / sftess$dens
  } else if (all(st_geometry_type(sframe_split) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))) {
    sftess$polydens <- as.numeric(st_area(sftess))
    sftess$adjip <- sftess$ip * sftess$polydens / sftess$dens

  ## summing over each polygon
  propextent <- with(sftess, tapply(adjip, poly, sum))
  ## setting NA's equal to zero
  propextent[is.na(propextent)] <- 0

  # making proportions and expected quantities
  proportions <- propextent / sum(propextent) # which equals n
  expected_proportions <- 1 / n

  # metrics
  values <- vapply(metrics, calculate_metric, double(1), proportions, expected_proportions)

  # returning the results when stored by the user
  output <- list(values = values)
  if (extents) {
    output$extent <- with(sftess, tapply(polydens, poly, sum))

get_sftess <- function(tile) {
  ## finding the number of points in the bounding polygon
  npol <- length(tile$x)

  ## creating and returning the appropriate polygon after binding coords
    c(tile$x[1], tile$x[npol:1]),
    c(tile$y[1], tile$y[npol:1])

calculate_metric <- function(metric, proportions, expected_proportions) {
    pielou = calculate_pielou(proportions, expected_proportions),
    simpsons = calculate_simpsons(proportions, expected_proportions),
    rmse = calculate_rmse(proportions, expected_proportions),
    mse = calculate_mse(proportions, expected_proportions),
    mae = calculate_mae(proportions, expected_proportions),
    medae = calculate_medae(proportions, expected_proportions),
    chisq = calculate_chisq(proportions, expected_proportions),
    stop("an invalid metric was provided")

calculate_pielou <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  pielou <- 1 + sum(proportions * log(proportions)) / log(1 / expected_proportions) # 1/E(p) = n$
  names(pielou) <- "pielou"

calculate_simpsons <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  simpsons <- sum(proportions^2) - expected_proportions
  names(simpsons) <- "simpsons"

calculate_rmse <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  sqr_dev <- (proportions - expected_proportions)^2
  mse <- sum(sqr_dev) / length(sqr_dev)
  rmse <- sqrt(mse)
  names(rmse) <- "rmse"

calculate_mse <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  sqr_dev <- (proportions - expected_proportions)^2
  mse <- sum(sqr_dev) / length(sqr_dev)
  names(mse) <- "mse"

calculate_mae <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  mae <- mean(abs(proportions - expected_proportions) / expected_proportions)
  names(mae) <- "mae"

calculate_medae <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  medae <- median(abs(proportions - expected_proportions) / expected_proportions)
  names(medae) <- "medae"

calculate_chisq <- function(proportions, expected_proportions) {
  chisq <- sum((proportions - expected_proportions)^2 / expected_proportions)
  names(chisq) <- "chisq"

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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.