
Defines functions get_match_game_data get_recent_matches get_matchup_profiles get_matchup

Documented in get_match_game_data get_matchup get_matchup_profiles get_recent_matches

#' Get a player matchup data from SquashInfo
#' Given the full names or ranks of players, and the competition category, \code{get_matchup()} returns recent matchup data for PSA ranked players.
#' @param player_1 character string of the first player's name.
#' @param player_2 character string of the second player's name.
#' @param ranks integers indicating the rank of the PSA players to return.
#' @param category character string indicating the competition category. Must be one of "mens" or "womens".
#' @param tidy logical indicating whether to organize results according to tidy principles.
#' @param match_spread logical indicating whether to only return match spread statistics.
#' @return Tibble containing each player's rank, name, total matches played, number of matches won, the match results spread (relative to player 1), the average match time, the number of games played, the number of games won, average point advantage in a won game, the average point difference in final scores, the number of tie-break wins, and the percentage of games that go to a tie-breaker.
#' @examples
#' ## Get tidy matchup data for Mohamed Elshorbagy vs Ali Farag
#' \donttest{get_matchup(player_1 = "Mohamed Elshorbagy",
#'                       player_2 = "Ali Farag",
#'                       category = "mens",
#'                       tidy = TRUE)}
#' ## Get non-tidy matchup data for Nouran Gohar vs Nour El Sherbini
#' \donttest{get_matchup("Nouran Gohar", "Nour El Sherbini", category = "womens", tidy = FALSE)}
#' ## Get tidy match spread data for Paul Coll and Ali Farag
#' \donttest{get_matchup("Paul Coll", "Ali Farag", category = "mens", tidy = TRUE, match_spread = TRUE)}
#' @note This function only returns data from players ranked in the most recent PSA rankings table for Men's and Women's singles competitions.
#' @references
#'     \url{http://www.squashinfo.com/rankings/men} \cr
#'     \url{http://www.squashinfo.com/rankings/women}
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @export

get_matchup <- function(player_1 = NULL, player_2 = NULL, ranks = NULL, category = NULL, tidy = FALSE, match_spread = FALSE) {

  ## Input errors
  stopifnot(is.character(player_1) | is.null(player_1), is.character(player_2) | is.null(player_2))

  if (!(is.null(player_1) & is.null(player_2))) {

    players <- c(player_1, player_2)

  } else {

    players <- NULL


  stopifnot(is.character(players) | is.null(players), nchar(players) > 0, is.numeric(ranks) | is.null(ranks))

  if ((is.null(players) == TRUE & is.null(ranks) == TRUE) | (is.null(players) == FALSE & is.null(ranks) == FALSE)) {

    stop("Either the players' full names or ranks are required")


  if (category == "mens" | category == "womens") {

    if (length(ranks) != 2 & is.null(players) | length(players) != 2 & is.null(ranks)) {

      stop("Either two player names or two ranks are required")



  ## Make category lowercase
  category <- tolower(category)

  ## Get profile slugs
  if (category == "mens" | category == "womens") {

    profile_urls <- get_matchup_profiles(player_1 = player_1, player_2 = player_2, players = players, ranks = ranks, category = category)

  } else {

    stop("category must be one of 'mens' or 'womens'")


  ## Get recent matches
  recent_matches <- get_recent_matches(profile_urls)

  ## Clean recent match data and get recent game data
  recent_data <- get_match_game_data(recent_matches, players = players, ranks = ranks)

  ## Summarize Match Data
  recent_matches <- recent_data$recent_matches %>%
                        rename(player_1_rank = rank,
                               player_1 = player,
                               player_2_rank = opponent_rank,
                               player_2 = opponent) %>%
                        summarize(player_1_rank = max(player_1_rank, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  player_1 = max(player_1),
                                  player_2_rank = max(player_2_rank, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  player_2 = max(player_2),
                                  matches_played = n(), ## Number of matches played
                                  player_1_matches_won = sum(result == "W", na.rm = TRUE), ## Number of matches won
                                  player_2_matches_won = sum(result == "L", na.rm = TRUE),
                                  matches_3_2 = sum(games_won == 3 & games_lost == 2, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  matches_3_1 = sum(games_won == 3 & games_lost == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  matches_3_0 = sum(games_won == 3 & games_lost == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  matches_0_3 = sum(games_won == 0 & games_lost == 3, na.rm = TRUE),  ## Match spread variables relative to player 1
                                  matches_1_3 = sum(games_won == 1 & games_lost == 3, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  matches_2_3 = sum(games_won == 2 & games_lost == 3, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  avg_match_time = mean(match_time, na.rm = TRUE)) ## Average match time

  ## Summarize Game Data
  recent_games <- recent_data$recent_games %>%
                        rename(player_1_rank = rank,
                               player_1 = player,
                               player_2_rank = opponent_rank,
                               player_2 = opponent) %>%
                        mutate(point_diff = abs(points_won - points_lost),
                               player_1_advantage = if_else(points_won > points_lost, points_won - points_lost, NA_real_),  ## Player's point advantage in a won game
                               player_2_advantage = if_else(points_won < points_lost, points_lost - points_won, NA_real_)) %>%
                        summarize(player_1_rank = max(player_1_rank, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  player_1 = max(player_1),
                                  player_2_rank = max(player_2_rank, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  player_2 = max(player_2),
                                  games_played = n(),  ## Number of games played
                                  player_1_games_won = sum(game_result == "W", na.rm = TRUE),  # Games won
                                  player_2_games_won = sum(game_result == "L", na.rm = TRUE),
                                  player_1_avg_advantage = round(mean(player_1_advantage, na.rm = TRUE), 2),  ## Average advantage
                                  player_2_avg_advantage = round(mean(player_2_advantage, na.rm = TRUE), 2),
                                  avg_point_diff = round(mean(point_diff, na.rm = TRUE), 2),  ## Average point difference in all games
                                  player_1_tiebreak_wins = sum(points_won > 11, na.rm = TRUE), ## Tie-breaker wins
                                  player_2_tiebreak_wins = sum(points_lost > 11, na.rm = TRUE),
                                  pct_games_tiebreak = round(sum(points_won > 11 | points_lost > 11, na.rm = TRUE) / n() * 100, 2))  ## percent of games that go to tie-breaker

  ## Join recent_matches and recent_games to get full head-to-head comparison
  matchup <- recent_matches %>%
                  left_join(recent_games, by = c("player_1_rank" = "player_1_rank",
                                                 "player_1" = "player_1",
                                                 "player_2_rank" = "player_2_rank",
                                                 "player_2" = "player_2"))

  ## If match_spread == TRUE then only return spread statistics
  if (match_spread == TRUE) {

    matchup <- matchup %>%
                  select(matches_3_2, matches_3_1, matches_3_0, matches_0_3, matches_1_3, matches_2_3)


  ## If tidy == FALSE, then provide matchup stats in long table format
  if (tidy == FALSE) {

    matchup <- matchup %>%
                  gather(key = "metric", value = "value")  ## Gather is deprecated / retired but pivot_longer did not allow me to create this same table...




#' Get profile urls for players in matchup
#' @param player_1 character string of the first player's name.
#' @param player_2 character string of the second player's name.
#' @param players character string vector of player names.
#' @param ranks integers indicating the rank of the PSA players to return.
#' @param category character string indicating the competition category. Must be one of "mens" or "womens".
#' @return Tibble containing player names, rank, and profile url slugs.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom polite bow
#' @importFrom polite scrape
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes
#' @importFrom rvest html_attr
#' @importFrom rvest html_table
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom Hmisc %nin%

get_matchup_profiles <- function(player_1 = NULL, player_2 = NULL, players = NULL, ranks = NULL, category = NULL) {

  # Profile slugs

  ## Get profile URLs for top n players
  if (category == "mens") {
    rankings_url <- "http://www.squashinfo.com/rankings/men"
  else if (category == "womens") {
    rankings_url <- "http://www.squashinfo.com/rankings/women"

  ## Check URL for Robots.txt
  suppressMessages(session <- bow(rankings_url))

  ## Create ranking_table
  ranking_table <- NULL

  ## Rankings table url
  rankings_url <- paste0(rankings_url, "/1")

  if (is.null(players) == FALSE & is.null(ranks) == TRUE) {

    while(sum(player_1 %in% ranking_table$Name, player_2 %in% ranking_table$Name, na.rm = TRUE) < 2) {

      ## Verbose
      message("Scraping ", rankings_url)

      ## Scrape table for player rank and name
      current_page <- suppressMessages(bow(rankings_url)) %>%

      results <- current_page %>%
        html_nodes("table") %>%
        html_table() %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        select(Rank, Name)

      ## Scrape table for player profile hrefs
      profile_slugs <- current_page %>%
        html_nodes(xpath = "//td/a") %>%

      ## Combine player rank, name, and profile slug
      results <- cbind(results, profile_slugs) %>%

      ## Store data in ranking_table
      ranking_table <- rbind(ranking_table, results)

      # Find url in "Next" button
      rankings_url <- current_page %>%

      rankings_url <- suppressWarnings(rankings_url[str_detect(rankings_url, "Next")]) %>%

      ## Replace t_url with url in Next page button
      rankings_url <- sprintf("http://www.squashinfo.com%s", rankings_url)


  } else if (is.null(players) == TRUE & is.null(ranks) == FALSE) {

    while(ranks[1] %nin% ranking_table$Rank & ranks[2] %nin% ranking_table$Rank) {

      ## Verbose
      message("Scraping ", rankings_url)

      ## Scrape table for player rank and name
      current_page <- suppressMessages(bow(rankings_url)) %>%

      results <- current_page %>%
        html_nodes("table") %>%
        html_table() %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        select(Rank, Name)

      ## Scrape table for player profile hrefs
      profile_slugs <- current_page %>%
        html_nodes(xpath = "//td/a") %>%

      ## Combine player rank, name, and profile slug
      results <- cbind(results, profile_slugs) %>%

      ## Store data in ranking_table
      ranking_table <- rbind(ranking_table, results)

      # Find url in "Next" button
      rankings_url <- current_page %>%

      rankings_url <- suppressWarnings(rankings_url[str_detect(rankings_url, "Next")]) %>%

      ## Replace t_url with url in Next page button
      rankings_url <- sprintf("http://www.squashinfo.com%s", rankings_url)



  profile_urls <- ranking_table %>%
    filter(if (is.null(ranks)) {str_detect(Name, players[1]) | str_detect(Name, players[2])} else if (is.null(players)) {Rank %in% ranks})



#' Get a player's recent matches
#' @param profile_urls a data frame containing a list of player names, ranks, and profile slugs.
#' @return Tibble containing the player's recent matches.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
#' @importFrom dplyr row_number
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom polite bow
#' @importFrom polite scrape
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes
#' @importFrom rvest html_table
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
#' @importFrom janitor clean_names
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble

get_recent_matches <- function(profile_urls) {

  ## Recent Matches

  if (length(profile_urls$profile_slugs) > 0) { ## If we have more than 0 profile slugs

    ## Create recent_matches dataframe
    recent_matches <- NULL

    for (i in seq_along(profile_urls$profile_slugs)) { ## For every profile slug

      ## Extract player name
      player_name <- profile_urls$Name[i]

      ## Extract current rank
      Rank <- profile_urls$Rank[i]

      ## Verbose
      message("Scraping ", player_name, "'s profile")

      ## Create profile url from slug
      profile_url <- sprintf("http://www.squashinfo.com%s", profile_urls$profile_slugs[i])

      ## Bow and scrape page
      current_page <- suppressMessages(bow(profile_url)) %>%

      ## Find recent results table
      recent_result <- current_page %>%

      recent_result <- suppressWarnings(recent_result[str_detect(recent_result, "match_summary_table")][[1]]) %>%
        html_table() %>%
        filter(row_number() != n()) %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        clean_names() %>%
        mutate(player = player_name,
               rank = Rank,
               date = ymd(parse_date_time(date, orders = "bY"))) %>% ## convert date to yyyy-mm-dd
        select(rank, player, everything())

      ## Join data with opponent's data
      recent_result <- recent_result %>%
        left_join(profile_urls[,-3], by = c("opponent" = "Name")) %>%
        rename(opponent_rank = Rank)

      ## Bind results row-wise
      recent_matches <- rbind(recent_matches, recent_result)


  } else { ## If we have 0 profile slugs

    recent_matches <- NULL ## Create empty recent_matches data frame




#' Given recent match data, return a cleaned list of recent match and recent game data
#' @param data recent match data frame.
#' @param players a vector containing player names as strings.
#' @param ranks a vector of integers representing the player ranks.
#' @return list containing recent match and recent games data frames.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
#' @importFrom dplyr row_number
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom stringr regex
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom rlang .data

get_match_game_data <- function(data = NULL, players = NULL, ranks = NULL) {

  if (is.null(ranks) & !is.null(players)) {

    ## Filter recent_matches by player names
    recent_matches <- data %>%
      dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$player, players[1]) & str_detect(.data$opponent, players[2])) ## Find players in results

  } else if (is.null(players) & !is.null(ranks)) {

    ## Filter recent_matches by player ranks
    recent_matches <- data %>%
      dplyr::filter(rank %in% ranks[1] & opponent_rank %in% ranks[2])


  ## Clean recent match data
  recent_matches <- recent_matches %>%
    rename(round = rnd, country = ctry, result = w_l) %>%
    mutate(round = toupper(round),
           match = row_number(),
           match_time = if_else(opponent == "bye", NA_character_, str_extract(score, pattern = regex("[:digit:]{2,}m"))),  ## Extract match time
           match_time = as.numeric(str_remove(match_time, pattern = regex("m", ignore_case = TRUE))),
           score = str_replace_all(score, pattern = regex(" \\([:digit:]{2,}m\\)"), replacement = ""),  ## Extract scores
           score = str_extract_all(score, pattern = "[0-9]+\\-[0-9]+"),
           ## Create games_won and games_lost variables
           games_won = NA_real_,
           games_lost = NA_real_)

  ## For each match
  for (j in seq_along(recent_matches$score)) {

    ## if the number of games equals 0, next row, else creat match variable
    if (length(recent_matches$score[[j]]) == 0) { next } else { match <- recent_matches$score[[j]] }

    ## Start with 0 wins and 0 losses
    wins <- 0

    losses <- 0

    ## For every game in every match
    for (i in seq_along(match)) {

      ## If player 1's score is greater than player 2's score
      if (as.numeric(str_extract(match[i], pattern = "^[0-9]+")) > as.numeric(str_extract(match[i], pattern = "[0-9]+$"))) {

        ## Add one game win for player 1
        wins <- wins + 1

        ## If player 1's score is less than player 2's score
      } else {

        ## Add one game loss for player 1
        losses <- losses + 1



    ## Assign total wins and losses to games_won and games_lost, respectively
    recent_matches$games_won[j] <- wins

    recent_matches$games_lost[j] <- losses


  ## Organize recent matches
  recent_matches <- recent_matches %>%
    select(match, rank, player, opponent_rank, opponent, games_won, games_lost, result, match_time, round, event, tournament_date = date, country, psa)

  ## Create recent games from recent match data
  if (is.null(ranks)){

    recent_games <- data %>%
      filter(str_detect(player, players[1]) & str_detect(opponent, players[2])) ## Filter match data by player names

  } else if (is.null(players)) {

    recent_games <- data %>%
      filter(rank %in% ranks[1] & opponent_rank %in% ranks[2]) ## Filter match data by rank


  ## Clean recent game data
  recent_games <- recent_games %>%
    rename(round = rnd, country = ctry, result = w_l) %>%
    mutate(round = toupper(round),
           match = n() + 1 - row_number(),
           match_time = if_else(opponent == "bye", NA_character_, str_extract(score, pattern = regex("[:digit:]{2,}m"))), ## Extract match time
           match_time = as.numeric(str_remove(match_time, pattern = regex("m", ignore_case = TRUE))),
           score = str_replace_all(score, pattern = regex(" \\([:digit:]{2,}m\\)"), replacement = ""),  ## Extract scores
           score = strsplit(score, ", ")) %>% ## Split scores into elements of a list
    unnest(score) %>% ## unnest scores list across rows
    mutate(points_won = as.numeric(str_extract(score, "^[0-9]+")), ## Extract points won
           points_lost = as.numeric(str_extract(score, "[0-9]+$")), ## Extract points lost
           game_result = if_else(points_won > points_lost, "W", "L")) ## Determine game winner

  ## Organize results
  recent_games <- recent_games %>%
    select(rank, player, opponent_rank, opponent, points_won, points_lost, game_result, round, event, tournament_date = date, country, psa)

  recent_data <- list("recent_matches" = recent_matches, "recent_games" = recent_games)



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squashinformr documentation built on May 10, 2022, 5:12 p.m.