
#Server functions for module 8 step 1
    ####### Part 1 ############################################################################
    ######### Set variables ######### 
    Mod8Step1updateVind <- function(input, nb.IS){
    	m <- matrix(rep(0,nb.IS*nb.IS),nb.IS)
    	diag(m)[1] <- input$Mod8Step1_Vi
    	diag(m)[2] <- input$Mod8Step1_Vs1
    	m[2,1]     <- input$Mod8Step1_CorIS1
    Mod8Step1updateB    <- function(input){
        m <- matrix(c(0,
                      input$Mod8Step1_B12), 1)
    # Set hidden variables
    output$Mod8Step1_hidden <- renderUI({
          numericInput("Mod8Step1_Tmax", "", Modules_VAR$Tmax$max),
          numericInput("Mod8Step1_NI", "",100),
          numericInput("Mod8Step1_NR", "",20),
          shinyMatrix::matrixInput("Mod8Step1_Vind", value = Mod8Step1updateVind(input, nb.IS), class = "numeric"),
          shinyMatrix::matrixInput("Mod8Step1_B", value = Mod8Step1updateB(input), class = "numeric"),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X1_state", "",      value = TRUE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X1_sto_state", "",  value = TRUE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X1_sto_shared", "", value = FALSE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X2_state", "",      value = TRUE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X2_sto_state", "",  value = TRUE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X2_sto_shared", "", value = FALSE),
          checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_X_Interaction", "", value = TRUE)
    outputOptions(output, "Mod8Step1_hidden", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE),
    ######### Run simulation #########
    # Run simulation and return results
    Mod8Step1_output <- reactive({
        if (input$Mod8Step1_Run == 0) # if Run button is pressed
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = TRUE)
            # Call app main function
            data <- squid::squidR(input, module = "Mod8Step1")  
            # model with random slope
            LMR      <- lme4::lmer(Phenotype ~ 1 + X1*X2 + (1 + X1|Individual), data = data$sampled_data)
            FIXEF    <- lme4::fixef(LMR)
            SE.FIXEF <- arm::se.fixef(LMR)
            RANDEF   <-$vcov
            data$LMR       <- LMR
            data$Vi_1      <- round(RANDEF[1],2)
            data$Vs1_1     <- round(RANDEF[2],2)
            data$COVis1_1  <- round(RANDEF[3],2)
            data$Vr_1      <- round(RANDEF[4],2) 

            data$B0_1      <- round(FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$se.B0_1   <- round(SE.FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$B1_1      <- round(FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$se.B1_1   <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$B2_1      <- round(FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$se.B2_1   <- round(SE.FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$B12_1     <- round(FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            data$se.B12_1  <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            # model without random slope
            LMR2     <- lme4::lmer(Phenotype ~ 1 + X1*X2 + (1|Individual), data = data$sampled_data)
            FIXEF    <- lme4::fixef(LMR2)
            SE.FIXEF <- arm::se.fixef(LMR2)
            RANDEF   <-$vcov
            data$Vi_2      <- round(RANDEF[1],2)
            data$Vr_2      <- round(RANDEF[2],2)
            data$B0_2      <- round(FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$se.B0_2   <- round(SE.FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$B1_2      <- round(FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$se.B1_2   <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$B2_2      <- round(FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$se.B2_2   <- round(SE.FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$B12_2     <- round(FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            data$se.B12_2  <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = FALSE)
    ######### Show results #########
    output$Mod8Step1_summary_table1 <- renderUI({ 
        data <- Mod8Step1_output()
        myTable <- data.frame(
            "Parameter" = c("Parameter", 
                            "Fixed effects",
                            paste0("Mean of the trait $",EQ1$mean0,"$"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env1,"$ ($",EQ1$mean1,"$)"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env2,"$ ($",EQ1$mean2,"$)"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env12,"$ ($",EQ1$mean12,"$)"),
                            "Random effects",
                            paste0("Among-individual variance in intercepts ($V_{",NOT$devI,"}$)"),
                            paste0("Among-individual variance in slopes ($V_{",EQ3$dev1,"}$)"),
                            paste0("Covariance between individual intercept and slope $(Cov_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev1,"})$"),
                            paste0("Measurement variance ($V_{",NOT$mError,"}$)")
            "True" = c("True",
                       round(input$Mod8Step1_CorIS1 * sqrt(input$Mod8Step1_Vi*input$Mod8Step1_Vs1),1),
            "Estimated"      = c("Estimated : Incomplete",
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{0}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B0_2,"\U00b1", data$se.B0_2),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{1}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B1_2,"\U00b1", data$se.B1_2),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{2}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B2_2,"\U00b1", data$se.B2_2),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{12}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B12_2,"\U00b1", data$se.B12_2),"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",NOT$devI,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vi_2,"...")),
                                 paste("Residual variance $V'_{",NOT$residualUpper,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vr_2,"..."))
            "Estimated_full" = c("Estimated : Full",
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{0}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B0_1,"\U00b1", data$se.B0_1),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{1}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B1_1,"\U00b1", data$se.B1_1),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{2}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B2_1,"\U00b1", data$se.B2_1),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{12}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B12_1,"\U00b1", data$se.B12_1),"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",NOT$devI,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vi_1,"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",EQ3$dev1,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vs1_1,"...")),
                                 paste("$Cov'_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev1,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$COVis1_1,"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",NOT$residualUpper,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vr_1,"..."))
        getTable(myTable, header = TRUE) 

    # Display 3D figure
    output$Mod8Step1_3D_1 <- renderPlotly({
        data <- Mod8Step1_output()
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                datas <-$sampled_data)
                lmr   <- data$LMR
                # population mean surface
                X_seq <- seq(from = min(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), to = max(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), length.out = 10)
                predictors      <- cbind("intecept" = 1, expand.grid("X1" = X_seq, "X2" = X_seq))
                predictors$X1X2 <- predictors$X1 * predictors$X2
                Phenotype_mean <- as.matrix(predictors) %*% as.vector(input$Mod8Step1_B)
                Phenotype_mean <- t(matrix(Phenotype_mean, nrow = length(X_seq), ncol = length(X_seq)))
                datas$X2        <- 0
                datas$Phenotype <- stats::predict(lmr, newdata=datas)
                plotly::plot_ly(hoverinfo = "none")  %>%
                    plotly::add_trace(data = datas, x = ~X1, y = ~X2, z = ~Phenotype,
                                      type="scatter3d", split=~Individual, color=~Individual, mode="lines") %>%
                    plotly::add_surface(x = X_seq, y = X_seq, z = Phenotype_mean, opacity = 0.7,
                                        colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("black", "black"))) %>%
                    plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
                    plotly::hide_colorbar() %>%
                    plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis=list(title = "X1"),
                                                yaxis=list(title = "X2"),  
                                                zaxis=list(title = "Phenotype")))
    # Display 3D figure
    output$Mod8Step1_3D_2 <- renderPlotly({
        data <- Mod8Step1_output()
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                datas <-$sampled_data)
                lmr   <- data$LMR
                # population mean surface
                X_seq <- seq(from = min(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), to = max(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), length.out = 10)
                predictors      <- cbind("intecept" = 1, expand.grid("X1" = X_seq, "X2" = X_seq))
                predictors$X1X2 <- predictors$X1 * predictors$X2
                Phenotype_mean <- as.matrix(predictors) %*% as.vector(input$Mod8Step1_B)
                Phenotype_mean <- t(matrix(Phenotype_mean, nrow = length(X_seq), ncol = length(X_seq)))
                # individual surfaces
                datas     <- datas[Individual %in% sample(unique(Individual),3)]
                Ind_data <- lapply(unique(datas$Individual), function(id){
                    dt <- copy(datas[Individual == id])
                    X1_seq <- seq(min(dt$X1), max(dt$X2), length.out = 10)
                    X2_seq <- seq(min(dt$X2), max(dt$X2), length.out = 10)
                    X     <- cbind("intecept" = 1,
                                   expand.grid("X1" = X1_seq, 
                                               "X2" = X2_seq))
                    X$X1X2 <- X$X1 * X$X2
                    blup <- c(as.numeric(lme4::ranef(lmr)$Individual[id, ]), 0,0)
                    Phenotype <- as.matrix(X) %*% (as.vector(input$Mod8Step1_B) + blup)
                    Phenotype <- t(matrix(Phenotype, nrow = length(X1_seq), ncol = length(X2_seq)))
                    return(list("X1_seq"    = X1_seq,
                                "X2_seq"    = X2_seq, 
                                "Phenotype" = Phenotype))
                plotly::plot_ly(hoverinfo = "none")  %>%
                plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[1]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[1]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[1]]$Phenotype,
                                    opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("yellow", "yellow"))) %>%
                plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[2]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[2]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[2]]$Phenotype,
                                    opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("blue", "blue"))) %>%
                plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[3]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[3]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[3]]$Phenotype,
                                    opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("green", "green"))) %>%
                plotly::add_surface(x = X_seq, y = X_seq, z = Phenotype_mean, opacity = 0.7,
                                    colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("black", "black"))) %>%
                plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
                plotly::hide_colorbar() %>%
                plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis=list(title = "X1"),
                                            yaxis=list(title = "X2"),  
                                            zaxis=list(title = "Phenotype")))
    ####### Part 2 ############################################################################
    ######### Set variables ######### 
    Mod8Step1updateVind_2 <- function(input, nb.IS){
        m <- matrix(rep(0,nb.IS*nb.IS),nb.IS)
        diag(m)[1] <- input$Mod8Step1_2_Vi
        diag(m)[2] <- input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs1
        diag(m)[3] <- input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs2
        m[2,1]     <- input$Mod8Step1_2_CorIS1
        m[3,1]     <- input$Mod8Step1_2_CorIS2
        m[3,2]     <- input$Mod8Step1_2_CorS1S2
    Mod8Step1updateB_2 <- function(input){
        m <- matrix(c(0,
                      input$Mod8Step1_2_B12), 1)
    # Set hidden variables
    output$Mod8Step1_2_hidden <- renderUI({
            numericInput("Mod8Step1_2_Tmax", "", Modules_VAR$Tmax$max),
            numericInput("Mod8Step1_2_NI", "",100),
            numericInput("Mod8Step1_2_NR", "",20),
            matrixInput("Mod8Step1_2_Vind", value = Mod8Step1updateVind_2(input, nb.IS), class = "numeric"),
            matrixInput("Mod8Step1_2_B",    value = Mod8Step1updateB_2(input), class = "numeric"),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X1_state", "",      value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X1_sto_state", "",  value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X1_sto_shared", "", value = FALSE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X2_state", "",      value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X2_sto_state", "",  value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X2_sto_shared", "", value = FALSE),
            checkboxInput("Mod8Step1_2_X_Interaction", "", value = TRUE)
    outputOptions(output, "Mod8Step1_2_hidden", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE),
    ######### Run simulation #########
    # Run simulation and return results
    Mod8Step1_2_output <- reactive({
        if (input$Mod8Step1_2_Run == 0) # if Run button is pressed
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = TRUE)
            # Call app main function
            data <- squid::squidR(input, module = "Mod8Step1_2")  
            # model with random slope
            LMR      <- lme4::lmer(Phenotype ~ 1 + X1*X2 + (1 + X1 + X2|Individual), data = data$sampled_data)
            FIXEF    <- lme4::fixef(LMR)
            SE.FIXEF <- arm::se.fixef(LMR)
            RANDEF   <-$vcov
            data$LMR       <- LMR
            data$Vi        <- round(RANDEF[1],2)
            data$Vs1       <- round(RANDEF[2],2)
            data$Vs2       <- round(RANDEF[3],2)
            data$COVis1    <- round(RANDEF[4],2)
            data$COVis2    <- round(RANDEF[5],2)
            data$COVs1s2   <- round(RANDEF[6],2)
            data$Vr        <- round(RANDEF[7],2)
            data$B0        <- round(FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$se.B0     <- round(SE.FIXEF["(Intercept)"],2)
            data$B1        <- round(FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$se.B1     <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1"],2)
            data$B2        <- round(FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$se.B2     <- round(SE.FIXEF["X2"],2)
            data$B12       <- round(FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            data$se.B12    <- round(SE.FIXEF["X1:X2"],2)
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = FALSE)
    ######### Show results #########
    # table
    output$Mod8Step1_2_summary_table1 <- renderUI({ 
        data <- Mod8Step1_2_output()
        myTable <- data.frame(
            "Parameter" = c("Parameter", 
                            "Fixed effects",
                            paste0("Mean of the trait $",EQ1$mean0,"$"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env1,"$ ($",EQ1$mean1,"$)"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env2,"$ ($",EQ1$mean2,"$)"),
                            paste0("Population slope of $",EQ2$env12,"$ ($",EQ1$mean12,"$)"),
                            "Random effects",
                            paste0("Among-individual variance in intercepts ($V_{",NOT$devI,"}$)"),
                            paste0("Among-individual variance in slopes ($V_{",EQ3$dev1,"}$)"),
                            paste0("Among-individual variance in slopes ($V_{",EQ3$dev2,"}$)"),
                            paste0("Covariance between individual intercepts and slopes $(Cov_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev1,"})$"),
                            paste0("Covariance between individual intercepts and slopes $(Cov_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev2,"})$"),
                            paste0("Covariance between individual slopes to $",EQ2$env1,"$ and $",EQ2$env2,"$ $(Cov_{",EQ3$dev1,EQ3$dev2,"})$"),
                            paste0("Measurement variance ($V_{",NOT$mError,"}$)")
            "True" = c("True",
                       round(input$Mod8Step1_2_CorIS1  * sqrt(input$Mod8Step1_2_Vi*input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs1),1),
                       round(input$Mod8Step1_2_CorIS2  * sqrt(input$Mod8Step1_2_Vi*input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs2),1),
                       round(input$Mod8Step1_2_CorS1S2 * sqrt(input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs1*input$Mod8Step1_2_Vs2),1),

            "Estimated_full" = c("Estimated : Full",
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{0}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B0,"\U00b1", data$se.B0),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{1}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B1,"\U00b1", data$se.B1),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{2}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B2,"\U00b1", data$se.B2),"...")),
                                 paste("$",NOT$mean,"'_{12}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), paste(data$B12,"\U00b1", data$se.B12),"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",NOT$devI,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vi,"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",EQ3$dev1,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vs1,"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",EQ3$dev2,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vs2,"...")),
                                 paste("$Cov'_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev1,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$COVis1,"...")),
                                 paste("$Cov'_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev2,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$COVis2,"...")),
                                 paste("$Cov'_{",EQ3$dev1,EQ3$dev2,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$COVs1s2,"...")),
                                 paste("$V'_{",NOT$residualUpper,"}$ =", ifelse(!is.null(data), data$Vr,"..."))
        getTable(myTable, header = TRUE) 
    # Display 3D figure
    output$Mod8Step1_2_3D <- renderPlotly({
        data <- Mod8Step1_2_output()
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                datas <-$sampled_data)
                lmr   <- data$LMR
                # population mean surface
                X_seq <- seq(from = min(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), to = max(datas[ , c("X1", "X2")]), length.out = 10)
                predictors      <- cbind("intecept" = 1, expand.grid("X1" = X_seq, "X2" = X_seq))
                predictors$X1X2 <- predictors$X1 * predictors$X2
                Phenotype_mean <- as.matrix(predictors) %*% as.vector(input$Mod8Step1_2_B)
                Phenotype_mean <- t(matrix(Phenotype_mean, nrow = length(X_seq), ncol = length(X_seq)))
                # individual surfaces
                datas     <- datas[Individual %in% sample(unique(Individual),3)]
                Ind_data <- lapply(unique(datas$Individual), function(id){
                    dt <- copy(datas[Individual == id])
                    X1_seq <- seq(min(dt$X1), max(dt$X2), length.out = 10)
                    X2_seq <- seq(min(dt$X2), max(dt$X2), length.out = 10)
                    X     <- cbind("intecept" = 1,
                                   expand.grid("X1" = X1_seq, 
                                               "X2" = X2_seq))
                    X$X1X2 <- X$X1 * X$X2
                    blup <- c(as.numeric(lme4::ranef(lmr)$Individual[id, ]), 0)
                    Phenotype <- as.matrix(X) %*% (as.vector(input$Mod8Step1_2_B) + blup)
                    Phenotype <- t(matrix(Phenotype, nrow = length(X1_seq), ncol = length(X2_seq)))
                    return(list("X1_seq"    = X1_seq,
                                "X2_seq"    = X2_seq, 
                                "Phenotype" = Phenotype))
                plotly::plot_ly(hoverinfo = "none")  %>%
                    plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[1]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[1]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[1]]$Phenotype,
                                        opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("yellow", "yellow"))) %>%
                    plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[2]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[2]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[2]]$Phenotype,
                                        opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("blue", "blue"))) %>%
                    plotly::add_surface(x = Ind_data[[3]]$X1_seq, y = Ind_data[[3]]$X2_seq, z = Ind_data[[3]]$Phenotype,
                                        opacity = 0.7, colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("green", "green"))) %>%
                    plotly::add_surface(x = X_seq, y = X_seq, z = Phenotype_mean, opacity = 0.7,
                                        colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("black", "black"))) %>%
                    plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
                    plotly::hide_colorbar() %>%
                    plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis=list(title = "X1"),
                                                yaxis=list(title = "X2"),  
                                                zaxis=list(title = "Phenotype")))

) # End return

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

squid documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 1:06 a.m.