
context("as_survey_rep arguments work as expected.")

# From survey::as.svrepdesign examples
scddes <- svydesign(data = scd, prob = ~1, id = ~ambulance, strata = ~ESA,
                  nest = TRUE, fpc = rep(5, 6))
scdnofpc <- svydesign(data = scd, prob = ~1, id = ~ambulance, strata = ~ESA,
                    nest = TRUE)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test BRR replicate weights
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
scd2brr <- as.svrepdesign(scdnofpc, type="BRR", compress = FALSE)

scd2brr_srvyr <- scd2brr$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:4)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "BRR",
                    rscales = scd2brr$rscales,
                    mse = scd2brr$mse, weights = weights)

out_survey <- svymean(~alive, scd2brr)
out_srvyr <- scd2brr_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(alive))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using BRR method of replicate weights",
          expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
                       c(out_srvyr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr[[2]][[1]])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Fay replicate weights
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
scd2fay <- as.svrepdesign(scdnofpc, type="Fay", fay.rho = 0.3, compress = FALSE)

scd2fay_srvyr <- scd2fay$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:4)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "Fay", rho = 0.3,
                    scale = scd2fay$scale, rscales = scd2fay$rscales,
                    mse = scd2fay$mse, weights = weights)

out_survey <- svymean(~alive, scd2fay)
out_srvyr <- scd2fay_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(alive))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using Fay method of replicate weights",
          expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
                       c(out_srvyr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr[[2]][[1]])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test JKn replicate weights
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
scd2jkn <- as.svrepdesign(scdnofpc, type = "JKn", compress = FALSE)

scd2jkn_srvyr <- scd2jkn$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:6)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "JKn",
                    scale = scd2jkn$scale, rscales = scd2jkn$rscales,
                    weights = weights)

out_survey <- svymean(~alive, scd2jkn)
out_srvyr <- scd2jkn_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(alive))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using JKn method of replicate weights",
          expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
                       c(out_srvyr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr[[2]][[1]])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test JKn replicate weights with fpc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
scd2jknf <- as.svrepdesign(scddes, type = "JKn", compress = FALSE)

scd2jknf_srvyr <- scd2jknf$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:6)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "JKn",
                    scale = scd2jknf$scale, rscales = scd2jknf$rscales,
                    weights = weights)

out_survey <- svymean(~alive, scd2jknf)
out_srvyr <- scd2jknf_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(alive))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using JKn method of replicate weights",
          expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
                       c(out_srvyr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr[[2]][[1]])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test BRR with user-supplied hadamard matrix
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
scd2brr1 <- as.svrepdesign(scdnofpc, type="BRR", hadamard.matrix = paley(11),
                           compress = FALSE)

scd2brr1_srvyr <- scd2brr1$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:12)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "JKn",
                    scale = scd2brr1$scale, rscales = scd2brr1$rscales,
                    weights = weights)

out_survey <- svymean(~alive, scd2brr1)
out_srvyr <- scd2brr1_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(alive))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using JKn method of replicate weights",
          expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
                       c(out_srvyr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr[[2]][[1]])))

context("as_survey_rep_ SE still works")
scdnofpc <- svydesign(data = scd, prob = ~1, id = ~ambulance, strata = ~ESA,
                      nest = TRUE)
scd2brr <- as.svrepdesign(scdnofpc, type="BRR", compress = FALSE)

scd2brr_base <- scd2brr$repweights %>%
  unclass() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
  setNames(paste0("rep", 1:4)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(scd)) %>%
  mutate(weights = 1)

test_that("works with character", {
    scd2brr_base %>%
      as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "BRR",
                    rscales = scd2brr$rscales,
                    mse = scd2brr$mse, weights = weights),

    scd2brr_base %>%
      as_survey_rep_(repweights = 'starts_with("rep")',
                     type = "BRR",
                     rscales = scd2brr$rscales,
                     mse = scd2brr$mse, weights = "weights")

test_that("works with formula", {
    scd2brr_base %>%
      as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("rep"),
                    type = "BRR",
                    rscales = scd2brr$rscales,
                    mse = scd2brr$mse, weights = weights),

    scd2brr_base %>%
      as_survey_rep_(repweights = ~starts_with("rep"),
                     type = "BRR",
                     rscales = scd2brr$rscales,
                     mse = scd2brr$mse, weights = ~weights)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test "successive-difference"/"ACS" method with user-supplied weights
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
sdr_sample <- data.frame(
  cds = c("54722726094569", "34674476034656", "15637506113484",
  api00 = c(529L, 639L, 733L, 854L),
  weights = c(1548.5, 1548.5, 1548.5, 1548.5)
sdr_factors <- matrix(c(
  0.292893218813452, 1.70710678118655, 1, 0.292893218813452,
  1, 1.70710678118655, 1.70710678118655, 1,
  1, 1, 1, 1,
  1.70710678118655, 1, 1.70710678118655, 1.70710678118655
), ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE)

colnames(sdr_factors) <- paste0("REP_", 1:4)

sdr_design <- svrepdesign(
  data = sdr_sample,
  type = "successive-difference",
  weights = ~ weights,
  repweights = sdr_factors,
  combined = FALSE,
  compress = FALSE

sdr_srvyr <- cbind(sdr_sample, as.data.frame(sdr_factors)) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("REP_"),
                weights = "weights",
                type = "successive-difference",
                combined = FALSE)
acs_srvyr <- cbind(sdr_sample, as.data.frame(sdr_factors)) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("REP_"),
                weights = "weights",
                type = "ACS",
                combined = FALSE)

out_survey <- svymean(~api00, sdr_design)
out_srvyr_sdr <- sdr_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(api00))
out_srvyr_acs <- acs_srvyr %>%
  summarize(alive = survey_mean(api00))

test_that("as_survey_rep works when using SDR/ACS method of replicate weights", {
  expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
               c(out_srvyr_sdr[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr_sdr[[2]][[1]]))
  expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(attr(out_survey, "var"))),
               c(out_srvyr_acs[[1]][[1]], out_srvyr_acs[[2]][[1]]))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test user-specified degrees of freedom
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

sdr_srvyr <- cbind(sdr_sample, as.data.frame(sdr_factors)) %>%
  as_survey_rep(repweights = starts_with("REP_"),
                weights = "weights",
                type = "successive-difference",
                combined = FALSE,
                degf = 4)

test_that("as_survey_rep accepts user-specified degf", {
  expect_equal(degf(sdr_srvyr), 4)

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srvyr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:43 p.m.