
# updated 09/25/2013
# contains the following main function:
# initial method: SSVD.initial
# iterative thresholding method
# a routine that combines them both
# rank estimation

error.est <-
function (x, u, v, n.boot = 100)
# this is the function to get threshold level by bootstrap
# n.boot: number of bootstrap
# u and v: current estimates
# the value of u does not matter except for the location of nonzero entries
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    u <- as.matrix(u)
    v <- as.matrix(v)
    pu <- nrow(x)
    pv <- ncol(x)
    r <- ncol(u)
    # the rows that are zero everywhere
    sel.u <- apply(u == 0, 1, all)
    sel.v <- apply(v == 0, 1, all)
    # number of rows that are zero everywhere
    n.sel.u <- sum(sel.u)
    n.sel.v <- sum(sel.v)
    # the size of approximate pure noise matrix
    n.sel <- n.sel.u * n.sel.v
    if (n.sel < (log(pu * (pv - n.sel.v)) * pu * (pv - n.sel.v))) {
        warning("error.est: dense")
        return(sqrt(2 * log(pu)))
    else {
        samp <- sample(n.sel, (pv - n.sel.v) * pu * n.boot, replace = TRUE)
        ans <- abs(matrix(x[sel.u, sel.v][samp], ncol = pv -
            n.sel.v) %*% v[!sel.v, ])
        return(apply(ans, 2, function(x) {
            median(apply(matrix(x, n.boot, pu), 1, max))

get.subset <-
function (x, method = c("theory", "method"), alpha.method = 0.05,
    alpha.theory = 1.5, sigma = NA, df = Inf)
# to be called by SSVD.initial
    if (method == "theory") {
        ans <- which(x/sigma^2/df > (1 + alpha.theory * sqrt(log(df)/df)))
    if (method == "method") {
        ans <- holm.robust(x = x, alpha = alpha.method)

hard.thresh <-
function (x, thr)
# thr might be vector
    if (length(thr) == 1) {
        return(hard.thresh.scaler(x, thr))
    else {
        if (ncol(x) != length(thr)) {
            stop("hard.thresh: dimension do not match")
        ans <- x
        for (i in 1:length(thr)) {
            ans[, i] <- hard.thresh.scaler(x[, i], thr[i])

hard.thresh.scaler <-
function (x, thr)
# thr is scaler
    ans <- x
    ans[x < thr & x > -thr] <- 0

holm.robust <-
function (x, alpha = 0.05)
# to be called by get.subset
# x is a vector
# alpha is the level of the hypothesis test
# value: location of the outliers in the vector x
    n <- length(x)
    ord <- order(x, decreasing = TRUE)
    pvalue <- 1 - pnorm(x, mean = median(x), sd = mad(x))
    alpha.adjust <- alpha/n:1
    TF <- (pvalue[ord] < alpha.adjust)
    if (TF[1] == TRUE) {
        ans <- ord[1:(which(TF == FALSE)[1] - 1)]
    else {
        ans <- numeric(0)

huberize <-
function (x, huber.beta = 0.95)
# huber rho function
    x.huber <- x^2
    delta <- quantile(x.huber, huber.beta)
    sel <- (x.huber > delta)
    x.huber[sel] <- 2 * sqrt(delta) * abs(x[sel]) - delta

soft.thresh <-
function (x, thr)
# thr might be vector
    if (length(thr) == 1) {
        return(soft.thresh.scaler(x, thr))
    else {
        if (ncol(x) != length(thr)) {
            stop("soft.thresh: dimension do not match")
        ans <- x
        for (i in 1:length(thr)) {
            ans[, i] <- soft.thresh.scaler(x[, i], thr[i])

soft.thresh.scaler <-
function (x, thr)
# thr is scaler
    sign(x) * pmax(abs(x) - thr, 0)

ssvd <-
function (x, method = c("theory", "method"), alpha.method = 0.05,
    alpha.theory = 1.5, huber.beta = 0.95, sigma = NA, r = 1,
    gamma.u = sqrt(2), gamma.v = sqrt(2), dothres = "hard", tol = 1e-08,
    n.iter = 100, n.boot = 100, non.orth = FALSE)
# the main function
    ans.initial <- ssvd.initial(x, method = method, alpha.method = alpha.method,
        alpha.theory = alpha.theory, huber.beta = huber.beta,
        sigma = sigma, r = r)
    ssvd.iter.thresh(x, method = method, u.old = ans.initial$u,
        v.old = ans.initial$v, gamma.u = gamma.u, gamma.v = gamma.v,
        dothres = dothres, r = r, tol = tol, n.iter = n.iter,
        n.boot = n.boot, sigma = ans.initial$sigma.hat, non.orth = non.orth)

ssvd.initial <-
function (x, method = c("theory", "method"), alpha.method = 0.05,
    alpha.theory = 1.5, huber.beta = 0.95, sigma = NA, r = 1)
    # implement SSVD initial selection in both the methodology and theoretical paper
    # to use theoretical one, set method to "theory", and set alpha.theory
    # to use methodology, set method to the "method", and set alpha.method, huber.beta
    # sigma can be provided if known, otherwise will be estimated
    # r is the desired rank
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    pu <- nrow(x)
    pv <- ncol(x)
    # estimate sigma
    if (is.na(sigma)) {
        sigma.hat <- mad(as.vector(x))
    else {
        sigma.hat <- sigma
    # huberize x^2
    if (method == "theory") {
        x.huber <- x^2
    else {
        x.huber <- huberize(x, huber.beta = huber.beta)
    # row and column selection
    rownorm2 <- apply(x.huber, 1, sum)
    colnorm2 <- apply(x.huber, 2, sum)
    I.row <- get.subset(rownorm2, method = method, alpha.method = alpha.method,
        alpha.theory = alpha.theory, sigma = sigma.hat, df = pv)
    I.col <- get.subset(colnorm2, method = method, alpha.method = alpha.method,
        alpha.theory = alpha.theory, sigma = sigma.hat, df = pu)
    # sanitary
    if (length(I.row) < r) {
        warning("SSVD.initial: Number of selected rows less than rank!")
        I.row <- (order(rownorm2, decreasing = TRUE))[1:min(r +
            10, pu)]
    if (length(I.col) < r) {
        warning("SSVD.initial: Number of selected cols less than rank!")
        I.col <- (order(colnorm2, decreasing = TRUE))[1:min(r +
            10, pv)]
    # SVD on selected submatrix
    x.sub.svd <- svd(x[I.row, I.col, drop = FALSE], nu = r, nv = r)
    # expanding
    u.hat <- matrix(0, pu, r)
    v.hat <- matrix(0, pv, r)
    u.hat[I.row, ] <- x.sub.svd$u
    v.hat[I.col, ] <- x.sub.svd$v
    d.hat <- x.sub.svd$d[1:r]
    list(u = u.hat, v = v.hat, d = d.hat, sigma.hat = sigma.hat)

ssvd.iter.thresh <-
function (x, method = c("theory", "method"), u.old, v.old, gamma.u = sqrt(2),
    gamma.v = sqrt(2), dothres = "hard", r = ncol(u.old), tol = 1e-08,
    n.iter = 100, n.boot = 100, sigma = NA, non.orth = FALSE)
    # x is the observed matrix
    # u.old and v.old are the starting points
    # gamma.u and gamma.v are for theoretical computation:
    # threshold level is set to be gamma*sqrt(log(p))
    # n.iter: max number of iteration
    # n.boot: number of bootstrap
    # sigma: noise level
    # r: rank
    # tol: tolerance level for the convergence
    # non.orth: if set to be TRUE, then the last step does not involve orthoganalization
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    pu <- nrow(x)
    pv <- ncol(x)
    puv <- max(pu, pv)
    # estimate sigma
    if (is.na(sigma)) {
        sigma.hat <- mad(as.vector(x))
    else {
        sigma.hat <- sigma
    # rescaling
    x.scaled <- x/sigma.hat
    # thresholding rule
    if (dothres == "hard") {
        thresh <- hard.thresh
    else if (dothres == "soft") {
        thresh <- soft.thresh
    else {
        warning("SSVD.iter.thresh: argument dothres not recognized! Use hard-thresholding as default")
        thresh <- hard.thresh
    # initialization
    dist.u <- 1
    dist.v <- 1
    i.iter = 1
    u.cur <- u.old
    v.cur <- v.old

    while (i.iter <= n.iter & max(dist.u, dist.v) > tol) {
        u.old <- u.cur
        # multiplication
        sel.v <- apply(v.cur == 0, 1, all)
        u.cur <- x.scaled[,!sel.v, drop = FALSE] %*% v.cur[!sel.v,, drop = FALSE]
        # thresholding
        if (method == "theory") {
            u.cur <- thresh(u.cur, gamma.u * sqrt(log(pu)))
        else {
            threshold.u <- error.est(x.scaled, u.old, v.cur,
                n.boot = n.boot)
            u.cur <- thresh(u.cur, threshold.u)
        if (all(u.cur == 0)) {
            # every entry is zero
            warning("SSVD.iter.thresh: Overthresh: all zero!")
            u.cur <- u.old
            dist.u <- 0
            dist.v <- 0
        else {
            # QR decomposition
            u.cur <- qr.Q(qr(u.cur))
            dist.u <- subsp.dist.orth(u.cur, u.old)
        v.old <- v.cur
        # multiplication
        sel.u <- apply(u.cur == 0, 1, all)
        v.cur <- t(x.scaled[!sel.u,, drop = FALSE]) %*% u.cur[!sel.u,, drop = FALSE]
        # thresholding
        if (method == "theory") {
            v.cur <- thresh(v.cur, gamma.v * sqrt(log(pv)))
        else {
            threshold.v <- error.est(t(x.scaled), v.old, u.cur,
                n.boot = n.boot)
            v.cur <- thresh(v.cur, threshold.v)
        if (all(v.cur == 0)) {
            # every entry is zero
            warning("SSVD.iter.thresh: Overthresh: all zero!")
            v.cur <- v.old
            dist.u <- 0
            dist.v <- 0
        else {
            # QR decomposition
            v.cur <- qr.Q(qr(v.cur))
            dist.v <- subsp.dist.orth(v.cur, v.old)
        i.iter <- i.iter + 1
    if(non.orth == TRUE){
        u.old <- u.cur
        u.cur <- x.scaled %*% v.cur
        # thresholding
        if (method == "theory") {
            u.cur <- thresh(u.cur, gamma.u * sqrt(log(pu)))
        else {
            threshold.u <- error.est(x.scaled, u.old, v.cur,
                n.boot = n.boot)
            u.cur <- thresh(u.cur, threshold.u)
        u.cur <- apply(u.cur, 2, function(x){x/sqrt(sum(x^2))})
        v.old <- v.cur
        # multiplication
        v.cur <- t(x.scaled) %*% u.old
        # thresholding
        if (method == "theory") {
            v.cur <- thresh(v.cur, gamma.v * sqrt(log(pv)))
        else {
            threshold.v <- error.est(t(x.scaled), v.old, u.cur,
                n.boot = n.boot)
            v.cur <- thresh(v.cur, threshold.v)
        v.cur <- apply(v.cur, 2, function(x){x/sqrt(sum(x^2))})
    d.cur <- diag(t(u.cur) %*% x %*% v.cur)
    # To make singular values positive
    u.cur <- u.cur %*% diag(sign(d.cur), r, r)
    if (i.iter == n.iter) {
        warning("increase n.iter")
    if (non.orth == TRUE){
        return(list(u = u.cur, v = v.cur,
        u.orth = u.old %*% diag(sign(apply(u.cur*u.old, 2, sum)), r, r),
        v.orth = v.old %*% diag(sign(apply(v.cur*v.old, 2, sum)), r, r),
        d = abs(d.cur), niter = i.iter - 1,
        sigma.hat = sigma.hat, dist.u = dist.u, dist.v = dist.v))
    } else{
        return(list(u = u.cur, v = v.cur, d = abs(d.cur), niter = i.iter - 1,
        sigma.hat = sigma.hat, dist.u = dist.u, dist.v = dist.v))

subsp.dist.orth <-
function (A.q, B.q)
# the squared distance between two subspaces
# the columns of A and B are orthonormal already
    overlap <- svd(t(A.q) %*% B.q, nu = 0, nv = 0)$d
    overlap <- overlap[length(overlap)]
    1 - overlap^2

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